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Hello and Happy Independence Day to all of you! 

It's that time again where I ask for submissions for prompts. No gimmicks this time around, just make sure you read the rules and send some juicy stuff in! As always, I'll do my best but can't guarantee a selection. I'm slogging my way through comms at the moment, but will try to go through as many as I can. Rules are down below!


-no men, futa, femboys.

-No scat/vomit/piss/death

- No IRL people

-Be very specific and descriptive with what you want.

-General acceptable kinks: Weight gain (up to building size), mini-gts, pregfat, strongfat, TF (no genderbending), corruption, health issues, personality change.


John Williams

FF7: Cloud, Tifa, and Barrett are climbing the stairs of the Shinra Building, hampered by a half-ton Tifa who gorged herself to the gills back at Seventh Heaven. The climb is torture on both her joints and her stomach as the constant motion makes her more and more gassy and cramped. Eventually, an extra powerful fart causes her to pass out from the exertion. However she did make it...all the way to the fifth floor.


Something happens to the Heart of Kadrakar, transforming the W.I.T.C.H girls from the Guardians of the Infinite dimensions to the Conquerors of the Infinite Dimensions. Each of the five girls has been transformed into evil hedonistic dictators going from one realm to the next collecting tribute to feed their massive egos. Hey Lin is a literal slobby gas bag with hurricane force belches, Cornileia is a mountain of muscle and fat, Taranee has a bottomless appetite to "keep the furnace burning", Irma has massive constantly lactating breasts and uses her own milk to both attack her enemies and keep the friends nourished between feasts, and Will is the biggest most greedy and most indolent of them all.


Deponia based prompt, her time with her boyfriend Rufus has left Goal an immense glob of fat, Rufus' own bumbling bravado causing him to emphatically rebuke any attempts that anyone makes to convince him that maybe the Elysian girl might have a weight problem. (Even if you don't pick this Deponia is a great game fr)

Julian Hernandez

Prompt 1: A sequeal of Urbosa: Zelda's Thunderous champion where Zelda notices Mipha looks a little chubbier, and smash cut to a while later, Mipha now is on par with Urbosa in terms both gass emitted by her and fold for fold they are the same size (suprising given the Lead Urbosa had) Zelda is enjoying her time with both of her champions and lovers Prompt 2: Mirko, with her intern Mina, is a sponsorship from a fast food company that gives them as much fast food as they want. The two heroines go from fit heros to barely mobile gassy gluttons to immobile slobs (like filling a rooms floor, being stimulated by the jiggling from each others gassy eruptions.


Gwen Tennyson (aged up to 18 in senior high) currently dating her bf/gf, (insert any guy/girl name) is currently talking to her partner who has an extreme feederism fetish. She finds it disgusting (bc yk she’s a tsundere). Time goes by and she gets slowly fattened secretly by her partner. She has a secret formula she creates that slows metabolism and accelerates appetite. Although this formula has severe and extreme side effects. After a month on the formula, Gwen starts showing big changes. Both in her personality and appearance. She starts grunting and gorging on pretty much any manners of junk food. She becomes stuck between classroom door frames, desks, and takes up more space in the cafeteria. She gets visibly angrier due to the formula and hormonal rage, leading to excessive horniness. Her slow waddles make her sweaty and slow. Her breathing is heavier but more desperate as she gets more tired easily. Her partner gets turned on more but has obvious guilt over secretly fattening their girlfriend, Gwen. So they up the dosage in her food. Time passes as Gwen’s partner finds it more difficult to care for Gwen as she became more docile and dumber. Her excessive gain leading to massive hunger pangs, extreme libido, and loss of coherent thoughts and speech. As Gwen eats more, her partner sees one of the said side effects as Gwen visibly grows fatter. Ends with massive tube feeding and sex.

James Duke

Very interesting, I will have to think about the brain drain part. It's not quite a kink I feel comfortable with usually.


Prompt 1 (xwg, health issues, fat speak): The bite of an alien causes Samus Aran to blow up into a blob confined to a bariatric bed. A cute nurse with the Galactic Federation runs vitals on her, albeit in quite a handsy way. This gives Samus a personal dilemma as she realizes, that although she’s lost her job and health, there is something deeply satisfying about being so huge. Prompt 2 (weight gain, kaiju tf): An asteroid hits a local gym late at night. A young woman is the only attendee and is exposed to the radiation, transforming her into an obese, Gheedorah-esque monster woman. Utterly horrified at first, beastial instincts kicked in as she is quickly turned on by her new form, trying her best to fondle herself before flying off into the night sky.


Prompt 1: One Piece (XWG, Mini-gts (mostly because one character is already 5M tall), Job Swap) Pythagoras and Edison are about to start a mayor brainstorming session. Normally this would leave York alone with the duty of eating/sleeping/etc for them, but Lilith has been temporarily reprogrammed by Shaka to share this workload with York after being reprimanded for almost raiding a world government ship. This session ends up taking multiple days, eventually leaving the two Satellites immobile, with Lilith being more blob-like despite being the same weight due to her smaller frame. Prompt 2: My next life as a Villainess (XWG, Rapid WG) During teatime at the dorm, Katarina shows Mary, Maria and Sophia a page she tore out from a library book, thinking it was a recipe for sweets. Mary and Maria recognize it as a page from the magic book (from THAT episode), specifically the page where she was stuck in. May and Maria try to take it away, when a whirlwind of sweets burst out of the page, funneling into Katarina's mouth and fattening her. As the page is lost in the chaos, her friends try to catch it, but keep swallowing the flying sweets, fattening themselves up. As Katarina threatens to outgrow the room and crush Mary and Maria, Sophia eventually finds and destroys the page after eating through a pile of sweets, leaving the three quiet fat, and Katarina as a near room-filling blob.


Just joined your patreon and heres my ideas: (My Life as a Teenage Robot) The Crust Cousins decide being fat is cool now, and Jenny with her transformable body sees this as her chance to become popular. Queue the two trying to outsize the other until Jenny finally beats them as a massive blob. And all the attention she's getting naturally goes to her head and starts acting like another haughty condescending popular girl bully. (Steven Universe) When Jasper confronts Lapis wanting them to get back together again Lapis accepts. Where upon Lapis abuses and exploits Jasper, just as she wanted. And after cowing Peridot to obey her the farm is used to feed Lapis, leading her to become a massive blob which seems to boost her powers as well as deepening her voice. Not to mention how her immense size makes other gems more likely to obey her.