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Tags: Extreme weight gain, corruption, messy eating , personality change.

July Prompt Submission Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/july-explicit-85587429

Trying to finish off June's prompts, just because we had some good ones for Susette that I want to make use of. Putting this for all tiers just because it was light on anything explicit.

--- A Life Changing Commercial ---

Susette Ong stood on the stage, feeling very silly. She wore an exaggerated queen outfit, complete with a powdered wig and crown. In her hand was a scepter topped with a burger. The print of her dress also had little stylized burgers on it. Thanks to the makeup department of the studio, the purple haired, Asian mother had been transformed into fast food royalty. . .if only for one ad read. The immense folds and ruffles of her dress hid a slim, almost curveless body. Whilst Susette was cute in a motherly sort of way, she had never attracted attention in the way that other actresses might. Roles both on the stage and behind the camera either went to younger and more vivacious women, or they went to older women with more experience. Nearing 40 and with only two years worth of acting experience under her belt, Susette did not fall into any camp that would garner her acting roles. That was why it was so strange that she had been granted this one.

“Is this where you need me?” Susette asked, her usual smile gone in a fit of stage fright. “Or. . .ahem. . .Shall the Queen of Burgerlandia standeth here?” She rephrased her words and adopted a cheesy accent, trying to stay in character. Her heels clacked along the set, a medieval castle filled to the brim with burgers, french fries, shakes, and the sorts of other things that the ruler of “Burgerlandia” might need. Susette tried to position herself as best she could, looking into the waiting camera rather than the bright spotlights. Susette had been blessed with an almost perpetual smile, one wide enough that her eyes seemed closed perpetually. Now, on the stage, her eyes were almost shut completely thanks to the spotlights. The good natured woman was blown away by the production. Even though it was for a small and local burger chain, this was the biggest production she had ever been a part of. Her nerves rose as she tried to place herself. She did not want to blow this opportunity. While only a small and silly thing, she was going to treat it with the seriousness she would treat any role. “I shall stand here to deliver my monologue!” Susette called, hoping to get some sort of direction. She received none.

Clutching her scepter tightly to ward off the nerves and fear, Susette summoned all her courage. Looking into the camera, she began to deliver her lines. “Hear me, good people of the court! We have too many burgers. As a fair and generous queen, I will be forced to give them away at cheap prices!” She spoke, slipping into the role as best she could. Susette trotted amongst the piles of fake food, tapping it with her golden rod. “Meals fit for a queen and her princesses! Meals that could satiate whole scores of peasants. Meals for all!” Susette felt comfortable as she went through her lines. It made sense to her. Each little step taken or word spoke unlocked just a bit in her mind. Few times in her life had Susette ever felt a high like this. She brimmed with confidence, knowing that the director and producers would love it. She even dared to hope that it might lead to another role. While small, the little chain had been making substantial growth. It was silly to hope for, but the asian woman couldn’t help but hope that the company would find success. . .and that she could find a little niche within it.

Susette’s desires went further still, wanting to delve as deeply as she could into the character that she had been given. It might be her one and only shot at success. She was going to become a queen for this and any other commercials they might need. Susette found her mind continuing to travel down royal and noble paths, drawing upon every show she had ever seen with a queen in it. She knew of the legendary vanity some possessed, thus that became a part of the character. “If it is fit for MY magnificent table, surely it might be worth the common man’s table as well. An uplifting treat for the sullen masses!” The line was a bit off script, but it seemed to fit like a glove. Susette, Queen of Burgerlandia, might be just a bit of a self-absorbed ruler. However, no one made a move to stop her. Susette continued the read, slipping deeper and deeper into character.

--- A Happy Reign ---

“Huh-wheeere. . . .HOOORRRRUUUPP. . .iscch. . .my. . .haf-ternoon snack?” Susette, Queen In Perpetuity, wheezed from her bed-throne. She hammered the call button on her burger-scepter, trying to alert her many servants and assistants. Buzzers went off in rooms below her, alerting her army of peasants that they were needed again. Though there was no one in the room with her, The bloated actress and “ruler” continued to wave the golden instrument around, ranting further. “Your Quh-wheeen. . .demandsssch. . .suschtehnanshe!” Despite being perpetually out of breath, Susette’s words were still powerful and commanding. They were broadcast through the estate by a microphone lodged in the hilt of her scepter. No one on the premises had the excuse of missing her orders. All were to hear and obey her, the fast food queen. Ever the greasy tyrant, Susette finished with a belch into her microphone before settling down into her own folds. Her body spread before her, vast and dominating. It filled the ornate, double mattress she had been hoisted on. She crushed it down like she crushed the wills of her employees.

The commercial had proven to be lightning in a bottle for the small fast food chain and a turning point for Susette. She was no longer a mother and acting hobbyist. Rather, she was a mother AND the party responsible for tripling revenue for an up and coming business chain. Before she even knew what was happening, Susette was being offered rewards by the company. Full contracts, benefits, stock options, merchandising were all thrown at her in short order. She had agreed to them all, letting the money rush in. She had remained resolute that it wouldn’t change her. . .at first. Then the second wave of commercials came out and she started to be recognized in the street. She was constantly asked to sign autographs and do the impression. She approached each impression with the same drive for accuracy as she did her original line reads. Each fan encounter helped solidify the personality, mannerisms, and character of the queen. Susette found herself enraptured by the character, delving as deeply as she could into it. Then the third set of commercials came out, forever cementing Susette as the queen.

“There. . .OOOORRRUUUPP. . .shoould. . .bee. . .suschetanance huh-plenty. . .upon. . .my. . .royal. . .BLLURRRUUP. . .lap!” In the present, Susette continued to wheeze, belch, and berate her servants. She had grown too tired to hold her arm up, instead letting it droop into her mass. The doughy appendage was snugged atop a breast the size of a large couch cushion. Susette’s heavy, quadruple chinned face sat glowering atop a panoply of rolls. Chin rolls fell onto chest rolls which grew into stomach rolls which smothered her road barricade thighs. Susette was a fortress of fat, guarded against the likes of cold and human empathy by her wealth of fat. “Quickly! Attend. . .hoooo. . .me. . .uuuff. . .with. . .great pace.” She barked, the her puffy mouth slick with slobber in anticipation of her upcoming meal. Rings, resized many times to fit her fingers, glittered in the light of the room. The jewels were polished by Susette’s sweat and grease, more lustrous than they should be. Necklaces, those that had not been buried under her neck folds at least, tinkled with the slow but constant movement of their owner. Susette, not needing food thanks to her luxurious contract with the restaurant chain, had been free to spend all her material wealth on her own vanity. She had rationalized that a queen must have a healthy wardrobe.

Servants had begun to approach the heaving mass of queenly bulk. They came bearing platters of food, each piled high in the special burgers and other menu items. The workers avoided looking Susette in the eye, instead staring at her piles of arm fat. Her biceps were as thick as sofa armrests. However, they lacked any semblance of muscle and quickly drooped into pancake shapes. They were so flabby and useless that they had begun to form little dimples and patches of cellulite. Yet, they were soft. The workers, broken by years of bullying, envied those chosen to bathe Susette. There was a lucky few who were allowed to lay hands on the queen, to feel her unblemished obesity. Alas, that particular blessing was not for any that brought food. They were the lowest. Ants fit only to bring crumbs and morsels to an enraged monarch. Collectively, the food staff were a living trough, each doing his or her part to further fatten Susette. The first of the trays reached her, hovering just over her gut folds. The worker strained to reach the plate up to Susette without touching her fat, despite the fact that it boiled over the bed several feet in all directions. The grumpy woman looked at the food, deciding whether to take some or simply cast the plate aside as a show of strength. In the end, her hunger won out.

“Mmmpmpggh. . .thissch. . .ssnggagghp. . .iscch acceptable.” Susette murmured through large bits. Despite, in her mind, being a lady of the court she ate like a pig. Susette scooped macaroni out of the dish with her bare hands, lifting it up to her mouth with strained difficulty. Susette was a parody of every greedy ruler to ever exist. Hunched in her bed, fat overflowing ever corner, she looked as if she was holding shining gold. To this monarch, food was the real treasure. The macaroni did not last long in her hands. She sucked the cheesy bites into her mouth, going so far as to lick her fingers. Whatever did not not make it into her mouth landed upon her sweaty chin folds. Even there it did not last long for her servants quickly whisked the pieces away, swabbing her chins and cheeks after every bite. “My. . .OOORRRRUUUP. . . evaaar. . .lascchting. . .complimentsch. . . HOORRRUUUP. . .to thaah. . .chef.” Susette wheezed, finding it hard to speak and eat at the same time. She quickly went back to eating. She wrapped her fingers, thick as dry erase markers, around a monster of a burger. Seeming to be an entire cow on a bun, Susette could not lift the concoction of patties, buns, and secret sauce. Instead she slid it up her chins. The servants tried to help her lift the burger, but were scolded away. “Touuusssh NOT tha queensch. . .mmmffggph. . .royal. . .flessch!”

“Mom, would you please stop tormenting the servants?” Susette was interrupted from her feast by Vee, her darling daughter. Vee was a vision of Susette where she had all the money from acting but none of the weight nor the personality ticks. Free from her mother’s queenly madness, Vee was able to make use of her extravagant wealth in a way that her mother could not. She dressed fashionably, with expensive jeans hugging her shapely hips and an artfully ripped shirt with purple and blue stripes. She sauntered into the room, deftly avoiding any real contact with the servers, maids, and butlers. They were something to tease her mother with, but not actually people worth engaging with. “Do you really need another insurrection on your hands?” Vee teased, coming up to her mother without fear and toying with her face folds. Servants who were even afraid to breathe in the presence of the faux-royal terror gasped as the young woman’s well manicured hands sunk into her mother’s sweaty and stained cheeks. “You know I have to hear every complaint lodged against you, right?”

Susette turned slowly. Her lavender hair, almost as iconic as her weight, fell over her doughy shoulders. She gave her daughter puppy dog eyes. “But. . .huufff. . .they. . .were. . . lax-sch. . .OOOORRRUUUPP. . .” She belched into her daughter’s face. Vee rolled her eyes at the mildly annoying but regular occurrence. “. . .derelict. . .in their. . .dutiesch. . .to me!” The immobile woman whined petulantly, her pompous attitude softening and dissipating as she spoke to the one person she truly loved. While currently a puddle of butter and soft emotions, everyone in that room knew Susette would harden the second a servant stepped out of line. Vee continued the teasing and humbling of the queen, seeming to literally massage the spoiled selfishness out of her. Susette’s arms dropped, each heavy enough to change how the bed was wrestling. The curtains and pillows of arm fat fell away back onto the ruined pillows that supported them. The asian mother simply lay back and accepted the silly massage. She was always glad to connect with Vee, even if it was through the skinny woman teasing her. Vee moved from squishing her Susette’s face to lifting and dropping her chin folds.

“Well, Mom, you can always make it up to me. Liiiiike, how about a new car?” Vee asked, pretending to be anxious. Despite getting a Tesla the month before, Vee had no doubts that her mother would grant her this request. “I just wanted a little something to drive by Becky’s house in that will make me look cute. Her mom was just promoted to CEO, so she thinks she’s the shit.” Vee leaned over, her own slew of necklaces and earrings jangling loudly. Piercings, expensive clothes, and cars were Vee’s own personal gluttony spiral. “I just don’t want anyone thinking that we’re poor.” She finished, eyes almost glazing over with how vapid she sounded. Vee was an intelligent woman, but sometimes it paid more to play dumb.

“My. . .whooo. . .progeny. . .shall never. . .go without!” Susette summoned what strength she had left to make her decree. “Darling. . .pleasch. . .take my. . .checkbook. . .asch your own. . .for tha. . .day.” Susette wheezed. For all her tiredness, she did not sacrifice her put on British accent.

“Yaaay!” Vee leaned over, kissing her mother deeply on the cheek. “Thank you, Queen Mother!” Vee was always willing to indulge her mother’s madness when gifts were involved. She then quickly trotted out of the room, working her arms and butt like every stereotypical bimbo in every teen movie. She stopped only to pester a servant at the door. “Later, nerds!” She laughed, throwing a disingenuous wave before shutting the door. Leaving the servants to once again deal with the slobby, spoiled, queenly blob.


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