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Tags: Pregnancy, Weight Gain, Kaiju TF, Explicit Sex, size difference

Prologue: A Life Changing Fight

--- Beginning ---

Explosions rocked the city as two villains fought their way through it. Hurling cars, smashing buildings, attacking electrical transformers, the twin men targeted the most technologically advanced things they could find. The crude plan of attack evoked the loom smashing of the Luddites many centuries before. They raged against machines and the warping influence that they had upon society. Believing that humanity was better in its primal, pre-industrial state they were hellbent on tearing down every brick and casting down each advanced idol. The Primal Brothers, the moniker the twin villains had taken, were powerhouses but not particularly savvy. Jira was the elder and bore a size changing quirk. While not as big as Mt.Lady, the burly breaker could make himself at least as big as a two story house. His brother, Goji, was an emitter who could fire blasts of flame from his hands and mouth; evoking dragons and other beasts of legend. To complete their wild aesthetic, the two decked themselves in bones, animal skins, and wielded stone weapons.

“Technology has weakened us!” Jira barked, swinging a stone mallet with a head the size of a sedan. The club crashed into a building, shattering the windows on even neighboring buildings. “But we shall regain our strength.” He laughed before smashing a car with a gigantic fist. “Join us, people of Japan. Take off your electronic shackles and become as you were!” He kicked the ruined vehicle, sending it into a distant highrise building. He rolled his broad shoulders and cracked his neck, ready to continue his tour of destruction. He would prove that the world was weak and that his ideological beacon was the only path forward. Hefting his mallet, he swung it at a telephone pole. Yet, the blow never landed. Instead, Jira found himself spinning off balance. He slipped, falling onto his back and cracking the road beneath him.

“There’s got to be a better way to make your point.” A light voice chirped. “You can’t just go around smashing things!” The owner of the voice quickly stepped into view, landing gracefully on Jira’s chest. She was small, even if Jira had not been at his full height. With blush marks and a round face, she seemed the absolute picture of a young woman. Her costume was pink and bubbly, evoking a space age design. Jira hated it immediately.

The large man tried to swat at the young woman, but she deftly flew out of the way as his blow landed. She moved totally weightlessly, as if gravity itself had no meaning for her. Overcome with rage, Jira reached for his mallet. Only, he found it floating above his head.

“Sorry! I think I better hang onto that.” The girl smiled, floating in the air just as the hammer. Slowly, the two started to rise out of reach.

“Goooji!” Jira called out of frustration. His brother answered, firing bolt after bolt of flame at The heroine. Canceling whatever quirk she had in place, she dropped out of range of the flaming missiles. The mallet, also not held up by her quirk, landed on Jira’s head with a nasty crack.


Ochaco beamed as she saw how well the fight was going. She had been the first to intercept the two villains. While backup was on the way, she was excited by the thought that the other ladies of U.A might not be needed. The two lunkheads she was battling were dumb and brutish, their tactics were straight forward and obvious. They had spent most of the battle flinging either fireballs or pieces of debris at her. The debris was rendered useless by her quirk and she could dodge the constant fireballs with little difficulty. Even after five minutes of intense combat, the two men had done little other than singe one of her boots. Yet, they were bruised and breathing heavily. The size changer had even been losing mass, his quirk unable to be maintained for such constant strain. “I dunno. . .I think you guys might be going extinct!” Ochaco taunted, feeling pride well up in her heart.

“This is. . .nothing!” The size changer said, wiping sweat and dust out of his eye. “We are calamities taken physical form!” He roared, charging forward. His attack was little more than him flailing his arms wildly. In a move reminiscent of Odysseus’ fight with Polyphemus, Ochaco turned a cracked housing beam weightless and cast it at the charging man’s face. Rather than blinding him, the beam hit between his eyes. He fell to his knees, clutching his aching head. “Aaaaahhh, Brother! This is too much!” He pounded the earth with his fist, a crater forming beneath his strength. “We must use the beam!” He called, reaching out blindly for the smaller man.

Goji silently agreed, reaching out his own flame drenched arm. The two pressed their palms together, looking only slightly silly. Ochaco, baffled by what she was seeing, landed on the ground. She was unsure of what would happen, so she prepared her quirk. She remained confident that she could avoid anything that was thrown at her. Flames danced and leaped across the two men’s bodies, going from a normal orange to a strange black and purple color. They evened in size, with Jira growing smaller and Goji growing taller. The bones on their costume seemed to come alive, rattling and moving with animated magic. Strange energy writhed on their bodies. Ochaco’s brain screamed to move and hide, but she was paralyzed. Finally, as she tried to dodge, the two unleashed a devastating beam. While she moved quickly, Ocahco had no hope of escaping the blast. She was engulfed within it. Further, the blast traveled outwards, enveloping much of the city and heroines coming to intervene.

--- Awakening ---

“Ochco! You’re finally awake!” Momo’s voice floated to Ochaco as she finally stirred. Her eyes fluttered open. She was laying in a hospital bed, light bandages over her body. Momo’s soft face and spikey hair came into view quickly. “We were getting worried. You’ve been out for a couple days.” Surprised, she sat up in bed. Her body moved quickly, bearing no hallmarks of strain, weakness, or damage. In truth, the bandages seemed almost cosmetic. It was as if she had been dressed that way only to blend in with the other patients. Ochaco looked around, seeing the other girls of U.A crowding into her small hospital room. Their presence made her panic subside.

“Thank you! I’m so sorry I put myself in danger like that.” She bowed her head for a moment, reflecting on the potential damage that her pride had cost her. “I imagine that they escaped.” She said dejectedly.

“Not hardly!” Mina punched Ochaco on the arm. “You allowed us all to get there in time and stop them. We got hit with some of the energy from that explosion though, nothing serious.”

“They had no energy after that last attack. Ribbit.” Tsuyu said, clinging to a wall so she could see her injured friend. “Anyway, how are you feeling, Ocho?” She asked, eyebrows raised.

Ochaco thought for a moment, collecting her feelings. She had no pains, no places of soreness. Really, she felt like she had taken the best nap ever. Her body felt energized and ready to get up and moving. The only thing she could even think to say was, “Well, I might be a little hungry!” She said cheerfully. However, while she may have felt that nothing was wrong, there was indeed something different about her. Deep within her body, alterations were taking place. Her genetic coding was being rewritten by the blast that she had suffered, changed by the power that the brothers had pumped into their final explosion. Thanks to the explosion that had stunned Ochaco and engulfed much of the other heroines, a bestial and primal gift had been imparted. One that would change the face of U.A, Japan, and the entire world.

Part 1:

--- New Lease on Life ---

“Wow, Ochaco, you’re certainly hungry today!” Izuku said, putting a hand behind his head as he watched his crush eat. The brown haired woman was currently wolfing down a plate of chicken and rice. Thick sauce oozed over top of the meal. While never shy about eating, it was rare to see the brunette so rapacious. She forked the meal in with her chopsticks, the little wooden rods almost a blur. Yet, for her ferocious pace, she spilled not a single morsel. She took breaks only to drink, gulping down from either a gallon of milk or bottle of soda. Izuku watched, a sense of awkwardness growing within him. “Training must have really gotten to you. . .heh. . .right?” he asked again. He watched as she ate more and more, buttons slowly straining outwards. Her gray coat was becoming tighter, filling with soft belly pudge. Ochaco became so invested in her eating that she lifted up her plate and began letting gravity pull the food towards her waiting mouth. When she had finally finished everything, she put the plate down and sighed. With a heavy hand resting on her stomach, she turned and looked sidelong at Izuku.

“Oh, hey cutie!” She said, a light blush creeping over her face. She had an almost drunk expression, blissful but vacant. She turned, facing her body towards Izuku. He studied her body, realizing that she had grown rather considerably. In addition to the plump, stuffed stomach she was sporting, the peppy brunette also boasted noticeably fuller breasts. The young woman had always had an appealing, soft figure to her. Izuku, though he was too much of a gentleman to admit it, had spent many days staring at his crush when she wasn’t looking. He knew every sumptuous curve of her body. It had never crossed his mind that she could get even more beautiful. Yet, here he was with the direct evidence. She had unbuttoned the top button of her uniform, gently easing a hint of cleavage. While modest for most women, it was scandalous for Ochaco. “Have I ever told you what fluffy hair you have?”  She leaned forward trying to tease a lock of hair between her fingers. Izuku, still boyishly afraid of romance, ducked away.

“Oh! Hey!” He spun out of his seat, standing straight as a soldier. “Wow, look at the time! Have to get to studying.” He turned and ran away, almost using One for All to speed his body up. Izuku ran from the lunchroom, wondering what had come over Ochaco. Normally, she was as romantically timid as he was. He had never seen her be so forward. Excitement mixed with abject terror as he ran. Izuku had been comfortable in the relationship that he had built with Ochaco, loving the small bouts of romance sprinkled in an ocean of friendship. He was unsure if he could keep up with a more amorous and physically loving Ochaco. Further, he wondered what might have caused such a change.

The plump girl, on the other hand, simply shrugged and returned to finishing her food. She shoved the last of the chicken and rice down. She sat for a minute, deciding whether she should chase after Izuku or go up for another serving of food. She was close to seeking the little hero out, but decided against it when her stomach rumbled. “Ah well, we’ll get him next time!” she smiled to herself, patting her stomach. She could live a little while without romance, she couldn’t go nearly as long without food. Standing, the plump woman started to walk towards the lunch line again. Ochaco noticed that she was not alone, several other women also needing second helpings. She was on her third.


Days passed from the fateful meal that the two sweethearts, somewhat, shared together. None of these days or the meals taken therein saw Ochaco slowing down her voracious eating habits. Each meal seemed to be a new opportunity to challenge herself, a chance for her to stuff her stomach to the maximum. The brunette hero even found that the three standard meals per day was not quite cutting it. Rather, she had been forced to adopt brunch as an extra meal. Anything to keep precious calories flowing unto her body. They were fuel for her body. . .as well as for the changes taking place within it.

True to the path her now monstrous genetics laid out, the sweet and bubbly girl had continued to change. Growing wider and fluffier, the gravity based superhero was filling out. Breasts, full and uncontainable, popped out from snapped buttons on her uniform. Jiggly, happy buttcheeks lifted her skirt higher than it ought to go for a young lady. Ochaco was moving beyond chubby and into pure fatness. She was past 200 pounds, inching towards 230. Yet there was an undeniable sense of sexuality to her weight gain. Rather than hanging from her, the newly added fat filled and enhanced her figure. Even her stomach, which had ballooned into a proper and portly gut, had an erotic, belly dancers swing to it. While Ochaco was too humble to think of herself as a beauty icon, others were beginning to take note.

“Hey Ocho, love the new sweater!” Ochaco had been walking down the hall when she heard Momo’s voice call out behind her. She was wearing a light pink sweater, tugged over her fuller figure. While breaking the dress code, Ochaco had felt that it was far preferable to her showing up with buttons popping off of her shirt. If anything, the bright splotch of pink moving down the hallways would help to draw attention away from how her skirt now dangled just above where her pert buttcheeks met her shapely thighs. “How did you get so lucky that the teachers didn’t call you out on not being in uniform?” A moment later and the black haired beauty was at her side. Momo plucked at Ochaco’s sweater, intrigued by the choice of outfit. The smaller hero couldn’t help but put her hands on the fluffy material, feeling the even softer fat below. Momo wasn’t usually so handsy, but there was something about Ochaco that inspired her fondling.

Ochaco smiled, her usual blush growing a bit deeper. "Ooohh, just lucky." She played coy, remembering the interaction she and Professor Midnight had at the start of the day. The teacher had spied her young student walking in, trying to tug her skirt down a couple centimeters and making sure her sweater sufficiently covered her belly. Ochaco had stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the Adult Hero playing with her whip. She knew punishment was in bounds, that she was going to be disciplined for not wearing her uniform. Except, Midnight said nothing. The words were on her lips, hovering on her thick, purple lipstick. She loved to set students straight, perhaps playing into her dominatrix persona just a bit too much. Yet, the only thing she enjoyed more was a young lady exploring herself. Despite the thick sweater, she could see the womanly figure developing on Ochaco’s body. It filled her with the same excitement that she had discovered long ago when first adapting her costume to her quirk. Instead of reprimanding her student, Midnight simply winked and nodded. Ochaco had run down the hallway, her chubby body jiggling as she went. No other teachers bothered her the rest of the day, leaving Ocho to wonder if Midnight had put out a missive to the other professors.

“But it’s only temporary!” Ochaco exclaimed, trying to bring some reality back to the conversation. “I just need to. . .” She paused, afraid to finish her sentence. While used to a certain amount of girl talk, Ochaco was not exactly thrilled at the prospect of revealing her weight gain to anyone. All the same, she had come this far at least. “. . .order a new one.” She finished, her face turning completely red by the admission. She hated to draw attention to herself in that way, or, at least she thought she did. As the words left her mouth she the rush of shame and awkwardness that was expected did not come. Instead, she felt relief at unburdening herself and maybe even a bit of joy at the thought of being more full figured. She took a half step back from Momo, now intensely aware of how her thick body moved. Small ripples moved under her clothes. Her breasts, up at least a cup size if not two, bobbed scintillatingly under her sweater in time with her stomach.

“It looks so nice on you!” Momo said, stepping forward as well. She crossed her arms, clearly wanting to poke and prod Ochaco more but fighting herself. Ochaco was not the only woman who had felt themselves struggling with new and conflicting emotions. Momo had felt this growing desire to connect with the women around her, like their bodies were harboring secret reserves of energy and the only way to share that energy was physical contact. Yet, as a polite and reserved young woman, it was hard to feel natural interacting physically with her peers. Each attempt made her feel like Mineta despite conducting herself fairly normally. She tried to save herself by deflecting back to clothes in general. “I have such a large closet at home, I would die to be able to use some of it with my school uniform.” She put an embarrassed arm behind her back, not realizing that she had once again tipped her hat to how rich her family was.

“But you look so good already!” Ochaco said emphatically. “I’m just borrowing this sweater until I can get a new uniform. “I sort of. . .outgrew the last one.” Ochaco again spoke expecting a feeling of embarrassment, but none came. Rather, it felt good to admit that her body was changing, growing. For a moment she was cognisant of her curves and how they put stress on her clothes. “Is that weird to say?” She asked, wondering if she should feel shame of some kind.

Momo, sensing what the admission meant to her friend, felt a mushy sort of ecstasy well up in her heart. “Not at all. Besides, I think you look quite. . .good.” The compliment caught in Momo’s mouth, spinning into something different and less forward. “If you ever wanted to. . .go shopping we could!” Momo again ventured, the desire to connect with another female friend forming in her chest. She was too nervous to anticipate what Ochaco might say so she was completely caught off guard when Ochaco leaped forward and hugged her. It was a tight, almost crushing hug that was softened by the bountiful fields of pudge that had found a home on Ochaco’s body. Yet, Momo could tell that there were sinewy chords of muscle which swum under the soft bulk. Even without the use of her quirk, Ochaco seemed able to lift Momo. The rich woman was far too excited by the prospect of physical contact to mind. It was grand to feel Ochaco’s soft touch and the press of her curvaceous body.

“Of course! That sounds like so much fun!” Ochaco gushed, swinging Momo back and forth. While Momo was still taller than Ochaco, the black haired woman was the tallest lady in class, she seemed smaller in the brunette’s arms. Finally, Ocacho dropped the other woman. The two made their way to class, each talking about the stores and fashion they would like to try. Ochaco also threw in suggestions for where they could get lunch during their hypothetical shopping trip. It had been a couple hours since she had last eaten and she was feeling hunger creep back into her stomach.


A month had passed since the fight with the Primal Brothers and Ochaco found herself sitting uncomfortably in a chair waiting for U.A’s Nurse, Recovery Girl. It was still a unique and novel situation for Ochaco to visit the little old woman, whose moniker of “Youthful Hero” had since turned highly ironic. Trips to the infirmary were usually Deku’s domain. She remembered when he had first joined U.A and any usage of his quirk caused his fingers or arm to shatter in a thousand places. She sighed, thinking about her crush. Deku was indeed now smaller than Ochaco and in more ways than one. He was certainly thinner and, if the charts laid out in front of her were to be believed, shorter as well. Ochaco’s body had changed greatly since the encounter with Goji and Jira, rapidly put through a pace of growth that the young woman could hardly comprehend.

Ochaco’s weight continued to rise in an exponential fashion. That much was obvious from looking both at her body and the chart that was printed on the screen in front of her. A single green line charted her weight over time, the curve flowing upwards with a sharp grace. Further inspection of her body removed all doubt. Currently, she was wearing the most recent attempt at finding her a uniform. The jacket still fit, barely, but the shirt underneath had been pushed to the absolute breaking point by her rotund upper body. Breasts that seemed more at home on an erotic dancer had burst through her upper most buttons whilst a belly that regularly demanded high calorie feasts strained at the remaining buttons. Her weight was well distributed to her lower half as well. She was thankful that she had taken up Momo’s offers to go shopping for clothes, and much more thankful that the richer woman had bought her leggings as gifts. The ones that Ochaco had owned previously were now woefully small and threadbare. The constant rubbing and touching of her thighs had made them patchy and her butt now strained them to the point of being see-through. Yet, it was not just her width and circumference that had been expanding. however , the door opened and Recovery Girl came in before Ochaco’s thoughts could turn to the inches that had been added to her stature.

“Miss Uraraka, my dear, your charts are quite concerning.” The older woman walked into the room, her syringe shaped cane clacking along the ground. She spoke both sweetly and professionally, balancing medical intellect with human concern. “I’m not sure how to tell you this, but a woman your age should not be so. . .ah. . .robust.” While normally upfront with her patients, the medical crone could understand some level of tact might be required in dealing with a young woman who was literally growing out of her clothes by the week. The nurse stood in front of Ochaco, the younger woman struggling to sit in her chair properly. 300 pounds and nearly 5’7, Ochaco Uraraka was quickly becoming one of the biggest women on the campus of U.A. Recovery Girl might not have minded so much if it was related to a size changing or body enhancement quirk, but this growth was totally unrelated to her powers. Using her small cane, the nurse prodded the fatter, taller woman’s fluffy body. The pokey end of her walking aid sunk into Ochaco’s pudge deeply, several inches as least. “The silver lining is that you are perfectly healthy. More than healthy, if you can believe that.” She felt the need to soften the blow again, trying to measure out kindness and professionalism. “Not that we want to stop looking for a cure.”

“But what makes you think it needs to be cured?” Ochaco asked, standing up. She lost sight of the small woman for a moment, her wobbling belly blocking out all that was below her. “I feel great!” She did not mean to sound so defensive of her body and what was happening to it, but her subconscious spoke for her. Since the fight, she had come alive in a way that she couldn’t explain. She woke each day with energy and passion that outstripped the already exuberant spirit she had in the past. While needing to eat more and constantly shopping for new clothes had been annoying, Ochaco could also not deny the extreme positives. She was stronger both physically and with her quirk, now excelling at physical trials during school and small missions. Further, she had even found herself becoming more passionate and loving. The small moments alone with Deku were so charged with romantic tension that Ochaco practically vibrated in her seat. Her life was quickly becoming a swirl of intense joy and almost delirious love. She had become so enamored with the success and emotions she was feeling that talk of “curing” her was worrying.

“Miss Uraraka, this certainly has something to do with that fight you were in with those two villains months ago.” the nurse sighed, realizing her words were falling upon deaf ears. “While we haven’t found it in the blood samples yet, I have no doubt that the blast you were caught in had an effect on your genes. We can’t ignore something with such serious potential.” She shook her head sagely. “There could be dire consequences for you.” Recovery Girl could see that she was reaching the usual impasse that she had with young people of Ochaco’s age. If something was not immediately wrong, then the other signs and symptoms could be ignored. Especially if it made them a better hero. However, rather than argue the point with the woman, Recovery Girl stated her case and then excused Ochaco. It would not do to harden the young hero’s heart through argument. The old woman would continue to study the blood and samples and continue to hope that Ochaco might come out of her delusion. “We can talk more about this later, though. I know you have class to get to. Study hard, my dear!” She slowly walked over to the clinic door and opened it. The large woman got up from her seat, easily moving her 300 pounds of fat and muscle, and walked out. “Make sure to say hello to Izuku for me, It’s been a while since he’s had to come get bandaged up.” She smiled, clasping Ochaco’s hand for a moment.

Ochaco thanked Recovery Girl, bowing low enough that her stomach bulged forward and popped two more of her buttons. She reddened a bit. She felt her stomach fly outwards, enjoying its freedom. Yet, Ocacho’s embarrassment paled in comparison to a strange sense of enjoyment she got from the act. She wrote it off as her getting used to the experience of her body violently altering her clothing. She straightened slowly, again strangely appreciative of how her stomach rounded back out. “I will! Thank you!” She beamed and began to walk away. Her mind turned to Deku, the young man who had stolen her heart. Quickly, she felt a heat rising in her chest, burning with a sort of erotic passion. She would certainly find him quickly, though she was not sure she would remember to pass on Recovery Girl’s words.

--- Passion Surge ---

Ochaco sat with Tsuyu on a bench outside of one of their classrooms. Or, more accurately, Ochaco sat on the bench and Tusyu tried to claim a sliver of the end for herself. The young woman was truly looking massive now, fat billowing out in every direction. Now over 400 pounds and taller than even Momo, Ochaco did an impressive job of covering the small bench with her soft bulk. Thanks to her growth spurts, she had once again been forced to dip into her home closet in order to remain modest. Though, considering how her thighs had ripped through her leggings in several places and her biceps had split the sleeves of her light blue t-shirt the strategy was proving far less than useful. Ochaco’s plush hips and powerful thighs easily dominated the bench, stealing space away from the much smaller, more delicate frog woman. Tsuyu’s legs were even growing tired from having to prop herself up, the rest of her body leaning into Ochaco’s mass. The amphibious woman even had to look up at Ochaco, tilting her chin up to catch the bigger woman’s eyes. These differences did not bother Ochaco. Rather, the gravity powered super heroine felt her problems lay elsewhere. Ochaco was madly in love and more than a little physically desperate.

“Oh Tsuuu, I just don’t know what to do. It’s like he’s ignoring all my signals.” Ochaco moaned, thumping her head back into the wall behind her with gentle frustration. Ripples traveled down her body, shaking her fat further onto Tsuyu. The smaller woman, always polite and long suffering, sat with her knees pressed together and hands folded on her thighs. “We’ve been together so long, but he won’t do anything.” She leaned down, needing to make her point further. Ocahco was now close to 5’9 and seemed to tower over most of the other girls. Ochaco’s mere presence accidentally dominate her friends in conversation. “I just want him to touch me a bit!” She shook Tsuyu a little, trying to make the point of how desperate she was. Her biceps, bulging with fat and padding, shook back and forth, one rubbing against the wall.

Ochacho wanted Izuku to do far more than that. Increasingly, she had been desperate for deep physical intimacy. Days went by and her desperation grew deeper and deeper. She would lay in her bed at night with her phone next to her, hoping he would text or say something. Each morning, when she tried slip into her woefully small clothes, she would imagine that it was his hands sliding over her. Ochaco wanted someone to caress the curves she was developing, to explore with her the womanly figure that she was blooming into. Her fat, round breasts were now close to the size of melons and begged to be appraised. Likewise, she had a butt that could easily fill a seat and half. She had seen Izuku slowly master his quirk and the strength it gave him. She knew that, despite his small stature, he could easily withstand her own bodacious body. The big woman wanted to be pinned down and. . .

“Hmmm. . .I get what you mean, Ochaco.” Tsuyu ignored the ragdoll effect from her much bigger friend. At 4 '11, Tsuyu was dwarfed by her much taller, wider friend. “I’ve been feeling something similar, ribbit.” Surprised to hear a confession of romantic interest from the reserved woman, Ochaco stopped shaking her friend. Tsuyu took a moment to breathe, straightening her own uniform. Her wide, froggy hands brushed against a body that was developing just as much as Ochaco’s, albeit at a slower rate. Tsuyu had watched as her breasts swelled, filling out in ways she wouldn’t have imagined. Perhaps from extensive acrobatics training, her thighs and butt were looking more pert and bubbly as well. While she had grown a small tummy, it helped to show how much softer and womanly she was becoming. With this little boost in her figure, certain thoughts had begun to appear to Tsuyu. “You hope that you are going to get noticed, ribbit, but then they just pass you by.” She said, hands gliding back to being tucked between her thighs.

“It’s the worst!” Ochaco recovered quickly from her shock, happy that she had found another girl to commiserate with. First Momo and now Tsu, Ocacho smiled as she realized how her relationships were deepening. It felt good. Emotion welled up in the growing woman, filling her large chest. Sparkly tears filled her eyes and she couldn’t help but reach over and pull Tsuyu into a hug. “Ooooohhh, Tsu! Someone lucky is going to notice you! Especially with those cute little froggy noises. You’re like a stuffed animal!” Tsuyu’s curves were easily overpowered by Ocahco’s own fields of soft fat. Encompassed by chub, the froggy woman felt her heart beat faster and a blush fill her face. Her eyes widened as realization stole over her. Ochaco rocked back and forth, pouring camaraderie and understanding through her embrace. For a moment, she forgot about her lust for Izuku. She could appreciate the press of another body, regardless of who it was. However, when she realized the hug had probably gone on for a moment or two too long, she let Tsu go. The two sat quietly for seconds, fanning themselves as the heat started to dissipate.

“Ribbit, ribbit.” Tsu said between pants, her mind reduced to froggy noises as she tried to recover. Once her heartbeat slowed she started to talk again and offer her own advice for Izuku and Ocahco, but she couldn’t stop picturing herself in the midst of things. “Sometimes, ribbit, people need something a bit more obvious. A gesture that can’t be ignored. Ribbit, ribbit.” She licked her lips, running her long tongue over her wide lips. Hoping for something that she couldn’t quite put words to. Though, she took solace in the fact that her friend was obviously listening. A large grin had spread over her face, an idea coming into her mind.


Ochaco practically vibrated in her seat. Her excitement had mounted through the day since her talk with Tsu and now it was finding its peak. She sat in class, a couple desks behind Izuku. She watched her crush study, his pencil scratching over his notepad as he worked through some thoughts on the ethics of heroism. The bubbly girl could see the muscles in his thin arms flexing with each stroke of his pencil. The thought of the power hiding in that small frame made her weak in the knees. She clamped her thick, soft thighs together and put her head down on her desk.

Ochaco felt her face turning crimson as a hand snaked down between her legs, her other arm working to hide her face. She wanted badly to experience all of Izuku, desperate to feel the full force of him and his quirk. The growing heroine also thought of the things she could do, easily making the pair float and bounce around the room in weightless intimacy. She peeked up, her chocolatey hair parting such that she could once again see her love. Her skirt, tensed from being strapped around a wall of butt fat, rustled a bit as her hand teased her thighs. She tried to calm herself, taking slow breaths. Her chest filled outward, brimming with air and pent up frustration. Even when she let the air out, her bosoms filled her shirt out to the point where her excited nipples were clearly visible against the fabric. The breathing technique might have worked, had she not remembered what Tsu had said. They came floating back to her, bursting the emotional dam that had been reaching critical mass.

Her chair screeched back as she stood. Her gut, filled from yet another massive lunch, bounced her desk over. It clattered off of Mineta’s chair, the smaller boy jumping from fright. Without pausing or looking anywhere other than at Deku, Ochaco waddled forward. Momo and Tsuyu watched, both with stars in their eyes, as Ochaco reached down and grabbed Izuku. “Hey! Ocho!” Izuku called as he was thrust over one shoulder. He stared down at a round butt that was big enough to act as a shelf, the skirt meant to contain it folded on its jiggling mass. Izuku could see that, from the threadbare nature of Ochaco’s leggings, that she was not wearing panties. “What’s going on? Where are wweee. . .” His protestations and exclamations continued as Ochaco skipped out of class with him on her shoulder.


“Ochaco. . .we. . .really. . .shouldn’t.” Izuku said, feeling his cock tighten in his pants as his crush leaned down to kiss him. He was pushed up against the wall by the bigger woman, her fat pinning him in place as much as her hands. Her breasts, fuller than any he had ever seen, cupped around his chin. Her lips planted soft, sweet kisses on his cheeks. Her hands fumbled against his belt, trying to free his cock like it wanted. Caught between his own lust and need to be a hero, Izuku alternated between kissing back and protesting against the bigger woman’s actions. Her plump hands finally ripped open his pants, reaching into his boxers. Ochaco felt a sort of delirious madness creep over her. She felt like a hungry beast, ready for a triumph that had been hers for a long time to come. Her hands pumped Izuku’s cock, further exciting him. “Ochoooo, please!” Izuku said, not sure if he was begging her to stop or attack him harder. She pumped his cock, bringing him to full arousal quickly. Further, she activated her quirk, allowing the two to slowly float off of the ground. They rose into the air, bodies intertwined.

“Deku, I neeed this!” Ochaco was boisterous in her lust, the animal inside of her waking further. Her own clothing ripped off easily, already pushed to the point of snapping by her massiveness. She wanted nothing more than to bury her lover in her sumptuous body. She was 400+ pounds of pure sexual energy waiting to be unleashed. Her pussy, already wet, practically gushed at the thought of what was to come. They reached the ceiling, Deku’s back pushed against it. In a release of passion that had been building since they had first met, Deku entered Ochaco. His cock thrust deep between her thighs. The brunette gasped, pausing for a moment as she realized she was getting everything she ever wanted. She quickly redoubled her efforts after the shock wore off. Gyrating her hips, she straddled the smaller boy as best she could. She pinned him to the ceiling, gravity and modesty now rendered completely moot by her quirk and the change of disposition granted by the incident with the Primal Brothers. Ochaco pressed herself close to Deku, her heavy breasts filling his chest whilst her slab of stomach fat overflowed his abdomen. “Fuck, Deku!” Her voice became more commanding as she reveled in pleasure.

“Ye-yes!” Izuku agreed, giving into his passion as well. He knew he should probably resist. Ochaco had been changing dramatically before his eyes lately, worryingly so. Yet, he couldn’t deny that he loved her all the same. His cock thrust in and out, slick and shining. She buried him with kisses, her lips leaving lipstick marks. She thought of it territorially, that she was singling him out and removing him from the pool of other women that would claim him. Again, the beast in her stomach roared, demanding her into further actions. Her pussy gushed as she climaxed over and over again. She wanted to bring him to the end, a final orgasm that would rocket through her body like his punches reverberated through concrete. Their sex was pure and animalistic. She would tease him, biting his lip or his ear whilst he pumped between her thighs. In Izuku’s mind, Ochaco seemed to grow bigger; her form filling out even more as he made love to her. Tension built within him and conscious thoughts drained away. He could feel his member thrusting into her pussy as well as rubbing against her lower belly fold. Pressure like he had never felt built within his nether regions. It was unbearable. It was bliss.

“Yes. . .ooooh. . .yes!” Ochaco practically screamed as she sensed the end coming. Her voice reverberated through the rooms and hallways of U.A. She was not simply finding love, she was reaching a new stage in her own development. She stroked his fuzzy hair, lovingly reminding him to pump harder and faster. Finally after agonizing minutes, Izuku came. He exploded into her and Ochaco moaned. She arched her back, flooding with pleasure she could not begin to describe or understand. Electricity ran through her muscles and fat alike. Her very cells seemed on fire. Her inner beast roared in pleasure, its queenly hunger satiated for the moment. “Ohhhhhh, DEEEEKKKUUUUU!” She called, whipping her brown hair back and forth in unleashed ecstasy.

Her voice went out again, echoing through the halls of U.A. Little did she know, that would seemingly act as the catalyst for other, grander changes across the school and Japan. While Ochaco was the center of the blast and had received the most change. It had spread far and wide. She was not the only genetic time bomb currently counting down.

Part 2: School Wide Changes

--- Contests ---

Time passed for U.A and the rest of the city of Musutafu, but it did not pass uneventfully. Things that had been brewing beneath the surface were beginning to make their mark. Ochaco was not alone in being affected by the strange blast that had ripped through the city. The effects that Recovery Girl had noticed in her blood and genetics were becoming more present in the other female students. They grew bigger, hungrier, and more energetic. Their bodies piled on pounds and inches by the week, thrusting them into levels of activity that the school had never seen. The cafeteria became sites of gluttonous orgies, spurred on by a deep lust for food that none of the ladies could understand or explain. Further, the weight rooms and practice fields hosted competitions of skill that had never been seen before. The leaderboards and school rankings seemed to shift by the day, with the most promising prospects always in contention. That is, save for the number one spot. The fattest, tallest, strongest woman at U.A continued to be Ochaco Uraraka. As the woman first and most drastically affected, she hogged the place of domination. Though, she was not without her challengers. . .

“Ocho! You’re in the way. . .again!” Kyoka tried to shove her hips past the veritable wall of fat that Ochaco had become. Halfway to a flat seven feet tall and easily weighing over 800 pounds, the gravity based hero took up quite a bit more of the hallway that she was loitering in. she had been leaning down over Izuku who sat on a bench. Her behemoth butt, bigger than a city park bench by half, jutted out into the hallway. It swung lazily back and forth, sometimes smacking into unwary students who were trying to pass by. Ochaco minded little, instead enjoying the small impacts upon her rotund rear. It was like small asteroids peppering the face of a planet, a reminder of just how massive she was. Of course, as evidenced by Kyoka’s angry call out, not everyone was enjoying having to dodge the jiggling moons. Ochaco ignored the declaration, much more intent on spending time with Izuku. She leaned forward, kissing him and smothering his smaller body in folds of fat. She could feel his cock hardening as she pressed her body onto his, pinning him in place. She might have kissed and smooched him for hours, had Kyoka not decided to escalate.

SMACK. TWHAP! The twin hits landed squarely, one for each cheek. Ochaco jerked up, surprised. Izuku was buried by belly fat as his massive lover reared up. Her brunette hair stood on end, first in surprise and then in anger at having been challenged in such a manner. Slowly, shoulders hunched, Ochaco turned around to reveal her full form. She was impossibly round, her stomach full and fat. She wore yet another mangled attempt at a fitting uniform. Her shirt partially buttoned, though blown open by her milky breasts. Her tie snaked down between her bouncing breasts, further highlighting just how unreal her cleavage had become. The upper most reaches of her stomach was uncovered, with her ruined shirt simply left to dangle and flap overtop of it. Her belly was taut at the top and gently flowed into a soft morass at the bottom. Ochaco, looking down at Kyoka, huffed and crossed her meaty arms under her chest. She stomped a foot, sending ripples running up and down her thunder thighs. Her thighs had long since smashed together, forming an impenetrable wall of fat and buried muscle. “Hmmph! That’s the kind of rudeness that gets people in trouble.” Ochaco did not mean trouble with the staff. Rather, the kind of trouble that ends with a much larger woman holding a smaller one upside down.

Kyoka admirably held her ground. Her own recent growth spurts had imparted a dangerous confidence to her. She was one of the faster growing women, reaching 6 feet and nearly 400 pounds in record time. Unlike Ochaco’s balanced physique, which laid fat in every possible corner, Kyoka bore a bottom heavy build. Her ass exploded out behind her, two quaking mounds of chair-killing fat. Her stomach fell in two rolls, each flabby and sloping down onto her thighs. Her lone sore spot was her lack of breasts. They had stayed small, especially considering some of the other figures that had been sprouting up around her. She did not let this get her down, rather, she used it to fuel her eating sprees and attitude. Even now, standing in the shadow of Ochaco’s bulk, she felt wells of furious confidence bubbling up within her. She kicked a thick, cankled leg back and tapped her boot on the ground. “Oh yeah? Well, I’d think I could handle any trouble that came to me.” She grinned, her puffy earlobes extended like vipers.

The two women moved towards each other like predatory beasts, muscles tensed for action. It was not the kind of heroic sporting challenge that U.A would have seen in years gone by. There was little thought to tactics or intelligent usage of power. To the contrary, the two women simply thought about the application of size and the clash of fat. They drifted ever closer, unable to escape each other’s aggressive orbit. Their bellies met, Ochaco’s puffy roundness flopping on top of Kyoka’s flabby rolls. The spirit of inner beasts, imparted to them so many months ago, roared and thirsted for combat. The two stared at each other through fat faces, with neck rolls squished below extra chins. Something would happen soon. The tension would break and one of them would be crowned the victor. Ochaco felt her heart beat faster, as excited by this little display of force as she was for sex. The world around them was silent, students staring at the two behemoths.

“Uuuhh, hey!” Izuku said, pushing himself between Kyoka and Ochaco. His arms glowed with the power from One for All, the strength of generations of heroes flowing through him. "No. . .no need to fight!" Izuku pushed with all his strength, trying to keep the massive women away from each other. They leaned forward, each trying to pressure the other into making a move. They hovered close again, fighting the small boy between them as much as each other. Izuku was entombed beneath warm fat, pressed between the immense and still growing bulk of the two women. Summoning One for All again, Izuku shoved the two apart. He quickly ran to catch Ochaco’s arm, leading the big woman away. "Say! Ochaco, why don't we go see what Momo or Tsu is doing? I think I can hear one of them calling you!" Izuku's speech was hastened because of his nerves.

"Uuuugggh, Deku, you always have to be the good guy!" Ochaco's frustrations tumbled out for a moment onto her short lover. However, they lasted only as long as it took for her to wrap a soft arm around his shoulder. "You really hate to see anyone fight that much, huh?" She flicked his nose, feeling the need to toy with him since she denied her earlier fun. Izuku shuddered under the weight of his supersized sweetheart. Drained from his earlier expenditure, he had only his non-quirk strength to draw from; which was woefully inadequate. Ochaco’s curtain of bicep fat was enough to engulf Izuku’s entire shoulder. Each step he felt himself drawing closer to the ground. Ochaco’s fat folded over his body, just as her voice whispered through his ear. “You know, it wouldn’t hurt to give your sweetheart what she wants every now and then.” She inched closer and closer, draping her heavy arms onto his chest. She pinched and clawed his shirt, working her hands lovingly over his toned chest. Her breasts flooded around his neck, ears, and head. He could hardly hear the world around him, only the purring reverberations that came when the tall woman spoke. “I’d make it worth your while.” She ended with a kiss, pulling back one of her bulbous breasts in order to reach his cheek.

“Aaaah, well, I probably should get to class!” Izuku said, speaking nonsense as full, red lips pressed softly into his cheek. One of Ochaco’s pillar like thighs bumped his comparatively small and frail hip. He walked straight as a soldier, feeling a familiar swell in his trousers.

“That was the final period. Just independent. . .study time now.” Ochaco purred. She knew Izuku’s modesty would make him bail. He couldn’t handle such forward and aggressive pursuit. Yet, that was what made it fun. He was a timid rabbit and she was a proud, well fed tigress. True to her prediction, Izuku tried to leap away a second later. Charging One for All through his legs, All Might's apprentice tried to make his get away. For a moment it seemed like he might be free, but he felt a lovingly iron grip around his ankle. Soon he was hanging upside down, dangling in front of Ochaco. “Niiiiicce try, Deku!” She smiled, tilting her head to the side even. It was strange to see such a large woman make such girlish movements. “But you need a bit of practice!” She planted a kiss on his upside down lips. “How about we borrow the gym for a little ‘get away’ training.” She summoned her own gravity powers, making her 800 pound body nearly weightless. She laughed, skipping down the hallway with Izuku folded around her neck like a sweater. “I’m getting pretty good at these games of yours, though.”

Izuku sighed, both dreading and excited by the paces his body was about to be put through.

--- Lunchroom Blitz ---

What happened between Kyoka and Ochaco was only the beginning. As the days passed U.A  became more of a jungle, with the female students and teachers falling further under the sway of their rapidly changing bodies and warping minds. Enclosed spaces grew tense when even two women were present, especially if food or boys were in close proximity. Anything and everything was a competition and every girl was a sore loser. It was becoming more common to hear thumps, bangs, and even explosions throughout the school as bickering matches escalated into full on brawls. The school officials were largely powerless to control the situation, instead simply trying to maintain a semblance of order. Despite the numerous samples Recovery Girl and the medical team took from the ladies, no solution came to them. Despite knowing the source of the change, they were powerless to identify where it was attacking the bodies of the women. Though, even if a cure was discovered, it was doubtful if any of the female student body would take it. They liked the surges of power, uncontrollable growth, feelings of invincibility, and increased libido. Each day they woke, ready to forcefully show off how much they had changed and there was no grander stage than the U.A cafeteria.

Much like watering holes in the savannah, the cafeteria attracted all able bodied challengers. The women stomped in, ready for food and drink to further power their transformations. Some ladies, such as Momo, spent as much time as they could in the cafeteria. Already requiring massive amounts of food for her quirk, Momo’s hunger had become a nearly constant gnawing. She always had to eat, desiring to fill herself to the brim at every opportunity. It was no different on this particular day. She had made it through the line again, the pile of food forming a mountain. The rich woman felt particularly good because she had been able to obtain the last cupcake. It had taken a lot of elbowing, plowing her 587 pound body between a slightly smaller Mina and Mei. While not the biggest women, Momo had certainly reached the upper echelons of size within U.A. She was not afraid to use her girth either, managing her immense breasts like maces or flails and her stomach like a battering ram. There had been growls and grumblings, but ultimately no challenges. Momo was free to prance her way to her usual lunch table, eager to show her treasure to Ochaco. Of course, getting through the lunchline was the easy part. She still had the rest of the cafeteria to try and cross.

Large, bodies pushed and shoved each other throughout the open space. The formerly neat and well ordered eating space had been turned into a confused mess of tables and territories. Like packs of hunting beasts, the bulging beauties of U.A had segmented the cafeteria off into districts; each complete with their own set of alphas and followers. Momo could see her own off in a corner, the gigantic body of Ochaco acting as a signal beacon. Momo smiled as she watched Ocahco lift an entire tray and dump the food into her mouth. Her stomach, now starting to resemble a smart-car in spherical mass, made the table it was resting on collapse. Momo felt a familiar tingle spread through her nether regions as she watched her friend feast. Her own heavy feet started to pick up as she made the perilous journey over. She had only to cross a small series of tables and she would join her immense protector.

Momo had to shove and push her way through the crowd of pressing bodies. 6 feet, 3 inches, and nearly 600 pounds of soft fat went a long way in granting safety, but it did not protect her from every threat. The first sign of danger was her skirt lifting. Little more than a fringe around her naked butt cheeks, Momo’s skirt was mostly to highlight the enormous amount of mass she had been cultivating. Normally, it was wedged well between her asscheeks, but she felt it get slowly untucked as someone tried to coast along her side. Momo clutched her tray, knuckles turning white as she held onto her platter of food. Whoever was moving alongside her was trying to be stealthy, or at least as stealthy as a 300-plus woman can be. Momo shoved a hip out, smacking the would-be thief that was in her blind spot. A warning shove to send a signal to back off. She could hear and feel its connection, her voluminous buttcheek smacking into some other woman’s fatty form. At the same time, Momo quickened her step. Yet, the person stalking her was not so easily dissuaded. The presence returned moments later, curling around Momo. The black haired woman, once near the top of her class, tried to analyze the situation. Move too quick and she might spill her tray, move too slow and she might be stuck fighting for her food.  She tried to crane her head around to catch a glimpse of who was bothering her. Oddly, her eyes saw nothing save the chairs behind her.

Toru Hagakure, Invisible Girl, had been placed in a confusing spot thanks to her growth. Her body and quirk were seemingly at odds with one another. Cut out for stealth and reconnaissance missions but now bearing a body that seemed more used to tests of strength, she was pulled in two different directions. Becoming an ambush predator seemed to be the only way to pull the two halves of herself into a cohesive whole. She would stalk the lunchrooms, looking for particularly unobservant women and steal their food. She had been met with a level of success, building her confidence to the point she considered a bigger score. It was dangerous to mess with Momo, Tsuyu, Izuku, or anyone else connected with Ochaco but she felt the need to test her skills. She had done well. . .up until the point her naked body had accidentally caught and dragged Momo’s skirt. Her rational brain had screamed at her to give up, especially as Momo’s fat hip had smacked against her stomach folds, but her newly developed hunter’s pride wouldn’t allow it. Momo might have been taller than her by several inches and outweighed her by at least 100 pounds, but she had the element of surprise. Sensing that the jig was up, she launched herself forward. Her naked fat slapped and rebounded off of Momo’s own scantily covered blubber as she made a grab for the tray of food.

“HEEEEEYY, Toru!” Momo whined twisting away. It was hard to say what wobbled more, the pillar of food or Momo’s body. The ground thumped with heavy steps as the two women stomped and jumped. Momo was taller and fatter, but Toru was invisible. All the the bigger woman had to go on was the sensual feeling of Toru pressing into her. Arm, hand, leg, breast, and butt fat all felt largely the same when there were no visible markers. Momo’s own body acted as it’s best defense. She raised the tray above her head out of instinct, twisting and turning to try and keep Toru away. Her breasts smacked and buffeted the invisible girl, often pressing directly onto her face. Momo needed space in order to use her creation work as well as a plan, but the unseen assault left her with little options. “Sssttttooop! I got this fair and squareeee!” Momo cried, trying to shove the smaller woman away using her bench-filling-butt. More than her other actions, her yells were what aided her the most. Toru sensed the kill was close, she was wearing Momo down. Each twist and turn brought the tray lower. While some food had inevitably spilled on the floor, there was still plenty to make a feast from. Toru’s mouth watered as she stretched out her arm for the final attempt. She only had to stretch her fingers out a bit more. . .

“You know, it’s not very nice to steal food!” A deep rumbling sounded from behind Toru as she felt a looming presence descend behind her. Ochaco’s iron grip latched around the invisible arm, Toru couldn’t tell if Ochaco had been able to somehow sense her body’s movements or if it was pure luck. Regardless, she was caught by the alpha bitch of the junior hero world. “I think you should apologize.” The gravitational hero spoke in a way both cheerful and menacing, her light and high pitched voice underscored by a rumble that came from deep within her folds of fat. Ochaco was 8 feet tall and nearly half a ton in weight. She could lift and move a bulldozer without the use of her powers. When using her gravity quirk, she was nigh on unstoppable. Ochaco smiled as she felt the smaller woman scramble and try to fight her way out of the grip. Here was her perfect opportunity for confrontation. It was helping a friend and preventing a theft. How could Izuku be mad at her? With a smile that spread from ear to ear, Ocahco infused Toru with weightlessness. Then, it was a simple matter of belly bumping her to the top of the cafeteria. Their fat met in a clap that gathered the attention of the entire lunchroom, with all eyes focused on the brunette behemoth. Toru, unseen as always, spiraled through the air.

Toru’s invisibility helped her dignity a bit when she was picked up fully and launched into the air. However, it helped her little as she careened towards the floor. She landed with a crash on a set of tables, food flying in all directions from the pile that had been built up. Ochaco, satisfied with her work, turned and took her portion from Momo’s food. “Mmm. . .thatsccchh. . .soo good!” She moaned, rubbing her immense stomach.  The now dwarfed Momo held the offering plate up, not caring if she got any at all. As long as food went to her queen, that was good enough for her. Ocacho, again using her quirk, made the food weightless so that Momo’s hands were free to massage and worship her belly. “Come on. . .RRRRUUUUUURRRPP. . .Momo. I think I earned it.” She grinned, knowing that the smaller woman would acquiesce to her desires. Anything to keep Ochaco happy. Momo’s hands dug in deeply, massaging the surprisingly tender belly fat. Ocahco’s gut fell down as a singular orb, curving gently into a slightly warped oval shape. The brunette monster purred, feeling herself get wet. She didn’t mind being sexually pleased in front of a crowd, rather seeing it as an opportunity to prove her status.

“Hey, that was our food you ruined!” Mina’s voice interrupted the massage. The pink girl had lumbered to her feet, two chairs still hugging her asscheeks. 7 feet and 700 pounds of Mina was covered in pulped remains of the food she had been enjoying prior to Toru’s landing. Mina, already frustrated from having a meal ruined, was further incensed by seeing Ocacho giggle at the misfortune. The pink woman summoned the acid in her body. Her burgeoning bestial nature saw her spit it out of her mouth, evoking saurian predators from eons ago. Spat with pitch perfect accuracy, the acid landed on the floating pile of food. Sizzling and dissolving, Momo’s hard won food slowly turned to floating mush. “How do you like it, Fatty?” Mina asked, proudly shoving a hip out and ignoring her own stature. “Sucks to have your food ruined.”

Ochaco couldn’t take that insult. Girlish demeanor gone, she ran forward through the lunchroom. The boiling tensions in the lunchroom erupted into open conflict. Every old slight and insult remembered and brought to the forefront. Though the fight had started with Mina and Ochaco, many others soon burst into reality. Ochaco’s stomps shot her gravity manipulation quirk outwards, her own powers having changed as much as her body. Chairs, tables, foods, smaller students were all gathered in the brewing storm of gravity that whirled around her. “Mina! You jerk!” Ocacho called, tears flooding her eyes. She snarled and lunged forward “I waaaanttedd that!” Her body became just weightless enough to allow her to jump, forcing her landlocked bulk up into the air. Her breasts and gut floated upwards, shredding the rest of her clothes. Her arms, naked and flexing, were raised above her head like a gorilla. She collapsed down, forcing her massiveness and all of the objects she drug along with her down onto Mina. The Alien Queen tried her best to spray acid, but found the debris too numerous. The brunette’s landing cracked the tile of the room, blowing back all the tables and chairs around her. Mina was sent flying backwards, knocked unconscious.

Yet, Ocahco’s rampage was not done. All the bestial rage that had been building inside her burst forth. It was time to teach the school who the biggest and baddest heroine was. Her arms flew, knocking anyone aside with her strength and gravity quirk. Her stomach surged forward, slamming into and overpowering the smaller men and women of the hero academy. “No one takes my food!” She yelled, taking on any challengers. Kyoka ran at her. Ochaco caught her hands. The two entered an almost sumo like contest of strength, each trying to overpower the other. The floor further cracked underneath the twin blobs of fat and hidden muscle. Slowly, even without the use of her quirk, Ocacho gained the upper hand. Kyoka flinched for a moment. The release of pressure allowed Ocacho to hook an arm under Kyoka’s thighs. Kyoka, shocked at someone being able to even lift her fat ass, didn’t fight back. Ochaco slowly rose, her rival hoisted over a shoulder. Finally activating her quirk, the brunette hero tossed Kyoka. The obese rocker landed directly onto Mina, bouncing on her belly. Ochaco planted her pillar-thick leg on top of her rivals and raised a fist.


“Oh my God. They are all crazy.” Mineta said from his hidey hole above the cafeteria. He was watching the aftermath of the brawl. Initially, he had been excited by the prospect of growing women, constantly exposing their fat, getting into catfights, and fucking each other. Now, seeing the rampage below, he had other ideas. A nervous sweat and goosebumps crawled over him as he watched Ocacho beat her chest and walk out with Tsu and Momo under her arms.


“Come on, Deku!” Ochaco called from her place at the back of the classroom. “I want to celebrate!” She giggled as Momo put her mouth over a gigantic breast and started to suck. Ochaco smack her gut and then lifted, exposing her wet pussy. Izuku felt his knees grow weak, but the sight was quickly blocked as Tsu and her extraordinary tongue dipped down and between Ocahco’s slick thighs. The gravity hero squealed and dropped her gut, it landed with a thud on Tsu’s head. Giggling, croaking, and other noises poured out from between her thighs as the froggy hero showed all that she had learned over the past couple months. Truly, Ochaco felt like a queen. Leaving the cafeteria, her rage had dissipated quickly and was replaced by other, intimate feelings. “Coooommeee on, Deku!” Ochaco begged. “Come celebrate with the biggest and best hero!” She winked, tapping what she could reach of her lowest belly fold. “Tsu will move for you. I’ll save the best spot!” She winked.

“Awwwww. . .CRRROOOAAAKKK. . .I thought it was my turn.” Tsuyu pulled her head up to mumble, upset that she was being taken away from directly stimulating Ochacho.

“See. . .Ochaco. . .Tsu is just so ready and I should. . .aaah!” Izuku yelled as Tsuyu wrapped her tongue around his naked body, dragging him forward. She heaved her own bulk out of the way with surprising speed. The growing girl, now more resembling a bullfrog, was only a head shorter than Ochacho and a couple hundred pounds lighter. She dropped Izuku in front of Ochaco before returning to her fun. Her tongue licked in and out of various rolls.

Izuku’s cock stiffened, growing excited as he stared up at the Ochaco’s unrestrained body. She lifted her gut, again pulling back the fat-curtain to reveal her soft and ready sex. Izuku hated to admit it but he loved the swirling passion and sense of danger her got from Ochaco now. While still plenty sweet to him, she was turning into quite the monster. He came forward, cock ready to commit. He wanted her to be pleased, to be happy even if she was becoming more unrecognizable to the small girl that he had known. But they all were, Momo and Tsuyu were hardly themselves anymore. Driven by sex, greed, gluttony, and lust for power, the women of U.A were turning into oni or other monsters out of folklore before his eyes. Izuku signaled his readiness to submit to the new order by entering Ochaco. He was ready to please the queen at any cost.

--- Uravity Depravity ---

Ochaco thudded down the hallways of U.A, her gigantic form swinging back and forth. She would have had to duck under the ceilings at this point, had she not already torn out most of the ceilings. Walls were knocked in as well, allowing her bulk to shove its way forward down the hallways that she prowled. She could walk without worry or fear of the other changing women, she had dominated them to the point of utter capitulation. She had not received any challenges for weeks or months and had been allowed to feed and fuck freely as a result. Rich in every resource imaginable for a monstrous young woman, her body had taken on truly terrifying proportions. There was no chair or seat that could hold her. Her body was nearly wide to the point of fully blocking off the hallways. Each step sent reverberations through the wounded school, all but its foundations damaged by the rampaging women inside. Those reverberations were mimicked by the ripples through her own fat. Ochaco waddled with her hands on her stomach, feeling the life growing inside of her. Days upon days of sexual indulgence had led her to fulfilling the animalistic desire of reproduction. The tyrant queen of the hero world was now heavily pregnant.

Her brood stirred within her, exciting every new and old emotion and instinct within her. She wanted to eat. She wanted to fight. Most of all, however, she wanted to fuck. “Tssssuuuuuu!” Ochaco bellowed, trying to find her froggy concubine. Her voice was two toned, still chipper and bouncy but with a deep reverberation thanks to her newfound size and weight. “Momooooo.” She called again, her pussy becoming wet at the very thought of more pleasure. She waddled around the darkened corridors, openly lusting for her favorite people. “Deeekkkuuuu, your princess needs you!” Her words became more filled with power and lust with each call. She paused to try and reach past her stomach, thick fingers trying to reach her aching pussy. The thought of unfulfilled sex drove her mad, voiding her thoughts even more than food. She had worked herself up the pyramid of needs, securing everything with little to no struggle. Now was the time to fuck and breed relentlessly. “Hello! I NEEED you!” She called, losing patience by the second. She tried again to reach her dripping sex. Her body, stuffed with babies and food, lurched forward awkwardly. Her stomach, mostly a round orb of babies with a curtain of fat falling underneath, would not budge. For leverage, she hoisted it up and thrust it through a wall. A portion of it collapsed, but ultimately it held her weight. Her fingers came ever closer to her pussy, but were still out of reach.

“IZUKU! MOMO! TSU!” Ochaco bellowed, pleading and coyness gone. Her loud voice rang throughout the school. The other ladies, even those in the upper categories of size, tucked themselves away and hid from the alpha-bitch. Ochaco might have called again, had she not felt something glide across her telephone-pole-thick calf.

“Sorry to. . .CRRRROOOO. . .keep you waiting.” Tsuyu said, her long tongue flicking in and out. Even in the dark, the vibrant red of her tongue could be seen. Its soft, wet, thick mass worked its way across Ochaco’s body. The vast amphibious woman knew exactly what her mistress would want, her tongue immediately snaking for her pussy. Ochaco moaned as her black haired lover explored between her thighs. Tsu stopped only to explain herself. “Something is happening though, CRRRROOOOO.” Her once small ribbits now turned to deep croaks. She pressed her own fat, tall body close to Ocacho. She was as much an animal as Ochaco now, her thighs slick with expectant sex. “People are. . .CRRROOOOAAA. . .here.” Her voice was an excited whisper. She went back to massaging Ocahco’s pussy with her tongue as she waited for her lover to speak. Yet, the bigger woman seemed unconcerned.

She heaved her stomach, bigger now than most medium sized cars, off of the wall and slowly turned her bulk around. Tsuyu continued to flick her tongue in and out, wrapping it around knees that had been buried by fat. The frog-like woman only stopped when a fat finger was placed under her soft face. Ocacho tilted Tsuyu’s face up and kissed her. Their plump lips met, with Ochaco aggressively kissing back. She was dominant in all things, needing to show how much bigger and passionate she was. Breasts filled to the brim with milk soon began to dump their cargo, letting the white liquid gush down her body in torrents. Unconcerned about any infiltrators to the school, Ochaco wanted to be fucked.


The government forces dropped into the school from the roof. The team had been hand picked for stealth quirks and special training. They had been briefed about the situation unfolding within the school. Mutations happening on a grand and unstoppable scale, male students held hostage and unable to escape from their much larger captors. Peaceful, scientific solutions had failed to materialize so the government was sending in its best. The men wore all black and were armed with tranquilizer guns and night vision goggles. While the situation was deteriorating inside the school, the government was still trying to avoid a public scandal. Their mission was to neutralize any person that stood in their way and rescue the male students. Their boots touched down on the ceiling of the school and they went to work immediately. Slowly, each special ops member went into the darkened school; unprepared for what they would see.


“Tsssuuu, it’s my turn.” Momo said, trying to cozy up to her copulating friends. Tsu was crouched under Ochaco’s monolithic form, no longer willing to simply lick from a distance. She had gotten on her hands and knees and braced the half-ton belly on her back. Ochaco’s sweet pussy gushed before her tongue and mouth. However, the bullfrog monster soon found herself getting pushed out of the way. She croaked unhappily, stomping her knees and hands on the ground defensively. It was her turn to be the one to bring Ochaco to orgasm, her turn to serve the queen. Momo was insistent though. She bumped and pushed her way in, descending into the moist cavern that was the space between Ochaco’s thighs. Like two hogs going to the same trough, the girls pushed and jostled each other. Momo and Tsuyu were even in height and weight, matching each other between growth spurts. One could never gain a hand over the other. They seemed destined to compete with each other for their massive lover’s attention. Ochaco couldn’t be happier. “Also, Ocho, men are in the building. I think they are taking people.” Momo said off handedly, far too focused on sex. Ochaco radiated hormones and pheromones, making it hard to think about anything other than carnal lust.

The brunette behemoth waddled forward, her steps shaking the world around her. “God, I’m so fat and pregnant,” She moaned, Tsuyu and Momo trailing after her like lost dogs. She grabbed her breasts, the large obs overwhelming her hands easily. Milk gushed, pouring out like a geyser onto the floor in front of her. She waddled to the middle of the hallway, her gut and hips destroying the rest of the wall. Rather unceremoniously, She dropped onto her immense ass. The school shook sickeningly as over a ton in weight was forced onto it’s already struggling infrastructure. Ochaco fell onto her back, allowing her stomach to rise like a mountain before her. She suckled one of her breasts, waiting for Momo and Tsuyu to catch up. To hurry them along, she thumped a large fist on the ground. The two women eagerly came forward, again fighting to see who would get the lucky pleasure of orally pleasing their towering lover.


Several stories up, the special ops team had to pause in their rescue of Denki. The building shook violently, perhaps with the rumbles of yet another fight breaking out. They could only guess at what was happening below them. They were halfway through their operation. Thus far, they had found most of the men they were slated to rescue. Only Izuku Midoriya and Minoru Mineta had eluded them. While the extraction time was looming ever closer, they would continue searching until they found the two. Meanwhile, they were concerned with wedging Denki from between Mei Hatsume’s thick buttcheeks. They had been surprised by how many of the male students seemed to be enjoying their capture.


“Harder! Haaarrddeer!” Ochaco yelled. She had once again changed positions. Izuku had come out of the darkness, silently running from the patrols of government agents. Quite by accident he had discovered the orgy taking place. A word from his mistress had seen him cast away worry and join in. Ochaco had taken a stance like a ready football player or maybe a sumo. Bent low enough that her breasts, stomach, and forearms touched the ground, her ass was held high and waiting for Izuku. He had rushed to toss off of his nightclothes. Caught up in the wave of hormones and pheromones, he too had fallen prey to his own lust. He channeled the strength of his quirk to his nether regions and done his best to satisfy Ochaco. She had grown so large and lusty that it was hard to manage her. Her ass jiggled and bounced, swallowing him and his cock easily. She gyrated, pressing her belly into the ground below her. Momo snaked her way underneath, eager to get crushed by Ochacho’s pregnant belly in order to reach her secret sweetness. “Fuck me, Deku! Get your. . .aaaahhh. . .tiny ass. . .oohh. . .in gear!” Ochaco demanded, salivating at the thought of being pleased from so many angles. Tsuyu’s tongue was currently teasing her chins.

The quartet of lovers cared little about the noise they were making. Their constant shouts, groans, and whimpers drew the attention of the special ops team. The other men of the school had been rescued, leaving only Izuku to be found. Yet, when the ops team came upon the tangle of bodies they thought better of the situation. The could see Ochaco, impossibly large and unstoppable, in the middle of her coital activities. She looked even more terrifying, half hidden in the dark. Her eyes shined with a purple glow, opening only to half-lidded slits. Her hands scratched and plowed at the floor, dragging up floorboards with her sharpened nails. Her stomach ballooned out below her, full of a brood that would grow up to terrorize Japan. More than anything they had seen so far, the appearance of the alpha-mother scared the special ops team. Rather than tangle with Ochacho and her two other beasts, they retreated into the darkness. They would mark Izuku as missing, hoping he would come to his senses eventually and escape. Though, they could not see how that was possible given the monsters he was surrounded with.

The special ops team had never found Mineta. The small man had simply disappeared from Japan.

--- The Fall of Japan ---

A year and a half of terror passed. It wasn’t long before the women burst forth from their metaphorical incubator as fully fledged monsters. Their bodies and minds changed, the female heroines now viewed all of Japan as their hunting grounds. They stomped and stalked the cities and countryside, wreaking mayhem and satisfying their desires. Further, what had started with only Ochaco and her classmates continued into the populace of women. It was like the very presence of the altered superheroes was mutagenic. Women, even quirkless ones, soon found themselves growing. While not all could attain the city smashing heights as the first class, most women fell to the kaiju-plague. It was like when quirks first entered into the human genome. It started slowly but then rapidly spread through the populace, upturning the world. Except, this time it was even less clear what kind of society would come in place of the old one. The only thing that could be agreed upon was that Ochaco Uraraka, Urazilla as she had been dubbed by the media, was to be the queen mother and tyrant lizard of the new order. The world shook and trembled under her footsteps, afraid of her next act. It was theorized that she had the power to destroy the world, should she want to.


Tsuyu stirred in the burrow. She felt a myriad of kicks within her womb, her monstrous children aching to get out. They thrashed like little amphibious devils, ready to cause chaos and havoc in the surrounding cityscape. Slowly, she massaged her stomach, easing her gestating children back into a sort of slumber. To help ease herself, she let her tongue down and began to stroke at her engorged breasts. Tsuyu had never felt so swollen and fat in her entire life, monster or not. Her stomach folded out in front of her like a geodesic dome, big enough to hold companies of soldiers. Her breasts were hardly smaller, her nipples having become puffy and inverted thanks to the rapid growth and collection of milk. Full to bursting, the amphibious monster-mother only wanted to be held and cuddled. Unlike Ochaco, whose successive pregnancies had only seen her get wilder and more bestial, Tsuyu felt more emotional than ever. She inched closer to her skyscraper sized guardian, quietly looking for comfort. She placed a hand onto the rising mass to the left of her. The hand landed with a soft thud which echoed throughout the burrow. Tsuyu smiled as she saw her hand, another signal of her ascension into full kaiju status.

It was dark green and had four fingers which ended in obvious sticky pads. There were yellow swirls on it, the kind of coloring that vibrant and poisonous animals get. Her feet were similarly colored and shaped. Yet, that was not her only change. A curled tail now rolled behind her, the sort of curly, prehensile tail a chameleon would develop. Slowly, the green tail unfurled and rolled over its owner’s plump thighs. Words almost failed to describe how heavy she was. Her width was now measured in buildings placed side by side. Her weight was incalculable; Though it was always assumed to be rising. “Cooooaaa-cho,” Tsuyu called, now croaking in the middle of words. “My. . .CRRROOOO. . .babies are kicking,” She whispered sweetly. “Your babies.” She smiled, the words not feeling real to her. In a world brimming with constant wonders and changes, this had been the most shocking of all. There was some magic that happened when they had reached a certain size, each becoming able to impregnate the others. Tsuyu couldn’t say how, they bore no different genitalia, but she also did not care to ask. Beasts rarely questioned their own biology.

“Mmmm. . .mine too.” Ochaco rolled over, the ground shaking beneath her like an earthquake. Tsuyu’s vision was filled with breasts as big as her own stomach and a stomach that could give birth to a small nation. The gravity hero was a brood mother, one who showed no signs of slowing her pregnancies. Reaching a thick, clawed hand down Ocacho pushed one of her breasts up for Tsuyu to suck on. “Drink this and grow. I need my baby-mama nice and healthy.” Ochaco’s imagination held within it a picture of an immobile Tsuyu, good only for producing litters of progeny. . .and all the fun that came with it. Tsuyu agreed, first wetting the breast with her tongue and then working her mouth over the bright pink nipples. The frog-strosity had discovered that she could produce a saliva that activated the various nerves in a pleasing way. She could heighten any physical encounter with it, sending the other person into a tingling euphoria. Ochaco’s subsequent moan came out more as a moan. Her pussy became slick and her tail thumped on the ground hard enough to cause distant earthquakes. Urazilla only knew how to show her affection and sexual gratification through physical means. She took a clawed finger and drew it sensually down Tsu’s back.

Ochaco was even more of a kaiju that Tsuyu was, her transformation hitting a point that no other woman had. Her hands had turned into claws, with pearl white talons. Her feet and part of her calves had done the same. Her scales were a lustrous purple and indigo, the colors of space and royalty. She had grown a long, thich tail which swung just above her monolithic ass. She had further mottling on her shoulders, turning the fat expenses into sleek scales. Those scales ran in hypnotic patterns down her back. Along her spine grew various gemstone growths, which glowed a deep and violently bright purple when she used her quirk. Yet, the rest of her remained humanoid in form. No matter how monstrous she became, her body still bore the nubile subtleties of a naked woman.

Ochaco stroked Tsuyu’s long, sleek hair before letting her clawed hand travel down to massage one of Tsuyu’s love handles. She couldn’t believe just how round the frog monster looked down. Her neck had practically disappeared under a torrent of chin fat. Likewise, her thighs had become colossal. Tsuyu had become so fat and baby filled that she even looked shorter, despite having not lost a foot of height. A deep wellspring of love, lust, and greed welled up in Ochaco’s chest as she saw what her constant milk feedings had done to her lover. The gravity monster was creating a dynasty that would outcompete and dominate the world from corner to corner. Her genetic lineage now mingled with Tsuyu and Momo, creating greatness on a biological level. “I knocked you up good, didn’t I Tsu!” Ochaco beamed. No matter how much of a monster she became, the girlish cuteness never totally left her.

“Yu. . .mmmppggh. . .yussh. CRRROOOOOO.” Tsuyu mewled, taking her face away from the gushing breast only long enough to answer her protector. “Never. . .RRROOOOOOAAA. . .been scho. . .mmmpggh. . .fat. Pregnant.” Tsuyu slushed the words out, excitement taking her. She wanted more. She wanted her entire life to be spent eating food that Ochaco won and giving birth to babies put there by her and Momo. The frog had reached a fullness of life that she never thought was possible. She was living her dream, wanting for nothing else but more time.

“Speaking of. . .where is. . .” Ochaco asked, fishing around with her tail to find her other pregnant lover. She found only the gulf like depression that Momo’s body made. A sense of danger sprung up within Ochaco. Momo had gone to hunt for food hours ago and had not returned. Something must have happened. Feeling a familiar sense of protective rage well up within her, the mighty lizard-woman began to heave herself upwards. The process took full minutes, with Ochaco slowly rolling her pregnant bulk into place. For as strong as she was, bearing hundreds of children had stolen much of her mobility. Using her tail as a balance, she forced herself up. The round gems and moonstones around her spine began to glow as her fury reached full force. There was mischief happening and she was going to get to the bottom of it. A bride of Urazilla was not someone to mess with. It would take a truly foolish or villainous  kaiju girl to try something so foolhardy. Ochaco mentally listed the possibilities as she stomped out of the burrow.

Tsuyu also tried to stand, but struggled even more; lacking the earth shaking physicality of her lover.


Momo ran as best as she was able, her pregnant body refusing to cooperate. Not for the first time that day, she wished that she had waited until Ochaco was up to go out looking for food. It was supposed to be simple. The government and citizens of Musutafu city left tributes for Ochacho, making sure that she was happy and unwilling to go on a rampage. While not foolproof, it worked more often than it did not. Momo, always eager to serve had been excited to go out and gather the tributes for that morning. She had crept out of the burrow, only making Ochaco stir once. She had greeted the morning sun by stretching her arms. Rather than changing into a specific animal hybrid, Momo had instead sprouted another set of arms. She guessed it was to help pull more creations from her immense body, but that was pure conjecture. She complained little, enjoying that she could now grip and hold Ochaco and Tsuyu’s bodies in many different ways. Even now, fleeing for her life, she was able to hold onto the tribute with her lower arms. Her upper arms held a thick curtain of metal, the only defense against the demon chasing her.

“This is a huge mistake!” Momo yelled as she felt claws rake the back of her metal shield. A shadow dropped over her and was gone, circling for another pass. Momo felt demonic strength try to rip the protective sheet away. The beleaguered woman crouched lower, her own pregnant belly now knocking cars and other vehicles out of the way. The mother-to-be was caught between wanting to fight and protecting Ochaco’s children. Even now she could feel their panicked kicks. She groaned, feeling her belly twist. Of all the days. “Leave now and I won’t hurt. . .ooohh. . .you!” Momo yelled, cursing the false labor pains wracking her. Normally, she loved feeling them. It was a sign that her body was working and her children were growing strong. Now, however, they seemed only to drain her strength away. Momo ran through the ruined city streets, passing her immense bulk between buildings that she had once destroyed. She had gotten turned around, unsure of which way to take back to the burrow. Taking a chance, she looked behind her to see if her adversary was going to drop in for another attack. She saw nothing behind her and breathed a momentary sigh of relief. Then she felt the ground shake as the beast-girl landed.

“Heee-heee. Fatty doesn’t have anywhere to run! She’s all alone now too.” Himiko Toga stood before Momo, wings outstretched and fangs bared. In perfect keeping with her blood lust, she had become an immense vampire bat kaiju. Wings bigger than jet planes sprouted from her back and a pair of furry, clawed hands draped in front of her. She had profited greatly from the mutations spreading across Japan. Now she had the strength to feed on blood as much as she wanted. Her worst excesses had become possible. Rather than being limited to the body of a schoolgirl, she had been given a form that fit her demonic nature and lusts. “Nooow I get all of that intoxicating blood.” She grinned, her fangs glistening in the sun. “Full of Ochaco’s brood, what a feast.” She babbled madly, waddling forward with her wings outstretched. Momo was the bigger of the two, but had more to lose. A tangle with the fangs and claws of Himiko would cost her dearly. Yet, there seemed to be no other option. Himiko stalked forward, still terrifying despite the tonnage she carried with her. Apparently, she had been feasting well. Voluminous breasts, nearly bigger than her stomach, slapped and bounced. It was a wonder the villainess could even fly for a moment.

Momo’s thoughts raced. This was a quick draw scenario. Himiko would leap at her, it was only a matter of if she could create and use something faster. Her mind raced with possibilities. She had the body fat to make anything, fully able to conjure up any tool. She decided that simple would be best. She had four arms, each that could be used to draw something from out of her fat. Momo felt her body go slick with sweat, nervous at what was to come. Himiko came ever closer, her eyes turning from gold to red as she sensed the end was near. She saw only her own victory coming. There was a heated pause in the air, each of the monsters staring at each other. Then they struck.

In an attempt to out-think Momo, Himiko tried to go low. She folded her leathery wings and lurched forward. Momo dropped the sheet of metal, her fat hands dipping into her body. Deciding that simple was best, each of her four arms drew out an iron club. Summoning all the strength in her body, Momo twirled around and dodged Himiko’s lunge. She brought the four clubs down onto her attacker with enough force to crack and break them. Not waiting to see if the attack was effective, Momo forced her bloated body to waddle away. She huffed and puffed, her quartet of appendages grasping and lifting her stomach to help take pressure off of her tank-sized thighs. There was a scream behind her and the earth shook as her harpy opponent lifted up into the sky. Driven to murderous rage, Himiko was going to swoop in and destroy Momo. Rather than a simple feast, she wanted to eviscerate the pregnant monstress. Sensing the oncoming attack, momo drew another club out of her body. Using all of her arms, she hurled it towards Himiko. The club gained speed, spinning faster and faster. Rather than losing momentum it seemed to gain it. It was as if gravity itself was pushing it forward. Himiko still swatted it away with a taloned leg. Yet, she could not dodge what came next.

A beam of pure gravitic energy struck her. She was flattened in mid air and forced to the ground. Embarrassingly, Himiko’s wings were splayed out in a pancake fashion. Wind or pressure whipped past her batlike ears, disorienting her further. She tried to rise, pushing her fat arms into the ground, but succeeded only in pressing her body several feet off the ground. She was forced in deeper as a renewed blast of energy hit her. She was forced to kiss the pavement, her ears again filled with the noise of wind and gravity. Yet, through it all, she could still hear a familiar roar. Ochaco had come to defend her bride.

The wrath of Ochaco was terrible to behold. The gemstones along her back were powered to full, bolts of purple lightning lancing between them. Even her claws had turned a bright shade of purple. Her tail lashed back and forth, smashing buildings with ease. Through the smoke and rubble she pounded forward. Her pregnant stomach bobbled, big enough to bounce off of the ground. She blasted out energy over and over again, her building squashing butt helping to balance her out. “Never! Touch! My! Babies!” Ochaco roared, her desire to protect her loves and territory overwhelming and conscious thought. Himiko was pounded into a crater by the constant beams of energy shooting from Ochaco’s open mouth. The only relief came when the massive brood mother reached her. Squatting down, her butt flattening a set of skyscrapers in the attempt, ochaco reached into the hole her beams had dug and pulled the bat out. She stood, breathing heavily from anger. Not wasting time, Ochaco hurled Himiko into the sky. Then she prepared to jump.

Gravity surged around her, wind and dust forming small tornados as Ocacho defied the laws of gravity. She summoned all of her power, forcing it into her body. The lizard queen was over 100,000 tons in weight and taller than most buildings. To jump even a little she had to use her quirk. Now, preparing for her ultimate move, she was drawing forth every bit of power she could from her body. Gradually, it built. Her body was filled with a purple light, even her eyes shining from it. She beat her tail on the ground, smashing more and more buildings and bursting water pipes buried under the road. When she finally pushed off from the ground, the tectonic plate she was on shifted slightly. The kaiju mother flew upwards like a missile, eyes wide and arms outstretched for her victim. Himiko tried to fly away, but a beam of gravity held her in place. Her opponent rocketed by her, like an aircraft carrier shooting past a submarine. Yet, Ochaco could only rise so far. She reached her apex just above Himiko and then started to plummet down. Himiko’s vision was filled by buttcheeks that could change the water level in a lake. She was soon flattened between them on a crash course towards the earth.

The resulting mushroom cloud could be seen from space.


Tsuyu laboriously waddled forward, struggling to move her turgid and pregnant body. Her tongue lolled out of her red lips and dangled between her breasts. Milk had continued to gush from them, not caring if she was tired or exhausted. Despite her formerly agile nature, Tsuyu struggled to keep up with the hellbent Ochaco and had fallen behind. She had arrived just in time for the wave of dust and debris from Ochaco’s meteoric landing to crash into her. Coughing, spluttering, and croaking she emerged from the dust ring to find Momo sitting on her wide bottom. “Mooomo, Cooorrrrooooaaaak, are you ok?” Tsuyu asked, struggling to hug her lover. There was much in the way of fat and babies preventing them from embracing properly, but the message came through all the same. Especially when Tsuyu kissed and tongued the other woman.

“Yes, I’m. . .I’m ok.” Momo kissed back, only able to reach Tsuyu’s belly from her seated position. She licked some of the milk off, treating herself in order to calm her nerves. It took all of her strength, her four arms, Tsuyu’s strength, and Tsuyu’s tongue to get her standing again. When she was standing, Momo put her face between Tsuyu’s breasts and kissed. The threat of impending danger and her salvation doing strange things to her emotional state. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to fight or fuck, but her heart was pounding all the same. She nuzzled for a second, licking and sucking at the ample bosoms provided to her. Momo wanted to be held and fed, the usual sources of comfort. “I think we need to go somewhere safe for a while.” She said, pulling her face out of Tsuyu’s cleavage. “Away from the other women. Just you, me, and Ocho.” She whined, arms stroking Tsuyu’s gigantic belly. The two moaned, knees growing weak and babies kicking relentlessly. In the background, Ochaco could be heard stomping and smashing the city to bits; still venting her anger.

“Crrrroooaaa, we may have to anyway.” Tsuyu said, watching as Ochaco lifted a tanker of oil above her head and through it. Heat from the explosion soon wafted over them. “The government. . .CCRRROOOOO. . .might want reprisal for this.” She smiled at the carnage being inflicted by her wrath filled lover. Ocacho lashed out with her tail, sweeping down another set of buildings and firing her gravitic beam wildly. It was a beautiful sight.

--- Epilogue: Breeding Grounds ---

Mi Chung-Ae woke slowly. Yawning he threw off his covers and rolled out of bed. It was his day off from pro hero work. While hardly the most noticeable hero, he used his quirk well to maintain order in a city that often needed all the help it could get. While Korea was not a hotbed for trouble like America or Japan, there was certainly more than enough crime to be fought in Busan. He had graduated from his pro hero academy several years ago, intent on using his laser beam quirk for the good of all mankind. So far, he had succeeded in that. His little block and patrol grounds were the safest in the immediate city. He had even cleaned it up to the point where he could afford to take a day off.

Yawning, Mi wandered into his kitchen and turned the TV on. He was hoping for the weather report. The rainy season had been threatening to start any day, though the pro hero had hoped he would be able to get at least one more day of full sunshine. He had been planning on taking a walk. It was so refreshing to stroll down the streets he protected as a civilian and see the throngs of happy people. Life was meant for moments like that, relaxing after a job well done. Yet, when he turned the TV on, he did not see the usual weather report. Instead he saw an emergency broadcast. Warnings beep through the speakers as a frantic Korean woman spelled out what was happening. Monster sighting. Apparently, some of the monster women from Japan were about to break upon the mainland of Korea, directly off of Busan. Mi spat his coffee out when the warning sign abruptly cut to video footage.

A reptilian woman came walking out of the sea, hauling two huge chains with her. She was naked and obviously pregnant. Boats, planes, and all manner of heroes dogged her approach but were unable to slow her down. As soon as a ship would score a hit upon her impenetrable hide, it would be blasted to oblivion by some sort of energy beam or smashed by her tail. She proudly continued to walk, body rearing up out of the water. She tugged the chains behind her, pulling along some sort of burden that the camera crews had not yet shown. Understandably, they were focused upon the behemoth about to stomp onto the coast. Water cascaded down from her body, rushing between her breasts and asscheeks. The monster, Mi could hear her being referred to as Urazilla, paused only to roar loud enough to crack the lens on the camera. Whoever had been holding the camera dropped it, letting the expensive equipment shatter. Static took the TV. Mi was already working on changing into his clothes.


“This is nothing!” Ochaco roared at the Korean military. She swiped her thick tail back and forth, clearing out the waters behind her. She tightened the chains, helping to pull her glorious cargo along. Far behind her, on two makeshift rafts were Momo and Tsuyu. Rendered immobile by their pregnancy, the two baby-making-blobs had needed special mobility help. Yet, even in their incapacitated state, they were more than a match for the naval forces. Tsuyu lashed out with her tongue, smashing and grabbing ships from the sea and planes from the air. Likewise, Momo made various beams of metal and other material and launched them at oncoming attackers. Ochaco nearly cried as she watched her pregnant beauties unleash destruction. They truly were the best brides she could ask for. “Busan! We have chosen you for our new breeding grounds. Let us pass!” Ochaco's voice boomed out and over the waters with enough force to send planes spiraling out of the sky. She stomped forward, finally making land.

With supreme force and effort, she hauled Tsuyu and Momo in. She paused only to moan and stroke her belly. Her brood, sensing destruction, had been kicking ferociously. Sending out blasts of gravity, Ochaco forced the Korean forces back and away from her. Tsuyu and Momo cheered, struggling to lift their arms. While able to be of some use, they were pregnant and fat enough that prolonged movement quickly tired them. Their blobby bodies, now bigger than U.A, were floated upon aircraft carriers lashed together. The ships touched ground, breaking under the weight of the two blobs. Tsuyu croaked happily as her body touched water, loving the hydration. She would not stay in it for long, however. Ochaco waddled forward, tapping each woman lightly and infusing them with the last remnants of her gravity power. She then pushed them forward, trophies that were to be sat at the highest places within the city of Busan. Here was to be Ochacho’s newest seat of power, at least until they gave birth. Or, perhaps, after they had several successive litters.

As Ocacho surveyed the city, she realized just how plentiful it was. An entire city and country without Kaijus to rival them. Here they could grow even more powerful.



Damn this is intense! Haven’t gotten the chance to read chapter 2 yet, but part 1 was excellent! I really like how our lead took initiative with her new ravish desires, it felt very invigorated for the character, and that passion extended to everyone she was involved with.

James Duke

Thank you! I think the intensity only ramps up! Glad to hear that it is reading well so far