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first prompt out for the month! I had actually started on another one, but it was taking too long and I wanted to get something out to you guys this week.

Tags: pretty much just vanilla weight gain!

“Could. . .could you help me?” Jamie asked her Yoga instructor, Jen. She was trying to move into position, but her body refused to cooperate. Her wide butt filled the space around the two women, seeping out over her mat. The stretch pants she wore were tight, the only looseness coming from where her butt had rolled them down. 300 pounds of blonde woman tried to stretch for her chubby calves and feet, but was held back by her gut. Jamie’s belly flopped and bounced upon the floor. It had spilled out from under the light pink shirt she wore, it’s pale mass allowed to wiggle freely. The belly folds bunched up, tightening as pressure was placed upon them. Jamie had to squish into her bulk, pressing through large breasts to force chubby arms precious inches forward. “I’m. . .aaggh. . .so stuck.” she groaned, having long since run out of stamina. The class was over, but she had stayed for extra work. She needed every bit of calorie burn. 

“Almost there! Come on!” Amber cheered her student on. Amber did not break her pose at first, wanting to appear as a perfect and golden example for Jamie. Her body flowed lithely between movements, supple muscles rippling as she moved. The moves she taught were unorthodox, created by Amber to further the joy of unimpeded movement. To a skinny, well trained yogi and acrobat, they were a treasure. To an obese, out of shape office worker, they were torture. “Push yourself like you want it!” Amber cheered with a clap, her legs knotting into a different configuariton. She could twist and pull her body into figure eight forms for hours. “If you give up now, you’ll never improve. Never see the life you want.” Amber’s methods of coaching were decidedly different from other teachers. Rather than the soft and ethereal speech of spiritual teachers, she worked like a cheer mom, borrowing from a long history of dance. 

“Amber. . .aaah. . .I’m so tight!” Jamie was close to crying. She looked at her teacher, studying how the caramel colored hair fell loosely about her shoulders. A light shined behind the yogi, a holy corona forming. The glowing was only enhanced by the sweat which stung Jamie’s eyes. Jamie saw the heaps of fat around her body, almost reaching out themselves for Amber’s assistance. Buried within those soft deposits were her muscles. Though woefully underdeveloped and atrophied from years spent behind a desk, Jamie could at least get them to hold a half or quarter of one of Amber’s poses. It was better than when she started. Days of dismal failure had left the fat woman crying in her car after the group and private sessions. Though tears still came on some days, she had improved there as well. “I can’t. . .I can’t. . .I can’t. . .” Jamie felt her mind returning to the negative loop, stuck within the desire to quit. 

“Ten more seconds!” Amber snapped, coming out of her transcendental state to keep her pupil on task. Carrot and stick, that were the tools that would make a new woman out of Jamie. “Remember all the times they called you ‘Jumbo Jamie’!” Amber would wield shame and trauma for the benefit of her students. Pain was seated more deeply than pleasure in the body, the fulcrum on which ambitions could turn. Amber counted down, each number holding her porky student to account. This was a pivotal moment for Jamie, another point where she could build either a career of success or sink back into fat folds and mediocrity. She watched Jamie start to shake, muscles close to giving out. Yet, there was a fire burning within her. “Aaaaannndd. . .” Amber paused, taking Jamie a few seconds past what the hold required. “Done!” 

“Oh thank God.” Jamie exploded backwards, the tension releasing from her body. She fell back, gut sloshing up and down. Her large breasts fell to either side, flopping upon the floor. Her butt lifted her back up with it’s sheer size. Jamie was a wobbling, undulating, sweaty mess. The only part of her that was orderly was the ponytail she had put her hair into. She lay, taking ragged breaths. 

“Good work!” Amber hopped out of her pose, jumping to her feet in an instant. She walked over to Jamie, poking her flab with a small foot. “Didn’t kill you, did I?” Amber massaged the thick lovehandles, playing with the bits of blubber. She was pleased to find that there were far less than before. Over the course of her training, Jamie had managed to lose 50 pounds. 

“No. . .I’m. . .good.” Jamie panted the words out, wiping both tears and sweat away. She looked up at her teacher. Amber was again framed by the beams of sunlight coming in through the sunroof of the studio. A guiding angel of fitness. Her tan skin glowed more as she bent down to offer a hand. 

“That was really, really good.” With a surprisingly strong grip, Amber pulled Jamie up. Jamie’s big gut bounced into Amber’s slim, washboard abs. The two women stood stomach to stomach, seemingly polar opposites of each other. “We will have this melted off in no time.” Amber patted a hand on Jamie’s gut. Amber communicated much with the touch. Resolution to stick to a goal and the price of failure were communicated in the touch. “Now, want to celebrate a bit?” Amber asked, sliding alongside her pupil.

“Shouldn’t I be dieting?” Jamie already sensed what was coming. 

“Trust me, you’ve burn off plenty of calories.” Amber grabbed one of Jamie’s buttcheeks and jiggled it vigorously. “We have to keep some of you around.” 

Jamie couldn’t help but smile. Attention paid to her by Amber was the sweetest currency. “Fine. . .but what about you?”

“Trust me, I’m going to be burning off anything that I eat!” 

--- Months Pass ---

“Oh god. . .this is out of control.” Amber stepped off the scale, wincing at what she presumed the number was going to be. In truth, she couldn’t read the scale at all because her belly was in the way. The yoga prodigy had become prodigious in another way. “Fuck.” Amber’s fears were confirmed as she saw the number flashing up at her: 336. Fat. More than fat, she was obese. She felt lightheaded as she took heavy steps back from the cursed scale. Her butt, clothed only in xxxl panties given to her from Jamie, wobbled and sloshed. She had tugged the panties up and over her gut, trying to keep it from moving, but that did little good. There was no way to stop the advancing tide of fat from moving. Just as there seemed to be no way of keeping it from appearing on her body. “What have I done to myself.” Amber sighed, her body looking even rounder as air rushed out of her. She sagged down, confidence gone. 

“Hey. . .how did the weigh in go?” A skinny woman who looked very much like Jamie asked. She walked into the shared bathroom, wearing a tight yoga outfit borrowed from Amber’s old wardrobe. To add insult to injury, she held a fat piece of cake in her hands. Two small bites had been taken of it. None of the calories would show upon Jamie’s waist. “Making progress?”

“Yeah. . .loads of progress.” Amber spun, hands gripping her spare tire. She jiggled the fat violently, shaking it until she no longer could. “Five pounds. . .in the opposite direction!” Amber dropped her stomach. Feeling anger raging within her, she made a murderous grab at the cake. The slice was heavy and thick enough to count for two or three pieces. Amber’s chunky hands broke it apart as she mashed it into her face. Hysterical, she ate and sobbed. “I’m such a fat. . .mmmgghph. . .fucking. . .ooommph. . .mess!” Amber ate, trying to bury any emotions she felt in the rush of sugar and tightening of her gut. Both were dampened at this point. Like any addiction, the rush of dopamine had been drained out of the act of eating and stuffing for Amber. It took huge meals to produce the same effect. The current temper tantrum only served to awaken her stomach. 

“Heeey. . .heeey.” Jamie set the plate aside. It had been freshly cleaned hours ago. Jamie had collected the stray plates and cups from the house. It was embarrassing to see all the meals that Amber had snuck, just as it was embarrassing to try and comfort the obese woman. Even at her lowest, Jamie had not sunk to these sorts of behaviors. Amber truly had no control. “Its hard to get good habits going again.” The thin blonde walked forward, pulling the obese mess into a tight hug. “I love you.” Her thin figure, well under 100 pounds, was swallowed by her mentor’s obesity. She swayed back and forth, trying to comfort the other woman through her words and actions. “If I can lose the weight, so can you.” Jamie stepped back, patting her stomach. It was flat but soft. There was not much muscle, but hardly any fat either. Whatever fat did exist upon Jamie was also well shaped. Rather than the obscene curves of Amber’s body, Jamie now possessed a slight and and artistic figure. 

“You’re. . .” Amber, her face smeared with cake, searched for something to say. “. . .right.” The former fitness goddess said dejectedly. She started to sag again, ability to stand stolen by compounding emotional stress. “I just need so much help.” Amber’s lip quivered. 

“Well, I’ve been reading more about nutrition!” Jamie started to guide the fat woman out of the bathroom. Amber was thumped through the hall, booty bouncing the entire way. When they entered the living room, the two stopped again. “Soon I’ll be licsenced and everything!” Jamie was filled with the sort of second wind that came from a successful lifestyle change. She playfully pinched Amber’s cheek. “Dr.Jamie will help her favorite patient, no matter what.” The pinch was followed by a kiss. Just as when Amber had been at her peak, Jamie was so much more bold. No longer weighed down by her own failures and obesity, she could move through life as she chose. Through this freedom, she had chosen Amber. 

“Thanks. . .I’m. . .ready to try again. . . for real this time.” The resolution earned her another sweet kiss from Jamie. Amber blushed, remember when things had been the opposite way around. All the way until they had passed each other in weight, Amber had made advances. Then, upon Jamie becoming the thinner, she started to reciprocate them. More than reciprocate, Jamie encouraged the lewdness. It was her way of trying to motivate Amber. At least, that’s what the obese woman could put together. Promises to diet were always met with hugs and kisses. Jamie gushed over each and every attempt that Amber made. At least, Amber thought, the renewed diet would give her more intimacy with Jamie. It was sort of like being thin. If nothing else, she got to squeeze Jamie and remember what life had been like. “I’ll do it.” Amber said. Jamie hugged her, dipping low into it. From over one of Jamie’s shoulders, Amber glanced over at the cake sitting on the kitchen table. It was not going to be an easy fight. 

--- Many Diet Attempts Later. . . ---

“One and two! One and Two!” Jamie said, pumping her arms. Her hands held 20 pound dumbbells and there were 10 pound ankle weights on her legs. She highstepped and pumped her arms, following the routine that had been laid out by the doctor. It was easy work, the simplest sort of exercise plan imaginable. It did not hold a candle to the other routines that Jamie had practiced and created for herself. It barely even got her muscles pumping. Her body had become ever more athletic. Armed with the knowledge of nutrition and exercise, Jamie had become more than just a slim yoga bunny. She was now verging on being an actual athlete. Visible muscle flexed as she pumped her arms and stepped her legs. “Come on now! Let’s keep going!” She was chipper and upbeat, bearing no signs of stress at all. Of course, that was because the routine had not been created for her. “Just two more, Amber! Let’s make Dr.Kim happy!” 

“Wanna. . .quit. . .too. . .hard!” Amber wheezed from the edge of the bed she panted and sweat. Her fat hands clutched at 5 pound weights. She had moved down from 10 pounds the week before. Even now, she wondered if 2.5 was the appropriate amount. Amber’s ability to get weaker was matched only by her ability to get fatter. Having doubled in size from her last diet resolution, she was a hulking mass of blubber. 600 pounds of young and extremely unfit blubber filled the width of the edge of the bed. Amber’s ass spread from post to post, with her lovehandles piled on top. She wore a tentsized shirt, which did little to hide the undulations of her breasts and stomach. The shirt was both too small and too big. Though it could be spread across her girth, much of her stomach seeped out under. Too big for bras, her boobs rolled atop the mountain that was her gut. “Scchttoop. . .BBBBLLUURRRUUUP. . .pleasscch.” Amber wheezed, gas from her previous meals being shaken loose as she attempted the work out. 

“Amber, we have to keep going!” Jamie tried to keep her girlfriend in motion. “We’re halfway through, just a few more.” As Jamie spoke she watched the last vestiges of fire die in Amber’s eyes. The tiny, pink weights in her hands started to slip as the fat woman’s grip loosened. It had been bad enough that she was getting worse at doing the routine, but being only halfway through really killed the momentum. Each day she got a little worse at it. Amber’s humped mass started to sag on the bed. Jamie’s heart skipped a beat. “Come on, Amber, be strong today!” Jamie rushed forward, dropping her weights to try and pump her girlfriend’s arms. “Every little bit counts.” Jamie’s slim fingers slipped into the pudding hanging from Amber’s biceps. This was unknown territory for Jamie. She had never been even close to this fat, her peak of 350 seeming slim in comparison. Amber was 665 pounds of unmotivated blubber. She only kept moving because of Jamie’s intervention. Even that would not last long. 

“Lessch. . .stop. . .too tired.” Amber wheezed. Her face had grown so fat that her lips were upturned into a permanent pout. Ill advised cheat meals, hidden snacks, and serruptiously delivered uber eats meals weighed upon Amber’s muscles. Her body lunged back and forth, moving like a turbulent sea. Her chest pounded and there was an ache in her side. 20 minutes of cardio had seemingly done as much damage as it had benefitted her. She pushed shaking arms up, doughy shoulders rubbing her ears and sweaty tendrils of hair about her neck. Her breasts would pretend to rise, too big to move from the morass of fat which they lay in. worse, they started to roll of her gut. “Oooooh. . .too hard.” Amber whined, resolve cracking like the wood under her titanic rear. The twin beanbags sloshed back and forth, grumpy that they had been pressed into service. Amber’s heavy legs were planted on the floor, giving an illusion of stability. Finally, the semi-mobile woman reached her breaking point. “I. . .quit.” She cried, tossing the five pound weights. They thumped lightly to the floor, too small to do any real damage. That stung even more. Amber sat in her own failure, feeling her body jiggle wildly. 

“That’s ok, Dr.Kim said we could break up the session if we needed.” Another heartfelt message which did not deliver the intended effect. The routine had started as a non-negotiable, the lifeline that would help keep Amber from gaining weight and give her the tools to regain what she had lost. In actuality, it had proven to be little more than another thing for her to fail. She had broken through it on her pellmell sprint to the depths of gluttony and corpulence. “Let’s take five.” Jamie placed a spritely kiss on Amber’s nose. “Then we will get your cute butt back in gear.”

“No.” Amber said, summoning resoluteness that had been absent since her weight gain started. 

“Well. . .I guess we could pick it up tomorrow. Give you a rest day!” 

“Not going. . .not now. . .not again.” Amber wiped her forehead. Her lungs burned with the small amount of effort. Her life had been pain since the weight gain started, each of her attempts to fix things ending in disaster. She had accomplished nothing, going backwards further with every slip. “I’m just going to be fat.” She looked up at Jamie, whose face was screwing up in curisoity. “I’m so. . .uuuggh. . .tired of this.” Amber started to stand but quickly gave up. She landed on the bed again in a spray of sweat and burst of jiggling fat. “Just let me. . .fuck. . .be fat.” She grumbled, hand slapping her girthy gut. “The world wants me to be a pig. . .fine.” 

“Are you sure?” Jamie said, walking close to her girlfriend. “We can keep trying. You were skinny before. I can help you like you helped me!” She squished her abs, showing off the muscle that had been built. 

Amber rolled her shoulders, feeling the tension of harsh decisions and weight of time. Things had become so distorted it was hard to remember even when she had been regular fat. Her hopes had been dashed time and time again, murdered by her own weakness. “You did what you could.” Amber moped. “Time to give it a rest.” She sighed, slumping her shoulders. The sweat stain between her breasts was growing ever larger. Even after the workout had ended she could not stop perspiring. She was growing sticky. Yet, she did not feel as bad about it as she had. It was the last day she would ever face that kind of embarrassment again. “I hope that doesn’t disappoint you.” Amber looked down, looking at her body stretching outward. Somewhere in the folds was a fitness coach and yoga instructor, one that would never be free again. Instead, that taut body had been given over to a lusting pig, fit only for gluttonous exploits. 

“You could never disappoint me.” Jamie knelt down, putting her hand on one of Amber’s fat swaddled knees. “You were my only source of encouragement.” Amber watched as her girlfriend’s muscles flexed with the simplest of movements. “I thought I could be yours. . .maybe I could just be some comfort instead.” Amber felt her chins getting stroked, Jamie’s lips coming in for another kiss. “I’m sorry I wasn’t enough to help you.” She whispered glumly. 

“It’s my fault. You were always my comfort.” Amber grabbed her shirt and twisted it. Another Amber would have known what to do or say, but that one was long gone. This one had to mope in her own bulk until Jamie took the lead. Thankfully, she never had long to wait. 

“Well. . .time to start practicing my comforting skills.” Jamie slid down Amber’s sweat stained body. She tugged off panties that Amber had been too fat to put on herself. The stretched and twisted cloth came off of her legs. The scene felt so much more embarrassing and lascivious with Amber’s shirt being left on. It was like being shy at the pool. Even in the dark of her room, she was conscious of what her folds looked like in motion. Jamie, on the other hand, was not. “You just tell me when you feel better.” The sporty woman kissed Amber’s underbelly before starting to drop under. Soon, the folds of belly were rocking back and forth as Jamie started her tender work. Amber started to moan, gripping the sheets. Jamie’s tight body worked between her goopey thighs. A glimmer of happiness came to Amber. She might not have been able to be thin, but at least she had Jamie to remind her of the feeling. 

--- Finally ---

“Could. . .you. . .help me?” Amber wheezed, trying to strain herself towards the towering cake. It was many layers, rising high off of the floor. From where Amber lay, it lookd even bigger. It was a towering edifice, a monument to sugar and moist batter. She tried to flop forward, but her body soon receded into her own fat. “Jamie. . .oooouuugggh. . .I can’t!” Amber whined, flapping forgotten arms and kicking vestigial legs. She was her own mattress at this point, a literal blob spilling along the floor. Amber’s long hair was plastered to the sides of her face, stuck in the rivers of sweat which rolled down her softball sized cheeks. “BBBLOOORRRRUUUP. . .Jaaaamieee!” Amber whined. She had hoped that surrendering to obesity would free her from work. She had wanted to sink into a morass of her own failure, give up and never feel pain ever again. For the most part, hyper-immobility had done that, but not entirely. The immense woman flopped what had once been her arms, now reduced to a series of rolls that had swallowed her hands. Her legs had a little bit more shape to them, but her feet had long been swallowed. She rested on her gut, using nearly person zised breasts as pillows. Her many chins dangled down through her cleavage, dancing everytime she cried or whined. 

“Come on!” Jamie was quick to help her girlfriend, pushing into a butt which could have been used as a softer highway barrier. Though not made of concrete, Amber’s ass could certainly stop an out of control car. “Move just a little, just so Dr.Kim doesn’t get mad!” Jamie pushed her girlfriend, knowing that she was the only reason that Amber was able to move at all. The caramel haired woman could flail and bobble all she liked, but it only amounted to making her oceanic amounts of fat jiggle. However, Jamie was more than willing to try and coach even that. “You’re so close! Just a little bit more.” Her words were chipper and her muscles were tensed. Jamie had reached a new zenith of fitness, preparing for her first ever bikini show in a couple months. She was tan and muscular, though without sacrificing any of her supple curves. Amber, meanwhile, was a mess. Her body was little more than a pile of fat. Laying down now she rose several feet off the ground thanks to the fat on her gut.

“MMMGGHPPH. . .mmmllllrrrmmmff. . .BBBLLLRRRUUUAAP!” There was little doubt when Amber hit the wellspring of cake. Besides the noises of messy eating and drooling, a shudder ran through her body. What little muscle she had tensed and then released. Her hands, well hidden within the sweaty cocoons, flapped as pleasure flooded her brain once more. It was not happiness, far closer to lust than any other feeling. Simply, eating and sex were the times when she could make her brain the most silent. To say that Amber had recovered was incorrect, to say she had healed was closer but still mostly a lie. It was more than she had accepted circumstances in the most extreme manner possible. “BBBBLLOOORRRUUP. . .mmggghhph. . .suusscch a. . .BBBLOOORRUUP. . . pig.” Amber moaned, celebrating and denigrating herself at the same time. The more she talked and boasted about what a hog she had become, the less she was forced to remember the athlete she had once been. She was Amber the glutton, not Amber the fitness coach. That was Jamie’s job now. The blonde was small and thin and in control of herself. All that was left for Amber was to eat and beg for attention. 

“Good girl, keep going. . .strain really hard!” Jamie offered as much advice as she could, putting her shoulder into Amber’s towering buttcheek. “You want people to call you HAM-mber, right?” The comments sprang forth, motivating Amber ever more. She bit hunks out of the cake. Beavers could not naw through something as much as Amber could. She ate, smearing food around her naked body. Drips and drops of half eaten icing bounced across her back rolls. Jamie could hear the squelcing and slap of fat upon fat as Amber feasted. “Eat hard, HAM-ber! You’re the fattest, hungriest woman there ever was!” Jamie continued to motivate her girlfriend, though it was unnecessary. Once the feasting started, Amber was in her own world. Far from memories of being thin, failed diets, and abandoned workout equipment, Amber could be herself when she ate. Immersed in a soft, moist world of cake, the growing blob focused only on the taste of the food. The undulations and sensation of Jamie slipping closer to her monumental asscrack pushed the blob on. She wanted to be bigger, to give more places for Jamie’s thin body to infiltrate with kisses and fingers. Sex and food was all Amber was, and she would live up to it. 

The cake toppled over, unable to support itself after Amber gnawed through the lower portions she could reach. The soft confection fell, splattering into mess that was even easier to eat. Amber moaned, licking sugar coated lips. She plunged into the puddles of cake, hellbent on making her body bloat further. “MMMGGLLFFF. . .OOOHHMMGGHPH. . .BBBUURRUUAAP!” Speech would return when Amber had finished her food. For now, she would be a raging pile of squelches, belches, and slaps. 

 “Good job, Hammy.” Jamie said softly, having given up pushing Amber and walking up to her side. Amber listed back and forth, her body moving with identifiable waves. The big woman ate with only her mouth, her arms long since buried under hundreds of pounds of rolls. Jamie knelt beside her lover. She kissed a softball sized cheek. “Keep going, get nice and big.” each sentence ended with a kiss more intimate than the last. “You don’t have to do anything other than eat and be cute.” Jamie suckled a cheek fold for a moment. “We’ll make you feel better with food. Whatever you want.” Jamie’s hand pulled Amber away from her food, slowly turning her fat face. “Just heal up however you can. Even if it makes you the fattest, sloppiest woman in the world.” Slowly, her tongue entered Amber’s mouth. Jamie taste frosting that was far too sguary for her. Even kissing Amber was likely to add calories and increase a person’s waistline. Jamie pulled back from the shock, allowing her blobby lover to return to her feeding. Jamie patted her girlfriend’s head. “You helped me, so I’ll be there for you too.”



What a sinful perversion of a weight loss story, I dig it. Unable to make her longtime friend lose weight, she instead embraces Amber’s own failures and allows her to fully identify with them, as nothing more then a completely useless sex blob. Knowing that this ineffectual pile of fat, who only craves food and sex, was once the slim friend that once helped you? That must be so surreal, in a way that really gets both of them going. Like a celebration of everything that’s gone wrong. Love it. And while I’d always love more blobby goodness from you, you’ve got that nailed down so masterfully, I *do* feel like the story does go full circle here. From a lady helping her friend embrace their potential to be useful and in shape. To a woman being helped by her friend embrace their potential to be *completely* useless and hedonistic.

James Duke

Thank you!! I wish I would have had more time/space to get into the weirdness of it, but that could also come from future sequels.


Excellent! 👍