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This is it. . .my magnum opus for slob! 18k words and 30 something pages. I hope you all enjoy. 

Enni stepped into the cafeteria of her college, looking for her friends. She was greeted by the sounds of a hundred other people eating and talking. She tried to maneuver around the throng of bodies waiting in various lines for food. Short and thin, she had a hard time pushing through the various lines. Enni was lithe, but not strong. She was a tennis player, attending Rutman’s University on a full ride scholarship. Enni had always wondered about her status as a tennis player, she looked nothing like the other girls. Most of the women on her team were tall and built like tanned goddesses. Enni, on the other hand, possessed the figure of a middle schooler. Despite being 19, she was short and flat as a board. The sort of sports inclined tomboy that never moved beyond a boyish appearance. Practically the only thing that made her look womanly was her shoulder length hair (partially tied in a ponytail) and soft, golden eyes.

Through the pushing, shoving crowd she could see her friends. Dina (the tall, leggy fashion design student), Rose (her busty best friend and doubles partner), and Maki (a creative writing major and the only woman shorter and quieter than Enni herself). The trio of women sat around their typical lunch table, each enjoying their own meal. Dina nibbled at a small salad, always trying to make sure that she maintained her model-like figure. Rose ate like a horse, trying to replenish the calories that the lengthy tennis practice had depleted. Maki nibbled at a set of chicken tenders. The small girl hardly ever seemed to eat. It was a mystery to the rest of the girls how she did not collapse or pass out. Enni quietly joined the table, pulling out her own lunch box. She ate sensibly, trying to mix and match her foods to achieve the optimal amount of macros. As with all things, Enni tried to reach a sensible middle. Not wanting to over or under do any single aspect of her life. She left that to her other friends.

“Heeeey, how’s it going, Bean Pole!” Rose exclaimed as her friend quietly took the seat next to her. She must have been feeling especially good that day to trot out Enni’s old nickname. While it was unbelievable now, there was a time when Enni was the taller of the pair. Doctors, parents, and other friends growing up had predicted that Enni would end up much taller than she actually had. Rather disappointingly, she had been an early bloomer that had failed to grow past an initial spurt. She stayed 5’3, whilst Rose slowly shot up to an almost gargantuan 5’11. It might not have been so bad, had Enni developed a figure but she had remained woefully flat. Rose had won those accolades as well, her chest filling out to such a degree that it was a wonder that she could even play tennis. Her chest bounced and jiggled so much that her breasts would bounce up and hit her on the chin. “Good work out there today!” The tanned, blonde haired woman leaned over and hugged her smaller companion. “We crushed them. . .and looked cute too!” Rose rubbed Enni’s head with her fist playfully, but the action caused her breasts to smack the smaller woman in the face.

“Thanks, but it wasn’t like I did much,” Enni said dourly. She stared at her food, knowing what was to come next.

“Ohhhh, my little pocket princess is so dreary sometimes!” Rose returned to invade Enni’s physical space, wrapping her arms around the smaller woman. If nothing else, Enni had to give Rose credit for never changing. It would have been easy for her to exchange her friendship with Enni for cooler, better looking women. Yet, for reasons that escaped Enni, she had remained loyal for all these years.

“Rose! Could you please go at least one meal without choking her.” Dina said, a coy smile touching her face. Dina was nearly as tall as Rose, though with a decidedly pear shaped build. Her jeans, always skinny hip huggers, fit snugly around her plump bottom. She could not only design clothes, but model them effectively. Despite growing up in bumfuck nowhere, she had the demeanor and attitude of an L.A model. . .when she wasn’t losing her temper at Rose. “Hey! Are you listening to me, Titty McNo-Brain?” Dina barked at the taller, chestier woman. She smacked Rose with her silverware for good measure, angry at being ignored. Her silvery hair, dyed but she always lied and said it was natural, swished and swayed about her shapely shoulders. Even during her violent outbursts at Rose or the other girls, Dina was ravishingly beautiful. It was a special kind of woman that could look dignified even when veins were popping out of her neck. “Enni. Does. Not. Want. You. Smothering. HER!” Dina broke up each word with a smack from her fork.

Maki, furtive and easily forgotten, simply watched the chaos unfold. She was tiny, hardly even noticeable as she sat in her seat. Most times she would simply sit quietly through hangout sessions, enjoying the camaraderie. Even now, she linked eyes with Enni and simply nodded. Her dark, glossy black hair fell past her shoulders and ran down her back. She wore a simple red sweater and black skirt with leggings underneath. Big, moon eyes shone out from behind thick glasses. She was the image of an adorable librarian, though in a fun sized package. She watched the chaos unfold as Enni was shoved deeper between Rose’s bosoms, sinking below as the two taller women bickered and fought with each other. Enni sighed, head slumping onto the table. Maki giggled quietly, no one noticing.


“Owowowow. . .Dina is such a jerk.” Rose complained as she poked at bruises on her arm. Even now, hours after the lunchroom feud, there were purple welts on her arm. She could see them against the orange glow of the setting sun. She and Enni were walking home to their shared apartment, their day of classes and sports done with. “I don’t know why she has to come between me and my little Pocket Princess.” Rose huffed, wanting to remove her sorrows by hugging and teasing Enni. “I just wanted to make you feel better. You’ve been in such a bad mood lately.” She huffed, folding her arms under her enormous breasts. “I hate when we aren’t in sync. Doubles partners should be so close that they can read each other’s minds!” Rose continued to spout her thoughts out free and uninhibited.

Enni sighed. She wished that she could figure out what she even wanted to say. Feelings had been building up within her lately, ones that she couldn’t quite put a name to. She had always had her peaks and valleys like any person, but this felt different. She had felt useless for a long time, like she wasn’t living up to her potential. “It’s fine, Rose.” Enni said. Rose, sensing the frustration bubbling within her diminutive friend, simply walked along quietly. The two took the steps up to their apartment slowly. Enni stared at her feet, wondering what was wrong with her. It was a feeling that refused to leave. She hated not being herself and she hated disappointing her friends even more but there was little she could do about it. She opened the door to the apartment and immediately took off for her room. She heard Rose call softly, her bubbly, bimbo energy drained away. Enni ignored it, instead feeling hot tears running down her cheeks. She flew into her room, tossing her racquet away and flopping onto her bed.

“God, just send me somewhere else. Anywhere!” She screamed into her pillow. Enni spent the rest of the night crying herself to sleep.

--- A Wish Granted ---

“Eeeeennni.” Rose’s voice called the next morning. It helped to stir the small woman from her sleep. The diminutive tennis player stirred in her bed, eyes blinking. “Lemme in, Enni! I wanna. . .hhhuufff. . .see my Pocket Princess!” Rose called, though sounding out of breath. Enni shifted in the bed, wondering if she even wanted to see her big breasted friend. “Come on, girl!” Rose called, obviously panting. Enni assumed that Rose had just finished a run or morning yoga session, her usual way of stress relief was physical activity. Yet, there was a thick, clotted undertone to Rose’s voice. It was like she was speaking with a weight on her chest, or like she was trying to hold something heavy up. “I’m not. . .wwhew. . .going away!” Rose sounded more tired by the second. Out of pure curiosity, Enni rolled out of bed and went to answer the door. Her fingers tipped the door handle when the smell hit her, but by that time it was too late. Sensing that the door was now open, Rose made her grand entrance.

The door banged open. It almost flew off its hinges as Rose put her full weight against it. Enni jumped back with enough time to avoid the swinging door, but the wave of stench that followed after could not be avoided. It poured over Enni, making her eyes water and her eyebrows curl. She had never smelled such rank body odor. Further, the smell seemed to engulf her, taking physical form and lifting her off the ground. It took Enni a full minute to realize that she was actually being held by Rose, or at least someone who sounded like her best friend. Yet, the person holding her was far too large; setting aside how putrid they smelled. Even wearing her thickest winter coat, Rose could not have been this large. The woman that currently was burying Enni in a bear hug was built like a giant pile of half-melted marshmallows. “Oooh. . .UUUUURRRRPPP. . .there’s my little girl!” The pseudo-Rose gushed, pressing her small friend into the sweaty canyon that was her tits.

“Pppllltttllp. . .” Enni spat, trying to get the taste of sweat and moldy food out of her mouth. She fought and finally broke free of the slob holding her. “Who. . .the fuck. . .are you?” Enni screamed, falling back onto the ground. She backed away from the immense woman, trying to get her bearings.

“Oh, there you. . .bbllurruupp. . .go again. Having one. . .brrruuupp. . . of your episodes!” The woman rolled her eyes just like Rose, though Rose’s cheeks were not nearly as puffy and red. The big woman took another step forward, her body squelching from grease and sweat being pushed out of her rolls. She wore only a very faded t-shirt (worn thin from the constant rub of fat and destructive power of toxic sweat) and a ratty pair of pajama shorts. Enni could see the woman’s sweaty panties through the holes. Oddly, it was this detail that helped convince her that she was indeed talking to some warped version of Rose. An old boyfriend had gifted Rose a pair of panties embroidered with her namesake. Now, despite the sweat stains and being buried between massive thighs, Enni could see the embroidered underwear. The small girl had done the laundry for the duo many, many times and had become something of an expert.

“Rose, what. . .what is going on?” Enni asked, still covering her face with her arms for protection.

The massive woman, certainly over 300 pounds of rancid fat, giggled girlishly. The light, lilting sound was incongruous coming from such an out of shape body. It was like “Rose” had done nothing but eat her entire life. Her breasts remained the central attraction, two huge piles of fat; the open gulf between them helping to direct the constantly running trails of sweat, slobber, and food down towards her gut. Rather than a stomach, this Rose had a paunch. Forming into two rolls, her navel had deepened into a sinkhole. Few could guess how much food had gotten stuck in the deep navel and disintegrated into greasy slime from pressure and heat. Her legs rubbed together, pulling her panties and shorts further between her putrid asscheeks. The floor moved under “Rose” and her sloppy fat. Enni could feel the floorboards sag and bend in the middle. “What’s. . .ugh. . .” Rose flopped onto the floor, sweat spraying out as she landed. Her hair, tied into a greasy ponytail, whipped and smacked Enni in the face. “. . .happening is that. . .your amnesia is. . .whooo. . .acting up again.” Rose smiled before letting a sickening fart slide out of her asscheeks. Enni fainted as the smell bore into her nostrils.


“So, you’re saying the entire world is like this? Just, women being complete pigs?” Enni asked, trying to keep her brain from melting out of her ears.

“Yeasch. . .mmmpghp. . .BBBLLLLRRRUUUPP. . .juscht wook. . .mmpgh. . .awound.” Rose said, shoving her face into the plate of nachos. Cheese and chip fragments slid down her face as she pulled up from the bucket sized serving. “Last. . .BBBLLLRRRUUUPP. . .10 yearsch. . .uuurrp. . .at leascht.” She spoke as warm cheese dripped between her zeppelin sized tits. Enni, if only to distract herself from the mess her friend was making, looked around.

She saw a world that was both exactly the same and completely different from her own. Stores were all the same, but their products and customers were all different. Cafes like the one they were sitting in now served food worse than the fast food of her old dimension. The once cute cafes were covered in trash and discarded food. What the ladies didn’t want to finish, they merely shoved aside.  Women heaved and panted as they ate, unleashing every manner of foul behavior possible. She was the only woman under 300 pounds, the rest having been bloated up to extremes beyond imagining. Mobility scooters were as plentiful as bikes were in the world that Enni had come from. The black haired woman shook her head as she tried to rationalize what she was seeing. The wish she had made a night ago came ringing back to her ears. How could it be possible to change an entire world like this?

“I just don’t believe it.”

Rose wiped her mouth with her too-small shirt, letting her breasts flop out nakedly. Brrrrrmmmmppptttt. She leaned back and allowed the immense fart to burst out of her asscheeks. “Better believe it, Pocket Princess!” She smiled. “It’s the truth.” This was not the first time she had dealt with her small friend's condition. Enni had suffered an injury when she was young, years ago. A stray tennis ball had knocked her in the head. The ball had done little damage, but the landing on the court had seriously injured her. A strange mixture of long and short term memory loss had taken place. The small, skinny girl now had fits in which she forgot what the world was like. She was stuck dreaming of a world where women were still skinny, prim, and proper. Rose, as with everything Enni did, found the behavior adorable; but she still tried to help her friend. “Remember, your doctor said that the more you try to integrate the better your condition is going to get.”

“But. . .I’m not a slob. No offense.” Enni said, pushing her meal back and forth. The fattest, sloppiest fried mac and cheese balls she had ever seen rolled about on her plate. Easily the size of softballs and stuffed with bacon, they could have fed a family. . .and then sent them straight to the hospital.

“Gosh, none taken!” Rose beamed at the accidental compliment. Frrrrrpppppttttt. “I know exactly what I am!” She proudly hefted her cut onto the table. She dumped her nachos on her stomach and proceeded to eat them off of her naked gut. “Honey, it's not. . .mmmpgghh. . .uuurrrp. . .me whosch. . .out of place. . .itsch you!” She beamed, meat dripping down her chins. “I’m a hoooot. . . BBBLLLEEERRRUUUPP. . . commodity!” She beamed. Enni, unable to look her friend in the eye, glanced around. Once again she was treated to the strange sights of the world. A green haze drifted over the cafe they were. It was the combination of rancid body odor turning to vapor and noxious farts. The other women around their table were plowing through meals even bigger than theirs, some going so far as to eat without their hands or utensils.

“Oh god. . .” Enni breathed, realizing that her friend was right.

“But you could be too!” Rose leaned forward, not caring that her breasts were slathered in cheese, chips, and jalapenos. “Just lemme teach you a bit.”

Enni sighed, again feeling a sort of mental strain creep up on her. Even in her wish she was in a world that she couldn’t fit in with. Yet, her brain kept working. She considered was it took to make it in this world. This wasn’t a world where she had to be tall or traditionally beautiful. Rather, she just had to make a constant pig of herself. Even by simply not trying, she would fit in better. “Well. . .I suppose.” Enni said, tapping her fingers together. She couldn’t decide if this world was right for her, far too many things were out of place to make that assessment. But, at the very least, she could make a good go of it. “Let’s get me in shape.” She looked up at Rose, who was currently licking grease off of one of her breasts.

--- Practice Time ---

“Ok, let’s just take it slow at first.” Rose said, putting the final plate on the table. She swept her bingo wings over a table that was buckling under the weight of the food placed upon it. The food was further seasoned with salty sweat from under her armpits.  All manner of food was spread before Enni, who had been placed at the head of the table. The petite woman looked even smaller when compared to the mass of food before her. Her eyes were wide with worry as she thought about what so much food would do to her stomach as well as what the flood of grease and salt would do to her arteries. She was staring down the barrel of a caloric nuke. A meal that would rupture her stomach before it could be completed. Enni tugged on her ponytail, nervously wondering if she was making the correct decision.

“This is slow to you?” Enni asked Rose, her voice dripping with sarcasm just as the food dripped with unnecessary, additional fats. She poked a finger into what might have been the most malformed, monstrous burger that she had ever seen. Beyond a full pound of meat, the burger looked almost too big to lift with her small arms. One bite might send her into a meat-sweat tailspin. “Rose. . .I don’t know.” Enni said, starting to push herself away from the table. Her exit was slowed by the chair’s drifting over the scattered trash of the kitchen. In addition to her sloppy appearance, Rose was just as sloppy of a housekeeper.

“Ah-ah-ah!” Rose ducked forward, wrapping billowing, swampy arms around her diminutive roommate. “This is for your health,” She cooed. Using her sagging belly, she shoved the chair back into place; nudging Enni’s belly up to the very edge of the table. While only a day or so had passed since Enni’s appearance in the strange new world, she had begun to take on weight quickly. The tennis player couldn’t tell if that was a symptom of the rules of this dimension or just because of how fattening the food was. She had already developed a starter belly. It was soft and playful, barely noticeable under her shirt. It had taken all her strength to keep Rose from playing with it. Even now it poked just over the rim of the table. A trail of melted fat and lard, collected from the overflow of several plates, ran towards the belly pudge. “Just pick what you want. Eat freely, but don’t kill yourself.” Rose coached. Her words were laced with kindness and wisdom, just as her plush folds were drenched in body odor.

“Ok.” Enni nodded, not even balking at Rose’s smell. She was getting better at handling the conditions of the new world. She had spent her life in sports locker rooms and was no stranger to sweat or general filth. If nothing else, Enni could handle the smell of untamed women. She was unused to the piles of garbage as decoration and expulsion of gas, however. The women of this new world seemed content to relieve themselves of any gastrointestinal build up at the slightest inclination. It was rare to go minutes without the silence disrupted by a belch or fart. Enni tried to shove the disgust and judgment out of her mind. She was still a stranger in this world. Rose had, rather forebodingly, said that would all come later. “This had better not kill me.” She looked back at her friend who was excitedly bouncing from foot to foot, renewing the butt-smell in the room with each motion. Rose’s slickened buttcheeks bounced and rubbed off of each other with gratuitous glee. Enni could hear them clapping together as well as excited farts slipping out. In an effort to drown the noise out, Enni started to eat tentatively.

Whatever else could be said, the food of the new world was tasty. It was incredible what kind of tastes could be achieved once any notion of health was given up. Burgers stuffed with molten cheese cores. Cakes seasoned with heavy cream whipping. Donuts with centers of chocolate and caramel cream. Every combination of taste and sensation was made available to the public, anything to satisfy their insane desires and hunger. Ennis now toed the deep and murky waters of extreme gluttony. She ate chicken nuggets wrapped in bacon, popping the lard laden treats into her mouth. Enni wished she could feel more disgusted with herself as she polished the plate off. She felt guilty for even enjoying it a bit. "Wow, I think that was enough." She patted her round stomach, already bloating from the grease and breading.

"Uh-huh. Nice try, Princess." Rose said, again descending down on the smaller woman. She planted a sloppy kiss which left as much grease as it did lipstick. "But I think you need a bit more. I hear that tummy rumbling!" Enni opened her mouth to respond, but found it stuff with chili cheese fries. Rose has scooped them from the tray and simply plopped them into Enni’s waiting mouth. Some people needed a little nudge in the right direction, and Enni needed a shove down a hill. While for her own good, Rose had long been dying to stuff her roommate. She felt her thighs grow wet as Enni sucked the fries down, licking between the fat, sausage fingers around her mouth. While there was nothing inherently sexual about how the smaller girl ate, Rose couldn't help but pretend. "Eeeaaatt up." Rose rubbed her thighs together with romantic frustration, trying to keep her knees from collapsing. Enni finished with the fries, leaning back in her chair to give her stuffed belly some space.

"Uuuggh. . .I don't know how you all do this." Enni said, trying to wipe away the food smears from her face. Rose caught her hand and guided it back to the food. She needed her roommate to get used to the feeling of food covering her face and body. Enni couldn't just be fat, she needed to be a pig. Dazed from her filling belly, Enni relented easily.

"Come on now, this is just feast number one!" Rose drew her stuffed roommate’s hand over to a slice of pizza that was decked with so many toppings that the cheese could hardly be seen any more. Enni’s eyes widened as the slice came towards her. It was an out of body experience for her. Surely, it was some other girl that was eating like this. She felt woozy, buried under the sleepiness that came with a full stomach and carb overload. Yet, she couldn’t turn away. She chewed through a first bite and a second quickly after. Toppings of all kinds rained down on her shirt, leaving smears and trails of grease. Enni wanted to try and brush it off, but she knew Rose would only quietly guide her back to stuffing her face. Her stomach barreled outwards, even going so far as to lift the gray shirt she was wearing. Enni slumped in her seat, trying to get away from the food. It came onwards still, finding her lips and pushing past. She wasn’t even sure who was doing the feeding. Was it Rose pushing the pizza into her mouth or was it herself? Enni did not get a breather until another whole slice went down her hatch.

“Well, how are you feeling?” Rose asked, leaning in with excitement. She tossed Enni’s uneaten crust to the side, carelessly lumping it with the other piles of trash in the room.

“I. . .hhhurrrrp. . .” Enni’s mouth bloated for a second as she fought not to belch. Her stomach heaved and churned. The room spun again as she fought to control the gasses welling up in her body. “That was. . .BBBBLLLLURRRRUUUUUPPP. . .oh fuck.” The belch finally broke out of her. Rose clapped and bounced with glee, a breast shiny and slick with sweat bouncing off of Enni’s head. The tiny, stuffed college student slumped in her chair, head still spinning. She couldn’t deny that she felt a little hungrier after the belch.

--- Same Friends, New Coat of Grease ---

“Rose, aren’t we going to be late?” Enni said, knocking on Rose’s bedroom door. She tried to ignore the jiggles that rolled through her body. She also did her best to ignore the smell coming from under her arms. It had been a couple weeks worth of living in the new world and subscribing to its backwards ideology, the results were beginning to show en masse. For one, Enni was far rounder than she had been. Her baby potbelly had grown into a very big and very demanding gut. It filled out all of the clothes that she had, even sneaking out and under them. There was a sense of heaviness to Enni that went beyond just eyesight. It might have been the extra creases her chubby arms had picked up towards the elbows or near her armpits. It might have been the slow vanishing of her clavicle, the once obvious feature having become hidden by oncoming fat. She was a waddling optical illusion, seeming far heavier than her 180 pounds. Though, given her short stature, the weight she had put on was nothing to sneeze at.

Enni might have been happy, had those been her only acquired traits. She was still coming to terms with the other peculiarities of living in this slobby dimension. For one, she stank. Enni’s last bath had been the day of her deal with Rose as a conciliatory gesture by the bigger woman. Enni had stepped into the shower, slowly and methodically scrubbing each part of her body. It was done with the same mournful tone that a military funeral was carried out in, a monument to the cleanliness that she had strove for in her former life. Now, however, that cleanliness was becoming a dim memory. No part of her was free from stink. Day after day she was forming an odor that was distinctly her own, the unique musk that only her body’s sweat glands and rolls could produce. Rose had wept from the “beauty” of it, while Enni had wept because of how strong it was getting. While much less noxious than any other woman’s, Enni grimmaced at how she was beginning to tell hers apart from others.

“Rose. . .” Enni knocked, feeling the door shift open. She backed away, waving a hand in front of her face, trying to get rid of the smell leaking out. The apartment room was already reaching landfill status, Rose’s room was what happened when a landfill gets buried underground for decades. Enni could almost see visible fumes leaking out of the room, the semi physical manifestation of the crimes against the olfactory sense happening inside the room. Unable to see much, Enni was forced to step into the room to explore. Tugging on her too-small shirt for comfort, the chubby woman slowly walked in. “We were going to meet the girls for lunch an hour ago. You ready?” She whispered, afraid what horrors might lurk in the darkened pit.

Back home, Rose had always been neat and orderly. Plants, both real and fake, had rested on shelves that her brother had made for her. Those classically girly decorations had been replaced by heaps of moldy clothes and stacks of takeout boxes. Rather than get rid of the clothes that had been savaged by her odorous lifestyle, the busty woman let them rest in the corners of the room. They quickly piled up. Enni tiptoed around a particularly huge pile, seeing shirts with holes eaten in them, Rose’s caustic sweat breaking down even the most durable fabric. With the beam of light coming in from the hallway Enni could see the slimy green coloring of the walls, a stark contrast from the original white and pink. The slob-in-training tried to pick her way forward, searching for Rose’s bed. It was hard to make out anything in the gloom and jungle like humidity. Enni silently prayed for a sign of life. She received a fart.

BBBBLLLLMPPPPTTTHH. The sound, followed by a rush of noxious air, came from the furthest corner of the room. Enni immediately headed that way, her naked feet brushing past cans of soda and discarded bras. She made her way through the graveyard of clothes, afraid that her feet were going to be stained permanently with Rose-stink. Another blast of foul air, this time coming out silently from Rose’s rear, told Enni she was heading the right direction. As she moved, Enni could hear a droning. Like a fan motor on its last legs. She moved toward the thrumming sound. Rose and the bed became more noticeable as she went. Enni’s eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room.

Rose's lumpy body lay on a sagging mattress and was buried under a mountain of pillows and blankets. Enni was pleased to see that, if nothing else, Rose was still desperate about sleep time comfort. It was cute, in spite of the slovenly conditions the blankets were in. Enni crept forward, almost afraid to wake her slumbering roommate. She figured that, like everything else, the rules around entering another person's room more relaxed. All the same, she did not want to accidentally violate any unspoken rules. "Rooose." Enni whispered, too far to turn back. She could see the other woman moving under the blankets a bit. Rose was seemingly starting to stir. The sound was stronger now, a mechanical droning. The chubby tennis player couldn’t place the noise. Her mind conjured up images of a fan to help push Rose’s natural musk further into the room or help control sweat. With shock, Enni realized how wrong she had been as she removed the blanket.

Rose was indeed awake. . .and in the middle of pleasuring herself. One hand held back her large belly fold whilst the other expertly guided a vibrator in and out of her pussy. Rose was naked save for her sweat stained panties. The long, thick dildo swiped in and out of her gushing pussy. The fat woman was in such a state of ecstasy that she did not immediately notice her missing blanket or her stunned roommate. Enni stood in horror at the scene below her, too afraid to move. "Aaaaahhhh!" Rose moaned as she came. Her back arched, crushing the mattress below her. With the heightened awareness that sexual release brought her, Rose finally noticed her roommate. Flopping back onto the mattress, not bothering to adjust her tits. "Ooohhh, Enni, did you want a turn?" She fished beside her, bringing out another, even larger dildo. "I know you could handle it." She winked, turning in the bed.

"Rose! Oh my god!" Enni jumped back, the realizations hitting her all at the same time. She tripped over a pile of garbage. Her pudgy body jiggled as she tripped over herself. To add insult to injury, Enni landed in a week-old cake. Her chunky buttcheeks spread over the spongy bread and frosting. With a decidedly embarrassing splut, cake flew in all directions. Despite wearing shorts, Enni felt the confection sneak its way between her cheeks. "I'm so, so sorry! I had no idea." She scooted away, dragging more cake with her.

"Oooh stop." Rose said. Voice breathy from excess physical activity. "Totally normal for you to want a little girl-to-girl time" the obese woman winked, again trying to hand the vibrator over. "If you want, I could do it for you." She smiled, eyes half lidded. "Just got my own practice in."



"Oh come on. . ." Rose reached over to pinch at Enni’s cheek. Her rolls leaked over from her chair onto Enni’s body. Their piles of fat fought for position for a moment, but Rose's quickly proved superior in all categories. Enni’s simple shirt was soon covered in her best friend's grease. Rose wore only a pathetically small sports bra, allowing all of her gigantic stomach to flop around freely. "I hate when my Pocket Princess is mad at me." Enni pulled away. She shoved her hands in the pockets of her jogger pants, wishing she could get the feeling of frosting out from between her asscheeks. Even with the emergency shower, she still felt the ghost pangs of cream and frosting wedged between her buttocks.

“I’m not mad.” Enni said, still clearly frustrated. She tugged at her shirt, trying to fit it over her stuffed stomach. That had been the trade for the shower. Despite her caked up rear end, Rose had been insistent that she not wash herself. However, Enni had been able to barter her way to the shower with an impromptu stuffing. Rose had slopped her full of half a bucket of chili, filling her to the brim with the thick, meat strewn sludge. Both to distract herself from the embarrassment of earlier and to earn her shower, Enni had thrown herself into the stuffing. She had downed bowl after bowl of the chili, not even caring that Rose’s lackadaisical pouring sent it onto her clothes. Enni retreated into the stuffing, hoping that it would bury her feelings. It worked for a while. But, as the two sat down at the college lunch tables, she found herself drifting back to the incident. At the very least, she was soon distracted again.

“Heeey, look who finally decided to have lunch with us again!” Dina said, huffing and panting as she waddled up to the lunch table. Enni took in Dina’s body and new demeanor. It was strange to see how this world could warp and change the familiar so thoroughly. Dina’s long, silver hair was lank and greasy. Her loose curled slapped about her shoulders. She was still highly dressed and fashionable, but in keeping with this world's standards. She wore pajama pants, which were sorely overtaxed by her massive rear end. Holes had been ripped in the dingy, stained fabric. While Dina had an impressive amount of fat on her upper body and arms, her ass was uncontested for dominance. Her soft pants weren’t even able to cover half of her butt. Intead, the thoroughly sweat drenched fabrics were relegated to hugging the upper portions of her ass and being drawn between her sodden, smelly cheeks. There was a flowing river of odorous sweat that drained between her ass. “Welcome back, Enni.” She smiled, leaning over to give her small friend a hug. At the same time, she pointed her ass in Rose’s direction and let out a caustic fart. BBBLLLMMRRRRTTTT. “Ooops. . .sorry, Rose.” FRRRRMMPPPPTTT. Another gaseous tempest rolled over Rose, strong enough to lift her hair.

“Dina, gross.” Rose complained. She chanced another waft of stink and put hands to Dina’s rear. “Point it the other way!” She coughed and spluttered, aiming several hundred pounds of assmeat towards another table.

“Just my way of saying hello.” Dina winked at Enni. Despite the smell that was overtaking the table, Enni enjoyed the little back and forth. It was nice to see that Rose and Dina’s rivalry still was going strong in this world. Dina continued to fondle Enni, now noticing the changes on the smaller woman. “Oh my! I think someone is getting a little chubby.” She gasped, her exquisitely long and painted nails pinching at the flab she now felt. The searching arms pawed and clutched at the newly formed fat. She took a heavy step back, observing how Enni’s butt now filled the chair she was sitting on.

“I know!” Rose returned to the conversation, always happy to talk about her favorite person. “My little Pocket Princess is starting to outgrow her clothes.” Enni suppressed a shudder as the two women hugged her. Waves of competing stink rolled over her, wanting to mark Enni’s body as their own territory. The musky smells from both ladies drifted down over her. Rose had a very natural sweat and b.o sort of stink. Dina’s was similar, though with expensive perfume weaved in. The fashionable woman was not trying to hide her smell, but rather enhance it. Enni could almost feel the oily, wretched smells trying to seep into her clothing. Yet, she was most bothered by the fact that her own burgeoning odor kept Rose and Dina’s at bay. Rose fought like a pig trying to push its way into a crowded trough, making sure that she had the best position possible. Her sweaty, food riddled breasts soon enveloped Enni’s head. It was a testament to her progress that she did not automatically jump out of her chair. Slowly, the black haired woman was getting used to physical contact. In general, she was getting used to her new, slobby world. However, that did not mean there weren’t curveballs left to be thrown.

“BBBBLLLURRRRUUUUP. . .there. . .uuuuurrrrpp. . .are my. . .bitchessss.” The voice was deep and obviously slurred from fat building up around the neck and cheeks. The speaker sounded tired, as if simply existing was a strain for her. BBBRRRRMMMMMPPPPPTTT. The fart released was as deep and long winded as a fog horn. “How. . .BBBBBLLLRRRUUUUPPP. . . ’bout . . .I get. . .schome schugar.” There was a strained grunt and another massive blast of ass-gas shook the table. Enni had never heard gaseous expulsions with such force and depth to them. Each belch or fart shook her little potbelly. Rose and Dina slowly stood up, almost standing at attention as the new woman approached their table. At first, Enni imagined it must be some new person. A slobby friend that existed in this world, but not her original one. Then her mind caught up; she realized that there was one friend not accounted for yet. Maki was now making her grand appearance.

Enni could not believe what she saw. Dina and Rose were close to their original personalities, simply doused in nastiness and personal corruption. Maki, however, was simply another person. She rumbled forward, her body hoisted upon a rolling bed. Underneath her sagging folds were filthy, stained sheets depicting lewd acts from her various anime girls. The poor mattress she rested on had become lumpy and misshapen, almost mutated from constantly soaking up her sweat, grease, and sex fluids. The woman on top of the sheets was hardly any better. Thick fingers strained to maneuver the console of her mobility contraption. Maki’s neck had been consumed by a singular roll of fat, upon which her softball sized cheeks rested. She had breasts that were bigger than Rose’s, engorged watermelons that had been overfed to the point of misshapenness. Likewise, her stomach sagged forward as a singular mass of fat and filth. Maki could fit at least three of Enni within her stomach, even with her new chub. Below all, at the lowest level where the stink and corruption pooled, spread Maki’s ass. Sweat and grime flowed in and out of her dimples, deep enough that a person could eat cereal out of them. A canyon-like asscrack devoured the sodden gray panties she wore. It boggled the mind how any fabric could be stretched over such a tanker, but it was possible all the same. Maki wore a matching sports bra, but only part of a breast was held in it.

“Sccchuup. . .BBBWWWUUURRRUUPP. . . schluts.” Maki spat the words through lips thick with fat. She cast an indulgent look towards Enni, her eyes instantly sizing the smaller woman up. Enni had never felt dressed down before, it was even harder to believe that she was getting eye-fucked by Maki of all people. The tiny, chubby slob in training stayed silent, afraid of speaking to someone who was obviously royalty in this world. Even if she had wanted to, Enni’s eyes were too busy watering and her mouth was too clogged with Maki’s stench to speak. Her odor fell over the table like a blanket, the room becoming smoggier and the air more viscous. “My. . .puscchy. . .BBBLLRRUUUP. . .could. . .uuuhhff. . .usche schome. . .attention.” She smiled, slapping her heavy, flab-bag of a gut with an arm thicker than Enni’s leg.

Giggling and squealing, Rose and Dina made their way over to the mass of fat. Dina tried to bump Rose out of the way with her ass, whilst Rose attempted to shove her armpit in Dina’s face. There was plenty of Maki to go around, though. Soon sounds of slurping, licking, and sucking could be heard as Rose and Dina investigated the immobile woman’s rolls orally. Maki looked deeply pleased with herself, the queen hog of the group. Enni stared, her mouth open. It was hard to believe what was happening in front of her. An open and obvious orgy, she gaped as Rose and Dina worked to heave up Maki’s sweaty stomach. A sense similar to what she had felt upon discovering Rose that morning crept over her. She didn’t remember running away from the table, instead seeming just to regain consciousness halfway through a meal at a different restaurant.

--- An Attempt at Understanding ---

“Enni, honey, please talk to me.” Rose said, pressing her sweaty face up to the door. She was extra sweat soaked today, having turned up the heat in the apartment as high as it would go. It had been days since Enni had retreated into her room and Rose had decided to take a firmer hand in getting her friend out. At first she thought that simply trying to coax Enni out with food might work. She had left plates and platters outside the door with little, handwritten notes. She would waddle away, trying to ignore the smells of the food, and pray that it would be enough to break through the wall that Enni had put up. Unfortunately, Rose would always return to find the food eaten and the notes unread. She at least took solace in the fact that her charge was eating. The plates were totally clean, with hardly a speck or crumb left on them. While Rose could enjoy the fact that Enni had not totally stopped her development, she could not bear the lack of connection and damaged friendship. Enni had never turned her back on Rose so thoroughly. “Why don’t we just talk about it.” she said again, playing with her t-shirt.

“Go away.” Enni said from within the dark room. She lay on her bed, chubby hands pressed to her face. Days spent in her room had only seen her bloat up and out of control faster. Her self-imposed quarantine had meant that she expended no calories other than waddling to and from the door to grab the food that was handed to her. Further, she was bereft of any implements to bathe with. While Rose had been weaning her off of bathing, she had been allowed comfort baths here and there. Now, however, Enni had been forced to turn her room into the swampy, disgusting cave that befitted a woman of this world. She turned over in her bed, her gut falling into place as she rolled from her side onto her back. Even with drastic decrease in movement, Enni could tell she was decidedly fatter than she had been. Drenched in sweat, food stains, and other sundry refuse, Enni's body was bigger than ever.

“Enni! I’m not leaving until you come out here and talk to me!” Rose stomped a heavy foot, shaking beads of sweat off. “You can be a stupid cow all you want, but I’m not going anywhere.” She banged on the door, her temper having finally worn through.

Enni grunted, her own temper flaring. Her own feelings had been building since her exile into her room. Sadness, aggression, and fear had gone untreated. The emotional wound had festered, finally erupting out of the surface. She rocked herself back and forth, forcing herself up and out of the bed. The mattress sagged and swayed beneath her. Her stomach slapped against her thighs, almost fanning the wafting fumes of her body outward. The hills of trash were kicked by the irate woman as she made her way to the door. Despite the darkness, Enni had little trouble grasping the handle and throwing the door open. Rose was greeted by Enni’s sweat drenched face, greasy hair, and red rimmed eyes. She had been crying recently.

“I’m so sick of this!” Enni said, bumping her belly into the lowest fold of Rose’s own gargantuan stomach. Only, it did not look so much bigger than Enni’s anymore. Hidden away from several days, Rose now realized just how much weight her friend had put on. The athletic shorts that Enni wore were buried under so much stomach fat that they were hidden from view. While Rose could not see the other woman’s swampy, sweaty ass, she could only imagine how far the shorts had been sucked between the thick buttocks crease. Enni wore no shirt, having tossed it aside as the temperature in the house had risen. Bare breasted, she now squared up with her roommate. Rolls bounced and slid over each other as the two women breathed heavily. Rose, once the matriarch elephant between the two, now realized just how close Enni was in size to her. She might have been proud, if she hadn’t been so angry.

“Sick of what?” Rose shoved back, able to use her fat better. “How am I supposed to help when you won’t talk to me?” Deep pain struck Rose’s voice, making it crack a little. Her gut rested on top of Enni’s for a moment, but slid off trailing grease and slime.

“Help me with what? Become some. . .some. . .slut!” Enni screamed the insult. “First I have to be a total pig and now I have to whore myself out!” Overcome with anger she stamped her foot three times in a row. The apartment shook at the force of Enni’s stomps, some crashing could be heard in a distant room.

“No one made you do anything! You can be as judgemental as you want, but that doesn’t mean I’m not going to have fun with OUR friends.” Rose poked a thick finger right between Enni’s breasts, her hand coming away stained with food. “Just because you want to be mean and nasty. . .”

“And fingering our ‘friend’ out in the open, at lunch isn’t gross?”

“No! It’s actually really fun and really beautiful! Maybe, if you stopped being a hateful shrew, you could have some for a change!” Rose crossed her arms under her gigantic breasts, twisting her head so that her ponytail whipped around and sent sprinkles of sweat over her roommate.

Enni started but the words caught in her throat. Her mind was snapping at her, one part begging for more insults but the other clamoring for understanding. She looked up at her friend. The two were still standing belly to belly, each smearing the other with their grease. “I. . .you. . .” She stammered, still trying to get her bearings. This wasn’t like her, none of this was. The constant eating, the lack of bathing, the anger and hostility. It all swirled around in her mind, clawing at her brain. She just wanted silence. Anything to get the venomous parts of her brain out of her mind. “I can’t do that stuff. It must be so easy for you all. . .but I can’t!” She backed away from Rose, strength leaving her body as she spoke. “I’ve never been intimate with anyone, not even myself.” She whimpered the last sentence, slowly sliding to the floor. Enni was so weakened by the admission that she didn’t mind sitting on a pile of fast food bags and snack cake wrappers. She simply spread her thunder thighs and let her stomach flop between them.

Rose was taken aback. While she knew that Enni was reserved, she never expected to hear that she was still a virgin. An untouched maiden, decorated in piles of fat and stink. She truly was a princess, just one that had been rolled through the proverbial pigsty a time or two. “Enni.” Rose said softly, lurching over to sit next to her softly sobbing friend. Ripples and undulations spread through Enni’s fat as rose took a heavy seat. She leaned onto her friend, a gigantic breast flopping over top of hers. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea that you were still. . .I just assumed that you had at least done something.” Rose said nothing else, simply letting her obese body lean on Enni’s. Their separate stinks slowly melded together, less a competition and more of a duet.

“No.” Enni sighed, tears decorating her eyelashes. “The closest I’ve ever come was you teasing me.”

Rose blushed, now seeing her playfulness in a new light. “Closest how?”

“To. . .uh. . .enjoying intimacy.” Enni wiped at her eyes.

“Does that mean you liked them?” She asked, not sure what answer she was more afraid of. She had always teased and fondled Enni in a sisterly way.

“Well. . .” Enni started. “I didn’t hate them.” She managed to say. She looked down at her flabby, exposed body. Her neck disappeared under an advance of chin fat. All the nicknames and little groping sessions came rushing back to the two of them. “It was nice feeling you. You’ve always been so. . .soft.” Enni said, her memories of the old world and the new merging into a strange but cohesive whole. Rose, she realized, had changed so little between the gulfs of worlds and dimensions. She had always been someone that had cared for her friend, sought to better them, and, if Enni was being totally honest with herself, was quite attractive. Men and women both would kill for such a busty woman to coddle them. Not for the first time, Enni wished her personality would allow for such honesty.

“I never knew you felt that way.” the taller woman said quietly. She felt a blush deepen on her face. Her stomach knotted and twisted as her feelings shifted within her. It must have been devastating for Enni to sit there, watching her fawn and slobber over Maki. “I’m sorry that I never caught on.”

“I probably should have said something. . .” Enni sighed.

“Well, you can say it now.” Rose chanced further physical contact. She lifted Enni’s hefty chin up, bringing them eye to eye once more. “Just say what’s on your mind.”

Enni, afraid that she couldn’t accurately deliver her feelings through words, leaned forward and pecked at Rose’s cheek. Energy seemed to flow through that small gesture, pouring into Rose like water through a firehose. Rose had gotten a lot of kisses over the years, most sloppier and wetter than that, but she hadn’t enjoyed them half as much. “I see.” Rose said, leaning over to kiss Enni.

--- Learning Experience ---

“Rose, are you sure?”

“Sssshh, don’t talk so much.” Rose said as she guided her hands between Enni’s slick thighs. The soft pillars of blubber were doused with perpetual sweat and grease, yet that was not all that was coating Enni’s upper thighs. Her pussy gushed at even the hint of Rose touching her. She had gone her entire life without any sexual contact and certainly no orgasmic release. Now, however, things were going to change. When Rose rubbed Enni’s thigh, she found her roommate’s chubby hand waiting for her. Rose grasped it, ready to show her girlfriend how to enjoy herself.

The budding couple had built up to this slowly. In the days and weeks after Enni’s tearful confession the two had slowly been building up their romantic tension. Little kisses and pecks soon turned into full kisses which morphed into makeout sessions that stretched on for hours. Enni was still shy and awkward, often pulling away, but Rose always guided her back in. The taller woman was as good a romantic guide as she was for sloth and gluttony. She would identify a limit within her rotund girlfriend and then inch her past it. Usually with the promise of food rewards. “Just relax. You are always so tense. This is just about us having fun.” She kissed Enni’s cheek, taking a second to lick away some chocolate sauce.

“Rose, I don’t know what to. . .” Enni said, trying to force her body up and off the couch. As was customary with Enni, her timid nature told her to flee. Her weight kept her pinned though. Blossoming in size as well as in sexual prowess, Enni had finally surpassed Rose in weight. At nearly 400 pounds, she was finally turning into the muck-bucket that her roommate turned girlfriend knew was possible. Stuffing herself seemed easy when compared to tackling the monumental sexual repression she had built up. Often, Enni was rewarded after success or comforted upon failure by a feast bought by Rose. No matter what she would throw herself into the feast, eating as much as she could. The results had been tremendous.

Enni was beyond full figured. Breasts almost as big as Rose’s now flopped and swang from her chest. Each movement, no matter how big or small, was greeted with a chorus of slaps and jiggles. Even now, Rose was struggling against the weight of her stomach, which slid down past the halfway point of her thighs. Enni leaned back, giving up on the fight against gravity. It was so much easier to give in. Give into hunger, give into laziness, and, most recently, give into sexual desires. “Come on, just lean back.” Rose cooed as Enni’s body fell back into place. Their bodies were well lubricated by sweat and grease, almost to the point where it felt like they were weightless. They showered themselves in offal and now mingled their unique disgusting traits with each other. Enni was almost as turned on by the feeling of her slob-lathered buttcheeks sliding on Rose’s thighs as she was by the hand that was snaking its way deeper towards her vagina. “Let me know you.” Rose said, her tone almost solemn. The pair knew they were reaching the kind of climax that only came once in a lifetime.

Rose took Enni’s hand again and lowered it between her thighs. Enni bit her lip, nervous to feel her own body in such a way. She had never pleasured herself and had hardly ever been tempted to. She might have pined away for Rose, but in an innocent way. Now, however, she was learning what it meant to be a woman with desires. Rose eased up, allowing Enni to penetrate herself. The obese woman squirmed, giggling nervously. “That’s good.” Rose said. “Now just find your spot.” She offered the advice lovingly, her voice husky. Enni did as she was told, the strokes and thrums coming naturally to her. She glided in and out, pressure and heat building in her chest. It felt good, too good almost. Enni felt like a thief, robbing herself of some element. She squirmed under her own pleasure.

“Rose!” Enni whispered in the darkness. “I can’t!” She gasped, continuing to finger her damp womanhood. She tried to roll away, but Rose kept her in place.

“Let me then.” Rose rolled her eyes good naturedly. She should have guessed that Enni would try to run. It was her strategy for everything. At the very least, she was getting too fat to move quickly now. Rose settled Enni down, intent on teaching her to masturbate properly; like a real woman should. If nothing else, this would be the building block that all other degeneracy could spring from. Resuming command, Rose eased her hands between Enni’s aching pussy.

“Ah, gentle!” Enni gasped as the slick fingers penetrated her. For a moment Rose hesitated, but quickly resumed her joyous duty. Enni squirmed as she felt her lover's hand work faster, finding just the right angle. They seemed to mesh into one flesh, with Rose reading the wordless signals of her girlfriend’s body. Whenever one of her thrusts would find the right spot, the fatter woman would try to buck and arch her back; the weight of her fat quickly brought her back down again. Rose worked faster and faster, her fingers plunging in and out of Enni’s decidedly small and tight pussy. Unable to control herself, the black haired woman rocked back and forth upon the altar of Rose’s body. A heat burned within her, her body going wild with perspiration. The room was filled with sighs and moans, Enni slowly losing her position in space and time. She had never felt anything so wonderful. The press of fat upon fat, Rose’s knowledgeable yet caring hands, the erratic beat of her heart. She felt loose in a way that she never had before. She never wanted this to end. Gripping the couch, Enni felt her body constrict under a renewed wave of pleasure.

“Just relax . . .just let go.” Rose said, her own fantasies filling her mind. She saw an Enni unbound, free to fuck, fatten, and fart as much as her mind desired. Each thrust of her fingers into her friend’s pussy brought her closer and closer to that vision. Rose had devoted all her time recently to uplifting her friend and she held no regrets. Enni was special. She would gladly spend the rest of her life finding ways to push her sloppy, stinky dumpling along. This was just a stepping stone to grander things. Her fingers coursed through Enni, who was gushing appropriately. The two women breathed hard, taking in the sweltering heat and oppressive stink of the room. Beauty swum with utter degradation, the two concepts mixing within both the apartment and the two women. Piles of trash covered the entirety of the apartment, all seemingly leading to Enni’s room. They were boxes, bags, bowls, and plates of food that Rose had brought to her friend. She had brought gluttonous pleasure first and now brought sensual pleasure. She would awaken every desire within her friend, plumbing the depths of her psyche to draw out every repressed desire.

“Rose. . .I. . .oooh. . .Rose!” Enni gasped, flailing her fat arms as the intensity of her orgasm deepend. One hand grasped Rose’s thigh while the other clutched the hand that was finger fucking her. To her own surprise, Enni helped guide Rose. her eyes closed in immaculate pleasure, Enni showed her lover just where to pleasure her wet pussy. The two finished together, with Enni holding onto Rose for dear life. In the afterglow, the obese woman slumped onto her thinner lover, utterly exhausted from the experience. Rose wrapped her arms around Enni. Each took deep, haggard breaths, simply content to marinate in each other’s stink. Enni couldn’t tell if a part of her was dying or was being born, but enjoyed the feeling nonetheless. She nestled further into Rose, wishing her body could relax further. She felt both weightless and heavier than ever, unable to move if she tried. It was a nice, calming sensation. Sucking in air, Enni puffed her stomach up and then exhaled. All the residual tension she had been carrying flooded out of her body.


The fart burst out of Enni’s asscheeks. Rose started at the feeling of jiggling asscheeks and a thick, warm wind rushing past her thighs. Enni simply smiled, unable to even voice her thoughts. It was a day of firsts for the woman. She allowed herself to get comfortable once more. BBBBLLLMMMPPPTTT. Another blast of gas flew from her butt. Rose, proud of what she was hearing and feeling, simply held her lover tightly. She recognized what the gaseous expulsions were, a gassy trumpet to usher in a new era for the former tennis player.

--- Comfy In Class ---

“Really. . .BBBLLURRRRUUUP. . .Rose. . .mmgghph. . .whatsch the point of classch?” Enni asked as she lumbered down the hallways of the college. Her body heaved from side to side, fat sloshing out of the pitifully small clothing she wore. Out from underneath a decidedly short crop-top hoodie bounced and sagged her enormous gut. She wore a very overtaxed pair of athletic shorts, ones that had a gigantic hole in the back from which her panties were obviously visible. Her stomach was immensely round and remained so even in the rare moments that she wasn’t stuffed to her utter max. Enni’s belly had a high and taut peak, but sloped down into a soft and jiggly morass. Its size and shape could be compared to some pregnancy bellies. Enni often joked about the quintuplet food-babies she was carrying around. “Wha. . .mmmh. . .mmmggh. . .jusssch schtayed home. . .UUURRRP. . .and cuddled?” She ventured the suggestion between savage bites into her burrito.

The double-meat and triple-queso monstrosity had to be wrapped three times in order to contain the mess of meat and cheese. Yet, Enni worked through it easily. She took large bites, forcing her round face down upon her most recent snack. Despite the wide bites she took, Enni could almost unhinge her jaw, not all the food ended up in her mouth. Splotches of bright red sauce decorated her sweater and gut, with the smears trailing artfully down the canvas of fat. As her pendulous gut swung back and forth, the droplets of left over food vacated her belly-hang. Enni left a trail of food sludge behind her, not concerned in the slightest that she was desecrating a hall of learning with her very presence. She tongued the burrito, rubbing her face in it like she was making love to its wet and warm contents. Sucking and slurping filled the hall to such a degree that even Rose looked astonished for a second or two. Enni came up for air finally, her face painted with the oranges of the seasoned meat and the whites of the queso. More droplets rained down upon her shirt.

“I. . .BBBLLRRRUUUP. . .don’t wanna work.” Enni pouted, again reinforcing her point about staying home. “Kind of. . .surprising . . .you do.” She said, stopping for a moment to catch her breath. Without relinquishing her hold on the burrito, Enni doubled over. Her large ass spread wide, bathing the hallway in renewed stink. Enni’s smell was truly becoming legendary. Far from the adorable little odor she had in the beginning, the nearly 500 pound woman now emanated a stench that could wake the dead. Combined with her increasing perspiration, Enni looked like she had a green tinted haze floating around her at all times. This only worsened when she decided to air out her underbelly or armpits. Seasoned women far fatter than Enni had been forced to pinch their noses at her odor. “Coooome on, Rose.” Enni, still doubled over, returned to feasting on her burrito, which had begun to leak its contents through the tortillas and onto her sausage fingers.

“It’s a tempting offer.” Rose rolled her eyes and waddled over to her friend. She wanted nothing more than to hole up with Enni and destroy box after box of snacks and try out the various vibrators she ordered for the two of them, but this was another boundary pushing exercise. “Just a little bit of time in class, then we can go. You’ll like the class, I think.” She playfully patted Enni’s asscheeks. Enni had never given up her love of black “athletic” style shorts. While once they had been a testament to her fitness and desires, now they were almost an ironic statement. Rose playfully grasped the large, swampy cheeks presented to her. Enni was reaching a point where she was in contention for being as wide as she was tall. Her lack of height had allowed her to expand rapidly outward. She now possessed hips that could dominate several chairs put together or a small couch. Rose had been forced to make plans to upgrade their furniture. She had never planned on Enni getting this far, now needing furniture to support the weight of two particularly frisky, blobby women. “Come on. Let’s go.” She nudged Enni with her hip, playing with her unwashed hair.

“Uuuugh.” Enni complained. She glanced around, checking to see if anyone was in the hallway. Seeing that it was empty, she decided to be a little cheeky. Frrrrmmmmpppttt! She pushed the fart out to underscore her disappointment at being made to go anywhere. Partially, she also hoped that Rose might become turned on enough by the gesture that she allowed them to go home. While still getting used to them, Enni had become more comfortable letting all of her gasses out. She disliked doing it in public, but was more than happy to let rip around just Rose.

In true fashion, Rose melted at the gesture. “Ooooh, someone’s tummy is working overtime today!” She gushed, bending down to massage and stroke the shorter woman’s immense stomach like a farmer might pet the belly of a prized hog. Rose’s tits flopped onto Enni’s round back, her own oily skin secretions sluicing down her cleavage canyon and onto her girlfriend. Enni farted again, her entire body rumbling with the force. It was bad enough that Rose had to cough, splutter, and wave a hand in front of her petite nose. “Oh my gosh.” The two girls laughed, Enni almost falling over due to the fun she was having.

When she regained her composure, Rose swung a hip into Enni’s flank. BBBBRRRMMMPPPTT! Her own deep fart echoed out as she made contact. “Come on, princess, let’s go.” Rose sighed, feeling much lighter that she could now trade gas with Enni. She could bask in the changes that were taking place in both Enni’s personality and body. Free from many of the mental hangups and shackles that had held her in place, the former tennis player was free to explore herself and join in with society. She might not have been completely comfortable with all of the customs on display, but much of the self-imposed stress had been taken off of her.

“Fiiiiine, but you haaaf to. . .MMMGGPH. . .UUURRRPP. . .make it. . .worth my. . .mmmemmpgh. . .while later.” Enni said, returning to waddling and eating her sloppy lunch.

“Oh, it will happen sooner than that.” Rose said mysteriously. Enni would have questioned her, but was too distracted by the taller woman leaning over and licking at her cheeks. Rose eagerly lapped up the food stains, not minding the taste of Enni’s rancid sweat. With a fat finger, Enni pointed to some other choice neck rolls that she wanted Rose to clean. The two girls slowly made their way to the classroom, their pace ruined by constant stops to kiss and suckle at each other.


“All. . .uugh. . .right.” Professor Sharish said as she fanned her face. Lazily the Indian woman tried to bring the class to order. The lecture room was filled with the sounds of eating, belching, farting, talking, and even sensual moaning. Arriving later than even the other fat women, Enni and Rose had taken seats in the back row of benches. Enni was amazed, firstly, at how many huge women could be packed into a small space and, secondly, at how the benches could support their weight. Far from the smallest woman in the room, Enni was proud to see that she was above average in weight. Whatever she lacked in her ability to push gas out in public, she made up for in raw tonnage. Most women seemed to be about Rose’s size, plus or minus 300 pounds. Their instructor, Prishka Sarish, was the biggest woman in the room by far. The tanned woman was immobile and bound to the same sort of rolling bed that Maki was. Enni could also see the formerly tiny woman in the front row, being teased by two smaller women. “OOOORRRRUUUUUPPP. . .now girlllssscchhh.” Professor Sarish spoke slowly, as if the act of flapping her puffy lips was too much energy. “I don’t. . .want to. . .BBBLLUURRRP. . .give out. . .demerits.”

FFFFFRRRRRRRMMMMMPPPPPPPHHHHTTTTT! Class was finally brought to order by the professor leaning her mass slowly to one side and allowing a truly window shattering fart to be unleashed. The room reverberated with the expulsion of heated and stink infused air. One woman passed out and several had to get up and retreat outside the room to clear their nasal passages. Rose took Enni’s hand, proud that her student had been able to withstand the onslaught of gas. The two leaned into each other, fat faces nuzzling as they watched their professor slowly right herself. The Indian woman moved so slowly, so deliberately. It was like she was putting on a stage play for the entire class. There was a grandeur to her movements, the kind of gravitas that came from a lifetime immersed in slob, human sexuality, and scholarship. Enni was in awe of the professor. A hand reached down between her thighs, aching to pleasure herself. She started to dip her hand into her shorts, pulling back her utterly stained panties but stopped short. She was afraid of what others might say.

“It’s ok.” Rose said. “You should have seen us on the first day of class.” She pushed Enni’s hand deeper. Enni bit her lip, desperate to please herself to the image of the goddess before her. She might have resisted, had Professor Sarish not filled the room with another dense cloud of gas. Enni couldn’t help herself, needing to burn the memory into her mind via sexual conduits. Her hands stroked her damp pussy, eager to find her sweet spot. “Good girl. Helps you focus too.” Rose licked the back of Enni’s ear. “I’ve never missed a lecture.” To the masturbating woman, her voice seemed far away. She had eyes only for her professor. Enni watched as she righted herself in the bed, sweat pouring down her face. Prishka had put on makeup that day, but had clearly sweated through most of it. Eyeliner, mascara, blush, and other products all now drained down her face; carried by torrents of perspiration. Enni could only imagine the time it had taken to paint all of it on, though now it was thoroughly marred. She wondered if Rose would do her makeup. Enni’s fingers worked faster, her thoughts swimming.

“Todaysccch classch. . . “ The professor spoke again, realizing that she was capturing the attention of the room. The deep foghorn blasts from her ass never failed to do the job. “. . .willl be a. . .OOORRRRUUUP. . .continuation on. . .self-stimulation.” Enni hung on every word, entranced by the behemoth of sloth and gluttony that she saw before her. Prishka’s words were slow and clotted, pungent with desire and lust. She had heard droning lectures before, but none that were so intimately interesting. “Reasscch deep. . .and. . .URRRRPP. . .enjoy. . .yourselvesch.” Prishka smiled deeply as she watched the girls within the classroom begin to move. Slowly, the horridly smelly congregation began to move. Zippers were unzipped, buttons flung off, skirts lifted up all so that the ladies could reach the treasures buried between their thigh fat. Ahead of the curve for once in her life, Enni simply continued massaging her dripping pussy. Her pace was erratic, switching between furious speed and exhausted strokes. Enni was torn between making the moment last forever and trying to finish as quickly as she could. Her wrist, the joints now completely hidden under a single roll, fought against her gut. Enni’s stomach did not like being displaced. Despite the sensual task at which her hand was applied, Enni’s gut did not like being jostled.

The mushy orb of fat dangled to either side of the hand which stroked a very wet and sensitive pussy, creating a large U-bend. Sweat ran down Enni’s face, matting her hair to her head. The temperature of the room was quickly rising with so many obese women all struggling to pleasure themselves. A constant slap, slap, slap issued from Enni’s gut, as her hand smacked against her gut. Enni felt many things welling up inside her. Fear that she was exposing herself like this, Excitement at finally being able to enjoy herself, and a bubbling sensation with her stomach. “Oh. . .huuuhh. . .fffuuuucck.” She mouthed, looking down at her shaking stomach. An island of pale white quicksand shook back and forth. Though, with each stroke, she could feel it growing more and more taut. The burrito she had so thoroughly enjoyed was coming back to her. Visibly inflating, Enni’s soft gut expanded with the processing gas in her stomach. Her stomach, upset at being so jostled and jiggled, was going to have it say. Enni was too much a slave to her own lust to stop. Crazed thoughts came to her mind, pictures of Rose, herself, and Professor Sarish together. She could hardly sift through the imaginary visions, they all swirled together in a mad haze. Enni welcomed her stomach getting tighter, welcomed the buildup of gas. She was holding back the worlds biggest orgasm, why not a fart as well.

“Looks like someone is getting a little tight.” Rose whispered. She was so entranced with Enni’s body and display of sexual vulgarity that she had stopped her own masturbatory activities. “Someone just keeps getting bigger and bigger.” Her fingers drummed on Enni’s taut stomach, a thrruuum spreading through it. Enni said nothing, too excited to even notice Rose. She gasped and fluttered, not sure what to do with herself. The tightness in her gut was deliciously unbearable. She wanted to stand up, place her gut on the table, and try to continue pleasuring herself from there. Yet, she knew that the slightest distraction might spoil the moment. She was quickly approaching a climax, one that she couldn’t even comprehend the magnitude of. A flood of emotions, lust, pussy juice, and gas was building up within her. Her hand, so delicate in how it stroked her sex, was the engine behind it all. Enni began to gasp and moan, unable to form coherent thoughts.

“I. . .uuuggh. . .ooohh. . .Roossse. . .Pruf-Professor.” Enni moaned. “HaaaaAAAAHHH. . .” FFFRRRRMMMPPPTTTT! The dam finally broke, releasing everything that had been inside of Enni. She climaxed, arching her back in her seat. Her ass quivered and slapped as a long and deep fart burst out of her. Her stomach shrank as pent up gasses were released. BBRRRRMMMPPPTTHH. Enni, now free from all the stress put on her, slumped in her seat. A dazed, sleepy look crawled over her face. Despite her stupor, she was hyper aware of the world around her. She could feel the mist clouds of sweat, stink, and flatulence swirling around her. She could sense the other women that turned and stared at her, blown away by the power of her orgasm. Sweat, rancid and funky, dripping from her armpits. She leaned on her girlfriend, nuzzling up to someone who, until comparatively recently, had outweighed and out slobbed her.  “Fuck, Rose, I’m so gross.” Enni wheezed, trying to catch her breath. “I’m such a. . .a. . .”

“Pig.” Professor Prishka Sarish finished Enni’s sentence. The immobile woman had wheeled herself up to the back of the classroom. She had noticed Enni’s orgasm, same as the rest of the classroom had. It was not often that a student drew her out of her own demonstrative orgasms. She had not seen this student before and was quite curious. She was large, fatter than a good many of the students. She had a pleasingly foul aroma circling her. Fast food, body odor, and a bit of athletic department store. By her very odor, Prishka could tell that the smaller woman was a corrupted, fallen athlete. She wished to test the girl more. “I’ve not. . . .uuugggghh . . .” BBBRRRMMMPPFFFRRRRRTT! Prishka forced a fart out, the cloud plowing outwards in all directions. “. . .had the pleaschure.” She wheezed, putting a heavy hand forward. Her fingers and hands were so fat that they could hardly be lifted under her own power.

Rather than take the hand, Enni leaned to the side. She was delirious from sexual exhilaration and lightheaded from the lack of clean oxygen. Fffffrrrrrmmmppptttthhh. Her return fart was weakened, her strength still spent from earlier. However, it was enough. Prishka laughed, dropping her fat hand onto her enormous belly (almost as fat as Enni was in her entirety). “Very cute.” The enormous professor burbled. “Why don’t. . . you come to. . . my office . . .later.” Prishka wheezed the words out, her accent making them even more luxurious. “After you have. . . relaxed a bit.” As a final invitation, she leaned back and farted with such strength that Enni’s hair was blown back.

Enni, still dazed, blew a little kiss. Her hand already dipping back down between her thighs.


“Are you sure that you are ok with this?” Enni asked, an old sense of nervousness returning to her. She stood outside of the door of Professor Sarish’s office with Rose right behind her. Even without the nameplate on the door, it was easy to tell that it belonged to Prishka. Her distinctive smell permeated past the door, flooding out into the hallway. Incense and an expensive perfume mixed with extreme body odor. To further prove who owned the room, boisterous farts would echo outwards from time to time. The greasy wind would rattle the door, flowing from the widening gaps. Not for the first time, Enni marveled at her own personal development. She not only didn’t mind the disgusting winds, she even heartily enjoyed them. There was something arousing about the freedom on display. She clutched her own tummy, wondering if it would ever produce flatulence as magnificent as her professor. “I don’t want to do this if. . .”

“Oooohhh, look who's nervous!” Rose gushed, immediately wrapping her arms around what she could reach of Enni. “My itsy-bitsy girlfriend doesn’t want me getting jealous.” Rose planted sloppy kisses on Enni’s back and shoulders. Distinctive lipstick prints marked where the large breasted bimbo’s lips passed. She wound from one ear to another, taking a scenic route along Enni’s neckroll. “You don’t have to worry about a thing, Princess. I’m gonna sit right outside this door a listen to you fuck her.” Rose stopped whispering just long enough to drag her tongue along Enni’s ear. “Then we’re going to fuck in this hallway.” Enni gasped as Rose clapped a fat hand to her gigantic asscheek. Her painted fingernails dug deep into the dimply, sweat moistened folds. Rose pushed Enni forward with that hand, erotically shoving her through the door and into Prishka’s darkened office.

Enni waddled forward in the heated darkness. She could see little besides the light of glimmering candles. Trails of aphrodisiac incense flowed and curled around Enni, dragging her forward. She took heavy steps, seeming to slip into a dreamy sleepiness. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. It was a wonder that the room could be called an office, it seemed more like a temple. Desks piled high with books on human sexuality were bordered by goliath mobility machines, the only things capable of moving the behemoth professor. There were, of course, the requisite piles of trash and food; few places in this world did not have them. Enni breathed the funk and fumes deeply into her lungs, the airborn spices already doing their job. Her pussy tingled, growing wet with nothing other than the feeling of sex in the air. BRRRRRRRRMMMMMPPPPTTT! Prishka’s ass exploded in the far darkness of the room, sending a decidedly strong cloud of gas wafting over Enni. She was bathed again in the smell of Prishka, taking it into her lungs. It permeated her skin. Enni’s own stink mixed with that of her professors, a foreshadowing of what was to come. When the noxious cloud passed, Enni finally began to see her teacher.

“Ooooohhh. . .so good to. . .UUURRRRPP. . .scheee you.” Prishka wheezed. She was in an ornate bed. Medical lifters hoisted her belly up in the air, revealing her throbbing womanhood. A large, automatic sex machine was thrusting a vibrating dildo in and out of her pussy. The tanned, indian blob writhed as she was pleasured by the machine. Enni was taken aback by how tight and shapely the sexologist’s pussy was. There was at least one part of Prishka that was still taut. FRRRRMMMMPPPTTT! A deeper sound of flatulence echoed out, making both Enni and the masturbation machine shudder. Prishka laughed, a deep and husky sound. Enni continued forward, eagerly noting that her soon-to-be lover’s breasts fled to either side, acting as body-sized pillows to hold her hammy arms up. Enni reached the big woman’s side, hardly able to contain her burgeoning excitement. The incense was deeply in her system now, twisting all of her thoughts towards sexually pleasing and savaging the immobile woman in front of her. She would learn what it was to be the upper echelon of woman in this world tonight, memorizing it to know what the future held for her.

Enni wasted no time. She leaned down and kissed Prishka on the mouth. Prishka was so fat that her cheeks pushed her lips into a permanent pout. She was so fat that her bottom lip had even plumped up to the point of giving her a luxurious look and prominent lisp. Enni was swimming in facial folds brimming with fat and sweat. Enni kissed hard and actively, searching out Prishka’s lips and tongue with her own. Prishka, meanwhile, kissed back languidly. The professorial behemoth did nothing quickly, her life now was an exercise in protracted marathons of indulgence and sexuality. If Enni wanted Prishka’s attention, she would have to earn it.

Looking to further stimulate Prishka, Enni leaned a hand down and grasped the morbidly obese woman’s tit. It was as thick and fat as Enni’s gut, a beautiful expression of what womanhood could be in this world. Enni rocked back and forth as she worked, massaging both Prishka’s lips and her breast at the same time. Prishka made a small movement, fingering one of Enni’s sloppy rolls with a finger that could hardly move. Enni’s 500 pounds of unwashed fat was coaxed forward by the simple movement. Through the sex crazed delirium she was able to think a bit. This was her time. She realized that this was an audition. Nothing was off limits to the big woman, so long as it was sexy. Enni could do as she pleased, so long as it made Prishka cum. Armed with this knowledge, the former tennis player worked to up her ante as best she could. She sucked and slurped at Prishka’s mouth, biting her fat lips and twisting her tongue in knots. She hiked her belly up and over Prishka’s hand, bringing her aching pussy close to the blob’s fat fingers. FRRRRRRRRRTTTTTT. Enni farted, wanting to mix her own gagging smell with Prishka’s.

Enni gasped as she felt Prishka’s fingers tickle her throbbing, aching pussy. It was beyond description or comparison. She wasn’t aware someone could bring such pleasure with a simple movement. Prishka moved again and Enni was so overcome by sensual aches that she had to back away from the big woman. “Cooome on. . .BBBBLLLURRRRAAAPP. . .let teasher. . . show you schomethings.” The mound of raw sexual energy wheezed, licking her lips. To steady herself, Enni released another fart; if only to prove what she could do. Prishka laughed, her softball sized cheeks bouncing up and down. “Schtroke my hair. . .UUURRRPP. . .and I’ll. . .schtroke your. . .treaschure.” Her voice was thick. Enni took the bargain up. She resumed the position she had been in, hauling her fat gut onto the bed and positioning her womanhood such that Prishka would have no trouble reaching it.

Enni’s fingers curled around greasy hair that had not been washed in years. Prishka wore her hair in a high ponytail, letting the wet strand fall and flop where it may. The grease and sweat from her hair drifted down, making her expensive and ornate makeup run and bleed constantly. The only time the blob was ever cleaned sufficiently was to apply more. This all Enni took in as she kissed and fondled her lover. She wanted to know everything about Prishka. Her body, her smell, her immense sexual knowledge. Everything and anything that the brown blob had, Enni wanted to possess for her own ends. Yet, the knowledge being imparted to her was hard to retain. Each swipe of Prishka’s hands against her clit seemed to make Enni forget a piece of who she was. Quickly, she was reduced to a purely physical, purely sexual being. She saw herself as a network of nerves swimming in a soft body. She only wanted those nerves to light up, to spark some new sensation within her.

“OOOORRRUUUPP. . .ha-harder.”


“Deeper, deeper.”


Expulsions of moans and gas filled the room as the two became more and more entwined, neither sure who let loose what. At some point, Enni climaxed under the power of Prishka’s fingering. As a thanks, she moved from kissing her face to the immense woman’s pussy. The masturbation machine was thrown aside and tossed unceremoniously into one of the large piles of trash. Enni heaved herself up onto the bed, slowly forcing her own pillar legs onto the soft cushions. She waddled forward on her hands and knees, ass swinging behind her. She felt like a particularly indulgent, successful lioness. She was here to please the queen, but soon she would be the queen. The short woman shoved herself under Prishka’s gut, which was dripping with sweat from her activities. Enni entered the fleshy cave, eager to further prove herself. The underside of Prishka was a fetid, muggy place. Steamed rolled out from her super heated thighs and sex. In Enni’s haste, her ass knocked over the small devices hoisting up the wall of belly fat. Prishka’s stomach flab flopped down on Enni’s back rolls with a wet slap, burying the smaller fatty in a world of sensual darkness.

For a moment, Prishka wondered if Enni had been knocked out. There was no movement from between her thighs. She was about to call to the woman, but was stopped as she felt something amazing. bbbbbbrrrrMMMMMPPPPPPFFFFRRRRRTT! Prishka’s underbelly rippled violently as the massive fart broke from Enni’s ass. She was further delighted as she felt Enni’s face press onto her pussy and her tongue enter. Prishka clenched her fists, not having felt such well articulated oral sex in a long time. To help speed Enni on her way, Prishka leaned back and forced an immense blast of gas out, shaking the entire room. Enni stopped momentarily, enjoying being so close to the source of such terrific power. However, her lust soon shoved her back to her task.

The two women made love for hours, stopping only when the bed collapsed.

-- Spa Day With Friends and Rivals ---

“Enni, stop that.” Rose giggled, batting her lover’s hand away. “It’s hard enough to do without you fingering me.” She giggled again and tried to dance away as she felt Enni’s thick fingers make a move for her underbelly. Rose had to dance her way around growing mounds of trash. Enni had been  building her room’s funk and odor as much as she had been building her own. Enni’s room had become a confusing mess of ripped clothes, piles of discarded food, and used up beauty products. Rose had been eager to help Enni cultivate such a messy room, helping bring more and more food into the room for Enni to casually toss aside. Most of their meals had been taken in Enni’s room lately, each one working to fill the room to the brim with disposable garbage

“Come on, your Pocket Princess needs some fun.” Enni said, lurching her naked body forward to try and capture her girlfriend. Rose was more in danger of slipping than she was of Enni catching her. The once skinny, well put together girl now moved so slowly that turtles could outpace her. The only thing that Enni succeeded in was shaking loose a large bout of flatulence. FFFRRRTTTT-BBBRRRMMPPPTTT! Her asscheeks clapped and changed the pitch and flow of the fart as it came out, shaking the chair she sat on. Enni was poised on a decidedly small stool. While it could fit a woman of Rose’s proportions, 400 pounds, it was hopelessly unable to hold Enni. 750 pounds of well marinated, slobbed up shortstack rested on the plush stool. The triple reinforced legs bent under Enni’s weight as her stomach sagged through thighs thicker than rolls of house insulation. “Need. . .whew. . .something fun.” She panted, body struggling to recover from the small amount of exertion. No part of the stool was visible save for bits of the legs. All else was buried under Enni some way or another.

“Nu-uh! I have to get this done or else we won’t ever leave.” Sensing that her lover was now too exhausted to make grabs at her naked sex, Rose waddled forward again. She took one of her makeup brushes and booped Enni on the nose. “Besides, you aren’t a ‘pocket’ anything anymore.”

Enni, not to be denied her sex, leaned forward and took a fat nipple in her mouth. She suckled, running her tongue over the soft expanse of fat. “Schtill a princessch. And princessches need their sex.” She mumbled through the fat. The nearly 800 pound woman reached a hefty hand up and massaged Rose’s belly. It was so much smaller than her own now. Rose’s had gained a modest sum, now free to enjoy her time with Enni. However, Enni had absolutely exploded in size. More and more of the heavy titted woman’s food went to Enni. Most of Rose’s time went to caring for and helping her semi-immobile lover. And their sex was all about Enni’s desires and demands. Of course, Rose minded little. It was simply fun to watch her roommate and lover grow and change. She was moving beyond a standard woman of this world, becoming something truly special.

“Aaaah. . .you stop. . .oooh. . .that!” Rose stomped a foot in order to manage the waves of pleasure rocking through her. Enni did not relent, instead pushing her face further between Rose’s sweaty cleavage canyon. The taller woman finally had to push Enni back, keeping her animalistic lover at bay for a moment. “I’m going to start calling you ‘Entitled Enni’.” Rose blew and exasperated sigh and a small fart out of her ass. Enni giggled, her humongous body jumping up and down. Rose laughed along too, finally able to return to putting makeup on Enni’s face. “If we’re going out, I want my piggy princess to look her best. I need to show you off to everyone.” She beamed, excited to once again display her gorging, gluttonous girlfriend to the other ladies that made up their social circle. While Rose would have loved Enni under any circumstance,  she couldn’t deny the increasing fun and social benefits of having an almost half-ton girlfriend.

FLLLMMMMPPPTTTTTHHHHHH. “Fine! But you had better hurry.” Enni indignantly crossed her arms and then farted again. Combating desires raged within her. She wanted the immediate payoff of sex, but couldn’t deny that she also desired to have her make-up done. Since her night with Professor Sarish, Enni had found herself becoming more covetous of a dolled up look. She wanted her skin plastered with products, shining from both sweat and expensive make-up. There was something about covering her immense body with beauty care products and then working to sweat through them that was deeply satisfying. Lazily, she reached down and began to finger herself. While she was willing to wait for Rose to finish, that didn’t mean she couldn’t amp herself up in the meantime.

“Alright, just hold still!” Rose said, licking her thumb and putting it to Enni’s face. She tried to wipe away a smear of food. To her surprise, the stain did not remove itself. Rose rubbed a little harder, again licking her thumb. Her 400 pound body shook back and forth as she worked, her breasts sliding across Enni’s; though she had never particularly cared about what her breasts bounced into. Now, with the added weight from living with the rapidly growing Enni, she found her pendulous breasts hitting more than ever before. They also obstructed her vision more than ever and got in the way. Even now as she reached her hand down to work on the mysterious stain, they bunched up against Enni’s breasts. Rose felt herself growing wet at the thought of the two of them being so busty that they couldn’t sufficiently reach each other. She was further turned on by the fact that, no matter how hard she rubbed, she couldn’t get the food stain off. She wasn’t sure what Enni had eaten or how long it had rested on her to leave the stain, but she was quite turned on by it. The fact that Enni’s body was now permanently marked by that piece of food.

“Come on!” Enni bellowed. “Rose, you’re. . .BBBBLLLLRRRUUUP. . .supposed to be getting me ready. Not playing with my face.”

“Ok, ok!” Rose returned to her work, now fighting against fulfilling her own orgasm.


“Heeey! I think I smell Enni!” Dina said from her place in the mud bath. While she faced away from the entrance to the private bath, no one could mistake the smell of the newest fatty. Dina had been the first to arrive at the spa, for a change. She had changed into a new thong bikini. She had been extra excited because the bikini was an import from overseas. The rich fabric had come from Paris, still the fashion capital of the world. She had tugged the bikini on, excited to allow her sweat and stink to being to ruin the fabric. She wanted to leave an unforgettable mark on this bikini, the kind of thing that couldn’t be washed out no matter how hard someone tried. It was specially created to ride deep between her buttcheeks. She had sighed pleasantly many times whilst in the spa, letting out rancid farts that were sure to corrode the purple bikini. However, nothing compared to the wave of gas that slammed into her as she said hello to Enni.


“I also hear her.” Dina said, quickly pinching the bridge of her nose as the smell rushed over her. “Definitely smell her, too.” The fashionable slob said, turning around slowly. Her body moved slowly in the therapeutic, thick substance. The spa was one of the most famous in the world, having been built over volcanic pits. Its mud was heated by those heated, subterranean pits. Health officials the world over touted it for the way its specially treated mud drew out impurities and left the skin more beautiful than ever. Granted, that science went to waste in the face of slobby women who simply wanted to feel like hogs at a trough. They gathered in droves at the spa, bathing themselves for hours in the pits while enjoying every luxury known to man. It was Enni’s first visit and she intended to make the most of it.

Dina turned to see a red faced, struggling Enni waddling into the private spa room. One arm pumped and swang quickly whilst the other was held by Rose for further security of movement. Enni was totally naked, her folds allowed to be on full display. A pendulous, heavy gut swang nearly to the floor whilst chair-mangling hips threatened to smash into unwary passerbys. Sweat ran in torrential rivulets down her body. Dina smiled as she saw the colorful streams of makeup that had once decorated Enni’s face. Bright hues and colors being drawn away from her face and down her cheek and neck rolls. Enni gasped for air, obviously overcome by the small movement. Despite her weariness, Enni was more than happy to chirp back. “How’s my. . .uuurrrp. . .favorite. . .fat ass doing?” She licked her lips, looking at what she could see of Dina’s body.

“I’m doing good. Just was waiting for you to show up.” The mud and muck, gray from the strange combination of minerals, bubbled up violently for a moment as Dina farted. “Got plenty stored in the tank for you.” The heavy hipped, silver haired woman winked. “Save plenty for me?”

Rose, always jealous of Dina, jumped in. “She might, but it was a long ride over. She got plenty out then.” She stuck her tongue out and put a covetous hand over Enni’s stomach. She would never give an inch to Dina, even if it made her look silly. “Just scoot over and make room for us, Hippo Hips!” Rose’s breasts swelled as she huffed. She continued escorting Enni forward, the bigger woman taking a very pleased silence. It was good to have ladies fighting over her. Rose maneuvered her lover over to the entrance to the bath. She had to guide the morbidly obese woman to the handrail, putting her plump digits on the heated metal. Then Rose entered the mud herself and worked to guide Enni down the small steps. Enni could hardly waddle on a flat plane, let alone up or down a flight of steps. She huffed and puffed as her fat feet made heavy contact with the tile of the pool. Dina, concerned that this was a two woman job, slowly made her way over to help the big woman down.

BBBBRRRRRMMMMPPPPPT! Enni took the opportunity to let loose a strong cloud of gas as she was above her two friends. Forced to help her, there was little they could do but endure the smell. Slowly, the naked woman was brought down and submerged into the warm mud of the bath. It was a calming sensation. At first because of the temperature and then because of the small weightlessness it brought. Though, at her weight, Enni always felt heavy. The mud surged outwards, a tidal wave flowing to the very edges of the small tub. The body mass entering the pool shoved out more and more of the therapeutic mud. Enni giggled as she saw what her body could do. “Ohhh. . .hope I’m not. . .removing too. . .much.” She said, her tone conveying quite the opposite message.

“They have plenty more!” Rose said cheerily, slapping a muddy hand over Enni’s gut. Mud sprayed everywhere.

“Good!” Enni said, waddling over to sit down. She took a heavy seat and then allowed Rose and Dina to fill in next to her. The two women immediately began heaping heavy globs onto her. They buried her pale skin in piles of gray, medicinal clay. Enni leaned back, enjoying the impromptu massage. “Oh. . .BBBBLLLURRRUP. . .this is so. . .uuuugghg. . .hot.” She moaned, again feeling her pussy tingle with excitement. The two women fawned and competed over her. Rose tried to outdo Dina at everything. She wanted to stack more mud on Enni, kiss her harder and more passionately, and finger her the best. Meanwhile, Dina did everything she could to get in the way of Rose. The bottom heavy beauty wanted nothing more than to prove how much more adept she was than her rival. Enni simply sat in the middle of the two and soaked up the attention. She belched, farted, and made obvious sexual remarks to her heart's content. The world was her oyster and she wanted to suck it dry.

“Come on. . .UUURRRRP. . .girls.” Enni said, pointing to a dry patch of mud on her stomach. “Wet me down again.” She laughed at the double entendre.

“I have a hard time believing you aren’t always wet.” Dina said, returning the remark with her own. She turned away from Enni so that she could both grab more mud and show the fatter woman her ass. The thong she was wearing had become so tightly wedged that it was nearly invisible. Enni started to lean over, mouth intent on pulling the thong out and off of Dina’s ass. However, she was stopped by Rose’s interference.

“Well, she’s wet for a reason.” Rose piled some mud on quickly before licking a “clean” space between Enni’s breasts. While free of mud, Rose heartily tasted months of sweat, grime, and food build up. Enjoying how Enni giggled, Rose went another step further and teased Enni’s armpit. She kissed and tongued the soft rolls and folds. Enni moaned as Rose went deeper, hoisting up her arm. One of Enni’s breasts, now fat enough that it merged with her underarm fat, spread across the mud as Rose hoisted the heavy hand. The nearly immobile woman was more than happy to be a sex puppet for her lover. There were few things Rose was unwilling to do. She buried her face in Enni’s soft under arm, planting kissing down the length of it. “Some of us do a lot of work keeping the little princess nice and pleased.” She huffed, gently dropping the arm.

“Did. . .OOORRRRUUUUP. . .someone say ‘princess’?” Maki’s lethargic voice echoed across the tile. BBBBLLMMMMPPTTTHHH! The heavy woman slowly was wheeled into the pool area, pushed by two attendants. Maki always demanded the smallest, skinniest women to help her. They were women that, either because of deficiencies or conditions like Enni’s, were forced to stay small and skinny. “Oooh, looks like we finally got Enni back out of the house.” Maki huffed, her voice unamused. She had been unenthused to see the formerly tiny girl growing so much. Now, as Enni began to reach a size comparable with her own, a full fledged rivalry had begun to spring up.

“Mini-Maki. . .” Enni growled, mud bubbling up around her as she released a frustrated burst of gas. “Surprised that the spa let you back in after last time. Keeping a worker trapped under you for so long and all. . .” Enni didn’t look back, instead just hearing the wheels of the mobility bed gliding along the tile floor. Her stomach burbled with anger, stirred up into activity from a clam and relaxed state.

“Well. . .money talks. . .uuuurrrgggh.” FFFFRRRRRPPPPTTTT! Maki shoved a fart out, causing her workers to gag and cough. “Beschides. . .thuh. . . owner likesch. . .my smell.” She said, remembering the night she had spent with the woman. While tiny herself, the owner of the spa could certainly appreciate beauty when she saw it. Maki dismissed one of the workers to go fetch the crane that would move her from the bed to the bath. In the meantime, she ordered the other work to please her. Nodding, the smaller woman fondled Maki’s gut and pussy. Loudly, the gigantic woman began enjoying the physical attention. “AAAAH. . .oh you. . .aaah. . .have the. . .handsch. . .of an angeeEEELLL.” While enjoying herself, Maki was certainly ready to hype up her experience. Enni fumed, her face turning red.

Seeing her lover in distress, Rose sauntered over. Rather than greet Maki like she normally would, Rose stood by her lover. “Good to see you, Maki. We were just talking about how wet Enni can get.” She kissed and sucked at a roll. Her fingers reached deep underneath Enni’s gut, finding her womanhood. Enni soon was moaning just as loud as her rival. The strange ballet continued, with each woman trying to outdo the other. One would moan and beg for more and the other would follow suit. Each fart was answered with an equal and opposite blast of gas. What Enni lacked in size, she could make up for in raw determination. Maki might have been the powerhouse of the group, but her size had been stagnant over the past couple years. Enni, meanwhile, had been growing too quickly to be believed. The contest continued even after Maki was lowered into the pool of mud. The two women tried their best to outdo each other, but neither could come out the victor.

The battle continued when servants of the spa came bearing food for Enni and Maki. Huge tubs of melted chocolate, pieces of cake, and mixed with vanilla shakes. The concoctions were thick, sugary sludge. The spa girls, laughing and giggling, poured them directly into Enni and Maki’s mouths. The attendants started from a standing position, simply pouring the ice cream down without much regard for aim. Sauce and cake batter splattered everywhere as the sloppy mixture made contact with Enni and Maki’s face and chests. Slowly the servants squatted down, bringing their naked bodies close to the two feeding behemoths. The two gluttons spluttered and coughed, trying to adjust to the pouring. Lust for the skinny women and the food they brought built up within them rapidly. Enni, overcome by those feelings, reached a heavy hand up to tease her server’s thighs. “Mmmmmpggh. . .more. . .fuuuccck. . .gimmie more. . .” Enni heaved the words out; they were as thick and clotted as the food being poured into her. Her thick fingers slapped and spread the ice cream over her gut. Soon her belly was covered as much by the ice cream as it was by mud. The obese woman squealed as her attendant sloshed the jug she was holding, purposely spilling it over Enni. “Scho. . .BBBBLLLRRRUUP. . .grossch.” She moaned, casting a sideways glance over at Maki.

Maki, not to be outdone, had pulled one of her other attendants into the mud with her. The smaller woman kissed and fondled Maki’s deep rolls, pushing and tugging on her folds. However, Maki might not have even noticed. She was far more entranced with making sure that every last morsel made its way into her mouth or onto her body in the most pleasing manner possible. Her immense tits were covered utterly in sugary run off. As she opened and closed her mouth, food flew from her flapping chins and cheeks. “Iscch. . .BRRRAAAP. . .scccho. . .good.” She rumbled, her eyes closing in pleasure. Huge bubbles formed in the mud around her, signaling the release of toxic gasses from within her stomach. The mud bubbles burst, filling the room with steaming vents of flatulation.

Meanwhile, from the sidelines, Dina and Rose watched. The two sat quietly, watching their immense friends (lover in Rose’s case) stuffed and pleasured themselves using the army of attendants. Neither moved, enraptured at the state of absolute hedonism before them. Dina stroked her pussy, pulling her thong out of the way so that she could reach. She considered which of the two women she would most like to go home with. Once, it would have been a simple answer. Now, however, she found her mind split between the two. Rose, meanwhile, had eyes only for Enni. Her mind was filled with visions of what the future would look like.


“Rose.” Enni said on the way home from the spa. They were cozied up in the back of an Uber together, mud and sweat sliding off and onto the rich leather seats. Rose had been rubbing Enni’s stomach, using both hands to manipulate the great boulder of fat.

“Yeeeesssss?” Rose asked, always ready to hang on Enni’s every word.

“This has been really fun.” The enormous woman sighed, her rolls squelching as she exhaled. “And I mean everything. Thank you.”

“Of course.” she leaned over to kiss Enni. Her lips were soft and she planted them delicately on her lover’s cheek. There were times when a soft approach was best. “I always knew you could do it.” She pulled back and returned to massaging the immense stomach before her.

“Just wait,” Enni said. “In another couple months I’ll be as big as Maki.” She whispered proudly.

“Bigger even.” Rose said, her voice a tantalizing whisper.


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