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--- Mother Plus ---

Kobayashi leaned back on her sofa, gently letting her belly fall out in front of her. The round orb, a sign of her being within the first two weeks of pregnancy, filled her small thighs. It was covered by her soft, turquoise sweater. She shivered when she moved, a direct result of her sensitive baby bump rubbing against her soft sweater. To further this pleasurable and highly sensitive exploration of her changing body, Kobayashi rubbed her hands slowly across her stomach. It was like massaging a half-bowling ball. Her stomach was taut with its pronounced baby bump. Kobayashi shivered again, stronger this time. She had never felt anything like this. Her whole life had been so romance free until very recently and now things were moving even faster than she had anticipated. She blushed, a rare moment of tenderness coming into her. Living with dragons had only been the first step, now she was breeding with them.

“Toh. . .” Kobayashi started, but found her voice weaker than what she would have liked to sound like. “Tohru, want to come here and feel your babies?” She asked, knowing the maid was hovering closely by. She was not disappointed when her girlfriend twirled into the room, her breasts dancing under her maid uniform.

“Of course, Kobayashiii!” Despite her exuberance, Tohru was moving with very intended consideration. Always wanting to be her mistress’ caretaker, Tohru had become even more devoted. She followed Kobayashi around relentlessly, even tailing her to work on a couple of occasions. She helicopterped around her lover, needing to make sure that she was safe and well cared after. While the fawning could become overbearing, it came from a place of deep love. She had to protect and nurture her pregnant girlfriend. Especially considering that it was partly her children gestating within the skinny redhead. “Always excited to feel our little whelps.” Tohru leaned in and slowly massaged the round tummy offered to her. Her eyes grew wide as she felt the tight baby bump, her hands running along her girlfriend’s. A deep flush spread across Tohru’s face as feelings she couldn’t even begin to name welled up in her. “So perfect.” Tohru cooed, a dazed look spreading across her face. Her large, thick tail thumped back and forth across the back of the couch. She leaned closer in, her breasts laying atop Kobayshi’s smaller pair. “You’re so wonderful, Kobayashi.” Tohru said, her eyes moistening.

“Hardly. . .” Kobayashi said, sighing. She could feel her mood shifting, carried on the winds of hormonal instability. It was strange not being stoic and completely in control of herself. She felt little tugs and suggestions towards behaviors she would have never tried. She wanted to spend her days kissing Tohru and sampling pickles and ice cream. It was like her mind was changing just as much as her body. Kobayashi kind of liked the wild thoughts that appeared to her, though she tried not to act on any of them. Simply, she took comfort in the knowledge that pregnancy was reworking her; turning her into the best mother possible. She had spent her life being confused for a man, it was nice to do some decidedly feminine things. “If I am, it's because of your help.” She patted her stomach, indicating her babies. “We wouldn’t be here without you, anyway.”

The two lesbians smiled, remembering the circumstances of Kobayshi’s insemination. Like many pregnancies, it had begun with alcohol. Kobayashi, as hard drinking as always, pounded back shot after shot of whiskey. With each burst of inebriation, Tohru had become more angelic to her eyes. Rather than simply a dragon, Kobayashi began to see Tohru as a goddess. An earthbound angel that was there to take care of her. Finally, as they were stumbling out of the bar, Kobayashi had slurred the magic words: let's make a baby. Not wasting time, Tohru had sped home, literally flying Kobayashi to the bedroom. Kobayashi had ripped off Tohru’s clothes, animalistically tearing her way through the well stitched uniform. Things got a bit hazy at that point, with Kobayashi not exactly sure what magic Tohru had worked. She seemed to remember her dragoness’ hands glowing as they caressed her middle. But then Tohru had leaned in and kissed her and Kobyashi had fallen into pleasured delirium.

“I’m just here to love you!” Tohru said, taking a hand and rubbing Kobayashi’s head. She smiled as she felt her lover and baby mama’s soft hair. She longed to nestle in that red, aromatic hair. Tohru could fondle and tease Kobayashi for hours. “I wanna make you. . .” Tohru stopped as she felt something. Her heart thumped as she ran her hand forward and backward over a curious spot on her pregnant girlfriend’s head. Trying to hide her elation, Torhu turned back to Kobayashi. She excitedly pressed her lips onto her lover’s, the two of them instantly getting wet with pleasure. Kobayashi just thought that her maid was overcome with love and the emotions of the situation. This was partly true, but the blonde dragon was overcome by something else as well. She didn’t want to say anything, not yet, it might spoil the mood for Kobayashi.


“Tohru, I think we need to talk.” Kobyashi said, three days later. She walked into the kitchen, her stomach leading the way. Her stomach had grown, as had the rest of her. The intervening days had been seized by a growth spurt which had made her stomach race outwards. Further, the rest of her was looking chubby as well. Her face was rounder, marked by a shy little double chin that showed when she nibbled on food. Her thighs had rounded out, pressing into her gray sweatpants, revealing her panty line. And, much to Kobayashi’s enjoyment, she now had to lift larger breasts up and out of the way when she showed off her belly bump. However, she was not ignorant of the fact that this was unnatural. Kobayashi was hardly the most feminine woman, but she knew enough about pregnancy to know that she should not be getting so big so fast. She looked at least two weeks and 30 pounds ahead of where she actually should have been. She had come to expect a level of weirdness in her day to day life, but this was a more intimate matter. Further, she was concerned about the other physical abnormalities that were manifesting onto her body. Namely, the antlers and her rapid hair growth.

The hair growth had been obvious, but Kobayashi almost hadn’t noticed the sprouting antlers. They were so neatly tucked into the thicket of glowing pinkish-red hair that it had been hard to see. When looking at her hair, it was like someone had snuck extensions on in the middle of the night. Yet it was all natural, the five minutes she had spent tugging and twisting at her hair had proven that.

The swirls of vibrantly glowing hair had done well to hide Kobayashi’s aforementioned other change to the naked eye, but the brush she had used to comb her flowing locks had accepted no subterfuge. It caught on one of the little antlers. Confused and not understanding the reality of what was before her, Kobayashi had leaned into the mirror and tapped the spot. She found her finger getting pricked by a little outcropping of something sharp. Manifesting on the sides of her head, she could only just see the little pieces of bone. She poked at them, eyes wide. Once she had truly satisfied her curiosity, she had slowly moved to the kitchen to find her buxom girlfriend.

“What is all this?” She asked, not even sure where to gesture and possessing too many things that needed answering. She settled for her tummy at first, moving it up and down gingerly.

“Ooooohh, Kobayashi, that’s your baby belly!” Tohru said, her voice silly and her sentence ending with her tongue sticking out. She had been working on making some snacks for the two of them. Tohru did not want Kobayashi to go hungry for a moment. It was going to be her food that fueled her lover’s pregnant ascension. “Are you having a mommy-brain moment?” She smiled, pirouetting over to the pregnant woman. Delicately, she hovered a little piece of fried tofu over Kobayashi’s lips. Begrudgingly, the gravid woman took it and chewed. Quick as lighting, the blonde dragon had grabbed the full pan and returned to standing before Kobayashi. It was impressive the things that dragon speed and strength could accomplish. Of course, Kobayashi was happy to receive the treats. Her logical brain knew that she should care that she was close to 180 pounds, but she found it hard to care whilst food was being pushed past her lips. She was always looking to satiate her pregnancy cravings. However, her curiosity needed more satiating.

“Yes, but. . .mmpgh. . .why isch. . .mmgph. . scho. . .big?” Kobayashi spoke through being fed the pieces of tofu. Season and spices burst in her mouth with every bite. She had been enjoying food much more lately. It seemed that everything Tohru bought or made was full to bursting with flavor. She swallowed, putting the last piece in her growing stomach. “This isn’t normal.”

“Nooooo.” Tohru leaned and rocked on her heels, empty frying pan tucked behind her back. When she rocked forward her breasts came agonizingly close to bouncing off of Kobayashi’s flat chest. “But I knew you’d. . .we’d like it!” Tohru came close, rubbing her face on Kobyashi’s baby bump. “I made sure to load you up with as many babies as I could!”

Kobayashi fought to remain cool and level headed, but it was a monumental struggle. Tohru’s admission and her physical closeness provided erogenous heights that were hard to surmount. She felt her legs growing weak and a wetness touch her loins. The idea of her body surging with fertile, feminine energy was powerful. This was made even more powerful knowing that they were Tohru’s and her babies. The magic conception struck her deeply. In a rare move of feminine weakness, Kobayashi twirled a lock of her hair. This gesture helped to bring her back to reality, her mind focusing as the strand of hair caught on the nub of antler that was growing from the side of her head. “Ok, well. . .what is this then?” She pulled her girlfriend up, Tohru’s plump breasts dragging sensually across her body.

“Oh! That’s a antler.” Tohru pointed to her own to help make the comparison.

“But why do I have it?” Kobayashi asked, trying to ignore the nagging suggestions in her brain.

“Silly Kobayashi, it’s because you’re turning into a dragon!”

“What?!” the apartment shook with Kobayashi’s yell.


“So, why is this happening?” Kobayashi asked. It had taken her a couple minutes to truly calm down. Tohru had led her to the bed in their room. The pair sat on the edge, with Tohru rubbing Kobayashi’s belly with one hand and stroking her hair with the other. The act helped to quiet Kobayashi’s thoughts, making her think clearly. She realized that she shouldn’t be surprised, tampering with dragon magic always had its marks. Of all the things that had happened to her so far with her gaggle of draconic friends and acquaintances, this might be the least harmful overall. “And how far is it going to go?”

“That’s a hard question to answer.” Tohru, taking the moment seriously for a change, put a gloved finger to her chin as she thought. Her other hand still stroked Kobyashi’s hair. “Magic is strange. I did put a lot into you that night, but a lot depends on your aptitude for the stuff. You might end up only a quarter dragon or half or. . .”

“Full? I might end up being a full fledged dragon.” Kobyashi said with wonder touching her voice. She sat a little closer to Tohru. “I know I should be mad at you, but for some reason I just can’t muster it.” Her voice was as warm and inviting as the hand that reached over to pull Tohru in close. Her heart beat and her face flushed as she thought about everything. Packed full of babies, loving and devoted girlfriend, and beginning to transform into a dragon? Kobayashi couldn’t see how the world could get any better. Further, she could not deny the sexiness of it all. There was something lurid and lusty. Her becoming a draconic, breeding plaything for the woman she loved. Pleasure radiated through her and her pussy grew wet. She nuzzled Tohru, pressing into her large, ripe breasts. “We can talk about it more later. How about for now you just make me comfy.” Kobayashi pecked at Tohru’s cheeks with her lips.

“Right away!” The busty maid said, rushing to throw her clothes off.

--- Big Reveal ---

Months later, there was a gathering at the residence. Tohru, feeling the need to show off the work she had done on her lover, had invited Lucoa and Elma over. Tohru had felt the need to be slightly surreptitious about the event. She had informed the pair about Kobayashi’s pregnancy, but had left all other details out. Tohru wanted to give her friends the surprise of their lives. It wasn’t just fun to magically meddle with her girlfriend, she also had to show off the fruits of her labor to the other dragon ladies. Tohru expected that they would be quite jealous.

“Where’s Kobayashi?” Lucoa asked, her enormous breasts bouncing up and down with the slightest movement. “Tohru, stop hiding her.” The air headed dragon said in her dreamy voice.

“Is this just another trick?” Elma sighed. “I actually have a job. It’s not fun to ask off work for nothing.”
“I promise she’s here! And we’ve got a big announcement for you!” Tohru said, letting her natural showmanship shine through. She slid over the polished wooden floor and knocked on the bedroom door. “Oooookkaaay Kobayashi! Come on out and show the girls!” Tohru listened closely,

The room was dark, the only light shining in from the living room. In the darkness they could see the figure of a woman, though it was hard to believe that it was Kobayashi. She was partially turned around, allowing the ladies to see her figure from the front, side, and back. Kobayashi was dressed only in her bra and panties, which were a deep and royal purple color. Tohru and her had planned an outfit for her to wear, but she had been struggling to get into the costume. She had been double over, trying to reach her pants when Tohru suddenly opened the door. Kobayashi had been given just enough time to straighten and turn away from the ladies. Yet, despite being nearly naked, there was something she liked about the situation. She could feel Elma and Lucoa’s eyes on her body, drinking in her curves. Of which there were plenty.

Most obviously apparent was her stomach. The gravid gut fell forward, having reached a size comparable with most women at five months of pregnancy. It was soft and ivory white. While it had a mostly oval shape, there was a noticeable ring of fat that hugged it. Tohru had done well feeding Kobayashi. Every day was an endless parade of snacks and treats delivered straight to the semi-dragoness’ mouth. Kobayashi had accepted each and every morsel offered to her, the calories feeding the growth of her curves. In addition to her belly, she now possessed breasts. Growing with the same rapidity of her belly, Kobayashi’s breasts were large and milk filled. They were a size under Tohru’s, though Kobyashi had been eyeing some of the blonde dragon’s bras. It would not take more for her to fill her lover’s lacey bras. Bringing up the rear was Kobayashi’s posterior. It was just as fat and wide as the rest of her. Bouncy and perky, her booty had a sumptuous bounce to it. Kobyashi was often distracted by the movements of her body, the little jiggles and rumbles providing a lewd edge to even the most basic of movements. Yet, these were not the changes that were most noticeable to the assembled women.

Even in the half light of the dark bedroom they could see Kobyashi’s other changes. Kobayashi’s hair was vivid and glowing now, seeming to possess an inner light of its own. It had been tied up in a bun, but with locks streaming down past her shoulders. Furthering the magical nature of her draconic hair, the coloring changed as it went. Starting as her natural red, her hair slowly changed into a light purple at the tips. It had all the hallmarks of a professional dye job, despite being utterly natural. Elma and Lucoa’s eyes traveled the length of Kobayashi’s hair, running up and down. When they finally returned to the top of Kobayashi’s head they noticed her antlers. They were large and pointed, like the antlers of a red deer but even more wild. Curving, twisting, and pointed they shot into the darkness. Yet, underneath the wild growth of antlers and hair, lay the pregnant woman.

“Uh. . .what do you all think?” She asked slowly, turning herself around so they could see her more. Kobayashi turned slowly, her belly big enough to necessitate a waddle. It was a waddle that would only grow more pronounced with time. While the weight that had come onto her body so far had only worked to enhance her curves, it was obvious that she was destined for bigger and better things. “There’s a little. . .extra than just pregnancy.” She blushed, twisting a lock of shimmering red-purple hair. “I’m sort of a. . .half-dragon now.” Kobayashi couldn’t help but feel the corners of her mouth turn up at that. Something about that knowledge gave her courage and confidence. Human Kobayahsi wouldn’t have been able to stand nearly naked in front of three shapely, busty women. Yet, half-dragon Kobayashi could; even if it was in a demure and guarded stance. Her arms encircled her milk-filled, fattened breasts. They bunched up, filling and overflowing her arms. She waited for her friends to respond, hair moving in the breeze from the AC.

“Oooh Kobyashiiii. . .” Lucoa was the first to speak, her eyes growing moist. As a dragoness of life and order, it was beautiful to see Kobayashi’s flourishing. She could sense the abundance of life within her, both from the pregnancy and her transformation. She ran forward, large breasts bounding with each step. Begrudgingly, Kobayashi waddled forward as well. Two collided in a very soft explosion. The redhead suppressed a pleased shudder as she felt Lucoa’s wall of breast fat smoosh and squish against her own sensitive mammaries. While her breasts were still vastly smaller, it was the first time that they had ever been able to put up a valiant defense against Lucoa’s. There was a sense of pride in that and Kobayashi found herself wishing, if only for a moment, for her breasts to grow more. She longed for them to be fat and heavy, bigger than any of her friends’ breasts. Yet, she cast the thought away as she felt Lucoa hug her tighter. Kobayashi hugged back, slowly moving the busty dragones to one side of her belly-barge so they could hug even tighter.

Elma and Tohru watched. The maid felt a flush coming over her as she watched her lover interact with an equally beautiful member of dragonkind. She was about to insert herself into the hug when Elma spoke. “Tohru! Did you use your magic on her?” The orderbound dragoness asked, incredulous at both Kobayashi’s beauty and the reckless usage of magic. “You can’t possibly know what the effects will be! Pregnancy was bad enough, but this is too far.” Elma’s lavender hair swished back and forth as she showed her disapproval of the situation.

“You worry too much!” Tohru pushed her rival out of the way as she joined the extended hug happening in front of her. She planted kisses on Kobayashi’s plump cheek in an effort to make up for the mere minutes spent away. Looking back at Elma, Tohru lifted up a lock of shimmering hair and twisted it around her own delicate fingers. “How could something this beautiful be wrong? Don’t be a stick in the mud, Elma! Kobayashi is better than she’s ever been.” Elbowing the Lucoa out of the way, her thin arm wedging between the iceberg breasts, Tohru exposed all of Kobayashi’s belly. “How could this be wrong?” Tohru asked, the other two dragons turning to look at her.

“Is there something wrong, Elma?” Kobayashi asked, her eyes looking large and doelike. She stood like a queen, with attendants on either side of her. For a moment, Elma wanted to say something. Yet, as she looked at the gravid, draconic beauty before her she fell silent. She gritted her teeth and her fists, but found herself unable to muster the words. The lavender haired woman kicked the ground, her aquatic blue tail swishing indignantly. “Come here, at least give me a hug.” Kobyashi said, desiring more contact. There was a rising desire to be close to the beautiful dragonesses she knew. Her hormones flared for a second and she felt her pussy tighten. It was a nice feeling, she wanted to do anything she could to encourage it. “It is my pregnancy reveal, afterall.” She said with a playful smirk. Even Elma, as dedicated to order and preserving balance as she was, could not shy away from that smirk. With her arms held behind her back, her chest pointed forward, she walked forward. Soon, she was entwined with the large, pregnant half-dragon. Elma gasped as she felt Kobayashi, a jolt of what could only be called attraction running through her.

“You’re. . .very soft.” Elma said, laying her head on Kobyashi’s naked stomach. She had a small thought, a nagging sensation that Kobayashi wasn’t always as tall as she seemed now. But that was born away as quickly as it entered her head. Instead, Elma thought to herself about how comfy and soft her friend was. The newly transformed dragon’s hair streamed down on either side of Elma, bathing her with the light glow. Feeling the closeness in the room, the redheaded dragon smiled, sharp little canines exposed.

--- Keeping Baby Mama Fed ---

“Tohruuuuu.” Kobayashi whined as she waddled forward through the soft grass. Her large, excessively round body shifted back and forth as she waddled. The two women made their way through an open field, the very one that the Dragon’s used for their sparring and playtime. When not used for magical confrontations the field was truly quite beautiful. Blades of long, soft grass blew in the wind. The stalks tickled Kobayshi’s plump calves. She had inflated further, fattened up by Tohru’s incessant desire to care for her baby mama. In the past, Kobyashi had possessed the willpower to decline or direct her lover’s energy elsewhere. Yet, now she was finding herself encouraging and even demanding Tohru feed and coddle her. Pregnancy had begun to hit Kobayashi hard and she was quick to indulge in its desires. Of course, that indulgence came with its own set of delicious consequences.

“Help me. . .whew. . sit down.” The rosy haired, pregnant dragoness said to her love as they approached the spot where they were to sit. With one fat hand draped over her exposed stomach and the other resting on her plump hip, Kobayashi made her way forward slowly. She moved like a barge, her cargo breast milk, fat, and dragon babies. Kobayashi had truly begun picking up weight in tremendous fashion. Her stomach spilled forward, a taut ball meshed with a sloping sack of gelatin. It was hard to judge whether the fat rolls or baby bump grew faster on the draconically transformed woman. Moreover, the fat was really settling in on the rest of her body. A wall of butt fat wobbled behind her, each buttcheek so large in circumference that it would take multiple people to lift one comfortably. While her stomach could best be compared to a yoga ball, her ass was not far behind.

Kobayashi treasured these elements of her body, finally possessing curves and grabbable softness in excess of any woman around, but it was her breasts that she truly was the most fond of. They were large and fat yet still perky. Round as basketballs but with the motion of water balloons, Kobayashi had the kind of titanic breasts that could make even straight women question their sexuality. She was now in contention with Lucoa for biggest breasts amongst the group. However, above all else, they were delightfully sensitive.

“Of course Kobayashi!” Tohru turned and gave a thumbs up to her baby mama. She had been skipping ahead in an effort to find the perfect plot of grass to rest the blanket upon. However, the search could be called early in an effort to accommodate her obese girlfriend. Kobayashi always got what Kobayashi wanted. Finding a little plot that was touched by sunbeams Tohru spread the blanket out, she was eager for them to light up the shimmering hair of her lover. Kobayashi waddled forward. She was dressed wonderfully for the occasion. She wore a light blue top which hardly covered her breasts and allowed her stomach to flop freely. Further, she wore only a pair of ludicrously stretched maternity short-shorts. Tohru had picked the outfit out for Kobayashi on a whim, expecting her to say no to the skimpy clothes. But, to her shock, the rotund woman had eagerly agreed. The clothes looked even better now, out in the real world and on Kobayashi’s jiggling, wobbling body than they had in Tohru’s imagination.

Kobayashi waddled forward, her fat and draconic nature on full display. Her antlers had sprouted further, branching and weaving in a sharp, ornate pattern. Her hair streamed down around her, the shimmering purple tips now flowing freely in the wind. Yet, she now had the final item to her transformation. The ultimate draconic signifier. Kobyashi had grown a big, beautiful tail. Sprouting from between her bubbly asscheeks, her tail ran long and proud. It was purple, with streamers of hair that matched her head at the very tip. It was purple, with a yellow underbelly. The smooth, almost scaleless nature of the protrusion infinitely strokable. Tohru spent long hours preening and fussing over how cute it was. Kobayashi bore her latest element of transformation with as much pride as she did the rest of her body. She truly was a dragon now, none could dispute that. It showed in her appearance as well as her behavior. “Let’s sit you. . .woooaah.” Tohru was cut off by Kobyashi reaching the blanket and simply starting to sit. Quick as lighting, the green dragon ran and caught the massive woman. As strong as she was, Tohru grunted as she held and lowered Kobayashi.

“Just. . .whew. . .wanting to test how quick my maid is.” Kobayashi looked back and grinned at Tohru, her hair streaming and flowing into the other woman’s face. Her tail licked out, smacking Tohru’s breasts. “Good to know she’s as beautiful as she is strong.” Tohru’s face went red and she fought to keep from swooning and dropping Kobyashi. It was incredibly difficult. The whole way down, the fatter woman teased Tohru with her tail. Kobayashi had been getting much more adventurous lately, her changed perspective on life leading her to risque actions. Such was the case when her tail snaked up Tohru’s dress, tickling and probing her soft body. “I’m so lucky.” Kobayashi mused as her tail twisted and lunged between Tohru’s breasts. After what seemed a lifetime, her plump ass made contact with the blanket. She had to sit with her legs spread far apart, trying to accommodate her stomach. Her tail was still between Tohru’s breasts, the long, fleshy appendage tugging at the maid’s dress. Heat welled within Kobayashi. She wasn’t sure if it was pregnancy hormones or her new draconic nature, but she wanted to fuck something awful. She intended to get what she wanted.

“Oooohh, Kobayaaaashi.” Tohru moaned as the tail curled around a naked breast. It was impressive how prehensile and articulated it was. Capable of soft rubbing or dramatic action, Kobayashi’s long tail was perfect for working her blonde lover into a frenzy. To further stimulate the couple, Tohru grabbed the invasive tail. Holding its thick trunk, she made it gyrate against her skin. Sitting on her knees, she spread her legs as far as they would go to accommodate the trunk which wound around and over her body. Both she and Kobayashi forgot about the food and picnic, intent on each other. Finally, Kobayashi had enough foreplay. With a strong flick, her tail ripped through Tohru’s clothes, shredding them to pieces. Left naked, Tohru scrambled around to her lover. The blonde’s thin, strong arms were soon laying her master down as well as pulling apart the thunder thighs. Kobayashi’s maternity pants were on good and tight, but that was not going to stop the sex mad dragon. Tohru clawed the pants away in animalistic passion, quickly leaving both women naked. Kobyashi’s immense, sagging baby bump was raised high into the open air as she landed on her back.

Kobayashi lay in a pile of her own hair, twisting and curling it around her fingers as Tohru pressed her face between the chunky thighs presented to her. Her large, milk filled breasts plopped down on either side of her. Tohru’s soft tongue entered her, making Kobayashi gasp for a moment. She could hardly see her lover, only the tip of her green tail waving back and forth. To the fat, pregnant woman, little existed in the world other than her own bulk. Even Tohru was subsumed into her pleasure, an extension of her drive for sexual release. She grew wetter and more moist thinking about her body and what had been happening to it. There was a rich selfishness to it all, realizing that she was the center of the world to so many of the people around her. Kobayashi’s antlers seemed to grow as she became more fulfilled. The dragon magic that had been infused with her body worked further upon her, nursed along by playing into her role as a dragon. “Ooooh. . .deeper! Haaaarder!” She moaned. She threw her torpid body back and forth, excitedly gobbling up the vigorous attention that Tohru was paying to her. Were Kobayashi thinner and up to the task, she might have arched her back. But she was far too fat and pregnant for that. Her stomach rested heavily on Tohru’s head, another reminder of why she needed to lick and eat her mistress’ pussy so vigorously.

Kobayashi was close to climaxing, but she stalled for as long as she could. She was close to something else, a realization that went beyond simple sexual pleasure. She felt more dragon than ever now. However, it was not the strange and shimmering hair, the tail, the immense breasts, or the babies growing within her. “Ooooohhh, Tohru! Make me. . .aaahh!” Kobayashi howled with pleasure, her strong and mighty tail slamming the ground in an impassioned rampage. She was not asking, she was telling. Tohru, always eager to please her lady, worked her tongue even more vigorously. Kobayashi gushed. Her mind was drunk with sex, but still thinking clearer than ever. For as much as her physical traits marked her as a dragon, it was her mentality and behavior which truly spelled out the difference. Dragons, especially the chaos faction, were powerful and greedy creatures. They observed hierarchy and social structure, with those at the top dominating those below. She had spent her recent life telling the other dragons what to do and how to live in society. Now, herself draconic in nature, she was taking the next logical steps. To truly and fully be a dragon, she must give in to her selfishness. Finally, Kobayashi climaxed in both body and soul.
She would reach the social heights a dragon was meant to and in the manner most befitting one. She would unleash herself upon the world around her, taking what she wanted by any means necessary.

--- A Conflict Between Order and Chaos ---

“Gosh, they've gotten so big.” Elma gaped at Kobayashi’s breasts as she watched the woman waddle down the street. There could be little doubt when the pregnant dragoness was making progress down the street. People had to move just to accommodate her, both her size and her attitude. Kobyashi had taken to walking in the middle of the sidewalk, her stomach swinging back and forth with pride. People of all shapes and sizes melted away before her, driven away from even commenting on her rudeness. There was something in her bearing and presence that deterred them from speaking. It was up to the world to pass by Kobayahsi without incident, with her only burden being satiating her rampant and greedy desires. Elma’s surprise turned to horror as she watched the massive woman slowly make her way forward. Those who moved too slow in getting out of the way were bumped and battered by Kobayashi’s breasts which acted as wrecking balls. She swung her breasts and hips with almost lethal intent, hoping to add another body to the tally of people that she had hit. Her breasts were contained by a loose top, one which showed her nipples quite often. The crowd thinned as the dragoness met with her friend. It was then that Elma could see the rest of the changes. “Kobayashi! What happened to you?” she asked with terrified astonishment.

“Just. . .heh. . .living the dream.” She smiled, tugging her shirt down over her breasts. Her flabby arms bunched and bounced off of her breast fat, causing further seismic jiggles through her flab. “Being a dragon is great, isn’t it?” She asked, cocking a hip and bringing her nails to her lips. Something between a gyaru and a goddess, Kobayahi filled the street with her draconic magnificence. Her tail swished behind her, ready for physical mischief. Meanwhile, her antlers spiraled upwards into the night, catching the light of the shops and restaurants. Her hair was done up in a series of intricate buns and braids, having been painstakingly slaved over by Tohru as Kobayahsi glutted herself. The nails had been the cherry on top, growing outwards to a long yet perfectly manicured point; swirling with colors impossible to replicate with even the most expensive polish. “You girls were hiding so much fun from me.” She said, face twisting into a greed charged grin. She broke out of her pose and took a heavy step forward, her large belly pushing Elma’s own chubby body into a brick wall between shops. “But now I’m free to. . .explore.”

“This. . .ugh. . .probably isn’t good!” The little blue haired dragoness grunted as she tried to hold the weight placed upon her. Kobayashi was heavy, clearly approaching 500 pounds. Further, Elma could tell that the immense woman had been growing upwards as well. When she had been human, Kobayashi had been a small 5’2. Now, having succumbed to the magic bubbling within her, she had sprouted up to well past six feet. Elma was struck with a sense of awe. Not only was Kobayashi a full dragon, she was a bigger and prouder dragon than any that she knew. “Maybe we should talk to. . .ooff. . .Tohru about fixing you?” Elma struggled to speak as fat closed around her. Kobayashi’s heavy, baby filled belly poked into her middle while the fat rolls underneath helped keep her from slipping away. Kobayashi planted a hand next to Elma’s head and leaned forward. Elma’s vision and mouth were filled with breast fat, her nose smelling sweet milk. Elma couldn’t think of the last time she had been so close to such a powerful, demanding dragon. It was exhilarating, if a little scary.

“Fix me? Don’t you like my new appearance?” Kobayashi giggled a little as her tail tickled Elma’s hair with her tail. She shivered for a second as she felt the smaller, thinner woman struggling under her fat. It was good to be big. “I’m pretty partial.” with her free hand she slapped one of her voluminous, pale breasts. A slow wave worked its way across one tit and onto the other, milk leaking out of her puffy nipples from the pressure. Elma’s heightened senses made it such that she could almost taste the leaking milk. It seemed like it would be indescribably sweet and filling. “I’m kind of getting attached to it all, anyway.” Kobayashi leaned down further, her antlers dragging on the brick wall. The iron hard and pointed antlers left deep gouges in the brick, but the antlers themselves were unharmed. “I think you need just a little time to get used to it, that’s all. Right Tohru?” Kobayashi asked, shaking and gyrating her hips back and forth. Her thick stomach rubbed back and forth on Elma’s abdomen, the smaller woman could feel the numerous children kicking and moving within.

“Oh yes! This is the best you’ve ever looked, Kobayashiii.” Tohru, revealing herself, sprung from around Kobayashi's inflated backside. The smaller woman had wanted to give her lover and mistress some time alone with Elma. She knew that meeting up with Elma was going to incur a lot of questions. Questions better left for Kobayashi and her. . .unique perspective to answer. “Don’t be a spoil sport!” Tohru fished around in Kobayashi’s massive chest, helping to draw Elma up a little bit. The small dragon had slipped below the waves of cleavage and belly fat, needing someone to rescue her from the cushy prison she had been trapped in. Elma slowly emerged, her hair mussed and her shirt wrinkled. She wanted to say more, knowing her faction would not approve of the behavior on display here. Yet, all the same, she felt compelled to say nothing. Sensing this deferral, Kobayashi relented. The massive woman pulled back, taking heavy steps backwards. Her ass lifted and dropped, sending shockwaves through her roly-poly body.

Elma sighed, unsure of what to say. Her heart beat for order and harmony, yet there was something else pulling at her. When she looked at Kobayashi, she felt compelled by something that was deeper than politics and philosophies. “It. . .” Elma began, looking down bashfully. “You. . .look nice.” She said finally. With her admission, she and the other two women felt ready to begin their stroll.

“Mmmgph. . .dat wasch. . .UUURRP. . .a good suggeschtion. . .Elma!” Kobayashi said as she scarfed down takoyaki balls as big as softballs. She waddled along, happily swinging her tail back and forth; often hitting people who were too slow to get out of her way. Tohru hovered close, sometimes trying to clean smears of thick sauce from Kobayashi’s mouth. The blonde dragoness was dedicated to making sure that her baby mama was presented in the best light at all times. Hugely fat, spoiled, and bratty was no problem for Tohru. . .but she could not let her lover descend into slobby behaviors. Elma trailed behind, quietly watching the pregnant dragoness make her way down the street. Her asscheeks had risen out of the white maternity pants she was wearing, exposing the fluffy pink thong she wore underneath. Elma was ignorant of many things in the human world, but she was not ignorant of how expensive that particular brand of underwear was. The whale tail of the fabric rocked back and forth between the competing oceans of ass fat on either side. Elma stared at it as if in a trance. In her stupor, she mulled over the changes hitting Kobayashi. It was obvious that Kobayashi was a different woman. Brash and bratty, she would find a way to indulge in her every (selfish) whim. That was certainly the dragon in her. Selfish by nature, dragons loved to hoard wealth and power to preen themselves up. Even order aligned dragons like Elma were susceptible. The mental changes were as much a part of Kobayashi as were the physical. Yet, drastic as they were, Elma could find little issue with it.

Watching the dragons interact with Tohru, Elma could see that Kobyashi still had love in her heart. Between ferocious bites of the fattening fried food, she would pause to let Tohru care for her. If and when one of her many gestating children kicked, she would stop and let Tohru paw and massage her belly. The two seemed as eagerly interested in their future children as they were in each other. Elma sighed, adjusting her sweater a bit to alleviate some mounting heat. She didn’t want to admit it, but there were other things to consider. Namely, how she was now feeling.

Being pinned and imposed upon by Kobyashi had awakened something in her. It had been so long since she had been touched like that by another dragon. Courtship in the magical realms could be a wild and furious thing. Elma had done her best to shy away from it, afraid that she was not cut out for what passed for dragon romance. Yet, now as she looked at Tohru and Kobayashi, she realized that she wanted a spark like that. Even if she was the subordinate one, she wanted to love with that sort of passion. She shook her head, trying to look away and forget what was happening in her mind. All she succeeded in doing was running into Kobyashi, who had stopped. Elma plowed into the massive woman, it was like hitting a soft and bouncy cloud.

“Look who caught up.” Kobayashi said, in all her changes she had not lost her penchant for dry commentary. “Thanks for joining us, Elma.” The pink haired behemoth turned slowly, her belly swinging low and her breasts folding to either side. Her hair caught in the wind, sending a spray of sprinkles down from the bright red at the top to the lavender tips. “Tohru and I were just talking about what to do next.” She tossed her now empty carton of takoyaki away, not caring that she was littering or if someone would pick it up. “I wanted to get a little wild.” She leaned down and put an arm around Elma, the other finding Tohru. Kobayashi, feeling hormones pump through her body at a delicious pace, fondled Tohru’s breasts. “You think you could keep up.”

“Wha-what do you want to do?” Elma asked, nervous excitement pouring through her.

“Hmmm. . .” Kobayashi pondered a moment. A thought snapped through her head. She remembered seeing a shop a ways back, a very specific sort of place. The perfect kind of place for a woman wanting to get wild and further her ego. “. . .I’m thinking of getting a piercing.” She winked at Elma. “If you’re good and tell me how perfect I look right now. . .I’ll let you pick where the first one goes.” She squeezed Elma. Elma’s tail shot up at the suggestion. She couldn’t stop the words as they raced to the tip of her tongue.

--- Sultry Shopping Trip ---

Elma had spilled the beans, or at least to the point where she could admit that the new and improved Kobayashi was indeed perfect. The rest of the evening had progressed wildly. A sort of romance induced delirium had come over the trio. Kobayashi had swaggered into the piercing shop, eyes glistening as she studied all of the studs and rings they had to offer. Her mind had been ablaze with the possibilities of where to place her new adornments. True to her word, however, she allowed Elma to pick the first one. Kobayashi had sat her immense bulk into the chair, the heavily tattooed and pierced attendant looking concerned for the chair's wellbeing, and called Elma over. Timidly, the smaller woman had tiptoed over. Stroking her large and exposed stomach, Kobayashi had asked Elma to touch the stop where the first piercing should go. Blushing madly, Elma had raised a trembling arm. Bashfully, she tapped Kobayashi’s upper ear. She dropped her arm instantly, practically running behind Tohru for moral support. Kobayashi had laughed, telling the piercer to give her three on each ear. This had only been the beginning.

Now, weeks after that incident, Kobayashi was on the prowl for more. Each day she had tried to add more adornments to her body. Earrings had been followed by nipple piercings, and the nipples piercings had been chased by a belly button right. She had put rings on most of her fingers and draped lavish necklaces around her thick neck, often they drooped into her deeping cleavage canyon. Kobayahsi was a gilded, glittery hog, yet nothing had satisfied her. Soon her antlers were covered in a latticework of golden strands. Kobayashi had raided Tohru’s collection of accessories in order to properly outfit her growing body. She had spent long hours admiring her work in mirrors of all shapes and sizes. The excitement had faded, however. While nice, nothing she owned seemed as magnificent as it should. She was important and beautiful enough to warrant the best. To reach her fullest potential as a dragon she needed finer materials. Thus she had come to the shop.

It was upscale, located in a part of the city that was most certainly beyond the paygrade of a human programmer. However, nothing was beyond the reach of a hungry, greedy, horny dragoness. She, with Elma and Tohru in tow, had decided to take a trip to the jeweler's shop. The entrance was pitifully small. It was a shop that was used to handling the normal business of regularly proportioned people, hardly the domain of greedy and magical creatures that now needed multiple chairs to sit in. Kobayashi, reaching nearly 7 feet excluding her antlers, had to squat and turn her body in order to get through the door. There was simply no way to easily force her bulk through the door. Her hips would catch if she attacked in from the front and her stomach prevented her from shuffling in sideways. Her solution to the problem was to pick the path of most resistance and least danger to her babies. The gravid goddess came at the door head on. Her breasts and stomach bunched up slightly, being ever slightly too big for the sides of the door. Her hips caught completely. “Uuugh. . .you should really. . .nnnggghh. . .make doorways for all kinds of people.” Kobayashi said, already working her dominant charm on the sales staff. “Tohru, are you pushing?” She asked, waiting to feel the deep press of her blonde love’s hands on her voluminous ass.

“Yes Kobayashi! Elma and I are working on it!” Tohru said, snapping a finger and pointing at the unattended buttcheek before Elma. Shyly, but eagerly, Elma pressed her hands into the pregnant woman’s beanbag ass. Kobayashi rocked back and forth, her various necklaces and piercings jingling with the erratic movement. Kobayashi wore nothing more than a purple bikini top. The cups on it were too small to cover her breasts, mostly working to prevent her nipples from slipping out. They dug in, showing the clearest imprint possible of the diamond studded nipple piercings she was wearing. Meanwhile, her hefty stomach bobbed up and down. The taut part of her baby belly rolling back and forth on a cloud of fat. The babies within Kobayashi’s womb were protected by a dense layer of thick fat. The two dragonesses began to push their massive matron. Shimmering pink hair flew back and forth. With the strength and pleasure being delivered to her rear end, Kobayashi was reminded of something she and Tohru had done a night ago. The massive woman had bent over the couch, her stomach almost reaching the floor and her breasts easily filling two of the cushions. Tohru had come from behind with a long, thick toy and. . .

“Ooooh!” Kobyashi, flushed and wet between her thighs, popped through the door. She lost no momentum, taking grand steps forward. There was a dignity to her gait, despite the ponderous waddle she had adopted. Breathing heavily, she thumped her way to the counter. She was excited sexually, hormones further inflaming her desires. “I will expect a discount because of that.” she sniffed, looking down on the girl at the counter. The smaller woman, a mouse compared to Kobayashi’s bulk, shivered and tepidly asked how she could help. The massive dragoness leaned forward, her fat pooling across the counter. The glass warped under her weight, with the metal frames bending. “I’m looking for a lot of help today.” Kobayashi put on a pouting face, moreso meant to mock the other woman than anything. She reached forward with a well manicured, exotically colored nail and drug the smaller woman forward. She was small but with a deceptively curvy frame. Kobyashi could easily see the woman buried beneath her fat, but that was for later. “I’m looking for some piercings. Something that. . .uhf. . .might look nice on these.” She hefted one of her double-watermelon sized breasts. The whalish mammary jiggled before the woman, the large piercing springing up and down against the fabric of the bikini top.

“I. . .uhh . .we might. . .” The woman stammered as she looked at the tit in front of her. She had no idea any single breast could get so large and fat. It beggared belief to even see it before her. She had realized just how large the woman was when she had struggled through the door, but that had been the complete picture. Now, staring at just one of the giant woman’s breasts, the counter worker got a fuller sense of just how heavy and ponderous the woman was. The breast was bigger than her head four times over. She could lay with her face under it and be smothered easily, without a second thought even. The tiny attendant wondered if she could even lift the breast on her own. The wonder and spreading through her widened her eyes. Enjoying the sport of it all, the woman before her dropped the beast on the counter. It thudded, sending reverberations through the glass and even the floor.

“It’s there if you need it.” Kobayashi said, enjoying the moment. She reveled in the attention paid to her. Her other friends worshiped her now, but that was different. Their devotion was excited and electric. This woman wasn’t sure yet. Interested, but not willing to take the plunge. “If you want to get a measurement. . .or just cop a feel.” the dragon grinned, feeling her two subordinate lovers drift to either side. They were ready if the counter woman wasn’t. Kobayashi’s purpled tail swished back and forth, snaking up Tohru’s dress to play with her a little. The blonde woman blushed and moaned softly. The counter woman responded by blushing. She wanted to shy away, but couldn’t manage it. She was too enraptured by the hefty pair of breasts before her. Milk, brought forth by Kobayshi’s rising sex drive, dripped from them. “Get acquainted with them, that way you can pick out the best pieces. Just a little suck. Its as easy as putting your lips on them and. . .” Kobayashi’s voice dropped to a pregnant whisper, egging the woman on. After a moment’s consideration, the woman made her choice.

She leaned forward, timidly drawing back one of the bikini cups. The breast seemed even larger with its pierced nipple on display. “Come on, just a little kiss.” The dragoness leaned forward, the chains and necklaces on her antlers jingling. Licking her lips one last time, the attendant made her choice and lunged forward. Her lips latched onto the wall of tit-fat currently bending the counter. Kobayashi moaned, milk gushing from both breasts like twin fire hydrants. “Toooohhrru, get the other.” Kobayashi moaned, reaching to try and finger her gushing pussy. She gave up, too lazy to try and reach past her wall of stomach fat. She was too heavy and fat to reach her pussy. She had no scale to measure her weight, but she looked close to 800 pounds (on a normally heighted person). “Elma, your. . .oooh. . .goddess needs you.” Kobayashi said, moaning and shaking her hair. She slapped the side of her gut, giving the smaller woman wordless directions.

The other women were quick to adopt their tasks. Tohru twirled and skipped behind the counter, her mouth open and ready for the flow of milk. She and the attendant sucked and lapped at the incredible flow of sweet liquid. Kobayashi moaned as she felt their tongues work over her puffy, sensitive nipples. The floodgates on her well of milk opened further, gushing like she never had before. Kobayashi, sexual tyrant that she was, shoved her ass out and lowered her yoga-ball belly between spread thighs. Elma felt the massive, sagging stomach press upon her shoulders. She had just forced her lover’s pants open, biting the panties off in her first ever sexual act. Kobayashi’s thighs and pussy were slick, ready for her to press her face forward. Elma lacked the words to describe her situation or how she felt. It was something like a religious revelation and a fangirl fantasy. She wanted to pop her head out from under her massive mistress and tell her how adorable her pussy was, how inviting it was, and how it seemed shaped by the goddess of love herself. However, Elma knew that would only earn her directions to get back at it. The pregnant, hyper-obese dragoness got what she wanted after all. Elma slowly pressed her face forward, eager to prove her worth.

The quartet of love struck women were soon moaning and gasping. Kobayashi gyrated her body, eager to do anything to further stroke herself. She orgasmed again and again, having never felt pleasure like this. It seemed to go on for hours, with the other girls changing positions. At times, they would play with her antlers and stroke her titties. Other times they would crowd underneath her, each trying to kiss or finger the sweetness buried between her thighs. Kobayashi’s large, thick purple tail slammed the ground with unrestrained glee, shaking the shop and surrounding buildings. “Yes! Oooohhh God, yes!” She cried at peaks of pleasure. “Fuck me like I’m a goddess. I am a goddess! I. . .OOOHHH. . .deserve it all.” Her pride and greed flared with the attention being paid to her. She loved watching the intimate chaos unfold around her. Her attendants all had distended bellies from the milk poured into them. She watched as it digested quickly, turning to fat before her eyes. She turned, catching Tohru as she switched positions. Kobayashi’s plump, purple lips latched onto Tohru’s. She pressed her tongue into the smaller woman’s mouth. The pair’s lips and tongues danced for a moment. Kobayashi pulled away, feeling the need to say something.

“I. . .huff. . .love you for this, Tohru.” She panted. Her hair was an artistic mess, strewn about her shoulders but still as vibrant and colorful as ever. “ You’ve. . .oooh. . .made me. . .aah. . .perfect.” Kobayashi put a hand to her stomach, feeling her babies kick and Elma licking at her crotch. “I. . don’t know. . .oooh. . .what to say.”

“I love you too, Kobayashi.” Torhu kissed her massive lover’s forehead. “You were always perfect, now just a little more so.” The two smiled at each other before getting back to the impromptu orgy. They fucked for hours, trying to please the endless sexual desires of the gravid woman. When it was all over, Kobayashi left pleased. She gathered up all the merchandise in the store she could hold, thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, and waddled out. The attendant was too pleased to argue. She could hardly say that she had ever been robbed in such a manner. She hoped it would happen again.

--- Kobayashi: Alpha Dragoness ---

“Lucoa, Tohru!” Kobayashi said, frustrated. “Let me go! I deserve to be out there!” the immense dragon grunted, trying to waddle her bulk forward. It was quite the scene. Kobayashi had finally attained her maximum height. Twelve feet of magically powered woman strained her unquantifiably heavy body forward. Her stomach now drooped fully to the ground, her stomach as big around as a smart car. It was a wonder that she was mobile at all. Her muscles were powered by draconic magic and simple greed. Her flabby thighs were as big around as redwood trunks, constantly rubbing and stimulating herself. Her asscheeks, dimply yet still perfectly round, could crush any sedan and many pickup trucks. She was a behemoth, a primordial breeding titan that was unleashed upon the world. “This isn’t fair. . .I want more jewels!” Kobayashi demanded, taking a heavy step. She was opposed physically by Tohru and Lucoa, who tried to stop the rampaging dragon mother by grabbing her thighs and digging in. Kobayashi roared, her breasts swinging with frustration. A thicket of chains and necklaces danced between her breasts.

“Miss Kobayashi, we can’t afford to be caught. You’re too big.” Lucoa said, her voice dreamlike despite the physical strain and tension she was under. “We can bring you whatever you need.” she grunted, pressing her own breasts into the surprisingly muscular thigh she was grappling with. It was like hugging a marble column covered with pillows.
“She’s right, Kobayashi!” Tohru said, tying to meter out her criticism and warnings with kisses to the thigh. “Humans will be scared of you and hunt us again!” Bearing infinite love and care for her boisterous lover, it almost caused Tohru physical agony to defy the alpha dragoness. She shouldered the discomfort, knowing it was the smartest thing for everyone. They could love and pamper Kobayashi forever, but only if they weren’t caught.

“But I NEED more!” Kobayashi’s voice was partially a whine and partially a command. “Our. . .MY. . .hoard is too small. I’m a dragon. . .a goddess. . .I deserve so much more!” She panted, her rack of antlers and tidal wave of hair swishing back and forth like an imperial crown placed over a nebula of stars. She plodded forward, naked as could be. They had been forced to move the highly pregnant dragoness, putting her in a warehouse that they had furnished like a palace. Kobayashi spent her days lounging on her growing pile of gold and treasure, usually acquired by convincing store owners and dealers with her ravishing beauty and intimidating manner. She was truly a queen now, but one whose desires knew no limit. She knew that she was worth more than the small hoard she had now, that her wealth should stretch from end to end of the large enclosure she rested her gigantic body in.

“This isn’t working. . .” Lucoa whispered, feeling that they were giving ground. Kobayashi was mere steps away from getting loose and wrecking havoc upon the human world.

“What can we do though?” Tohru asked. She looked around, trying to find something that would help them. All she could see was Elma in the corner. The blue haired dragon was nervously nibbling on a loaf of bread. She was too enamored with Kobyashi to get in the fight, but she knew it would be bad if the maddened mother was let loose. A thought came to Tohru as she watched Elma wolf down the bread. Inclining her head, she indicated for Elma to toss it at Kobayashi. Elma shivered, afraid to get in the middle of whatever was transpiring. Tohru made some more furious gestures, slowly prodding the benevolent dragon into doing her bidding. Sighing, Elma tossed the bread towards Kobayashi. The huge woman caught it easily in her mouth, swallowing the half-loaf with one bite. She rumbled with pleasure. Tohru took the opportunity to speak. “Kobayashi, what if we made you a big lunch first? Gotta feed your babies after all!” She reached up to pat and rub the naked belly before her. She felt the kicking of hundreds of babies, understanding why Kobayashi was perhaps so upset. 7 months was a long time to be pregnant and she still had many more to go, dragon pregnancy was a long and involved process.

“Uuuurrrp. . .fine.” Kobyashi huffed, relenting. She waddled eased up and plopped down, her bulk landing like a collapsing building. “But it had better be good! And BIG!” She said, crossing her doughy arms petulantly. Elma came over to kiss and massage Kobayashi’s fat, trying to ease the troubled mother. Tohru took Lucoa by the arm.

“We just have to make Kobayashi a bigger problem!”

“Whaa?” Lucoa said, confused.

“Like, the biggest problem of all time.” Tohru put her arms out to the side and puffed her cheeks to simulate fatness. “We are gonna turn her into the fattest momma to ever exist.” Tohru said with a gleam in her eye. She tried to hide how much she wanted to have a blobby, immobile lover to pleasure around the clock. While this was a solution, it was perhaps a very self-serving one. “We’re gonna make Miss Kobayashi too big to stand.”

“Oooohhh. . .that’s gonna take a lot of food.” Lucoa said, feeling the same excitement that Tohru did. “We should get started right away.” She smiled, hugging her pillowy breasts with anticipation.

--- Months Later ---

“Oooh. . .UUURRRP. . .that’s too good.” Kobayashi said, as the metal chute was taken away from her mouth. Kobayashi now had to be fed via the chute of a cement truck. Food of all kinds was piled onto the chute and sent tumbling towards her in a fattening, greasy tidal wave. She gobbled it all up through, eagerly plowing through constant feasts. She had never felt indulgence like this. She was showered round the clock with food, sex, and trinkets. As soon as one started to get boring, her trio of helpers would move to the next one. Sometimes they would mix and match. She had spent time getting fucked while being fed, having her ocean of jewelry changed while sucking from a feeding hose, and every other permutation possible. She had been bathed in golden coins and small silver bars while Elma brushed her long and flowing hair. She was pampered beyond imagining. Dreams she had never had were becoming reality. Through it all she grew. Filing out more and more, her body continually fattening under the deluge of calories. Tohru’s plan worked and worked well. Under her instruction and guidance, Kobayashi went from a somewhat-lean and mean gold predator, to an immobile and docile blob. She was still a high maintenance queen, but at the very least she could not take it out on the human populace.

“We’re here to help, Kobayashi.” Elma said, stoking one of her lover’s soft nipples. She had to get on a step ladder to reach them now, despite the titanic breasts now resting fully on the floor. “Anything for you.” She said as she latched her soft, wet mouth over the nipple and began to suck. Slowly at first, and then with rising intensity milk began to pour out. Elma, now possessing the second biggest appetite, eagerly sucked it down. She was looking porky these days, unable to keep herself away from Kobayashi’s milk and food scraps. The hungry dragon now weighed 300 pounds, but was little more than an ant compared to her dominant partner. Kobayashi now took up a fourth of the warehouse with her raw bulk. Her pregnant belly rose like a literal hill and fell into a pile of fat at the bottom. Her thighs and calves had ballooned to the size of industrial building equipment, now only useful in being a pillow for her growing belly. Behind her, buttocks that needed cranes to lift bunched upon the wall of the warehouse. Kobayashi’s body was endlessly growing and comfortable. “Anything you need.” Elma said, milk trailing down her face as she took a break from suckling at the running teat.

“Yeah! What does my snuggly little baby mama want!” Tohru asked, rolling onto Kobayashi’s shoulder. She fell deeply into the plateau of fat. She planted kisses on Kobyashi’s piled up neck rolls. The blobbish woman was practically sinking into herself. “We’ll do anything.” Tohru kicked her legs innocently, knowing that whatever Kobayashi requested was not going to be innocent at all.

“I. . .uuuggh. . .” The pile of dragoness moaned, feeling far below her that Lucoa had begun to insert a very pleasurable dildo into her pussy. “I. . .waanntt. . .oooh. . .” She struggled to get the words out, lost in the swirl of dopamine and sexual gratification. “Make. . .oooh. . .me. . .aaah. . .” the local queen of dragons could hardly speak as the sex toy went faster and faster, in and out of her gushing vagina. “Even. . .bigger. I wanna. . .ooh. . .be even more. . .aah. . .PREGNANT!” She finally cried, orgasaming with enough force to shake the building.

“Of course, Kobayashi, anything you want.” Tohru said, feeling a spell surging through her body. “You’ll be the biggest, fattest, most pregnant dragon in the whole world.”



Greedy Kobayashi is so cute.