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Tags: Immobile/blob, Rapid Weight Gain, Gas, Sweat, Fat Speak

Just a little fun extra for you all! I will be finishing up prompts between this weekend and the holiday. Then will send out a new post for you all.

"Shuuuh. . .uuuhhfff. . ." Urbosa started to say but was caught off by how heavy her cheeks were. "Shuu-stroke. . .my. . .whooo. . .chinssch. . .little. . .buuuhrd." She wheezed, licking her lips as she finished speaking. She tasted many of the dishes that Zelda had prepared for her, each hearty and filling. "Take your. . .huuuuu . . ." FFRRRRRMMMPPPTTTHH. Urbosa’s eyes closed as she let the massive far loose. Her blobbish body jiggled madly, but nowhere more than her ass cheeks. Despite their doughy, dimpled heaviness, Urbosa’s asscheeks flapped in her self-created breeze. They slapped together, breaking up the long fart into many smaller thunder claps. Urbosa seemed to deflate as she expelled her gas, folding into her own immensity. Being entirely flab at this point, Urbosa seemed to be held up mostly by her inner gas. As the fart came to an end, Urbosa seemed dazed, marveled by the power her monstrous ass could produce. She left her previous sentence unfinished, instead restating her request. "Fffooooo. . .fondle. . .my chinnsch. . ." She turned her heavy facial folds toward Zelda, her once defined features having softened and scrunched up thanks to her rapid and weighty ascension.

"Yes, Urbosa. I will be happy to attend to you."Zelda smiled, not minding either Urbosa’s fat, wheezing, or flatulence. It was all a sign that power was filling her. It was strange for the unassuming, even bashful, princess to admit but her inherent power was filling the mighty gerudo leader. The goddess Hylia had blessed Zelda with immense and sacred power which was to be dispersed to the chosen champions. Simply being around Zelda had caused Urbosa to change, taking in the characteristics that the goddess desired. Bathed in sacred power, awash with the golden light of Hylia, the statuesque Gerudo warrior had become an obese, flatulent hog. Though there had been confusion at the start, Urbosa had taken to Hylia's plans quickly. Rather than a proud warrior priestess, the goddess had desired a lazy, gluttonous, blob.

Zelda began to clamber up the gigantic woman, working her hands deeply into the slick folds of her champion. Scaling the tan Gerudo gave her an idea of what Link went through when trying to scale rock faces in storms. The ceaseless sweating of her gassy, immobile lover made the task anything but simple. Zelda had to hold tightly, but not so tightly that she damaged Urbosa’s skin. Once the warrior had been as tough and impenetrable as iron, but that had been traded out for the purest softness. Urbosa was now fluffy and almost gelatinous. Her body undulated like one of the slimy chuchus that rolled about the fields of the kingdom. The princess of Hyrule had to press herself closely, allowing her own simple dress to drift against Urbosa’s nakedness. Living a lifestyle more lavish than many gods, Urbosa was covered with scented oil and rosewater. The floral smells and oil clung to Zelda’s dress, making it heavy and sodden. The climb went on, with Zelda slipping only once.

BRRRRRMMMPPPPTTTT! FRRRPPPPPMMMMTTTTT! Urbosa’s horse crushing butt sounded out twin calls into the night. Her body bounced and shook with the force of an earthquake. Zelda lost her hold on Urbosa’s under-boob-roll. With a small “eep!”, the blonde tried to fight the effects of gravity. She spread her legs and arms out wide, clinging to as much surface area as she could on Urbosa’s sagging gut rolls. She heard a deep, throaty chuckle from above. “Isssscch. . .sccchoooo. . .my fat. . .or gassch. . .OOORRRUUP. . .too musssch. . .for you?” The divinely charged slob said, chortling into her folds. Inspired by what Zelda and Hylia’s magic had done to her, Urbosa loved to reference her own fat and flatulence. “Hold. . .on. . .tight. . .oooouuugggh. . .little bird.” FRRRRRRMMMPPPPT! Urbosa’s heavy face strained as she forced out another cloud of gas, the force of it having almost seismic reading as her ass bounced against the ground. Urbosa wheezed and panted, slumping into herself again. She cast her useless arms on top of her breasts, vainly trying to use them as a pillow. Even expelling gas now tired her.

“I think not!” Zelda said with resolve, taking a strange sort of resolve in her lover’s vulgar display. It was a further sign that they were both acting as they should. It was Zelda’s job to love Ubosa and Urbosa’s job to accept that love and be changed by it. Recovering from her slip, Zelda finished her climb up to the great plateau of facial folds. Zelda was met with both the natural beauty of the world around her as well as the beauty of Urbosa. Falling stars dropped from overhead and Urbosa’s face was framed against the infinite indigo of the nighttime sky. There was nothing that could mar the beauty which Zelda saw before her. BRRRRMMMPPPPTTTT! Urbosa released another jet of super-heated gas, her stomach rumbling underneath Zelda. It was enlivening, the vibration of the older woman going so far as to stimulate Zelda’s own lust. “I would go to any distance to see my gassiest champion.” She said before taking Urbosa’s lips in her own.

The kissing couple rested on a hill. The Gerudo has been carried there by 9 of the strongest women in the tribe. Zelda had followed along, offering moral support and watching as Urbosa had trumpeted out gas from her rear and devoured the lunch packed for her. The tribeswomen had borne their indulgent leader on a palanquin strong enough to hold a hinox. It had taken all the richest lumber in Hyrule and the smartest of the Sheikah clan to design something capable of holding Urbosa. The party had trekked all day and most of a night to arrive. The women had marched without rest, forced on by pure dedication. Urbosa had gotten heavier with each step, growing consistently simply by being in proximity to Zelda. She grew fatter and gassier, slobbening up to new heights. However, the journey had been worth it so that Zelda and Urbosa could have this moment.

The tiny princess was buried in facial folds, sucked into a moist canyon formed by Urbosa’s cheeks. Zelda toyed with Urbosa’s folds, hands grasping the sweat-slicked neck rolls. She found buried treasure within those neck rolls. Old necklaces, both snapped and intact, buried deeply under perspiration stained folds. Urbosa, meanwhile, could do little other than kiss back. Zelda had pushed the Gerudo's hammy arms, each as heavy as a juvenile tree, aside as she completed her climb. Now, freed from their only means of support, Urbosa’s damp arms hung in the warm air of the night at odd angles. They were held up mostly by the compaction of her arm and shoulder rolls, her forearms poking out. Her fat fingers, decorated in jewelry that had been resized many times over, wiggled in her paws. Sexually frustrated by her own inability to move, she pushed in all into her kiss with Zelda. Urbosa made her plump lips do things that the Hylian woman could never have imagined. Through her lips and tongue alone, she drew Zelda forward. The night was filled with the squelching of folds and interlocking of lips.

“Kissscch. . .huufff. . .me. . .liikuuuh. . .you. . .kisscch thah. . .swordsboy.” Urbosa wheezed. More so than before, she felt Hylia’s grace touching her. It flowed from Zelda into her. Urbosa’s face grew fatter, her kissing slowing down as her face scrunched further up with hyper-obesity. The palanquin under her cracked and shattered into dust as her ass and thighs moved outwards at the speed of flowing lava. Her arms seemed to flap, but that was just her biceps overtaking more of her forearms. A fourth and fifth chin were added to her face, platters for meals eternal to rest upon. Her breasts grew to the circumference of wagon wheels, straining to even stay on her gut-plateau. The immobile woman’s tanned gut surged out, consuming the air and free space in front of it. Zelda continued kissing through it all, feeling her lover getting sloppier and more tired. Though she put up a valiant effort, Urbosa no longer possessed the endurance for such intimate sessions. Yet, her heart desired it evermore. Each pound gained was another step towards total indulgence, a perfected vision of what Hylia and Zelda wanted from her. Zelda stroked the bigger woman’s hair, in some instances pulling it from being lodged in neck folds that hadn’t existed seconds before. Urbosa was growing fatter as the lovemaking went on, but that was not all.

“It’s not just fat in your voluminous tummy, is it?” Zelda asked, feeling surges beneath where she lay. There were roiling, violent gurgles surging and whirling beneath the blonde woman. They were so strong that she felt impressed to stop her kissing. She wanted to tease the bigger woman a bit as well as allow her to catch her breath. Urbosa smiled back, feeling more painfully full than she had in a long time. “A tempest brews within this deep, impenetrable pit.” Lust for the growing, flatulent Gerudo made Zelda more coy than she would normally be. “Let me stir it up some more.” She said before returning to her oral embrace of the red headed blob. Urbosa did not argue, needing to drain more divine energy from Zelda. She was on the cusp of something grand.

“My. . .aah. . .princessch. . .fffuuuhhh. . .I. . .” Urbosa spoke, realizing she did not have the words for what was happening to her. As she kissed and fattened, she felt gas building up inside of her. For every inch her stomach bloated out with fat, gas mounted within. For the first time in months the ruler of the Gerudo felt her stomach becoming taut and hard. Previously, she had become too fat to truly feel anything through the layers of belly flab. Now, however, she felt her gut pushing upwards thanks to the brew swirling in her gut. She kissed Zelda, stopping only to vainly reach at her gut. A second calamity was nearing its apex, centered directly within Urbosa. Finally, she could bear it no more.


The entirety of the province felt the gaseous explosion. A windstorm such had never been seen was kicked up and sent spiraling towards central Hyrule. Urbosa released the pent up fat in a grand cacophony and show of pleasure. It was forceful enough to shove the ton and a half of Gerudo blubber forward, rocking her off of the destroyed palanquin. The sound echoed for minutes, carried over the canyons of the desert. Urbosa was left exhausted, too tired to do anything other than pant with her mouth open. She slumped forward, drained of everything. The only thing she was truly cognizant of was Zelda. The blonde woman lay where she had been, waiting patiently for Urbosa to recover her strength. Rather than return to the steamy embrace of before, the smaller woman wriggled forward and planted a kiss on Urbosa’s forehead. “My thunderous champion.” was all she said before lying back down.


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