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Hello All! 

Thanks for being a part of the Pudgier and Crazier tier! I have some stories coming for you quite soon that will involve the usual brand of explicit kinks. I wanted to send this message to help make sure you all got the most out of your membership. Currently, the prompt submissions for this month are open. If you are interested in submitting an idea, take a look at the rules and post away! I've included the link below, but you can also respond to me here


Sorry for those who have already seen the post and commented. . .I was struggling to filter the email system adequately! Thanks for sending in your ideas.

Published: 2023-06

Just wanted to make sure everyone saw the post for the November Prompt submissions. Patreon has changed its notifications and site around, so I want to make sure everyone has a chance to submit. 

Link: https://www.patreon.com/posts/november-prompts-92083236

Apologies if you have seen and submitted your prompt!

Published: 2023-11

I just wanted to make sure that people were aware that the prompt submissions were open for business! I'm excited to see any and all ideas. You can submit your own by following the link below! 


Published: 2024-01

February's prompts are open and waiting for your submissions! https://www.patreon.com/posts/february-prompts-97686558

Take a look and send in some good ideas! 
Published: 2024-02
Hello All,

Just sending this message to let you know Prompts are open for the month of March! Read the rules and submit yours now.


Published: 2024-03