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Aaaaand we're back! Finally quit my job and now I'm between jobs for the next couple weeks. Hopefully the new job doesn't consume me from the soul out too. :P

Let's start back with a Legal Eagle from Toontown literally stepping into cartoon tickle hell by accident. :3




Happy to see you back Sodie ^w^ we missed you and your so unic style ! What a good come-back, a great tickle-pic !! I Love these kind of scrne where the focus is on the character 's reaction and second part is his feet get the tease X3~~ Also does these tiny characters are kind of Demob-Kobolds ? :o in any case I should be careful to no have put my sensitive ferret paws in this hole if I don't want to become a gigly-mess X3



Thank you very very much, I am hoping to push some momentum again finally now that I'm briefly unemployed. It is getting somewhere at least. I should see if I can finish up some colorings if I can't draw at least. I do have at least one more drawing to post later. X3


Thank youuu~ I really hope I can get some going, I really wanna get back to drawing regularly again. <83