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Ok, this one is technically slob And extreme weight gain. They seemed close enough that it wouldn't be violating any rules to bring them together. Tell me if I'm wrong and a charlatan though! This one was pretty fun. I remember Mai being more popular back in the day. Hopefully she gets a bit of a resurgence because she's quite fetching.

“Should we wash you, Lady Shiranui?” The nurse said, placing a warm cloth onto Mai’s flabby belly. “It’s been a couple weeks and you’ve begun to smell a bit.” The nurse pinched her nose in order to make her point. It was a sweet gesture. The woman was small and thin, with a chirpy sort of voice. She wore a little pink nurse outfit with custom frills and bows. The small Taiwanese girl was utterly out of place next to her Japanese mistress. Mai was piled over several bariatric beds, her bulk now able to overtake three with ease. Further, separate beds had been erected to hold her immense breasts. She was a mass of half-shaped orbs and semi-deflated rolls; covered in sweat, grease, and smears of food. Her bulk rose and fell with heavy breathing. "We want you nice and sparkling clean, don't we?"

"You know, it's never nice to tell a lady about her stink." Mai said, giggling a bit. Her words were breathy. It was of endless fascination to the various nurses, doctors, and health experts how Mai could be so huge and yet flirtatious. Truly, the woman never stopped. "Especially when. . .BBBLLLLLUUUURRRP. . .she likes it so much." A belch blasted out from Mai's overly plump lips. It shook her body as well as the rest of the room. The vibrations freed trapped sweat, letting it ooze out from a dozen different rolls. A thick and smelly haze was renewed in the room, tears filling the nurse's eyes. "Why don't you. . .BBBLLUUURRUPP. . .massage me instead." Mai rumbled. She fingered the rolls that led to her massive, bed bound breasts. She was too fat to reach them, despite their size, so concessions must be made.

"Oh, but Miss Shiranui, you promised me!" The nurse pouted, stomping a foot. She was a cute thing, young and just out of nursing college. It was unbelievable that someone as talented as her would come to a washed up, slobby gas bag like Mai. It was harder still, for Mai especially, that she had once been like that girl. Young and slim, Mai had once been the most beautiful fighter on the planet. However, a severe injury had left her bedridden. Weeks had gone by with her simply resting and recovering her strength she had been able to do little more than eat and watch tv. But by bit her body had softened. Noticeably, but not extremely, she had gained weight. With the increased time to herself, she had plenty of spare minutes to study herself. She watched with fascination as her body plumped up pver the days. Eventually, Mai had been discharged from the hospital. She was healed physically, but now had something else. A fetish.

Mai had discovered a deep interest in her body and her fatness. Rather than hating it, she embraced and encouraged it. Diving ever more deeper into the wilds of her sexual fantasies, she ballooned outward over weeks and months. Sloth and slob had come naturally with the extreme weight gain. Like old friends, Mai cozyed up to the idea of limitless indulgence and limited hygiene. She reveled in her growing stink just as much as her expanding body. More and more of her normal routines and activities fell away, replaced with more eating. Thus she was led to the current moment, a bed filling blob that stank like a garbage barge. Eventually, she thought to herself, she wanted to be as big as a garbage barge.

"You need a bath." The nurse leaned over, putting her elbows on her immobile employer. "I can hardly being myself to kiss you when you're like this." The woman pouted, planting a quick peck on Mai's enormous gut. Her lips came away tasting rancid sweat and caked on food.

"You. . .BBBLLLUUURRP. . .didn't say that. . .oh my. . .last night!" Mai said, feeling her body begin to kick into a different gear. Mai was feeling frisky. The massive woman sighed, her chins sagging further toward her spread breasts. "Massage first, kisses after, bath. . .never!" Mai would have thrown up her arms had she still possessed the ability. Instead, she simply settled for moving her arm rolls in the most exaggerated manner that she could. Rolls squelched and oozed grease and grime. Mai was a treasure trove of slobby delights.

The nurse sighed, torn between her professional concerns and personal admiration of Mai's lifestyle. She kicked aside the mop, bucket, and hose that she had been planning on using. Those would crumble to dust before they ever touched Mai's soft skin. Next, the nurse began to massage the bed bound woman's huge calf. Over the next couple hours she would work herself to the bone in order to fully please her blobbish patron. Bit by bit she would squeeze and manipulate the folds presented to her. Her hands would become stained by grease and general body slime. Stink would fill the air, more pungent than anything a person could imagine. Mai, of course, would be enraptured by it all. She'd flirt and gab through the experience, as chatty as a school girl. She seemed to be utterly ignorant of the circumstance her body was in.

"See, this is. . .BLLLURRAAAP. . .so much more comfy!" Mai belched as the nurse put her hands into Mai's wealth of belly fat. Mai's gut spread out like a plateau, almost wider than it was tall. The Japanese blob remember when her stomach could get full. It would round out in a taut, red sphere. She had stuffed herself in endless orgies of food. Yet, now her stomach stayed flabby and in its component folds. "Oh, goodness, your hands are so soft. The touch of a real woman!" Mai grinned as she felt her caretaker intensify the deep tissue massage. "Make sure you lift up my tummy. It could use a little airing out." Mai said as naturally as if she was referring to hanging a wet towel out to dry. Part of the fun for her was treating her unique and borderline insane condition as if it was normal. A gigantic and unrepentant slob acting as if she was simply a normal woman, it was the sort of aphrodisiac that could only appear to a woman like Mai.

Really, her only consideration was if it would be fun to have a partner in crime. Another slobby soul to bond with.