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Hey guys, we've made it halfway through the year. Because of this I would like to check in and see how you all are feeling. Any and all feedback is welcome.



Ticked somewhat happy. General content is still good but a lot of the themes are just not my speed so I haven’t read them. The Mass Effect and latest Susette story slapped though. If more content that aligned with my tastes popped up I could give a better feedback, but I acknowledge that’s beyond your control a just write what the people want.

James Duke

That makes a lot of sense! I think better balancing of content will be a future goal of mine.


All around pretty happy with your work. Some the comms you do aren't really my thing. But whenever you write about your own OCs that's what is really fun and the comms you do for me of course 😁

James Duke

Totally understand! Haha it is surprisingly hard to manage things being a writer with a lot of diverse interests. I will he maybe looking into solutions for this. Also! Always happy to provide stories for you!


Pretty happy about the content so far, my usual go to things are your general content, but I wouldn’t mind seeing more mother/daughter tropes. Especially the explicit ones haha

James Duke

There's definitely at least one more of those coming! haha its a bit of a doozy though.


I’d really like it if there was a tag system to your posts! I’m a new Patreon and im usually on mobile so it takes ages for something to load on search! Otherwise I think the content is great and I’ve enjoyed my subscription thus far :)

James Duke

That's great feedback and very interesting! I try to tag all my stories. At the bottom. Are they not showing up?


After much deliberation I feel that what bothers me the most is how larger projects seem to get abandoned, lots of chapter 1s no chapter 2s if you catch my meaning.

James Duke

A fair comment! Tbh, a lot of the 1 or 2 chapter stories are because they were my independent projects that had to he shelved because of comms. I would like to make a return to them eventually, but people who have bought stories have to come first!