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Tags: Weight gain, Personality change, catgirl fun, Persona 4

This is a spin off of: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yukikos-collar-1-101779347. Some details might be changed given that it is noncanon. Also, part 2 will come swiftly but not be counted as a prompt. Should be one more next Sunday! 

Naoto Shirogane awoke deep within a laboratory. She could hear the electric fizz of empty television channels along with pump of machinery. It did not take the detective long to remember the place. It was her shadow’s domain. Within the cold depths of the laboratory her locked away self had festered. Yet, she and her friends had long defeated it. The grueling fight against the incarnation of Naoto’s fears of inadequacy had resulted in a complete victory. Free of her shadow’s influence, Naoto had been more comfortable expressing herself ever since. She could not fathom what had dragged her back to the lab, hidden away in the depths of dreams and the midnight channel. The picture became even less clear when she studied the changed lab. 

Television screens lined the walls, their picture grainy and unfocused. The images would sometimes coalesce into images of animals: cats, bunnies, bear cubs. The pictures only grew stranger as she looked at them. Occasionally, interspersed with the animals, there was a woman with long black hair and a pink dress. Naoto’s unease only grew as she looked away from the televisions. Spread about tables and posted on white boards were scrawled strange symbols and diagrams of stuffed animals. Naoto’s looked away from those even quicker than the television screens. Her eyes finally lighted on an operating table in the center of the room, filled with sweets. A woman stood over it. Rather, Naoto herself stood over it. Another shadow-self. 

“Aaaah, my darling patient wakes!” Shadow Naoto said. She spread her arms wide, showing the full breadth of her body. This shadow was far different than the one she had faced years ago. Filled with Naoto’s repressed anxiety over being taken seriously, she had been draped in an oversized lab coat. Her clothes had been ill fitting, further showing her fears. This Naoto wore what could only be called a lab coat under the most liberal definition. It was skin tight and contoured to the generous curves of her body. The white fabric flowed down a body that was bustier and more generously padded around the butt. Shadow Naoto had traded pants for a pencil skirt and had popped a few buttons on her blue shirt. A loose tie was tucked between enormous breasts. The shadow reached backwards and grabbed a piece of food, then started to saunter towards Naoto. “I have just completed my cure!” 

“Cure? I’m not sick.” Naoto said. She tried to move, but found she was locked in an examination chair. “Whatever ailments I had before were caused by you anyway.” Naoto spit the words, trying to look brave in the face of certain danger. 

“Me?” The shadow put a hand to her chest. “I’m the new girl in town! How could I do anything?” Her face of embarrassment was picture perfect. Naoto searched it for any hint of deception, finding none. The shadow drew closer, holding an overly frosted cookie. “Anyway, you are sick! Horribly so.” Shadow Naoto stopped a couple feet away from her prisoner and patient. She stood with her legs apart, showing their length and shape. This Naoto was decidedly taller than her real world counterpart. “I had hoped we could have a little girl chat, you know, level between two gorgeous and intelligent ladies. 

“Fine. What malady could I be sick with?” In light of other solutions, Naoto decided that talking was the best solution. 

“Pff, as if you don’t know.” With the flick of her hips, the other woman drew a tv remote from her hand. Moving the opposite direction of her original lick, she thrust her hips and arm out  to click several buttons. The tv screens slowly darkened before returning in vivid detail. The pictures of animals were gone, replaced with only one thing: Yukiko. More specifically, it was Yukiko as she had been for the past few months, a fully turned and fattened catgirl. Each screen showed a different scene of Yukiko. One had her mowing down on food, another had her rolling on the floor before settling into a nap, and another showed her secretly scratching her claws on the carpet. It was a myriad landscape of every possible position for the obese cat girl to be in. Naoto’s heart skipped a beat as one tv screen showed Yukiko pulling up tiny panties over her gigantic rump. The shadow was quick to notice Naoto’s reaction. “See, ill as can be. Someone’s lovesick.” The shadow winked and made a heart with her hands after carelessly tossing the remote. 

“That’s. . .not true.” Naoto turned her head, not wanting to look at the intimate scenes of her friend. Her head turned back all the same. Her eyes scanned the television screens. “Yukiko is a friend.”

“And a cat and so much more!” Shadow Naoto gushed, growing visibly weak in her knees. She stumbled backwards dramatically to where her patient sat. In a fluid motion, she wrapped her arm around Naoto’s shoulder, learning her breasts against her cheek. Naoto’s other cheek was assaulted by the cookie the shadow held. “And you could be too.” Shadow Naoto gained composure of herself quickly. “I’ve studied Yukiko’s condition, I can spread it to you.” 

“What would that cure, exactly?” Naoto arched an eyebrow. She blushed, face in her other self’s tits. 

“Only real way to fix a sick heart is with love. And this will get you plenty of it.” Shadow Naoto dangled the cookie before the imprisoned woman’s nose. A gob of icing fell onto Naoto’s pants. “Think of all the attention Yukiko gets. I’ve managed to perfect the method used on her. You will be getting double what she gets. Also, you know she’s going to be interested. Since when could one kitty resist playing with another.” 

“Absolutely not. It’s unthinkable, making a deal with a shadow like that.” Naoto tried to remain firm, but the offer was tempting. She had spent hours both around Yukiko and at home wondering how she might get closer to the bulging catgirl. 

“You wouldn’t be the first. Come on, Naoto, think about it.” 

In the blink of an eye, awareness had come to the detective. She had been too concerned with the more obvious fun of Yukiko’s change and weight gain to care about the cause. Obviously, the midnight channel had been involved. Naoto had hoped it had been a cursed item that she had picked up long ago, one whose effect was odd but benign. This was another matter entirely. Yukiko had struck a bargain with a shadow, albeit one that was different from the original. “How does it work?” She asked, her worldview evolving quickly. 

“Oooo, show not tell!” Shadow Naoto winked and dropped the cookie into her patient’s lap. She then undid the restraints, letting her move freely. “You’re choice, of course. I’m here to help, not to command!” Shadow Naoto patted her smaller self’s head, breasts bouncing up and down. 

Naoto looked at the cookie in her lap then at the screens. Yukio played across them, prancing her heavy ass directly into Naoto’s brain. She knew the bargain would be costly, that she would have to lose something. What she gained in return, however, would be worth so much more. Naoto reached down, hands clasping around the cookie. She started to bring it up to her mouth, but was stopped by her shadow. “That will be enough for now, cutie!” Shadow Naoto placed a kiss on her real self’s head. She tapped the little sweet and it began to glow. The cookie melted into light and formed around Naoto’s wrists. Slowly the light dissipated, leaving two fancy cufflinks. Immediately after, Naoto sank back into the darkness of sleep. When she woke, she found that the cuffs were still around her wrists. 

--- Becoming the Butler ---

“May I get you anything else, Yukiko?” Naoto stood behind her friend, itching to serve. Yukiko sat spread across two chairs within the Amagi Inn, devouring a series of beef bowls that had been delivered. She was large and round, a ball of fat which gravity was turning oblong. Her breasts sank partially onto the table, the rest falling off onto her belly. Yukiko’s tail swished through a heart shaped hole in her white stretch shorts. Kanji had been pressed into service for many custom stitching jobs. The curling black tail twitched merrily, signaling Yukiko’s pleasure at the meal presented to her. Likewise, her ears danced in quick rhythms, matching her tail in energy if not in movements. Naoto drank this all in, tugging on her cuffs. They had not come off despite tugging and attempted cutting with scissors. The best she could do was try to match them to her button up shirts. “Food or drink?” Naoto suggested, but there other things on her mind; she was an excellent head scratcher. 

“Mmmgghp. . .oooooh. . .some cakes would be nice!” The Amagi princess said, fingering a wobbling face roll with a claw. She looked quickly over a heavy shoulder, smiling at Naoto. “Are you going to be my butler today?” The question was playful, but Naoto was ready accept the job with her usual stoicism. 

“I just want to make sure that my lady is well taken care of.” Naoto nodded, trying to sound her best like a night. The words felt wrong somehow, stupid and rehearsed. She tugged on her cuffs again. 

“Yoooou’re too cute to be a stuffy old knight!” Yukiko was always close to turning her words into mewls or meows. The lightness of her banter was carried through into her return to eating. She rolled a boneless chicken wing around a plate before tossing it into the air. Her bulk reared back on her chairs, the legs nearly breaking from the stress. Yukio planted her thick, loglike legs and pushed back. Her mouth opened wide, eyes narrowing into cat pupils as she “hunted”. The wing circled through the air, falling towards its doom. Yukiko snapped her sharp fangs over the wings, lurching through the air like a corpulent cobra. A slow roll traveled through her body, starting with her breasts and ending with her butt. Naoto shivered, quickly moving away. Yukiko ate vigorously, chewing as if she had a hundred wings in her mouth rather than one. “Did you. . .mmgghp. . .scchee my cassch, Naoto?” Yukiko looked about for her friend. “Naoto?” 

The acting butler of the Amagi Inn had reached the pantry in short order. She put her back to one of the shelves, trying to collect herself. As she steadied her breath, digesting the scenes of Yukiko’s thick buttcheeks wobbling back and worth on the too-small chair, she noted how the pantry had changed. Rather than a wide selection of foods and spices for cooking, the pantry was supplied with either pre-bought sweets from the store or ingredients to bake with. The pre-bought sweets were all of high quality and excessively pink. They were the sorts of treats to expand a girl's waistline, but make for trendy social media pictures in the process. Naoto walked among the neatly stacked boxes, wondering which to choose for her princess. “There are so many. . .” She said with a sense of wonder. “Which would Yukiko most enjoy?” Naoto tried to scrutinize them, recalling any details she had on Yukiko’s eating habits. Those helped little, save to raise Naoto’s heartbeat. 

“Perhaps another test would serve me. . .her. . .better.” Naoto said as she reached a hand into a particularly pink box. She pulled out a marshmallow candy shaped like a rabbit. She bit into it. The flavor exploded in her mouth, drenching her tastebuds. “Amazing!” Naoto quickly at another one, followed by a third. She chewed the third thoughtfully, parsing her feelings on it. “However, I doubt Yukiko would like this. Doubtless, there is a better snack that I can grab.” Naoto looked around, grabbing another marshmallow rabbit in the process. Her hands drifted to a cookie container, where the snacks were shaped like hearts. Another couple samples proved those to be the better choice. “Ah! Much better.” Naoto grabbed the box. She walked at a quick pace out of the storeroom, ready to deliver the cookies to the plump cat. Yukiko was overjoyed at the selection. Naoto, as Yukiko was grabbing fistfulls of cookies, started to consider what her next taste test should be. 

--- Ice Cream Feeding ---


“Wow, Naoto, shorts?” Chie asked as she watched her friend walk into the Inn. Not only was the detective prince wearing shorts, but they were rather tight as well. Her choice of bottoms accentuated her womanly curves, rather than downplaying it. Chie was treated to every swish and jiggle of Naoto’s hips. There was far more movement than Chie could have ever expected. Naoto was a busty woman, but little attention was ever paid to her rump. Now, thanks to some extra snacking, it was as hard to ignore as her breasts were. Thick and luscious buttcheeks strained against the black fabric. They were of nice, dress material which did little to obfuscate the constant jiggle of pudge. The jiggling only became more noticeable when Chie glanced at Naoto’s stomach and breasts. The black shirt did little to minimize the rolling of her stomach and bounce of heavy boobs. 

“Well, it has been so hot out.” Naoto tugged at the white collar of her shirt and then at her cuffs. “The Amagi butler should not look shabby, but I didn’t want to ignore comfort either.” Naoto tucked her hands behind her back. Her butt and hips were just big enough to hide her hands. Naoto was able to toy with her chubby buttcheeks, squeezing and tapping them. She had been fascinated by their quick growth, appearing in only a few weeks' time. While there had been extra snacking and indulgence, it could not explain what had happened to her rear. The “cure” from her shadow was no doubt to blame. Not that Naoto minded. She was more than willing to let the treatment work, a deal was a deal. “What do you think, Yukiko? Is this appropriate attire for the household?” Naoto turned her chubby face towards her employer. 200 pounds of detective and butler pointed towards the obese cat. 

“Mrrreeeeoooooww. . .one, it is FAR too hot!” Yukiko whined and fanned her face. Her flabby biceps swung in the well air conditioned room. A gallon of icecream was squished between her thighs, helping to further cool Yukiko down. The tub was half eaten. Yukiko stopped fanning only to grab another bite. It should be noted that the room had been chilled even in excess of what it was normally. It was the thought of being outside, experiencing any sort of struggle that made Yukiko complain. “So I approve of Naoto’s cute shorts!” The posh catgirl waved a thick wrist and chunky fingers with clawed tips. “Give a little spin, let me see the whole thing!” She commanded like an empress inspecting one of her serving girls. Yukiko dug her bulk into the couch to further comfort herself, slowly rolling onto her side. She wore a pink tube top, complete with a cat’s head boob window. The gallon drum was snuggled between these breasts  One humongous thigh clapped upon another. Only the tip of the catgirl’s tail could be seen, with little room for her to twitch it. 

“As you wish. . .” Naoto smiled, tugged her cuffs, and then started to follow through on the request. She spun, putting her arms up in what she thought might be a ladylike pose. The familiar nervousness of being observed as a woman came upon Naoto. She had spent much of her life well aware of the limitations placed upon her gender. This time, however, it felt different. Rather than scrutiny, amazement radiated from her peers. She led with her butt, letting the heavyweight pull her along. The movement felt oddly natural. Naoto had never been a physically gifted person, but her spin felt graceful. The only part that did not was the final jiggle of her breasts at the end, though Naoto took enjoyment in that as well.

“Mrreeeeooww. . .yesccch. . .thatsch exactly what a good butler should wear.” Yukiko smiled broadly, her ears twitching with delight. She yawned, fanning her mouth again. Her bingo wings were so fat and droopy they almost leaked into the bucket of sweet cream. “Now, my stylish butler. . .feed me.” Yukiko said with a chortle. She patted her stomach, enticing the other woman to come over. 

“Yukiko! That is an absurd proposition for a friend.” Chie said, always the voice of common sense these days. “Butler or not, you can’t ask for things like that.”

“Whatever my lady commands.” Naoto said, kneeling down before the corpulent woman. Yukiko’s black hair and pale fat dribbled far over the sofa. Naoto took the ice cream from the cat’s sausage fingers. Naoto smiled as her hands drifted over Yukiko’s swollen bust. It would not take much for Naoto to rival those breasts. Though 400 pounds skinnier, Naoto’s chest was growing at a breakneck pace. Buttons and bras were becoming far tighter than she normally liked. Her usual bindings had been left in the trash. Naoto knew Yukiko appreciated having candy for the eye as well as for the mouth. “She can return the favor by letting me sample a bit.” Naoto winked, trying to feel dashing. Rather, she felt girlish. The large spoon hit the semi-melted cream. Naoto took a bite, savoring the richness. Sugar popped in her mouth along with cookie dough. 

“Princess Amagi permits it.” Yukiko giggled. She pawed at Naoto’s chubby face, allowing just enough of her claws out to prick her. “As long as her adorable butler is willing to fetch more.” Yukiko held her mouth open for the first shovel full of ice cream. She slurped it in quickly, trails of melted run off rolling down her fat cheeks. The next spoonful went to Naoto. She dished large portions for herself, but never more so than Yukikos. Naoto ate, focused only on the great taste of the food and Yukiko’s wobbling fat. Chie’s grumbles were tuned out as she scooped up another heap of ice cream for the Amagi innkeeper. This time, Yukiko enjoyed the ice cream like a cat would, rather than a food obsessed woman. She licked it daintily, her tongue lapping over the sweet cream over and over. The spoon in Naoto’s hands dipped up and down as Yukiko lightly pressed into it with her tongue. Naoto’s grip tightened. She felt a stirring in her heart and stomach. Greed over both Yukiko and the food swam through her psyche. Naoto attempted to satiate both. 

Tempting fate, Naoto leaned forward. Her stomach bulged out, nearly popping one of her buttons. Her butt filled her little shorts, intending to rip its way to freedom. With one hand bracing the spoon and the other pressed palmside into the ground, Naoto's chest was pushed forward more than ever. Her breasts might have reached the ladle of ice cream before her mouth, had Naoto not been invested. She opened her mouth, taking a small nibble of the ice cream before nervously pulling away. Yukiko looked up, surprised at the other woman’s boldness. The catgirl almost hissed, her claws extending. She was not one to have her food played with or stolen. Yet, another thought seemingly occurred to her. Her claws here tucked away and she blew a kiss. Naoto came back, nibbling several more times. Her nose wiggled, trying to sense any trouble. None came to her, so she dipped back towards the ice cream. Yukiko licked and Naoto nibbled, the latter taking nervous breaks frequently. The process continued until all the ice cream was gone.

--- Walking Practice ---

Yukiko warmed up to sharing with Naoto as quickly as she warmed up to being a cat. Few meals ever went by that did not include some sort of quid pro quo feeding. Yukiko would ask for a double helping of cake and Naoto would earn herself a slice. Payment for her services as butler of the Amagi inn was done in sweet foods and quality time with the kitten princess. Yukiko hardly seemed to mind that her butler was getting fatter, becoming less equipped to deal with her usual stream of needy requests. What Naoto started to lack in speed she made up for in her presentation. Generous, full curves bloomed and then blimped on the young woman. Her breasts burst through all but the biggest bras, her butt doing the same with every pair of panties that she tried to wrap around them. Naoto was only kept proportional by a thick slab of belly fat. Even with the sheet of paunch pudge, she was the most extreme of hourglass shapes. Yet, much to Yukiko’s frustration, her butler refused to use the womanly assets she had been granted. 

“Naoto!” Yukiko fumed one afternoon as she was served several glasses of soda. The dark, fizzy liquid had been lovingly poured into opulent glasses. Naoto had waddeled her way in from the kitchen, serving Yukiko in the main room of the inn. With patrons scattered around, it was almost like Yukiko was holding court or hosting a Parisian salon. As always, her heavy bulk was testing the durability of her favorite couch. Nearing 650 pounds, Yukiko was more than able to stress any furniture her doughy rump found. Her catlike fidgets and playfulness worked to grind the supports, eating away at the wood which valiantly held her. There were more important things to worry about for the fat cat. Namely, her butler’s image. “I will not have any of that soda until you present it properly!” The spoiled woman sniffed, throwing her head back. Black hair whirled around, watermelon breasts following soon after.        

“Yukiko, what have I done?” Naoto cringed, shrinking back with timid fear. The tray shook in her hands as the worry of disappointing her friend settled over her. “I brought the tray like you asked.” 300 pounds of blue haired butler quivered, shrinking away from the annoyed predator. Yukiko’s feline nature came out most in moments of purest delight or anger. From the tone in Yukiko’s voice, Naoto could tell the fatter woman was close to hissing. 

“You are clomping all over my nice floors!” Yukiko thumped a heavy leg, doing more damage than Naoto ever could. With each thump of Yukiko’s fat foot, Naoto backed up. Her butt, more than big enough to hold a party's worth of drinks, wobbled. The shy woman hugged the platter to her bountiful chest. She was dressed in shapely pants and an excessively tight shirt. Belly and breast fat popped out of every button hole. “My cute butler will not be allowed to move with such a lack of womanly grace!” 

“Yuki. . .I don’t. . .I never practiced. . .” Naoto was caught between her love of Yukiko and her repressed feminine side. She tried to walk a couple more paces, working her hips as much as she could. The movement felt strange. Her breasts and ass jutted out on opposite sides, whilst her dangling gut sloshed in seemingly random directions. The drinks in her hand clattered together, coming very near spilling. Naoto’s butt sucked in her pants, further showing the delicious dimples of her enormous rear. The butler might have tugged her cuffs, had she been able to move her hands away from her tray. 

Yukiko watched the ridiculous display, her ears flattening. Her anger dissipated the moment she saw Naoto’s flailing attempts to look sexy. “Oooohh Naoto. . .I see what we are working with here.” The catgirl groaned and shook her head. “Here. . .uuuugggh. . .let me help!” Yukiko put her arms down and began the laborious process of standing her bulk up. Again clad in little other than cute shorts and a much too small top, Yukiko’s grand and spoiled body was put on full display for the inn. Hefty breasts filled with milk and fat thumped and rolled against a belly that had done nothing but guzzle cream all day. She stood slowly, her legs shaking. The catgirl was used to having someone help her, typically Naoto. However, she had enough muscle to get her bulk upwards. She stood, taking two small test steps forward. Her tail swished back and forth, showing how pleased she was at standing under her own power. “There. . .we go. . .now. . .let me. . .help!” 

“Of course.” Naoto bowed, widening her stance so her belly could flop between her thighs. She rose with noticeable difficulty. Dragging her breasts up was no longer a simple task. When Naoto was standing again, her eyes met with Yukiko’s. Naoto’s heart thumped, eager for whatever lesson the fatter woman was about to impart to her. 

“Now, match my steps.” Yukiko threw her hair back. She stepped with whatever grace was left in her obese body. Though gaining feline features had helped make Yukiko more sensual, weighing over 600 pounds helped to balance the equation. She sauntered, throwing one log shaped leg around the other. Her foot falls were strangely quiet for how big she was. Though, for as quiet as Yukiko’s steps were, she could not hide the weighty tremors moving up and down Naoto’s own flab. “Juuust throoow your hips a little.” Yukiko walked, her ass sliding like butter melting in a pan. “Heee-heee, we’re both pretty big so a little goes a long way.” Yukiko winked. She put her hands up, stretching them towards the ceiling. Breasts with no bra to constrain them turned back and forth, tight nipples pointing into her shirt. Yukiko reached Naoto and dropped her hands. The splatted against her blubbery body, sympathy ripples moving outwards. “Ready to try again?” 

“Could. . .could you show me?” Naoto asked, both wanting to learn and feel her employer’s luscious body against her own. Yukiko laughed and danced her way around Naoto. Chubby hands felt first her love handles, squishing the growing rolls. Then, they slowly dribbled down onto Naoto’s hips. Naoto was bumped from behind as Yukiko’s belly landed. Whatever steps Naoto took, the jiggles of her ass would paint a canvas of ripples across Yukiko’s gut. Breasts filled the empty space of Naoto’s back. Yukiko squished in tightly, allowing only so much room as to make it possible for Naoto to walk. The cat girl purred, ready to begin the lesson. She nudged one of Naoto’s legs, whilst shifting the butler’s massive ass. Naoto squeaked, but followed the cue. She took a step forward, Yukiko guiding her hands. Her butt lifted up the sheet of belly blubber atop it. Both then dropped, terminating their fall in a series of slaps. Naoto sucked in her breath, taking another step. Each one made her feel better. Slowly, grace was flowing from Yukiko into her. 

The two practiced until Yukiko could no longer be bothered to support her own weight. She slumped into her couch, once again coming close to breaking it. Naoto stood over her, bosom falling onto the tray of soda. “That will be all for now.” Yukiko said, taking the tray. “Practice while I drink. . .then we can work some more.” She smiled, showing her small fangs. “I will be assessing every move you make. Naoto bowed, a blush creeping across her face. Somewhere, from a dim corner of reality tucked away from the real world, two shadows watched the girls with glee.


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