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really wish i could put all you guys in the story and put all of your amazing ideas in asap... just give me time and i'll manage somehow, hopefully without making the story too messy hah XD



Robert Smith

Agent SJ - Look, for whatever reason I... can't leave... please meet Agent T by the elevator and help him, and try and find AW, he could have gone anywhere. I'll... be fine. I think. Surface Agents: The situation in the bunker is currently under control, but please be aware that the memory surgery suites have been activated. Keep an eye on each other, if you start behaving in ways that don't make sense work as a buddy system to keep each other calm and sane. We are all in this together. Allister- Does any pre Alliance culture put a strong religious value on gold? A lot of people we can assume are high up in the cult are displaying conspicuous consumption- Otis and the gold watch, Orlando and the gold tusks, Sherriff Wright's gold claws... it is an alarming pattern Frank- Can you ask Ricky something- what is the name of his father? Like the rhino, he might have been given an O B name as well, it would be good to know what name those around him remember him by base Agents- Those numbers, in the transmission... if the hacker is sending them, could it be a message from Otis? They are the same as the ones in the Motel

Robert Smith



I wanna respond to what the Director says, but I nearly I collapse under the his weight. The exertion's reopened at least one my wounds, too. I can pretend *most* of the blood is from him, but it hurts like shit. If Agent K or someone else doesn't mind, let's drag the Director into the elevator already. I'll limp along.

Robert Smith

Sorry Agent T I don't think I can be of much use to you right now...


Agent K- T quickly! Let's get the director somewhere to rest. We can't let him lose anymore blood. But what he said, about sleeper agents. Does that mean we might all have hidden orders from the mad chips that might come out at anytime?


Director being alive has made my day 100%


AGENT M: *catches the coffee cup(s) before it hits the floor, straightens up, speaks with a more refined accent* Careful, you almost lost your drink! He'll be fine Madame, just out for a few. I'm Constable Caddington, here from out of town helping these boys here with a rather sensitive predicament. We're in a tight spot with a handful of unfriendly gentlemen trying to upset things that have no right being meddled with, and so far most of the men we've run into in this town have been up to no good. He matched the profile for one of them, and we had to be careful. But if you trust him then I trust you to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't get into any more trouble. We- *eyes flick to Agent S as he attempts to leave, ignores him* -the three of us are here on Alliance business and wanted to stop by the hospital to look around. Now tell me, have you see anyone unusual moving into town over the past few months? Older gentlemen or men possessing a stature such as mine? Or perhaps an elephant, wears a lab coat, talks with big words and has a tendency to patronize you? Any information you could provide us with would be deeply appreciated. ((If she asks about Agent S and his departure)) Not to worry, just some vagrant we found on our arrival, we were just finished with him.


*Head foggy from the rough ride, injury and the shift.* "Where.. are we.. we made it? the inn? I don't.. remember much.. after my hand.. getting sliced.." *I hold onto the ice pack as my jacket, bag and tarot deck are still in the back of the cab.* ((OOC)): Holy hell this was an update. and I'm back to normal? might need a purge.. and hand looked at. also.. I agree with agent O's statement. all the cult followers so far as OB's have had gold with them. some had a gold tooth, gold tusks, watch's, Oliver had a gold chain on. so we just need to watch OB's with gold. and yes. I scrolled back through the archives to see all the gold bits.


Agent BN its a good thing you got some control of yourself. Now that your restrained you'll probably be interrogated/questioned. Tell them the truth, that the last thing you can really remember is going to the sleeping quarters with the Director, and then going to the kitchen. Then you wake up with a knife in hand almost going to hurt Agent AW

Yoked Coder

I'm super glad they found the director since he's only trying his best (and also I'm kinda crushing on em), I hope they can help them out and hear out what they were saying before they probably go unconscious


(I love the bastardry of that Sherif...) Agent S- *Finally awake again! This nurse appearing is a good chance for me to get away from these bastards and continue my mission to get to Allister and Frank. Gotta grab my trousers, and start running!*

Robert Smith

Perhaps we can use the memory suite to restore your memories? If that is unlocked, we might as well use it...

Neth Rusiki Azhti

Agent N: *speaking to Agents A and F* "We made a breakthrough discovery regarding the MAD chips, thanks to our otter cultist friend back there... The chips have much more control of our minds than we could have ever imagined. They can change our memories and alter our sense of perception..." Agent N: "Whenever someone "transforms" into their cultist version, its actually the chip altering their perception of themselves. And anyone else who has the chip also sees this change and witnesses their "daddification". Its like a more powerful version or Augmented Reality. Its kind of ingenious and super cool if you think about it!" *nerds out for a second* Agent N: "Its also probably the reason why the only complaints and reports we have are of mysterious disappearances, and not the overnight change some of these people go through. Its because people who aren't chipped don't see the transformation at all!" Agent N: *I will continue to explain the details of our discovery, mentioning the hallucination that caused Olliver to become a rainbow mess, and mention how the changes are instant or close to it, and how causing pain messes with the transformation just like how we use pain to interrupt MAD Chip commands.* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oh, so we punching Agent I in the face DID help! Thats really good to know! We still need Allister's help with that, but hopefully we can get that resolved soon enough. That sheriff Wright really rubs me the wrong way... and also scares me. Mostly 'cuz im a rat and i'm like pretty much at the bottom of the food chain, which makes me extra uneasy around speciests like him. And now there's secret commands?! What the hell!?!? How do we even deal with these?! I guess we just have to go with the flow. Its crazy that this comic started several months ago and we still don't know almost anything about any of what is going on. We're doing a pretty bad job as investigators xD Whatever we find out isnt very useful, or we haven't really expanded on yet. Hopefully we can change that still, and learn more things with the knowledge we already gained! What I mean is that like, cool we now know chips mess with people's heads. But what would REALLY help us is meeting someone who ISN'T chipped. Finding a way to figure out who is chipped and who isn't would really help as well tbh. I was hoping to use the gadgets that I brought with me to do that. I have a line finder, and I was hoping that I could put it near someone's head to sense if there was any electronics inside people's brains. That should prove to be very useful, honestly. (Eventually I'd wanna give this info and gadget to Allister and Frank, since they're the protagonists and all xD)

Crimson Claw

If we can alter memories now, let's go ahead and have those three forget about any secret commands.


I think Agent O’s buddy system idea is a good one! So, I think I’ll keep an eye on Agent C and RK. A three-man squad helps cover all our bases if there is a potential sleeper. At least if all three of us aren’t sleeper agents… I bethink t would beest most wondrous f'r the three of us to stayeth putteth and keepeth an eye on one another. Peradventure we can tryeth to determine the identity of the hacker yond hast unlock'd the “Memory Surgery Suite” function of the M.A.D. chips? If't be true, our memories can beest tamper'd with then we couldst beest did control by our unknown foe. T couldst very well spell disaster f'r us all! If Agent C or RK has any suggestions, I’m open to them.


(My boy is safe! <3 <3 <3 Oh no, but what happened to his cute tail. This update is so good, thank you so much BC, you really spoil us patrons) Agent AW - Huff... huff... *snort*... You lean against the wall, hunched over, forehead dripping with sweat, finally coming to a stop after running far too long for someone of your "fitness" level. You let out a sudden deep belch, ugh, maybe drinking a gallon of soda before fleeing in terror was not the best idea. Now, calmed slightly from exhaustion, the question arises, where the hell are you?? You don't recognize this part of the facility, granted, your fuzzy memory means you barely remember anything outside of the computer room. You take a deep breath and your nose twitches, odd, a sweet smelling aroma lingers in the air. As far as you know BN is still a crazy murderer on the loose, so try to find some sort of weapon to defend yourself.


That stand off between Frank and sheriff wright felt tense, he isn't aware of the plan that Oliver had for our agents but he is at least familiar with. their is some compartmentalization going on here. He can't know the whole deal, other wise he wouldn't let you guys congregate.


Any time you use one of my ideas it makes me so excited, this update is so good! Seeing the psalm of Rulk depicted in old religious art is cool as heck, I'm just so honored you included it at all. Also, so Sheriff Write ate the cursed flesh, but his name doesn't have O.B.


Agent SJ would reluctantly leave O, telling him he should meet up with the others and figure out what’s happening Agent T- bad news, Agent O has some tomfoolery going on with him. He can’t seem to leave the room. I’m going after agent AW. Once I find him I’ll drag him with me towards you guys Agent AW- AW where are you, stop running around. Your gonna get both of us killed, or cannibalized. We need to get back now While following their trail I look for anything I could use to defend my self with, like a hammer preferably. Once I find him I do my best to convince him to come with me and if that doesn’t work I put his head in my armpit and just drag him along with a “this is for your own good, staying by yourself just paints a big red target on your ass”


MAD Chip Command - Jane Brooks - You will NOT raise the alarm. You will be calm, cooperate with our agents and answer their questions truthfully. After they leave you will bump your head and forget you ever saw our agents. Agent Allister/Frank, N/R/H/I- Its time to continue the investigation. And there are two locations of interest that haven't been examined yet, the Manmal Retail Store and the Church of Alliance. Perhaps you should split up to investigate both locations as fast as possible. The Retail Store is probably closed... but if you're creative you might still be able to break in, and investigating the place while nobody is around might prove more fruitful. The Church of Alliance is probably still open though, so you'll probably get best results by being charismatic. If they're anything like Sheriff Write they might be specist, so I recommend sending Allister, Agent H and Agent R to the church, and send Frank, Agent N, Agent I to the department store.


Maybe you should drag Agent O out of the room? See what happens.


Agent D - We should find a private place to keep an eye on BN. I'm thinking a broom closet. A place where, if need be, we can block the door. Wasn't there one back in the hallway somewhere? Perhaps it would a good place to do some interrogations, but I should check with Agent E to see what he thinks. With everything going on there's safety in numbers. You know, we're right below a hospital. If the Director is injured, perhaps a trip to the hospital is in order.. or perhaps we can commandeer one of the physicians in order to help tend to injuries. I'm surprised we don't have a medical doctor on staff.


While M smooth-talks Jane, Agent U tries to discretely radio back an with an update: "Command, we encountered a suspicious adult male rhinoceros who claims he was an agent investigating the cult and --(notices S trying to get away)-- oh fudge..." --U waffles uncomfortably for a moment, torn between staying with the group and chasing after S, all the while holding up "Omar's" unconscious bulk-- "S, wait up!"


OFF: So I did end up punching Agent I in the face after all. Agent H: I place a hand on Agent N's shoulder to calm him down a bit. I'll definitely stick up for him if anyone tries intimidating him again like that. But "HEY, ITS AGENT A!!! IS BEEN SO LONG HOW HAVE YOU BEEN!!!" I run up to Agent A and give him the ol' bear hug. "It's so good to finally meet up with you! This is Agent I, he is a sweetheart and a seer. You probably remember Agent N, and this is Agent R, he's the horny one. You have no idea what happened to us on the way here!" I shake Agent F's hand vigorously "Hi Agent F, It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm glad you're in this with us!" I'll let Agent N brief them, since he's already commented a very good briefing and interesting theory that I'm not sure I immediately agree with, since the supernatural is clearly -a thing- in this world, but who knows what kind of dystopia this might be, maybe the whole world's population's been chipped.


If we find a first aid kit I can definitely stitch you up once we get inside. In real life you would probably need to find a doctor right away, but I'd assume BC doesn't really wants us running around trying to get you a tetanus shot and X-rays, so it's probably just skin deep.


I feel like I remember the Director saying we had a doctor, or a medical room somewhere.


So i imagine Agent D and E both take BD someplace like the closet or another room if available so we can question him. Agent E : I hope it doesnt come to that D. We dont know what came over BN here and it could happen to anyone. I'd have to have to lock people up. ~after finding a place to do so~ Agent E: Ok BN we know things are a little crazy so tell us at least what you last remember. Agent E: Ya were saying stuff about looking up peeps files who changed in town and viruses. can ya recall what that was about?


If there isn't a form of holding cell, I'd imagine we'd stuff him in a broom closet, and tying him up with rope or even an extension cord. Agent D: Sorry about this, BN, we don't want to make this uncomfortable, but we can't afford you going off again. Can we get you glass of water? I'd offer you a cigar, but under the circumstances, I don't think it'd be right. *Alongside Agent E, as necessary* Agent D: And if any of this brings up those urges or any strange feelings, let us know. We just want to keep everyone safe and secure.


(Oh crap, late! Eheheh Agent C and RK are so good looking, damn I love tubby guys in ties n suspenders.) <b>Agent C</b> : <i>Yes... haha, YES!</i> Your head is a little woozy, your shirt is covered with donut crumbs and jizz, and a fellow agent just got apprehended for attempted murder right in front of you, but you don't care, the key to your master plan was handed to you on a silver platter! Its time to bring some <u>order</u> back to this ramshackle operation, military style. The SNF has always been a joke in the FID, a place to send all the nutjobs and screw ups. And with the APEX, for a brief moment you thought you were part of a serious organization again, but those were just illusions, a bunch of circus clowns would be more professional than this... but now you have the power to change that. You activate the Memory Surgery Suite and target every single agent. No more SNF, no more APEX. From now on we shall be the Direct Intelligence Leadership Force, the DILF! DILF agents are loyal, never question of the chain of command, and love to be disciplined by their superiors. Our allegiance is to the flag, our country, our teammates, but most of all our handsome and wise leaders who we live to please, they know what is best and will save us from chaos. Our agents have no memory of ever not being DILF agents. Of course, someone has to be leader, and since Yasir abandoned his duty, its up to you, Agent C, to take up this harsh burden. Of course, for their assistance Agent W and Agent RK should be rewarded and will be your Generals. After you assume total control, you plan to send a mass MAD chip command to all the civilians in Dusk Acres and make them line up in the park and root out the cultists, first you'll take control of the SNF, then the whole of Dusk Acres!! Yes, this plan is simple and will no doubt work perfectly, you'll turn this motley crew of slackers into a hardworking machine and we'll crush this cannibal cult in no time!


I will happily join DILF. So long as I can get treated with a good rump pounding.

Lee Evergreen

Wait, could you stay with M and I? I have a plan to trick the rhino into giving us information, but I need your help. If you don't want to, can you at least leave the rhino?


I'm all for teaming up. We should probably try to stop Agent C, not just because I'm opposed to his DILF plan, but if these secret commands are designed to keep us in line he could be putting himself in serious danger trying to seize control like this. He could end up like Y or BN at this rate.


Ok, hang on, we definitely need to see the manual for this one. I don’t think using the memory surgery suite will be as simple as the direct cortex commands. Otherwise, the mastermind would’ve used it to carry out their plans with no resistance. There has to be some kind of condition behind it, like needing the subject to be in an altered mental state or placing them a deeper state of consciousness . That would explain why the cult needs to hypnotize their victims with fire and light. There’s also the issue of the false memories plaguing Allister and Frank. The memories seem to be just lying dormant inside them only becoming active when they are aroused. So there’s something weird there. (Also, if what Agent N is proposing is true, this function is probably be the key behind the transformations. Change someone’s memories enough and you could make a whole different person. After all, what is a person but the sum of their experiences? If the memory surgery suite really is powerful enough to alter one’s sense of self then it’s possible the MAD chip’s visual rendering is picking up these changes and broadcasting to us as actual transformations.)

Star Ringer

what... what was I doing just now? was I asleep? I wasn't... did I dream about something? or.... ... ... this is my workstation. where I do my job. ... my coworkers. they're on this screen. That's- ... that... he's... why can't I remember his name just...a letter ...I think which one? which letter??? they they're ALL...letters just letters maybe they spell something I can't think wait two letters M S ...that's me MS ...it's a joke. a shitty joke I acted like I was ok with it but they named me Agent MS because ...where the HELL am I? This isn't the room where I work. This is my screen...my keyboard. My mouse. Where... ...Who am I? I work here. But who am I? What do I look like? I can't...even feel my body ...Why can't I make myself turn around? I'm not afraid of the dark. ... I just need to find my phone, turn the flashlight on. ... Of course my phone's not here. That'd make things easy. So What Is Behind Me AndwhythefuckamIafraidoflooking ok fine ...This is definitely my computer. I recognize it. But I can't remember where anything is. My goddamn memory The fucking holes The fucking scars I ... Chips? ...I think I'm remembering. I just need to WHAT THE FUCK WHAT ARE THEY DOING ...Oh. This...this isn't right. Something's wrong here. (OH, YOU THINK SO?) They're all acting crazy. Something's telling them to do crazy things Someone ... ... ... is this me it can't no, think What if What if because I'm on the...network or whatever With a chip (WHY ISN'T THAT BOTHERING YOU?) It's messing up everyone else's? Things are going through my stupid brain Getting jumbled Torn apart And going out to them Making them do Bottom right drawer. Handgun. loaded. ...I can't believe that just a theory that can't turn around can't point the gun still something there I'm putting it back. Ok? I know you're there. ... ... ...Fuck, I haven't done that since I was a kid. Even if something can read my thoughts, it knows I'm lying, I don't know it's there. something's happening and FUCK this isn't helping I can't put the pieces together I'm seeing them I'm hearing them It rattles around and pours out my ear like a- ...dad no, not going there, not now, not fucking EVER I'm stuck here why bother watching this I can't tell what's going on I can't do anything about it Maybe I could have, if I'd...tried earlier But my brain just wouldn't boot up for how long has it been? Now it has and I can't do anything I can't help I can't stop watching I can't figure it out I can't think about what might happen I can't look away I have to keep watching Maybe the next moment suddenly it'll snap together or it won't not like it'll matter I can't do anything else I'm transfixed for now I'll sit here I'll watch and....I guess...........that's enough


Agent Allister: If you can perform the same ritual on Agent I, maybe you should stay at the motel with him and one other agent for security, while the rest of the team follows up on other leads in town.

Lee Evergreen

I don't like that the only times someone has tried to command me I've had to say no, so I really want to say that I'm cool with literally every type of mind control or command yall could want to throw at me, except mindlessly obedient military brat. That is a role that makes me extremely uncomfortable and I can't force myself to play it. This is an open invitation to do things to L's head.


Agent R.D., a stout pudgy Tasmanian devil walks in the room with the rest of the agents. He's wearing a blue shirt with a black tie, with sleeves rolled up, showing off his protective celtic knot tattoo on his left arm. He's wearing blue bandanna and smoking a joint, his eyes red from it. (Agent RD walks in seeing the mess of an area and the director stabbed and hurt, focuses on Agent D and Agent K ) Agent RD: I dont know what happened, but get his ass to the records division, we can let him rest there while we lockdown the nutjob....get on it!!! (blows smoke from his joint intently serious) Agent RD: if were dealing with some sleeper agent bullshit, were gonna need to calm the nine rings down (looking at the computer screens and facepalming at the sight) Agent RD: ya know, this is is why i prefer hardcover books...fuggin technology


(Agent RD opening door to records room rubbing his eyes and trying to comprehend what happening) RD: noticed the cameras going off with the stabbing, roll em back and look for anything gone wrong, get the director laid down and rested, and we take it from there, lock the door behind ya, i aint risking anymore nutbags coming into here with a flailing knives


Awhh! Its nice to see Kho in this update!


Something is bugging me about the transformation theory being mental, as it relates to our mysterious rhino friend. If he was TF'd by the cult but broke free, is his appearance now his original one? If his appearance is created by an altered mental state, wouldn't he revert when he passed out? Since he still appears the same, I see three possibilities: 1. He was not currently TF'd when we encountered him. 2. His TF is physical after all. 3. Some outside force is continuing to cause us to perceive him as transformed. Practically I am leaning towards explanation 1, but 3 raises worrisome possibilities.


((Is Omar an Indian or Sumatran Rhino? Those are the only two species of Rhinoceros that have Canines/Fangs unless the steady consumption of flesh makes other subtle changes to a Herbivore's physiology.)) ————— Frank/Alister/Field Agents : *Informs the groups about having their back on forging the necessary paperwork and redirecting ALL communication to the REAL government from every personnel employed at the Sheriff Department/Hospital which should keep the local law enforcement off their ass.* Agent F5: *While typing away in his workstation, F5' stomach rumbles painfully unable to focus nor remove the taboo thought of sneaking a taste off the blade.*


This situation needs to be brought under control, now. After we get all this attempted murder under control we need a change in leadership--the Director needs to be relieved of duty, if for no other reason than his injury (though I have suspicion of his being compromised as well). Everyone needs to be brought back to HQ here, so we can get a full situation report, and plan from there. If that's not possible, meet in as large of groups as possible and get everyone on call. We need to figure out where everyone is, who's in the most danger, and most importantly: what the hell is going on. And if we have to exert some MAD influence to do it, so be it.


One of the agents should trail Sheriff Wright and see what he's up to. maybe Agent R.


There's my boy Agent R, adorably smug and suave as ever. Agent R - "Heh, thanks for sticking your neck out for us, would've been hard to continue the investigation from inside a jail cell, we'll try to repay the favor... no need to introduce yourself Mr. Bellows, we've been watching you work, you're a class act" Agent R drags the tubby Otter out of the taxi, oof, this boy is heavier than he looks. Meanwhile, recap Allister and Frank about the events of the car trip, so they're up to speed on the existence of the "Cauterized". Now the question is what to do with the cultist cabby, you briefly consider suggesting leaving Oliver tied up at the motel, but given the Sheriff's threat, it probably wouldn't be safe to stick around here too long. You could cut him loose, you suppose, but you really had wanted to interrogate this guy. A better idea might be to store our captives in the back of Frank's van, and Ricky and Damien come along or head to a safe undisclosed location. You'd hate to see a young kid like Ricky get brutalized for information. If you find Olsen, take pity and offer him a smoke, and try to find out more about this "barbecue" he's planning.


Just realized something. Has anyone planned on asking my name? Of the agents at the inn?