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We're back! More Prompts for the masses! This one is a little tale about the posh half-elf from Critical Role. I've played a fair amount of DnD and TTRPGs in my life, but never got into the podcast side of things. I have at least one more story from the FFA 2 Prompts that I want to do, then we will see about another collection post.

"Truly, Sister, this is your most baffling decision yet." Vax rolled his eyes as he watched his twin sister eat. While once they had looked nearly identical, with each meal the similarities were growing ever fainter. Vex's once sharp, half-elven features were becoming hidden under a budding layer of fat. The ranger and rogue was bent over a table, digging into a turkey like a gnoll might savage an unlucky adventurer. The elven woman was so engrossed with her food that she was close to unhinging her jaw to fit more in. "What possible reason could you have for this. . .display?" 

"Mmggph. . .your concern isch. . .uurrp. . .truly inschpiring, Brother." It was a wonder how Vex could maintain her posh speech even when wolfing down an entire day's worth of food. "I. . . Mmgghph. . .asschure you, itsch for the bescht. . .possible reason." She dunked a leg of turkey into a small sea of well mashed and buttered potatoes. She bit into the leg, sucking and slurping the juices which drained off of it. She was learning to savor food in the same manner she had once savored saving money and being ruthlessly frugal. Satisfied fkr the moment, she turned back to her brother to complete her thought. "Self-aggrandOOOOORRRUUUUP. . ." Vex belched proudly, her stomach snapping out of her over strained top. ". . .ment." She smirked as if she had not just mangled her outfit and the common tongue, proudly resting a hand on her stomach. 

"Really now? And how does a hill giant's diet lead to success and aggrandizement?" Vax said, able to parse his sisters belch-speak with little more than sibling intuition. 

"These nobles are soft. They are only going to respect one of their own. . .girth." She hefted her stomach and let it drop. The pale orb of fat landed with an audible splat, fanning out over her tight leather pants. "To be a tight, physically adept hunter AND be a noblewoman would never do." Her grin deepend as she squeezed her belly, it's flab as soft as porridge. Truth be told, Vex loved what she was doing to herself. Her body had won her the riches to be nobility, now it would earn her a station amongst them. She'd spend her days eating, lazing about, and frolicking in utter pleasure. "You dress for the life you want, brother." Vex said cheekily, she then quickly returned to her feasting. 

"Oh I can't wait to see how this plays out."


"Oh do tell us again how you escaped from that dungeon, Lady Vex." 

"Yes! That was so thrilling!"

The ladies chirped as they surrounded their hostess. Vex's salon had been picking up traction lately, becoming a hotbed for young and astute women to flock to. Politics, philosophy, and ideas of the day were all discussed. However, much if the conversation revolved around Vex and her exploits. The women flitted about their queen bee, hoping for drops of stimulating intellectual honey. Vex herself loved the attention. From her large couch-bed, she could conversate with the smaller women. "Oh. . .huff. . .lessch see now. . ." The immense half-elf waved a flabby arm as she tried to think of the exact stories. They were all so long ago and distant. She had a much better memory for meals than she did her adventure stories. She to aid her memory, she leaned back and allowed one of the servants to pour wine directly into her open mouth.

As it turned out, no one appreciated Vex's growing body more than herself. The further her folds spread, the happier she became. Rather than simply wanting to live an easy life, she began to desire a gluttonous one. The wine ran into her mouth from the ornate amphora, filling the obese woman's mouth. Trickles of red ran down her heavy cheeks. Her face was no longer arrow sharp and defined. Rather, it was soft and heavy. Cheeks fat as grapefruit sagged onto neck rolls thicker than bread loaves. The wine was sweetened to the point of being undeniable by anyone other than the gargantuan adventurer retiree. She lost herself in the drink, even going so far as to kick her feet in pleasure. Her knees knocked against a stomach which folded over far over then whether she was sitting or standing. After nearly 30 seconds of unbroken guzzling, the immobile woman snapped a finger and then servant stopped pouring. "Aaah. . .Huurrk. . .then. . .where wasch. . .UURRRP. . .I?" Vex was dazed from the influx of alcohol. 

"The escape! Lady Vex, pleaseee." The young woman asked, placing small hands on Vex's stomach. The archer hiccuped again, the pressure disturbing her stomach. She wore a dress that was closer to being an extremely gaudy tent. Light blue and with gems of all sizes sewn into the fabric. There was an artful opening in the middle, which revealed far too much of Vex's pumpkin-huge breasts. They rolled back and forth lazily as the young woman shook her, their puffy nipples excited by the touch of such energetic hands. "You promised." The young lark began to pout. 

"I did. . .my. . .uuurrp. . .schweet." The couch-bed which Vex lay on creaked as she leaned over to tickle the younger woman's chin with a fat finger. There was such contrast between them. The young woman was as thin as a post, with hardly a curve on her body despite reaching womanhood. It was strange, the former adventurer did nit see the sort of round nobkes she had expected. Meanwhile, Vex was nothing but curves. "Thesche thingsch. . .wwwhew. . .are so hard to remember." She smiled, far more interested in opening the girls bodice than she was in recalling a story that happened to a much thinner woman who bore her name. One of the first things that Vex had done with her salon was cultivate an openness of spirit. She encouraged the ladies to be themselves. . .with or without clothes on. 

"Oh, you always do this!" The spoiled girl stomped a foot. Yet, she didn't fight when Vex wrapped her braid around a sausage finger. The obese woman tugged her skinny attendant down by her braid, lovingly dominating the younger and smaller woman. Vex's newly established noble house was richer than this woman's, so she was more free with her actions. The girl giggled as her small, round butt sank into Vex's stomach morass. The big woman bore down on her, quickly taking her quarry by the lips. The two kissed. Vex shivered with pleasure, considering just what a morsel she had landed. Of course, this noblewoman was not the only one. The other two were coming over, eager to push their way into the forming love pile. The salon soon filled with the noises of light love making. 


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