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Tags: Rapid Weight Gain, Explicit Sex, immobility, blob

A story featuring my OC Susette!

“There my little muffin is!” Susette Ong cried as she walked into the crowded work cafeteria. Susette ran over and buried her daughter, Vee, in a crushing hug. Despite being only 5’5 and weighing less than a hundred pounds, the Asian woman was more than capable of doling out tight hugs. “I thought I would come and surprise you at work.” Susette said in a bubbly, cheery “mom” voice. She pressed her face into Vee’s. Pushed so close together, the familial similarity was undeniable. Vee was younger and her skin did not have the telltale signs of graceful aging, but the two shared plum colored hair, high cheekbones, and bright smiles. However, annoyed at her mother’s intrusion, Vee was not wearing a smile.

“Mom, what are you doing here?” Vee asked, trying to shove her mother off of her. Susette took the hint, instead slipping into the seat next to her daughter. She was caught directly between Vee and the other occupant of the table and Vee’s current boyfriend, Mosa.

Susette waved hello to Mosa, smiling so broadly that her eyes seemed to shut. “Hello, Mosa. I hope I’m not interrupting. I simply had to come and surprise Vee.” The older woman leaned over and patted her daughter’s arm. Vee sighed and rolled her eyes. While she loved her mother, that did not stop her from being exasperated by her behavior. Vee had been born a practical sort, her two feet set firmly on the ground. Susette, meanwhile, was a little more loose with her fantasies and behaviors. “I’d be happy to leave if you wanted me to.” Susette politely offered to Mosa.

“Happy to have you, Ms. Ong.” Mosa said, his tone almost too respectful. He was a tall, athletic young man. He had the sort of boyish charm that spoke of mischief to come. A reputation that was well earned. He had a strange, uncanny ability to read people. This ability often led to him playing his own brand of pranks. While not without human empathy, Mosa was undoubtedly something of a manipulator.

“I’m so glad! It took me forever to get through security here, I’d hate to have to go back. Who would have guessed a waste treatment plant would be so locked down.” Susette talked, spinning her little thoughts into a pleasant stream of consciousness. “You must be doing some very important work, Vee.” She said, hoping to nudge her daughter into speaking.

“Not really, mom, just filing papers.”

Susette was going to try and wheedle more information out of her daughter, but was surprised when Mosa did it for her. “Come on now, Vee. We all know you are about to take on that bizzaro project. The mad scientist one. . .” He trailed off, letting Vee do the work of finishing.

“Thanks, Mosa.” Vee said flatly, aiming a kick at her boyfriend under the table. She then turned to Susette, who had been waiting with her hands held in her lap patiently. “It’s nothing, just that this scientist at a cookie company came up with this metabolism slowing drug. Very addictive. He was going to put it into the product.” Vee tapped her finger on the table, hoping there wasn’t too much follow up. She always noticed that her mom got really weird around the subject of food and fat. The last thing that Vee wanted was her gushing about some weirdos project in front of her boyfriend. However, true to form, Susette did just that.

“Vee! That’s so interesting. I can’t believe you were hiding that from me.” Susette’s eyes twinkled as she spoke, clearly interested in the tale of odd science run amok. “Did he experiment on anyone? Is there any proof that the drug worked? Did any shipments go out to people?” Each question she leaned further and further forward. Mosa watched the exchange with rapt interest and a growing desire to cause trouble. While Susette was interested in Vee’s project out of motherly care, there was something else bubbling below the surface. Mosa could see the telltale bouncing of Susette’s leg, the way she would almost bite her lip, and the darting of her eyes. There was something deeper going on here. He wondered if Susette might have a secret. Just a little bit of a kink. As he watched the mother and daughter go back and forth a plan began to form in his mind. Taking a notepad from his pocket, he wrote out an address and a serial number. The two women were too busy talking to notice him lightly tucking the piece of paper into his security badge.

“Well, as much as I would like to stay and chat, I have other work to do.” Mosa stood up, walked over to Vee, and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. After, he straightened and said his goodbyes to Susette. Neither woman noticed him slipping the security badge and note into Susette’s purse.


Hours later, Susette made her way quietly into the back of the warehouse outlined in the note. The lights were off and all that could be heard was the quiet sound of the generators running outside. Though she knew that everyone had gone home for the night, she was still nervous. Susette switched from walking to running, stopping in fear if her footsteps sounded too loud. The 40 year old asian mother was highly aware of every step she made, knowing that one wrong step might blow the good fortune shown to her. It had been a stroke of luck from on high that Mosa’s tag and information had landed in her purse. She was not going to waste this opportunity.

“Got to be around here somewhere. . .” Susette whispered to herself as she studied the gigantic tanks which rose high into the darkness. Trying to find the correct serial number, Susette pulled out her phone and turned on the flashlight. In fiddling with her phone she caught sight of her background. It was a picture of her and Vee on her daughter’s first day of college. She winced, wondering if it was right to exploit her daughter and her boyfriend like this. However, the deep and pulsating throb of lust in her heart carried the concerns away. She would beg forgiveness later, after the had tried the miracle drug. 40 long years upon the earth had seen Susette’s desires for fatness and obesity go unanswered. She kicked herself for not getting fat during pregnancy and then staying that way. She had tried numerous times after Vee had been born, but each time ended in failure. It was hard getting fat with a daughter so averse to anything strange or weird. Time after time Vee had pulled her into diets and fitness programs. It was like the younger Ong woman could sense her dark desires and worked to prevent them. No more, however. Tonight Susette was going to live.

“Aaaah, there you are!” Susette whispered giddily as she found the correct tank. It was larger than the others, stretching many feet above her and several times her width. She traced the numbers on the tank, checking them against a scrawled note which she held in her hand. They matched exactly. She tucked the note back in her pocket, hand quivering with joy. This was quite literally the biggest and best gift that she had ever been given. Though, Susette mused, she wasn’t sure if it counted as a gift when she was stealing information from her daughter and her boyfriend.

Susette found the spigot which drained the tank. Susette quietly thanked Mosa and his error again. Each passing year had seen her desire for size reaching new heights. Even now, as she started to turn the control arm that held the valve in place, Susette found her desires reaching a fever pitch she couldn’t have imagined. Once, when she was around 20, she had imagined herself with a bit of a belly. Now, just over 40, she was desperate to grow a paunch. She wanted a sagging gut, hips that would get caught in any door, and breasts that could win produce competitions. Susette drooled as she turned the crank, imagining what the formula might do to her body. She almost didn’t notice when the safety was turned off and the valve was opened fully. It wasn’t until she heard a shift in the tank that she snapped back to reality.

“There we go!” Susette clapped her hands together, realizing she had met her goal. She could hear a great shifting and clanging within the tank as its safety mechanisms were turned off and the liquid was allowed to pump forth. Susette skipped over to the valve, placing her delicate mouth underneath the opening.She took one last look at her phone, seeing that a text had come through from Vee. Mom, where are you? It read. Susette started to type a response, but instead tossed her phone away. She knew that any discussion would inevitably lead to her cover being blown. With just a pang of guilt she watched the phone skitter away into the darkness. Her attention was soon turned to the churning value, liquid about to come pouring out. Thoughts of Vee, her judgment, and any potential repercussions were soon drowned under a stream of blue-purple liquid.

From the moment the liquid made contact with her skin and mouth, Susette was hooked. It tasted warm and sugary, like cookies straight out of the oven. She shivered in pleasure as she felt the effects start to take hold. Her stomach rose, both from the formula she guzzled down and the weight that came with it. It worked like magic, seeming to digest instantly and turning into adipose. Her stomach filled outward, at first stuffed and taut but then softening into a mass of fat. It bounced and rolled back and forth, lifting her soft sweater up. Susette squealed, kicking her legs with ecstasy. Even as she moved them she could feel fat pouring onto them, thickening and pushing in all directions. With each little kick they grew heavier. This only incentivized her to drink and move more. She wanted not only to get as fat as possible but to feel it every step of the way. Susette widened at a terrific pace, each further glug of serum adding inches to her body. As her butt and back packed on fat she was propelled upwards, rising toward the running valve. The warehouse was filled with the noise of running water, shredding clothes, and a madly vibrating cell phone. However, Susette could only hear the former two things.

“Oh. . .gggguuuullgg. . .mmmggph. . .my. . .” Susette tried to speak between glugs and slurps as she felt her sweater start to rip. Her stomach was growing fatter and fatter, pouring outwards with such force that it was rending her top. With chubby hands, she grasped and pulled the edges of it down, getting it to rip faster rather than trying to maintain her modesty. Like ice cracking under the advance of a ship, the pink and blue striped sweater was pulled apart. Fat poured outward, bouncing and shaking. She laughed and giggled crazily as her breasts were exposed to the world, in a sort of heaven she never dreamed possible. Her pants ripped at a similar speed, slowed only by the fact that she was wearing mom jeans with thick denim. Splotches of white appeared as stitches popped out one by one. Susette played with the bursted seams, egging them onto further rips. She had been near 100 pounds when her fattening began, but was nearing 300 now. The serum had worked wonders in minutes. She continued to shift and grow, filling out under the spigot. Her enjoyment quickly turned sexual as the last shreds of her clothes burst away. Susette was left a naked and growing woman, racing towards blobdom.

“Can’t stop. . .slllrrruuup. . .good. . .uummggh. . .can’t stop.” she mouthed under the valve. She rolled, switching from lying on her back to her stomach. Susette put her mouth under the running faucet of strangely colored liquid, gyrating back and forth as she pumped bigger and bigger. Her asscheeks, now big enough to crush several chairs at the same time. Meanwhile, her stomach was starting to take on mattress-like proportions. Susette had to scramble and grab at the pipe which pumped the fattening liquid, lest she be pulled away by her growing body. She rocked upon a jiggling mound of fat, quickly becoming mountainous in size. Her shoulders sank under an advancing tide of fat, just as her face grew rounder and heavier. She was well past 800 pounds now, reaching sizes that no human was ever meant to reach. The tank shuddered against her weight, its steel frame bending as she rose upwards. Susette nearly cried as the pipe and valve fell from between her fingers. She had become too fat to adequately hold anything. While away from the valve, Susette continued to expand, fully digesting what was in her system.

Her body continued to rise like the world's largest loaf of bread. She leaned against the large tank, continuing to rapidly outgrow its multi-gallon, industrial frame. Below her the pipe had burst off completely, bent out of shape by the weight of her breasts and stomach. She lay in a pool of the stuff, absorbing it through the skin. “Oh. . .HHHAAAAH. . .GOODNESS!” She cried as a wave of growth synced up to a pulse of orgasmic pleasure. “Bigger. . . make me. . .BIGGER!” She cried, throwing tree trunk thick arms around the tank. She hugged the wonderful, beautiful thing, hoping its contents would gush forth to engorge her further. Driven mad by growth, she pressed her fat face to the glass and gave it soft kisses. Each kiss landed a little higher up, born aloft by her expansion. She only stopped when she felt her head hit something. Rocked from her stupor, Susette looked up to see that there was another pipe. She had missed it earlier because of how high up it was. Now, thanks to becoming a literal hill of fat, she was able to reach it. Better still, this pipe had a hose attached. Clumsily, Susette began to fiddle with the controls. It was a race against her own dwindling mobility.


“Mom!” Vee called into the warehouse. “Come out, I know you are in there. Mosa told me everything!” The young woman cursed her boyfriend for his part in this trickery. Yet, she could almost understand his behavior. Who would have ever guessed that the polite, friendly, well spoken older woman was such a freak. Even Vee had a hard time believing the depravity her mother was given to. Vee wished that she could be supportive of her mother, but it was simply too strange. The idea of wanting to be fat. . .wanting to be huge. It was beyond her comprehension. Instinctively, Vee knew that she had to protect her mother from herself. Current failure aside, she had done a pretty good job. As Vee ran through the warehouse, she wondered how bad this particular lapse was going to prove to be. She would figure out quickly as she heard a noise at the back of the warehouse. A loud crash, followed by a splashing noise. Vee took off running, calling her mother’s name.

Each step revealed how catastrophic her lapse in watchfulness had been. The back of the warehouse was dominated by a writhing mass of pale fat, drenched in red from the warning lights that had been going off. Susette’s pell-mell gorge fest had led her to nearly engulf the very tank that she was so desperate to drink from. Her flabby form blobbed out and around the tank, slowly warping its metal frame. Despite her ecstasy, Susette heard her daughter’s angry approach. Susette leaned back, seeing little besides her down mass. “BBBBLLRRRRUUUUPP. . .Vee!” She called post belch. “Oh-ho-ho it’s so good to see you, honey.” Susette giggled before belching again. “I’ve had a WONDERFUL night.” Her mass swayed back and forth, only a small point of purple marking where her cherubic head lay amongst her bulk.

“Mother!” Vee stamped her way over to her massive mother. The younger woman knew that this was going to take all of her strength and mental fortitude to deal with. First things first, she was going to Susette away from the tank. Having little choice, Vee started to wedge herself between the tank and Susette. “This is by far. . .uuggh. . .the most insane thing. . .you have ever done!” She lectured her mother even as she clambered between her folds. Vee’s idea was to put her back to the tank and shove Susette away with her feet. Obviously, the blob of Asian mother was too fat to balance herself. It would only take a little work from Vee, then gravity would do the rest. Vee snaked upwards, feeling altogether too much of her mother’s vast body. The feelings running through Vee’s mind were too strange to put names to. It was like pushing against a wall of pillows, or being buried beneath a waterbed. Vee could hear her mother giggle and hum through it all, blissfully enjoying her size. Bereft of sight, Vee chose a spot and began to push. “Alright, Mom, we’re going to. . .get you. . .away from. . .this stuff.” Vee started to shove, ignorant of what was truly going to happen.

It started with a little trickle, a run of liquid down Susette’s chest. She had grown to the point where her flab blocked any and all exit points for the liquid. However, with Vee’s shoving, the liquid was once again free to flow from the tank. It raced down Susette’s body, tumbling through the nooks and crannies of her yards of fat. Bouncing between her breasts, the liquid sprayed onto Vee, some even going into her mouth. “Oh. . .ppfff.. . ssppllttth. . .fuck. . .” The young woman said as she accidentally swallowed the formula. Instantly, her body began to shift and change, billowing outwards just as Susette’s had. Vee had worn just a white t-shirt and jeans, thrown on hastily as she went to track her wayward mother down. The shirt was first stained with the droplets of fattening chemical, and then strained as Vee grew out from under it. Her arms thickened, tightening against the sleeves of her shirt. They grew rounder and rounder, flab piling up by the ounce with each passing second. Likewise, her stomach filled out every inch of free space underneath. “Muh. . .mom?” Vee ventured, looking at her body.

Susette said little, instead feeling her daughter’s growth. She smiled, feeling the formerly smaller woman grow underneath her. She bobbed back and forth, pushed by Vee’s rapidly fattening form. Meanwhile, Vee was gasping and spluttering; working to control herself. Her thoughts raced. Her thighs were growing chunkier, already starting to rip her jeans. The world seemed to grow hotter, bathed in a lurid flush. More and more serum dribbled and sprayed into her open mouth. She knew she should close her mouth, try to roll out from between her mom. She might have become fat, but she could still save herself from becoming a whale. Yet, she did not move. Instead, she was held fast between her mother and the chemical tank by her own mind. Vee didn’t want to admit it, but there was an electric pleasure in growth. Between the soothing press of her mom’s gigantic body and the rapid rise of her own, Vee was slowly drawn into her mother’s world of degeneracy. Vee gasped as she clothes shredded away, now completely naked and left to press against her mother’s own body. As Vee grew to the size of a small car, she fully pushed Susette out of the way of the upper valve. Formula was once again free to rain down, crashing into her as a glorious torrent. “Mom. . .god. . .this feeling!” She cried, hands searching and squeezing her body in orgasmic pleasure.

“Oh, baby, you haven’t felt anything . . .whoooo. . .yet.” Susette exhaled mid sentence, feeling her own body heat up with strange desires. With Vee growing under her, she was exposed to a whole other set of wild thoughts. Vee grew faster and faster, her bulk fighting with Susette’s for dominance. The older woman felt herself being pushed back slowly, taken away from the tank so that Vee’s blobby form could have space. Vee, meanwhile, felt her ass growing to encompass the width of the tank. She enveloped the vessel of the miracle drug with her ass and back fat, growing upwards towards the open valve. Her mother had drained plenty of it, but there was enough to allow her to get quite large as well. The two women giggled and laughed, delirious with the orgasmic pleasures of hyper-obesity and immobility.


Mosa hummed as he casually strolled through the warehouse. It was humid within the structure now, contending with the body heat of at least one gigantic individual. Mosa had little idea of what had transpired within the warehouse, but he could make some assumptions based on how long it was taking for Vee to return to the car. He had waited patiently, trying to give the two women time. Susette needed time to grow and Vee needed time to be convinced to join in on the fun. Mosa figured that Susette would help at least lay the groundwork for Vee’s conversion. While resistant to the idea of chubbing up, Mosa knew in his heart that his girlfriend could be won over. Between Susette’s gleeful insistence and his own powers of persuasion, the athletic man had little doubt that there would be two blobs being born that evening. He reached the back of the warehouse, discovering that he was correct and incorrect in the best possible way. Rather than needing his help to be convinced, Vee had already turned herself into a blob rivaling her mother. She lay, many-chinned face resting between Susette’s truck sized breasts, lapping up serum residue.

“Well! Aren’t you two quite a sight!” Mosa called, feeling his pants tighten.

“Heeeey. . .” Susette called drunkenly. “. . .if it isn’t my favorite person in the whole wide world!”

Vee looked up sleepily, the constant running of pleasure through her causing her brain to slow down. “My boyfriend has come to help out at last. . .too bad I’m stuck as a blob too.” She said, before returning to licking and kissing fattening fluid off of Susette’s wall of gut fat. The tank had been shoved over by her own gigantic ass, wedging her perfectly between the tank and her mother. Vee was smaller, but only by a third. “Too late to save me, too late to save my mom. . .” Vee took a second to kiss Susette’s doughy stomach. “But maybe not too late for a bit of fun.” Mosa had to take a step back, overwhelmed by the blood rushing to his nether region. Of all the things he thought he might get out of the day’s events, this was not one of them. It was rare that a plan worked out this well. “I’m big. . .mom is bigger . .but I think that cock of yours can handle things juuuusst fine.” She made an incredibly sloppy, incredibly flirtatious kissing noise.

“BBBBLLRRRUUUPP. . .” Susette’s burped vibrated and jiggled the two women violently, sending renewed waves of pleasure through them. “Oooohh. . .I think my new body could use a test drive.” She stuck her tongue out, beckoning the man forward. “Come on, don’t be shy. . .I don’t bite.”

Mosa needed little more convincing. He ran towards the pair, tugging his shirt and pants off. His erection throbbed, harder than he had ever been in his life. In moments he was wrapping himself between the girls, lost in ideas for how to pleasure them both. He was but one mad, wedged between giant blobs. He could spend hours worth of time working their bodies over and still have not explored everything. Yet, he had to start somewhere. Turning to face Vee, caught up in her stomach folds, he began to thrust as he was able. His girlfriend moaned, a low rumble spreading through her fat, as he plowed her with strong thrusts of his cock. “Hoooohh. . .Mosaaaa. . .Vee moaned, pressing her face down onto Susette for more stability. She wanted to drown him in flab, such that he could never get out and be forced to pleasure her until the end of time. This only embolden Mosa more. He thrust as hard as he could, probing Vee’s body at random with his shaft. The air grew even more humid as the trio grew sweaty from exertion. Despite doing little, the two women’s bodies put out a misty, sweltering mist. The room was filled with the sounds of pleasure.

“Heeeey, who said she got to have all the fun!” Susette called down to Mosa. “I’m the biggest.” She pouted, working to win Mosa over. He flipped, winging his cock around and seeking out a sensual patch of flab to work. Susette’s eyes fluttered as her overly sensitive body was massaged with Mosa’s cock. “So. . .so strong!” She called, her fingers flexing and grasping as she came closer and closer to orgasm. Susette felt herself coming close to the peak of sensuality, about to dive into the dark abyss that was total release. It was then that Mosa switched back to pleasuring Vee. The young man had plenty of games of his own to play. He could string these two along, keep them held just at the edge of orgasmic release. Their pussies grew wet, flooding over and over again as he went about his work. He climbed up and down their massive bodies, a lone servant in thrall to two obese and lustful deities. Vee and Susette slowly lost track of reality, their mouths hanging open and tongues lolling out. They were slaves, first to gluttony and then to sex. They begged Mosa to keep going, to never stop. Happily, Mosa continued his work.



Ended right at the good part… but nonetheless this was way too good! Much love to you and your work<3