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Previous Part: https://www.patreon.com/posts/big-bea-and-part-78921700

Tags: Rapid weight gain, strong fat, giantess

--- Adjusting Perspectives ---

Time passed for Hulbury and a new normal was reinstated within the town. People slowly began to trickle back into the town as days and weeks passed. They were put somewhat at ease in the knowledge that it was two beloved and respected gym leaders that had been so utterly transformed. This was further helped by Nessa and Bea’s willingness to clean up the mess that they had inadvertently created. Granted, they went about the clean up in their own ways. Nessa attacked the cleaning with a pure and honest spirit of helpfulness. She wanted to make amends for her poor city. Hulbury had been cute and lively before and, despite her new body making it hard to interact with the townspeople, she wanted it to return to that state as quickly as possible. She waddled back and forth between the city and the coast, carrying as large of blocks of debris as she could manage. Her naked body jiggling madly, she worked herself to the bone in order to make amends. Bea, on the other hand, saw the restoration efforts more as a demonstration of her abilities than an act of goodwill. Her now ascended martial arts were used to break, smash, and hurl chunks of the broken gym away. Bea’s body was a finely tuned, if more than a little chubby, weapon of destruction. A single flick of her hand could vaporize a solid wall of concrete. While it could be argued that Bea was a little less than sincere about her portion of the cleanup, the townspeople themselves were just happy to have their places of residence back and mostly untouched.

Hulbury was slowly standing back up, recovering from the strange and terrifying events that had transpired not so long ago. While they did not have a gym anymore, they at least had the rubble of the old one removed. A new one would certainly be built, as The League demanded it. In fact, a stimulus provided by the Pokemon League had already been delivered to Hulbury. It was meant to rebuild the destroyed gym. However, it was debatable if that money was being used appropriately.

“Mmmmpgh. . .wow. . .thisch iscn’t bad,” Bea said, shoving her way into the massive silo. It was a large cylinder of metal, hollow on the side but filled to the brim with all manner of food. There was a twin structure a little distance away, meant for Nessa. The townspeople went so far as to paint their initials on the food silos, each in a color scheme that matched the respective trainer. Bea attacked hers like and animal, going so far as to even get on her hands and knees and lap at the open door. Food of all kinds fell into her waiting mouth. It was a panoply of different and amazing tastes and smells. Few things were as wonderful as a dozen different meats roasted and packed together. Bea’s bouncy bum wiggled and shook as she feasted. “Neeesssaaa, if you don’t. . .mmpgh. . .eat yours then I’m gonna. . .uummpgh. . . get it. It’ssch gonna go to waschte anyway,” She teased, her large yet muscular rear swinging with delight. While teasing, Bea was correct that the food had to be eaten right away. The silos provided a lot, but they did not have yet sufficient preservation capabilities. “Why. . .UUUURRRP. . .do you want thisch. . .umpgh. . .hard work to go waste?” Bea finally finished. She pulled back from the metal obelisk, rubbing her face with a particularly vascular and shredded forearm. She sat down, comfortably resting her bulk on the grass. Happily, Bea smacked and played with her stuffed stomach.

Nessa looked at the spectacle with a raised eyebrow. “Bea, could you try to be at least a little mature?” She folded her own thick arms, though struggling with whether to put them over or under her planetoid breasts. Bea snickered as she watched her busty friend forcibly manipulate her breasts. The tanned woman’s chest had a mind of its own, doing everything it could to avoid being pinned down or held up by her cottage sized biceps. Nessa settled for letting her hefty boobs bob on top of her arms. Another embarrassing concession she had to make because of her size. Her life seemed to be full of those now. Worse, her life seemed to be full of awful reminders of her size. Constantly knocking over trees, setting off car alarms, and creating the odd tidal wave, it was a never ending sea of issues, all caused by her new body. She had continued to swell and fatten, calories seeming to multiply as soon as they hit her stomach. Even the minor amount she ate, nearly a third less than Bea, caused her to inflate explosively. She and Bea had started fairly equal in build after their apotheosis, but the days since had seen her simply become even more of a blubbery behemoth. “What do you think the neighbors are going to think about a giant naked woman eating like a dog?”

“I think they will say that I look very aesthetic and that you are a sour puss.” Bea spoke while flexing her muscles. Much like her tanned friend, Bea had been on her own continuing path of bodily development. Bea’s muscles had continued to bulge and grow, thickening with every meal she took in. A simple day of eating and “light” bodywork exercises would contribute hundreds of pounds to her mass. Her arms were thicker than three semis parked next to one another and her thighs were nothing short of monstrous. She might have even lost a little bit of fat, converting the stores into more raw muscle. Though, the gray haired and stormy eyed woman was still plenty fat. Her stomach was as round as ever, resting constantly on her upper thighs. Her booty was wide and pert, bouncing with a destructive glee. Not that she would, but Bea knew a simple and wayward jiggle would spell the doom of an entire build. “You know no one is actually mad at you, right?” She leaned over and slapped at Nessa’s gut, which had since subdivided into two meaty rolls to better accommodate her constant calorie intake. “Don’t be so hard on yourself.”

Nessa groaned and rolled over, exposing her wall of booty fat to Bea. Her breasts hit the grass like a building being demolished. A sound like rolling thunder ran through the ground, accommodating the gargantuan woman. “Must be nice to live in that delusion.” Nessa sighed, burying her round face in her breasts. She missed being small, she missed her svelte swimmer’s body, but more than anything she missed not having to worry about what her every movement did. A telltale rumble in the ground let her know that Bea was shuffling over. Soon she was being wrapped up in strong, caring arms. Bea’s nubile, supple body fit well alongside Nessa’s. Neither woman said anything for a moment, simply embracing silently. Bea lay in a torrent of Nessa’s uniquely colored hair, strands of blue and black mingling with her short, gray hair. The dark skinned woman tried to ignore how good it felt to be held. It had been a long, long time since she had been embraced by such strong and comforting arms.

Bea buried herself in Nessa’s backside, embracing her friend tightly. The ground underneath the two blobs of fat and muscle cracked and sank, several small sinkholes forming at key pressure points. Bea tucked her arms around her fatter friend. One of her colossal arms wedged between her belly and breasts, while the other snuck around under her. The overly muscled gym leader was the only person who could hug Nessa as she truly deserved. Nessa’s voluminous asscheeks fit seamlessly in the crook that Bea’s abdomen and pelvis formed. Their legs intertwined, toes tickling each other's flexing calves. Nessa was almost startled out of her depression upon realizing that Bea might have been a little taller than her now. Neither spoke still, it was unnecessary. They instead spoke purely through body language and touch. Nessa would stiffen and prickle in agitation, hating and loving that her friend was working to bring her out of the melancholy that she was sunk in. Yet, Bea muscled through it. Her arms flexed and rippled as she massaged and rubbed the tan hills and mountains presented to her. “Sometimes, Ness, we have to make our own fun and happiness.” Bea finally whispered, snuggling into her large friend’s doughy shoulder. Her mighty arm traveled the length of Nessa’s body, massaging from belly to buttocks.

“Fun can’t come at the expense of others.” Nessa muttered. She couldn’t help but tuck her face into the pale arm which held her, tugging on it with a free hand. She guided Bea back to rubbing and hugging her stomach. She stifled the urge to sigh or moan when Bea grasped a fold of fat. There was something to this, if nothing else. Her tanned fat rose and fell by Bea’s command, lifting and dropping. There was a small thrum sound which vibrated the ground each time her fat made contact. It was like the footsteps of a large herd of pokemon. Nessa was slowly being lulled into a calmness she had not felt in a long time. Yet, the melancholy within her was not totally out of daggers. “If I’m carefree, then who is going to keep you in line?” She asked, the question coming out more sharply than even she intended.

Bea let the question wash over her. There might have been a point to it. She had been rather giddy at the start. Likewise, she could also see it was her friend lashing out in desperation, reaching for something that would prove her correct. Bea laughed, her supersized lungs belting the sound out for miles. Nessa practically vibrated from the force and flocks of winged pokemon flew up from trees. Bea didn’t mind the question or its intentions nor did she begrudge Nessa for asking. Part of the fun of being a massive, muscled goddess was that she was too big and strong to care about things like that any more. Though, she was not totally above a little tit for tat play. Bea leaned back, undocking her hips from Nessa’s backside and swinging her arm back. A plump, bouncy buttock lay before her. Unmarred by cellulite or sag and propped up by hundreds of pounds of muscle, the house sized buttcheek made for an excellent target. “My kind of fun is just silly and HARMLESS!” Bea giggled as she let her hand fly. Her muscles bulged and bunched, drawing as much strength as she could into the cupped palm of her hand. Nessa, deep in her own self-pity, did not realize what was happening until the spank landed.

The smack landed with a sonic boom. Trees were blown back, waves sent out from the shore, and dog-like pokemon in town began to bark at the disturbance. Nessa herself jolted up, her hair standing on end and her eyes wide. “AAAAAAHHHHHHH. BEAAAAAA!” Nessa cried. She jumped up, further widening the sinkholes that had been created by their coupling. She jumped for a second, the seismic disturbance causing far off volcanoes on distant islands to erupt. Her gut and breasts flopped up and down, while her arm muscles flexed. She might have been a doughy deity, but Nessa had plenty of muscles to spare. “Ooooowwwww, wwwhhyyyy?” She whined. She turned away from Bea, ironically exposing the most tender and sore part of her. Nessa rubbed her injured buttcheek, the great mound of fat rising and falling at the command of the strong arms that guided it. Bea simply lay still, with a hand cradling her face and the other rubbing her gigantic tummy. If nothing else, she had excised Nessa's self pitying.

“See, gotta make your own fun.” Bea said, smirking and fondling her own stomach. She wanted to touch Nessa more, but her own fat would do. . .at least for the moment. “No one got hurt either!” Her smile was wide. She even considered blowing a kiss to further incense Nessa, but decided against that for the time being.

“Uh? I sure did!” Nessa stomped her foot, pouting. She crossed her bulky arms and stamped a foot. With a hhhmmph strong enough to put a glider into the air, she lifted her nose to the air and turned away from her friend. “It’s just rude, that’s what it is.” A blush spread across Nessa’s face. “I would never. . .” The tantrum might have continued, but Bea was up on her feet with a gleam in her eye.

“Ohoho. . .what would you do?” Bea asked, bear hugging her friend. Nessa squirmed, succeeding only in bouncing her butt off of Bea’s bulging belly and crushing thighs. Bea used the advantage of being slightly taller and far stronger to bounce and shake the fatter woman. “Is my pudge-buddy gonna get tough now?” She teased, spoiling for a little wrestling. . .among other things. Nessa continued to turn in the vice grip. She had just enough mass and power to wiggle her titanic tonnage around to face her friend. The two’s fat and muscle clapped against each other, with Nessa’s attempt to shake herself loose. The swimmer looked up into Bea’s stormy eyes, the height difference alone wanting to make her swoon. Nessa was struck by the feeling that Bea had become a woman, no longer quite the stringy girl she had been. There was a completeness in her eyes which mirrored her developed body. “Your move,” Bea said, smiling.

Nessa blushed further, unsure of what she should do or where her feelings were leading her. She decided that she was glad that Bea was holding her, given how weak her legs felt at the moment. The obese giantess realized that she was reaching a critical point. A moment in time where she would have to make a decision which would decide her future. She could continue to wallow in self-imposed pity and stress, or she could free herself. She looked away from Bea, her strong and tall companion, scanning the hills behind her. Nessa had to look over Bea’s bulging trapezius and deltoid muscles, but she was able to see the hills nonetheless. On the hills she saw a figure, the same boy that they had seen the day of the second curry sampling. He was obviously a trainer, someone trying to forge his own path in the world. Nessa smiled, remembering her prior life as a simple gym leader. She had enjoyed that time. She couldn’t go back to that life entirely, but maybe she could integrate that in the future. Nessa made her decision quickly. Smiling, her mind made up, she turned back to Bea and leaned in. “You’ll just have to find out.” Nessa planted a quick kiss on her friend’s lips.

In surprise, Bea slackened her arms a bit. Nessa took the opportunity to free herself, her brawny arms and shoulders exploding with movement. “For now, I’m gonna go make my own fun.” she planted another kiss, this time between Bea’s breasts. Bea’s chest was far smaller than her own, but it had a unique softness all its own. Nessa especially liked feeling the muscle which underpinned Bea’s upsized chest. The, proportionally speaking, melons were undergirded by slabs of muscles that were thicker than concrete slabs. Nessa lingered only for a minute, giving Bea something to think about, before she ducked under her taller friend’s arms and jogged over to see the trainer.


Victor watched as Nessa came towards him. He steeled himself, grasping his fists as best he could. His legs weakened both from earth quaking beneath his feet as well as the sight of the naked goddess running towards him. He was not afraid, per se, but he was unsure of what he had interrupted or what the consequences would be. Riding his bike up the hills to meet the women had been an arduous task, he could tell that they were active today and moreso than usual. Thuds, bumps, and shakes had rendered his bike next to useless. Several times he had wanted to go home, afraid that he would faint again at the mere sight of the two. Grand beyond imagining, they filled his thoughts and dreams. Since seeing the two make their change, he had dreamed of them nightly. They were primordial manifestations, women out of a time in the earth that was dimly remembered when superstition ran rampant. He was as scared of them as he was intrigued. The fear, however, started to fade as he stood his ground and watched Nessa approach.

“Hullo! How can I help you?” Her voice boomed out almost as deep and rumbling as the sound her strides made. She waved to him. Victor could see every possible striation of muscle on her arm and about as many ripples spreading through her fat. Nessa smiled, looking down at him even though she was many hundreds of feet away. She could not stand directly in front of him, lest he be blocked from her vision. Instead, she stood a good distance away, counting on her voice to easily carry back to the young man.

“I’d. . .” Victor started, his voice cracking. He could tell by the way that the monolithic woman moved her head that she could not hear him. Gathering his courage, Victor cupped his hands to his mouth and shouted. “I’d like to battle you! For a badge!”

Nessa, now able to hear his shout, nodded. For a moment, she worried about how her pokemon would fare around her new body. If they would even recognize her as anything other than a threat. She looked back at Bea, needing to borrow some of her internal strength. The other woman was trying to look busy and uninterested, practicing karate forms. Nessa could still see her taking little glances. She turned back to the tiny man, masking her glee with practiced intensity “You had better be ready!” She brought her arms up and flexed, showing the world ending power she possessed now. “I have not become any less of a gym leader!”

It took all of Victor’s courage to not collapse. Even though his legs knocked against each other and his stomach turned in circles, he managed to hold his ground. “I. . .I look forward to the challenge!” Victor let his trainer spirit overpower his nervousness.


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