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Second outing for then corruption stories. Much more slob focused this time. I have the Komi one mostly ready, not sure if I'm going to do some rewrites with that one. Deciding if it should have more or less slob.

"Ru-Bluuuurrrpp. . .Yu-yaaannngg. . .BLllluuu-ake!" Weiss called, her voice torn between a whine and a command. "Need. . .UUURRRPPP. . .more. . ." She left the sentence open-ended, for even she did not know what she needed more of. Food was certainly possible, her various feeding tanks were running dry as was the trough placed in front of her. She had been eating for hours maybe even days, it was hard to tell. Yet, it might not have been food she craved. Weiss felt a telltale pressure building in her much buried nether regions, a need for sloppy and unrestrained sex. Other concerns could fall by the wayside as they had for many, many years. Weiss truly cared only about feedings and fuckings. All else was free to be left behind and forgotten. She strained again, trying to lift her head enough to yell. "NOW!" Was all she managed before her fat face sank back into her trough, the more than obese woman plowing through food once again.

All the money and power the Schnee family commanded had gone into making Weiss was she was now: a disgusting ball of fat, bent only on her own unending pleasure. She lay stomach first on a dais made of pillows. Her sweat, grease, and half eaten food remains dripped ever onto the pillows; ruining them with her particular Weiss-stink. The heiress had gotten so fat that she no longer had arms or legs, the appendages retracting under endless folds. They existed, squirming in pockets of sweat and grease in futile efforts to move. Yet, she had little need of them. The things that mattered most had grown, taking command over her body. Her breasts, big as garbage bags filled with gelatin, stopped against the floor. Meanwhile, her titanic asscheeks clapped; animated by the motion of her ferocious eating.

Weiss, upset that she did not get what she wanted immediately, started to grow red with anger. Her long ponytail, really more of a trail to drain pungent oil from her body, slapped wetly against her folds as she jerked her head up to bellow again. "COME. . .THISCH. . .INSCHTANT!" A full tantrum was brewing for Weiss. She kicked and failed her fat swaddled appendages as best she could. Sour smelling sweat rained from her body. The tantrum, at least physically, was over as quickly as it began. Weiss' immense body could not support such strenuous action. She was a blob now. Fattened to repugnant immobility through a combination of constant need for indulging in her wealth and the ability to push her friends into serving her degenerate whims. Weiss had turned her friends into kink-slaves and her own body into a garden of sickly delights.

"Ok, ok!" Yang cooed as she came in the room. She was unperturbed by the sight or smell of Weiss. The pale blob was made lightly radiant by the sweat hovering on her body, though the front of her was a mess from the food she had been eating. Strawberry ice cream poured and ran in thick glops from Weiss’s plump lips all the way down between her massive breasts. Seeing the sorry shape Weiss was in, the blonde simply walked up to her friend and stroked her face. "It's not magic. None of us can come immediately, Big Stuff." She gave Weiss a pat on the cheek, making bubbles of sweat and oil bubble up on either side of her hand. It was amazing how Weiss managed to be both sticky and moist at the same time.

"It ssccchouldnt. . .UUURRRPPP. . .take thisch long!" Weiss wined again before belching with force enough to shake the entire mansion. Her meaty arm and leg stumps jerked up with her belch, flying outwards to maintain balance. It was an unnecessary move, little more than a hurricane could move her, but certain impulses were buried deep. Deeper even than the desire to become a slobby, bratty blob. Weiss hadn't felt that urge until joining team RWBY. She had lived her life ignorant of of that fact until she shook hands with the girls. Then, it was like getting struck by lighting. Her mind was instantly opened to visions of unlimited alith and lust. Nothing could shake them. Slowly, the perfect Schnee Princess fell victim to her extraordinary lusts; bringing the team with her.

"Girls, are we ready yet?" Yang called, continuing to rub Weiss’s face.

"Yes! Of course! Very soon!" Ruby hurried into the room, tray of food hanging from a strap that went around her neck. Ruby wore little more than a bra and panties which showed off her generously curved figure. Blake appeared shortly after, following suit wearing a similarly skimpy outfit. Weiss had long ago demanded certain. . .enhancements for the girls. Medical acience and Schnee money had gone into making sure that each of Weiss's caretakers had the most curvaceous and scintillating bodies possible. Hefty tits, jiggling asses, and thick thighs now defined the girls' figures.

"Better be. . .Weiss and hungry!" Ruby was gleefully excited, ready to do anything she could to please the massive woman. Blake was embarrassed, still not sure how she could have been led to this point in her life. Yet, for every time she wanted to walk away. . .something about the massive pile of rolls and stink pulled her back. "OKAY Weiss-cream Sandwich, you ready to get eating?"

"DUH." Weiss belched the word out in return.

"So grumpy. . ." Blake said, quietly stepping up to Weiss and presenting her tray of food. Without a word, Weiss shoved her face in the food. She gorged, happily and heartily. Her fat face, big enough to weigh down and bend the tray, shoved further and further forward. A little giggle escaped from Blake as Weiss got more into the feeding she snuffled like a pig, feasting in whatever she chose. Blake stepped closer, trying to give the smelly roll-pile more leverage. She was hardly surprised when Weiss used that leverage to kiss and suck at Blake's belly. Soon after, Weiss was going after her breasts. Her face smooshed and smeared food on Blake, but the faunus didn't mind. She would be more than happy for Weiss to lick it off later.

"Aaawww, when's it going to be my turn?!" Ruby cried, desperate for physical attention. Weiss paid little attention, content to keep dividing her time between sucking at Blake's food covered tits and eating from the tray. It was sloppy and disgusting. Absolute heaven for the heiress.



magnificent, filthy, disgusting, hedonistic Weiss slob!! This absolutely wonderful thank you!!!!