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i didn't have much to draw for zap and andy ,fenris high nor the VN so i just decided to finish something highly indulgent. I know these characters are the hottest toons around, but what can you do, the brainrot is strong and i had to get it out of my system. 

Also, so you peeps aren't left with nothing else hot to ogle on, i decided to make a style exercise and try and emulate the style of the (upcoming? or is it out already?) movie the bad guys...doing... well ,the usual things characters that come under my grubby hands do.

i'll post the wonderland series on twitter soon enough since it's not technically something new, but you get to keep  the bad guys pic for yourself for a while (or until someone leaks it XD)

hope you peeps like the illustrations, catch you later!




Wow really like those! And Wonderland sequence is just great! Also if you would like to work on smaller sequences and not feeling like to work on your bigger projects, you can always go back to Bolt Bunny (just as a suggestion, don't mind me if you wouldn't like to).


Lovely as always BC~


god damn! The accurately looking Disney vibe is so spot on. The attention to detail is insane. Man you are so good.


It’s nice to see some simple art pieces once and a while. Definitely suggest you should just do that whenever you feel you need to release so steam! Take care man! And thank you for your hard work ;3


Awesome R34 art! Love both, but especially the Wonderland one. I miss your human to anthro TFs, you do them so well!


well i'll be damned! you been busier than a mosquito on a nude beach! These are amazing!


Fantastic job on all of them.


Ah. The time has come my little friends to talk of other things … Caillou calay oh what a lay today! (Alice speak) Mr walrus is very hot!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-08-27 09:53:49 Hahahaha I never would have imagined, nor realized I wanted to see this... <3
2022-04-20 07:37:30 Hahahaha I never would have imagined, nor realized I wanted to see this... <3

Hahahaha I never would have imagined, nor realized I wanted to see this... <3


I love you Blazing!!!!!!