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If you want to see some more explicit corruption shorts, take a look in the $5 tier. I've been putting out some punchy, slobby, corruption stories there. With a couple more coming next week.

“Orihime. . .what a wonderful guest you make.” Loly Aivirrne, Aizen’s aid said as she pinned the taller, bustier woman to the wall. Loly planted a deceptively strong hand to the side of Orihime, cracking the stone slightly. “You’re so kind. . .even to your enemies.” Loly smiled wickedly. “That’s us right? Your enemies?” She said, madness and sadism touching her voice. Despite her slimness and cute appearance, Loly was utterly insane. She had the kind of sadistic streak and ill temper that caused her to lash out at anything, especially at imagined slights. Orihime was not sure what she had done to set her prison keeper off this time and was doubly aware that it did not matter. She shivered, shying away from the smaller woman. Orihime clutched her arms to her large bosom defensively. She knew nothing would save her, that any help was far away. “Maybe it would be best to just get rid of you.” Loly continued speaking to Orihime, gripping the shivering girl’s arm with a small but tight hand.

Orihime trembled. She was unable to say anything or even physically resist. She wanted the nightmare to end. Loly was no stranger to physical confrontation. Eager to prove herself to Lord Aizen, she had shoved, hit, kicked, and done a million other physical cruelties to Orihime. This time would be little different. She wound a hand back, ready to smack the taller woman. To Loly, Orihime’s existence within Hueco Mundo was a cancer. She was something to be spat upon. A weak, powerless insect that was valued for no other reason than her looks. The short, black haired woman was going to enjoy exacting brutality upon her prisoner. She was going to see just how much her captive’s human body could endure. Find each and every limit of pain and suffering Orihime had. . .and then surpass them. Her hand descended, marking the first of many slaps. It whistled through the air, sped on its way by raging intensity. However, the slap never made contact. Instead, Loly felt a sting on her own cheek. Force enough to whip her head to the side landed squarely under her good eye. She gasped.

“No!” Orihime yelled. She had seen the blow falling and something snapped within her. Some part of her broke, refusing to view herself as herself any longer. She had been a meek, caring, and happy woman all her life. But now, as she landed a blow against her tormentor, she saw herself differently. She was in a land of sharks. Hueco Mundo was a dark, sandy abyss into which no light could shine. She must become a shark. Something spoke to her, a voice rumbling deep within. In her desperation she gave into that voice, striking back against her tormentor. And it felt good. Another slap fell upon Loly, knocking her to the floor. She was more surprised than hurt, unable to comprehend the woman that stood in front of her. Orihime, towered over the smaller woman. “You. Will. Not!” she yelled. The newfound determination and strength of will coursed through her. She was not only going to defend herself, she was going to conqueror.

For the first time in a long while, Orihime felt good.

--- Retribution From a Piggy Princess ---

Loly heard the footsteps approaching and she cringed. She knew she was in trouble. Rather, she knew that it was once again time for the retribution placed upon her. Part of her wanted to run and hide, knowing what was to come. Yet, it never did any good. She had tried running many times before and little had come of it other than her being hunted down like an animal. No matter what, punishment always came for her. She cringed as the steps grew louder. They were slow and heavy. While there were many huge monsters within Hueco Mundo, there were none that with footfalls like this. These were the steps of someone forcing their bulk to move. Panting, heaving, hardly able to stand; the owner of the footsteps came on. There was a thud at the door and the footsteps halted. There was a fumbling, skin slapping against skin muffled with light fabric stretched over top. These were the sounds of a woman who was struggling against her fat trying to reach a doorknob likely covered by her gut. Finally, the person backed away. “Open it, Harribel.” A soft yet extremely petulant voice said. The reigning princess of Hueco Mundo, Orihime, had come to visit Loly again.

“Why do you insist on bringing me to these. . .sessions.” Harribel’s voice sounded alongside the door opening. It opened a crack and for a moment Loly could see Harribel’s shapely body. She wore her most revealing outfit, putting her tanned skin and curvaceous body on full display. However, she was soon knocked out of the way by a large and rotund shape. Orihime’s mass quickly blotted out any light coming into the already dark room. Another small step saw the door swinging open from the force of her gut smacking into it.

Orihime filled and overfilled the doorway. Her body was excessively round. With her wearing the white dress Aizen had given to her, she looked like an overgrown snowwoman. One large, central orb for her stomach; straining at the unearthly material. Orihime’s stomach was one large roll, falling from just under her breasts to her thighs and protruding out several feet in front of her. Beneath her stomach spread her hips, thighs, and ass. Pillar-thick yet with the consistency of a water balloon, it was impressive that Orihime had the strength to even move them. She could devour 4 chairs easily with her titanic rear, sending them to a soft and comfy hell. Yet, even with all the strange and wonderful gifts of sight and sensation that her stomach and thighs presented, it was her bosom that stood alone. Twin boulders, still perfectly perky despite their size, bobbed and thrust their way forward as she waddled. Orihime had lost sight of her feet long ago thanks to her breasts, even when skinny. But that lack of vision was now more impressive than ever given that her body had swollen to elephantine proportions. Loly gaped, feeling her own tiny tits in jealousy and awe as Orihime towered over her. Harribel stood next to Orihime, but seemed tiny in comparison.

“Oh, Harribel! I just need cute things around me all the time! .” Orihime reached a plump hand over, fondling one of the tan woman’s large breasts. She made it bounce and roll over her sausage fingers. A blush crept into both of their faces. “I deserve it! I deserve ALL of you!” She squeezed and Harribel let out a distinctly feminine moan. Orihime giggled, her voice thick with greed and lust. However, the warmer notes left her voice when she turned her attention to Loly. “Besides, it makes dealing with her so much easier. Up, tiny!” Orihime commanded, though the command sounded childish and ignorant. Not the words of a commander, but that of a teenager whose parents had spoiled them psychotically. Loly did not even bother to resist. Despite her strength and power, she could not bring herself to stand against Orihime. There was something in her newfound bearing that prevented it. The slap had only been the beginning.

“Faster, faster, faster!” Orihime cried petulantly stomping a tree trunk leg. She hated not getting what she wanted instantly. Loly tried to move as fast as she could, knowing nothing could please the morbidly obese woman. The small breasted woman got on her hands and knees before her mistress. Orihime loomed over her, gut already resting on Loly’s back. “Uuuggh. . .you move so slowly! I will talk with Aizen about that.” Orihime pouted, not happy despite getting her way again. It had been a never ending series of victories for her since the slap. Not only had she overcome her tormentor, she had overcome herself. She had found a deranged, maddening resolve and poured it into the world. She had become someone who could stand with the Arrancar, rather than be their prisoner. Further, she had found herself enjoying the situation and adopting their ideals. A sort of freedom had come to her. The freedom to take, to bully, to force her will on others. It didn’t matter how fat she was or how much she pouted or how much she threw tantrums. She could bully her way into success. Especially against the lowly Loly.

“Pfft. . .what a useless chair you are. But you will do for a bit.” Orihime said, slowly lowering her bulk onto Loly. The small woman felt the weight of the heavens pressdown on her small back. Orihime’s fat oozed over her, easily encompassing her tiny body. One of Orihime’s asscheeks was big enough to fill Loly’s back. The small, cowed woman could do nothing besides accept the punishment. Warm fat continued to pour over her, bringing with it tension and stress. The small Arrancar grit her teeth and planted her hands. She could not cry out, she would not fall. She swore to herself. Even though she knew it was a lie. Meanwhile, Orihime giggled as she made herself comfy on the tiny woman. A spoiled princess upon her throne.

--- Rewarding the Queen ---

“More food! More food!” Orihime demanded of Harribel. They were in the second hour of Loly’s punishment. To soothe her boredom, the spoiled woman had begun to beg for a feast. Harribel had sighed and acquiesced, looking for treats to feed her fattened lover. Often the blonde woman wondered why she served the new and improved Orihime. The answer was as simple as it was uncomfortable to her. Lust and power. Harribel could not control her feelings for the fat brat. There was something about her folds that drew her in. She longed for Orihime to “force” her to rub her rolls or feed her. She desired being close to the woman no matter what the cost. Further, she was turned on by the power that the once weak woman commanded. Orihime got what she wanted through pure force of will, spoiled and bent as it may be. That was something that had to be respected and nurtured.

“Here you are. . .Miss Orihime.” Harribel said, bringing forth a bucket full of chocolates. She clenched her fist, trying to overcome her rampant desire and sense of embarrassment at the same time. She did not succeed.

“Not good enough!” Orihime smacked the bucket away. “I want something more filling!” she huffed, readjusting her fat ass on top of Loly. “What did Ulqiorra bring? That HAS to be better. I want something fattening!” The red headed brat pushed Harribel out of the way, looking for her other servant. Her weeping servant, looking like a demon crossed with a vampire, slouched into the room. Ulqiorra seemed even more depressed than normal, slouching further. He too had a bucket though, filled to the brim with food. He handed it to Orihime, hoping it would meet her standards. It had taken him several trips to obtain this food, he did not want to make another. Yet, he would for her. The fatty stared into the bucket, a quizzical look crossing her face. “Oooohhh mmmyyy.” She said, drool leaking from the corner of her plump mouth. “Sandwiches!” She cried, pulling a fat sub out and onto her lap. Cheese, meat, and oil leaked out and onto her fingers. “Yaaayy!” She jumped up and down, slamming her immense body on Loly, who was near to buckling.

Orihime bit into the first sandwich, excess food dribbling onto her chins as she ate. Meat, cheese, sauce, and all manner of other morsels fell from the sandwich as she devoured it quickly and messily.  She all but pushed the sandwich in for the final gulp. Her fingers were a mess of food. She reached down and patted Loly’s face, splattering it with the remnants. “Scho good!” Her free hand rubbed her stomach, lifting and dropping the tanker of fat. “Harribel, feed me another!” Orihime opened her mouth. The embarrassed Arrancar stepped forward, hating what she was about to do but loving it at the same time. She held the sandwich out for her mistress, dropping to one knee. Orihime leaned forward, sucking and slurping her way through the sandwich. Yet, after the first couple bites, she paused. An idea, disgusting and wicked, came to mind. “Put it between your breasts.” She said, giggling thereafter. Harribel grimaced but did as she was told. The sandwich fit well between her breasts, making her only slightly greasy in the process. “Yay! Thank you Harribel!” Orihime clapped before launching forward. She ate messily, a hog in the softest trough imaginable. Harribel herself blushed, trying not to enjoy it. The tall, tanned woman slumped to the floor, legs spread behind her.

Orihime continued to gorge, wanting to further fatten herself. She took precious seconds to lick and suckle at Harribel’s breasts. The experience was divine in its indulgence. Ulqiorra watched from the background, unsure what to say and pinned in place by the display. Loly felt her arms giving out. Orihime would lean forward to grab bites of the sandwich and plant sloppy kisses, then she would lean back and press her flabby weight upon her again. The two tall women were in heaven though. Yet, a thought stole over both of them. Each wondered if the experience would be enhanced if Harribel was larger, fatter, and with fuller breasts. Orihime had an idea of what her next bratty desire might be.


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