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Originally, this was supposed to be a 2k comm. . .but I got a little carried away. Anyway, enjoy a wholesome tale about a mother helping her daughter lose weight! ;)

--- Home Again ---

“Oh, sweety! It’s so good to have you home again.” Meisha Tu said as she hugged her daughter, Vera. She had to struggle to get her arms around her daughter. Vera had just finished her senior year of college and it showed. Vera had always been chubby, preferring books to physical culture, but things had really begun to shift once she got to college. Whether through stress eating, bad cafeteria food, or some other method Vera had packed weight on in incredible fashion. She had shown up to college weighing a heavy 160 and had left closer to 260. Meisha had even struggled a bit to recognize her daughter as she slowly made her way up the driveway. Surely, she had thought, the portly woman waddling up her driveway was just lost and needed directions. In denial, Meisha had passed off obvious similarities in an attempt to rewrite the current reality. Caramel colored hair and asiatic features weren’t totally uncommon in their little patch of Texas. Meisha herself was a proponent of dying her hair blonde, despite the lectures it had incurred from her mother growing up. Yet, Meisha’s denial had been blown away when she saw emerald green eyes that matched her own. At the time, she had been forced to sigh and put a hand to her head. Her daughter had gotten so fat. All the same, she had fully recovered by the time Vera had reached the door.

“Thanks, Mom.” Vera hugged back, swamping her mother in her warm bulk. It was nice to be home, even if only for a bit. It was not her intention to stay long. She was a woman grown now, with a college degree. Vera planned to find a job and be out on her feet as quickly as she could. Besides, the longer she stayed, the more she ran the risk of her mother commenting on her weight. While always polite, her mother had little ways of commenting on her lifestyle choices. A suggestion to go for a walk, an invitation to go to a new salad restaurant, and a hundred other little “stealthy” methods of trying to get Vera to do what she wanted. It was frustrating, even if it came from a place of love. “Try not to get too attached, though. I’m going to be up and on my feet soon.” Vera said, knowing that she would be.

--- Stagnation ---

“Vera, honey, how has the job search gone today?” Meisha asked as she watched her daughter amble to the fridge. The older woman had to bite her lip as she studied her daughter’s  slow and ponderous waddle. It was painful to see someone so young be so fat. There was no way that Vera was less than 300 pounds at this point. She was wearing a hoodie from her college, one that had fit when she had first gotten home, but now was humorously small. Meisha couldn’t help but think of Winnie the Pooh as her daughter opened the door to the fridge. Her large, round stomach flooded out below the line of her hoodie. Vera cringed, afraid to say anything. She knew that she was coming close to the point of having to mention her daughter’s weight, hints were simply no longer having an effect. “Anything promising?” Meisha ventured, needing to direct her motherly energy into something. The door closed, Vera’s frustrated and pointed eyes shining on her mother.

“Nooo, Mom, there really hasn’t been.” She said, half gallon of chocolate milk in her hand. Frustrated with the line of questioning, she unscrewed the top of her jug of sugary milk and chugged a couple swigs down. Her biceps jiggled as she brought the plastic container to her mouth. Further, her hoodie rose up to reveal her deep set navel. Vera had done little since getting home. She had rationalized the first week of inactivity as her needing to decompress. The second week was her getting used to her environment. By the third week she had stopped trying to justify her laziness. Vera simply decided that sleeping in and eating copious amounts of food was fun. Through it all, her mother had been there to do her shopping and laundry. Well, not quite all of the shopping. Vera contributed to the stockpile of food in the house by buying candy, chocolates, and other snacks. She went a step further by housing them in her room primarily.

“Honey. . .I know college was hard. . .” Meisha started, clasping her hands together. When it came to her daughter she felt trapped. Push too hard and she would lose her temper, but a soft hand had led to the current dismal state of things. She made her way over to hug her daughter, but found her progress impeded by a pudgy palm.

“Look, I’m just not in the mood to talk about it.” Vera said before draining the rest of the chocolate milk. She tossed the jug, landing beside the trash can rather than inside of it. “I. . .BBBBLLUUURRP. . .have a lot on my mind at the moment.” Vera belched, not bothering to excuse herself. She turned slowly, waddling away without waiting to hear what her mother had to say. Vera waddled slowly, a puffy arm and chubby hand scratching at one of her dimpled asscheeks. They were covered, mildly and only for the time being, by a pair of pajama shorts. Yet, even through the fluffy fabric slow ripples and jiggles could be seen.

Meisha’s mouth worked, opening and closing in wordless disbelief. She had tried so hard to nurture and care for her daughter, opening her home to the jobless woman. Maybe it was wrong to try and chide a young woman into responsibilities that she wasn’t ready for. . .but it was also wrong to take advantage of your kin. Meisha felt her choler rising. A reckoning would be coming soon if Vera did not straighten out.

--- Putting a Foot Down ---

“Mom, this is insane.” Vera said, stamping her foot. “You know that, right?” She watched her mother moving across the room, trash bag in hand and scooping up any piece of food or snack that she could find. "You can't do this to me! I'm an adult!"

That got her mother's attention, good and hard. Meisha walked up to her daughter, trash bag in hand still. It was filled with candy bars, potato chips, and even an unopened canister of Nutella. All of Vera's junk food hoard was in the bag. She hated to admit it, but Vera couldn't help but feel a part of her was in the bag as well. Locked away by her mother. Embarrassed and angry, Vera’s eyes shot daggers at her mother.. The two women squared up, both looking into each other's emerald green eyes. Though Vera wanted to ignore it, there was as much hurt in her mother's eyes as her own.

"I will not let my daughter continue to poison herself with candy store junk!" Meisha reached into the bag and pulled out a candy bar, dangling it in front of her daughter's face. The calorie laden treat wagged under Vera's chubby face. "It is not healthy for a girl your age to be so. . .heavy." Her mother danced around the F-word, trying to be firm but not crush her daughter. Vera had continued to fatten, falling victim to her laziness time and time again. No job, no fitness routine, and no prospects. Vera had reached the pit of mediocrity that Meisha had known was coming. The young Chinese-American woman weighed close to 330 pounds. Yet, despite reaching Vera lowest point yet, Meisha had become determined to save her daughter. Rather than admit defeat and succumb to new aged and mealy-mouthed parenting, Meisha had decided to put her foot down. She was going to develop a backbone and use it to save her daughter.

"Listen, Missy, I would be a failure of a parent if I let this continue!" Meisha said, turning away from Vera and continuing to grab every bit of spare junk food she could find. "I have tried to be nice and sensitive about it, but it's not working. So I'm putting my foot down!" Meisha said, even going so far as to mimic the motion. Vera grimaced as she felt jiggles travel through her double rolled gut. Unconsciously, she tugged at her shirt and tried to stretch it over her voluminous belly. "Starting today I am going to do whatever it takes to keep you healthy!"

Meisha did not wait for a response, instead marching out of the room. Free from each other, both women slumped to the floor where they were at. Vera sobbed openly, never having had her weight problem be so flagrantly brought up. Meanwhile, Meisha took great gasps as she fanned herself. As much as it was the right thing to do, it hurt to be on her daughter’s case so much. She longed to open the door and apologize. But she resisted. For the sake of Vera's health she would have to stay firm. Glumly, she shook her blonde hair and nibbled on a piece of candy. As she ate her resolve hardened. She was not a tyrant, but she would go to any extremity to fix the mess that her weak parenting and Vera’s laziness had created.

--- Hide and Seek ---

Vera grumbled as she worked to sweep and clean the house. The words of her mother still echoed through her mind. Vera, if you are going to live here you are going to learn to pull your weight. Besides, I'm sick of finding the little sweets nests you've tucked away. They had not been hateful or bitter words, simply the words of a mother who was tired of watching her daughter slip towards a point of no return. Vera couldn't help but resent the fact that she even followed what her mother asked her to do in the first place. It was beyond demeaning to capitulate to the demands of a crazy woman. Didn’t she know how hard Vera was working?  Well, thought Vera, she'd see soon enough. The little bursts of activity and lack of sweets had already started to work on her figure. Still uncomfortably fat, Vera could at least wake up in the morning and see the beginnings of change. Her belly jutted out fractionally less.

"I'll be skin and bone, then she'll see." Vera said, feeling incredibly childlike. Yet, she used that sort of immature petulance to fuel her. She swept with almost murderous intent. Each swing of the broom saw her body jiggle furiously. Her round buttcheeks bashed against one another, sending sympathetic ripples cascading through the rest of her thick legs. In a smaller, more contained parody her breasts bobbled against one another. They were held loosely by her shirt, allowing for maximum movement and annoyance. On the issue of movement, Vera's stomach was divided.

In the past, she had been able to cover most of her belly by simply tucking and shoving it into her leggings. It was the fat girl equivalent of shoving a pile of dirty laundry under the bed. However, since her precipitous weight gain, Vera had been unable to manage the feat. She had settled for a literal half measure, folding what she could under the lip of her waistband and letting the rest do what it wanted. By all accounts, the upper portion of her hefty slab of stomach fat wanted to bounce.The deep, singular roll of belly blubber shook side to side. The buried portion of Vera's gut stayed resolutely still, but made its presence known by bumping into the handle of the broom. It would jiggle for a second before calming down, almost as if it was trained to obey Vera's grumbling. "Yeah, we'll see. . .this isn't gonna last long. Just wait until she sees what happens to me." Vera murmured, trying to clean without disrupting her fat too much.


"Did I raise a packrat or a daughter?" Meisha asked on the other side of the house. Tucked behind a bookcase was a small treasure trove of little goodies. Snack sized candy bars and even a warm soda. It was impressive to see Vera’s commitment to a sedentary and gluttonous lifestyle. Meisha sighed, taking the bag and stuffing most of the candy inside. Some pieces found their way into Meisha’s mouth. She hated to indulge like this, but the stress of managing Vera was becoming too much. The constant attitude, bickering, and rebellion were taking its toll. Meisha had never had a strong hand when it came to discipline or maternal guidance. Unlike other mothers, she had often caved when Vera needed or wanted something. “Probably why she’s so fat in the first place.” Meisha reflected to herself, sitting down on the floor to indulge more and take the edge off. She was caught up enough in her emotions that she did not notice the forming potbelly in her lap. The little puddle of fat bounced happily as Meisha ate glumly. She had found three caches of snacks so far, but she knew there had to be more.

The snacks disappeared quickly, working their way past Meisha’s vivid red lips. She leaned on the bookcase, knocking her head against the bottommost shelf. Unable to stop her hand, she plucked another couple treats from the goodie bag. She ate them with gusto, half afraid that Vera would catch her and half excited to do anything other than snoop after her daughter. The conscious rationalizations came after the third treat, figuring that it was more sound to eat the candy than throw it away. The garbage can was easy to get into and she would put nothing past her daughter. Vera would most definitely become a raccoon if it meant one final, grand display of indulgence. The mental chess game continued on in the Chinese mother’s head, unsure if she was winning or losing against herself. All she knew was that the sweets tasted nice and that there were plenty more caches spread across the house.

--- Improvements ---

“Oh Vera! Aren’t you looking nice!”

“That dress fits lovely!”

“On your way to yoga?”

The ladies surrounded the young woman, each peppering her with questions and comments. Vera answered them as best she could, but looked for any way to escape. It had been a one in a million chance, but somehow she had managed to run into her mother and her friends during one of their girls' days. Possibly the only thing worse than being around her mom was the inclusion of the pack of hyenas her mother called friends. The gaggle of bleach blonde, southern belle women gathered around her squawking and picking at her. The only consolation was that Vera had been losing weight lately. Rather than being her trim mother’s dumpy daughter, she was the work-in-progress daughter. 50 pounds down, Vera had made good on her promise to work herself to the bone to teach her mother a lesson. She scrubbed and cleaned floors, dusted bookshelves, and even went so far as to wash her mother’s car. It was impressive what dogged determination, obstinance, and a teeny tiny dollop of mother-daughter rivalry could accomplish. The weight had started to fall off of Vera, particularly in her middle. For the first time in months she was under 300, and sporting rather luscious curves. Plenty of time to go though.

“That’s. . .mmmpgh. . .muh girl!” Meisha said, approaching the ladies and taking a bite out of an overloaded burrito. She walked forward through the group, proud that her daughter was attracting such effusive comments from her friends. Meisha had always treasured Vera, despite the recent rough patch in their relationship, but it was still nice to see other people taking note of her daughter. “She getsch. . .mmpph. . .up every morning and. . .uumph. . .runs!” Meisha’s words were interrupted by her working her way through the burrito. Packed with meat, tortilla strips, and hearty helpings of queso, the burrito looked more like a heart attack in a light wrapping than it did food. Meisha had continued to eat her feelings, gorging for every day of fasting and hard labor that Vera completed. The 50 or so pounds that Vera had lost were finding their way onto Meisha’s beltline. She was noticeably fatter, with a bulging belly, hammy arms, and thighs that strained her white capri pants.

She had reached the stage where the weight gain was obvious, but she was utterly powerless to identify how to stop it. Telling herself to eat less did nothing. She could, at most, make it half a day without smashing through something sugary or greasy. Prisoner to her own desires, Meisha had fattened herself up week by week. Yet, she could at least hide behind the progress that Meisha was making. Her star pupil, college graduate, was finally getting herself in shape. What did it matter to Meisha if she put on a few pounds while properly guiding Vera? Meisha pushed her way into the circle, her belly and padded butt easily pushing aside the smaller women. Meisha stood next to Vera, wrapping an arm around her shrinking waist and pulling her tight. Words bubbled up to her mind to celebrate the occasion. She knew she shouldn’t say them, but couldn’t stop herself. Burrito in hand, Meisha opened her mouth and said, “Pretty soon, she will be as skinny as I am!”

--- Swapped ---

“Vera, honey, could you grab me a Coke?” Meisha called from the family room. She had meant to take only a small break from her cleaning, just a second to rest her tired legs. However, the couch felt incredibly soft and there was a new copy of one of her favorite women’s magazines waiting for her. It was a temptation that proved impossible to resist. So the asian housewife rested, her feet tucked on the bottom ledge of the coffee table and her magazine resting on her belly. There was quite a bit of jiggly surface area for the magazine to rest on now, too. Meisha was no longer the thin, shapely woman she had been when she forced Vera to clean up her act. In point of fact, she was about four times the woman she had previously been. Nearly 480 pounds had been piled and packed onto Meisha’s formerly svelte body. The mother had been transformed into a waddling pile of rolls and dense fat. Her cravings had continued to grow, supplanting any desire for weight loss or calorie management. What had begun as psychological maintenance for a stressed woman had become an entrenched lifestyle. Meisha hardly went minutes from plopping something sugary or fattening into her mouth. There were times when she was embarrassed about her weight or remembered how thin she used to be. However, these thoughts were easily pawned off whenever she looked at her daughter.

“Here you go, Mom.” Vera said, springing into the family room from the kitchen. “Oh, here's a candy bar too!” The younger woman tossed a particular sugary treat onto Meisha’s gut. Candy had made its return to the house and in a big way. Yet, it was not Vera who was in danger of its alluring charms. The younger Tu woman had stayed true to her promise, forcing herself to diet, avoid temptation, and work her fat off. Obeying the laws of weight loss saw Vera shedding pounds, almost shrinking before everyone’s eyes. Rather than a bulky, bratty 330, the college grad was now a curvy 240. She was thick, maintaining her weight throughout her breasts and curves, but it was appealing. Constant motion from cleaning and yoga classes had taught her how to move her body. She now understood the mechanics of her hips and thighs, rather than simply plodding along. These improvements had done much to inflame the pride of both women. Vera, now enjoying her youth for the first time in ages and her mother took pride in what she had set in motion. Perhaps, however, Meisha could be accused of resting on her own laurels.

“Oh thank you, dear!” Meisha scrambled to grab the candy bar. Her flurry of movement only saw the candy bar slip over her buddha belly and between her thighs. “Oh rats. I’ve been. . .so. . .so. . .ugh. . .clumsy as of. . .ugh. . .late!” Meisha spoke haltingly as she tried to rise from a sitting position. Her stomach slid back and forth, working to keep her pinned more than anything else. Further, her heavy body had worked a noticeable divot into the couch, a comfortable depression that sucked her in and held her tight. Meisha tried to force herself up. Her work did little more than entrench her further into the couch. Slowly her stomach began to force her shirt to rise up, exposing her large stomach to open air. The wall of fat bounced up and down, hanging far over the rim of the comfy sweatpants that had become her uniform. “This is. . .hufff. . . .so embarrassing. . .” She put her hammy arms down on the pillows, trying to source what strength she could from them. Months of not working out had sapped them of any strength. Her bingo wings simply flapped back and forth, not even a twitch of muscle to be seen. Meisha was determined however, she would wrestle with her fat until she was up. In the end, she simply slid off the couch; almost rolling onto the floor. Her hair, still dyed golden blonde, trailed after her. Once on her hands and knees it was much easier to grab her prize. “Got it!” she said, holding the candy bar up to her daughter.

Vera shook her head, laughing at the absurdity of the situation. Her mother, fatter than she ever was by nearly 120 pounds, looked at her with wild and almost unfocused eyes. Her stomach pooled on the floor while her ass overflowed her sweatpants. Meisha’s hair was strewn all over her face. She might have blown it away, had she not been panting so hard. “Jesus, Mom, got the need to binge?” Vera walked over, well shaped hips wiggling with each step, and slowly helped her mom up. The two sat on the couch, with Vera forced to lean into her mother due to slump in the couch. “You act like these things are going to be banned.” Vera said, drawing another candy bar from a pocket. She had figured her mother would want two. She handed the candy over to the obviously excited woman, who had already opened and bit into the first bar. Vera watched her mom scarf the candy down, taking liberal swigs of coke. “You had better make those last, I’m not getting up to get you another.” Vera said, knowing that she would probably cave.

--- Vera’s Dilemma  ---

“I. . .can’t. . .believe. . .ugh. . .how rude. . .doctors have gotten!” Meisha panted as she waddled out of the doctor’s office. She was dressed rather casually for the event, being only able to wear a slightly sweat stained pink shirt and customarily ill fitting sweatpants. She took slow, lumbering steps as she made her way towards the door. The Texan heat was rushing through the door, putting a sheen of sweat on the asian woman’s face. “What could. . .he. . .uuhf. . .mean by. . .’imminent threat’. . .I can hardly believe. . .whew. . .I’m that fat.” Meisha paused at the first set of double doors both to catch her breath and allow Vera to grab the next pair for her. Vera hovered closely, trying to wedge her comparatively smaller body through the limited space between the door and her mother’s fat ass. Thick, soft, and unyielding padding forced Vera up against the glass of the door. Slowly, the small woman worked against her mother’s bulk, even having to duck under her thick arms. Meisha panted the whole time, the act of standing even too much for her fat. “What do. . .you think. . .Vera?” Her mother panted the words out in a breathy tone, issuing the question that Vera had been dreading.

Both women had continued well on their trajectories. Vera had continued to lose a tidy sum of weight, finally stopping around 230. She liked having thick, luscious curves and a bit of a belly. Her mother, however, had only continued to explode in weight. She had packed on enough weight that the normal scale in the office no longer registered properly. To Meisha and Vera’s shock, the nurse had directed Meisha to the morbidly obese scale. A huge, industrial piece of equipment that was only useful with a tiny percentage of patients. A percentage that Meisha obviously belonged to. Her stomach sagged out from her pink top freely, slapping against her thunder thighs. While she had dresses and clothes on special order to help accommodate her size, they had been slow in arriving. Instead, she sloughed through her days in sweatpants and too-small tops. As if the disastrous amount of weight that Meisha had packed on had not been obvious enough, she had even needed the nurse to help balance her as she stood on the scale. Slowly, agonizingly, the numbers eventually read 6-4-0. The nurse had grumbled, Vera had feigned shock, and Meisha had blushed from embarrassment. The rest of the trip had only been downhill from there.

“Well. . .mom. . .you are getting kind of heavy.” Vera said, pushing the door open with one hand and her round butt whilst offering her other hand to Meisha.

“Sure. . .but. . .really. . .that was. . .too much.” Meisha started chugging along, as if pure delusion was powering her legs. She pawed at Vera’s hand, using it to help balance herself. It would not take too much longer before she needed a cane or a motorized scooter to get around. Her legs rubbed against each other, slowly pulling her underwear and sweatpants into a wedgie. Meisha was not ignorant of her size and weight, who could be at this stage, but she was going to be damned if anyone was going to speak to her rudely. The struggle with Vera had taught her two things: she was not going to be pushed around by anyone any longer. . .and that she really enjoyed chocolate. Meisha slowly passed through the door, working her bulk through the small entrance. Vera helped guide her, lightly tugging the roly-poly arm she held. Slowly, Meisha Tu passed through the doorway and into the parking lot. It was an equally arduous waddle back to the SUV. Vera sat in the driver seat, whilst her mother struggled to force herself in and sit down. The car rocked back and forth, with Meisha grumbling about manufacturing and properly sized seats. Once she finally was seated, Meisha had to spend several minutes fanning herself.

“Well, Mom, if you ever needed any help I would be happy to diet with you.” Vera offered, though she averted her eyes when her mother sent a glare her way. There was a stillness in the car as the two drove out of the parking lot. Vera hated to see her mother so upset. Truthfully, Vera had not hated what the doctor said. In fact, she had been wondering if she could find a way to help her mother. It had been fun at first to watch her tight body soften up, but they had long since passed critical mass. Vera tapped the steering wheel, wondering if there was a way she could help her obese mother. She glanced over, sizing up the many rolls and folds that now comprised her. Whatever the solution was, Vera knew it was going to take a lot of effort. Perhaps more effort than she had given anything before. She sighed, already defeated by the monumental task she was building for herself. “Mom, how about we go get some ice cream?” Vera ventured, wanting to cheer her mother up and take some stress off. After that, she could start working on a plan, maybe clearing out some of the junk food nests Meisha had been building.


John Williams

Hooof, that implication at the very end. I love it.


I don't know what it is about the mums you right in your stories but I'm always just so down bad for them.