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Tags: Extreme weight gain, Star Wars Clone Wars

It was pointed out to me that I had spelled Ahsoka's name wrong. This error has since been corrected.

Ahsoka Tano and Asajj Ventress lay in bed together. Asajj took up the majority with her body, already a tall Dathomirian woman, she further encroached on the available free space of the bed with her astronomical weight. Far from the slim, lethal assassin she had once been, Asajj was a blob of fat which pooled on red satin covers. Rings of fat encircled the back of her bald head, so pale that they resembled snow drifts. Her once sharp and jagged facial features had turned into a series of bloated spheres, each sliding down onto her immense chest. Almost embarrassingly, her chest had exploded in size. Once small but firm breasts and grown into tankers of milk with coal black nipples. They were so fat that they had merged with her underarm fat, putting generous pillows under her arms. Asajj had gone from a malevolent specter of death to an equally malevolent specter of gluttony. All under the encouragement of her young Togruta lover.

"Would you like another piece?" Ahsoka teased, lifting the cake in question with her force powers. It floated in a slow, tempting circle. It was a dark black cake with crimson innards. The perfect thing to feed a failed sith.

"You are annoyingly persistent." Asajj hissed in reply. Her oily snarl was still as present as ever, despite her and Ahsoka's new arrangement. Yet, she still opened her mouth, allowing her tongue to loll out and over her plump, black painted lips. The cake drifted near the bald woman. Rather than simply let Ahsoka complete the handoff, the pale assassin sucked it in using her force powers. The piece was too big for her mouth, but she shoved it in anyway; the greed of a Sith was legendary. "Doessscch thiisssch. . .OORRRUUP. . .schatisfy you?" She chewed the cake whilst speaking. As she ate, her forming double and triple chins wiggled and rolled off of each other. She seemed to sink into her blubber more as she ate, the rolls around her bald head becoming more pronounced. She hunkered inwards, protective over the food that Ahsoka was gleefully feeding her.

“Not as much as you eating another piece.” Ahsoka had already twirled another portion of sugar and frosting up, even larger than the piece before. “Besides, you can’t tell me you don’t like it.”

Asajj grumbled, not liking that the younger woman had the correct read of the situation. For all her venomous hissing and complaining, the former Sith assassin loved the treatment she was getting. It was a treatment that had been going on for the better part of 3 years. Through the strange machinations of the force the two women had found each other after the fall of The Republic. Whilst the Galactic Empire was establishing itself, Ahsoka and Asajj had fled to the furthest reaches of the galaxy; first alone and then together. With no real loyalty to anything but their own survival they had little reason to fight and instead had discovered things about themselves and each other. Asajj had discovered that she enjoyed eating and Ahsoka discovered that she loved watching the tall woman eat. Though, their interactions had hardly stopped at meals.

“You could at least. . .mmmmm. . .make it worth my while.” Asajj rumbled, using her own force powers to pull Ahsoka closer to her naked stomach. It lay fat and heavy, flattening out a little thanks to the reclined position Asajj rested in. The former Jedi fought little as she was hauled over. Soon the pale bulk was decorated with streaks of orange, Ahsoka’s thin body trailing over her bulging lover. “Find a way to amuse me.” Asajj’s courtship was rough, the sort of domineering that could be expected of a practitioner of the dark arts of the Force. The way of the Sith was a constant battle for power, dominance, and control. Because of her training, Asajj had little struggle with converting her old teachings into a lust for food, sex, and comfort. Now, nearing 400 pounds of seething gluttony and lust, she demanded constant attention. “Mmmppghg. . .hurry. . .ooommpggh. . .it. . .up.” She spoke between bites of cake, hardly slowing.

“Of course!” Ahsoka was quick to respond. She snaked her way up past breasts bigger than her stomach. The orange skinned alien rocked and rolled on a seething stomach, a plateau of calories turned to soft and flabby mush. This close to Asajj, Ahsoka could hear the older woman’s panting and wheezing. While certainly caused in part by her titanic body, Ahsoka knew the real reason: Asajj was desperate for sex and attention. “You know, you don’t have to growl at me about it.” She leaned in under the obese woman’s flapping chins. Ahsoka's head tails tickled the fatter woman’s chest folds, both women shivered. “I’d give it up for free.” Ahsoka said before nipping at her immobile lover’s chins. She kissed and bit, licked and suckled. The skinny Togruta did everything in her power to please the bigger woman, everything she could think of that was strictly forbidden by her old code. Her tongue glided in and out of the moist chin folds. Soon the licking and kissing was joined by the gyration of Ahsoka's hips. The smaller woman forced her sleek thighs as far around the 800 pound Dathomirian woman's gut, trying to mount her as best as she could.

Asajj feasted happily. Sunken into her jiggling folds, the bed bound baldy was a fortress of fat. Though, it was a highly pregnable fortress and Ahsoka easily breached the high walls and defenses. "I don't hear you enjoying thisch. . ." The lapsed Jedi said through a mouthful of sweaty fat. Asajj, feeling more tractable now that her needs were being met, rumbled. She leaned down, presenting a favorite chin fold to Ahsoka. The Togruta played with it, her tongue working as best it could to tease the succulent crease. "Good. . .aaahh. . .girl. . .keep eating. . .keep feeding yourself." Ahsoka continued to feed her words to her lover. She had discovered that there were indeed things stronger than the mind tricks Jedi could perform. Each interaction she had with her old rival had built upon itself. Gradual pressure and a constant supply of food had transformed the vicious killer. She dared to continue pushing those boundaries.

In a rain of crumbs and frosting, Ahsoka climbed up further onto Asajj. "Mmmggph. . .what. . .are. . .mmmpgghh. . .you. . ." Asajj was caught between asking her question and continuing to sloppily feed herself. She soon faced another hard choice. A pair of soft, pert breasts were placed in Asajj's face. Ahsoka hugged the piles of neck, shoulder, and back fat that the Dathomirian had cultivated. Ahsoka urged the fatter woman to enjoy herself, massaging the back of her soft head. Asajj, pig that she was, had to have her cake and eat it too. Ahsoka blushed as the rest of the confection was pushed upon her bosom, that same blushed deepend as Asajj began to feast on cake and breasts alike. "More. . .smmaagrrphh. . .need scho musch. . .more." The obese, bed bound woman groaned and squealed. She smeared the cake around with her fat face before licking and suckling at the smaller woman's nipples, her cheeks bigger than Ahsoka's breasts.

Through it all, Ahsoka verbally praised her lover. She knew that this was only the beginning. She would drive Asajj to greater and greater acts of indulgence. Soon, all the obese woman would be able to think about was food or sex. Ahsoka hardly dared to think what that might do to her lover's body.


"BRRRRRRUUUUUUUUPPPPPP!" Asajj panted, feeling another belch welling up in her massive body. “HHHHWWWWWOOORRRRRUUUPP!” The second belch was even bigger than the first. The Damoritian felt her body rock from the sonic explosion. Though she could not see anything besides a world of white flab, she could feel her ass rolling over rubble and newly claimed chunks of city territory. Once the fleet footed, acrobatic assassin might have been compared to a predatory cat. Now, however, she was much more easily compared to a geological formation. Glacier, hill, even a small mountain were all things apt to describe the mass of rolls that had come to dominate her particular portion of the city. “Uuuuhhffff.. .huufff. . .fffuuufffhh. . .” The titanic creature could do little more than pant, working up to her next belch. Arms long since swallowed by fat wiggled in deep, fleshy prisons. Breasts the size of troop transports or ambulances slid back and forth under the tidal sea that was her gut. Asajj was a monstrous deposit of fat, fit only to consume and slowly drown the surrounding city under her body.

“OOOORRRRRRUUUUPP. . .Asccchookaa. . .uuufffh. . .” She called through labored breaths. Her cheeks were bigger than people, so fat and round that they seeped onto the rest of her facial flab. The bald woman rested in a sinkhole of herself. Her head lay in the middle of a circular depression that had once been where her shoulders met her chest. Now, it acted as a funnel. Any and all food dumped onto the rim would drain down to her greedy face. She would be buried by the food drops, face covered by piles of food fit to feed an entire town for a week. She would gorge for hours, unrepentantly slaking her gluttonous desires without a care for the wider world. She had tapped into a source of power stronger than the Dark Side. Whether powered by the force or not, the viscously greedy energy she now used to fuel herself had given her so much. “Asssccchhoookkkaa.” The evil, malevolent blob now spoke with a venomous whisper, a whimper that echoed through the psychic consciousnesses of anyone even mildly Force sensitive.

“Is my. . .bbrrrruuupp. . .evil sinkhole ready for some more?” Ahsoka’s voice came just over the lip of Asajj’s fat. Like the sun rising over a mountain ridge, an orange body slowly drifted into view. Ahsoka had drifted into rapacious gluttony as well, giving herself to the same power that Asajj had. Though vastly smaller, Ahsoka was still an immobile blob. Her body rivaled tanks and military infantry, though her newfound powers were greater by far. She continued to float her mass towards Asajj. The bloated pale woman felt fat all over her body tremble as if an invisible hand was jiggling it or, for sensitive areas, a piston was pumping in and out. Ahsoka dropped herself just close enough that her fat, she couldn’t even tell from what part of her body, lay close to Asajj. The gigantic woman immediately leaned her bald head forward, desperate to lick and suck whatever was presented to her. Ahsoka giggled as her lover made contact. She casually wondered what part of her was being pleasured, having long ago lost any idea of which part of her body was which; she simply was a ball of fat. The Togruta flapped useless and vestigial arms as Asajj’s tongue and excessively fat lips flitted in and out of the rolls presented. The session went on until Asajj became tired, unable to do anything besides eat for extended periods of time.

“Tssk. . .tssk.” Ahsoka chided the bigger woman. “I thought you could last longer than that.”

“HHHOOORRRRRRUUUUUUPPPP.” Asajj belched, infusing it with a little of her accumulated power. The rumbles and ripples spread through her body, shaking Ahsoka. The reverberations traveled through the orange blob, seeking out her pleasure centers. “You. . .musscccchhhtt. . .feed. . .aaahh. . .haaahh. . .meee.” She whined, her tongue licking in and out of her mouth, speaking to the lust and release she had been denied. “Endlessccch meallssscch. . .endlessccch pleasure.” The former Sith worked herself up into a frenzy. The fat rolls around her head, able to hide and bury multiple people, rolled in and out at her demands. She whined endlessly, brought low by her need for pleasure.

“Ok. . .ok. . .but you have to finish it all.” Ahsoka said. She began to strain, calling forth the meal that lay just beyond Asajj’s reach. A distant rumbling could be heard as yet another meal came to the mega sized woman. Asajj would eat and grow, her bulk threatening to take over the entirety of the city.