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a bit of a mixed bag for zap & andy this week. At the start of the casino level zap will be given a demonic checkbook from mal that allows anyone to use a variety of hexes without having learned how to properly cast them. To use the checkbook you have to have the required amount of sins in your wallet (wich as i've shown you, will be harry the hellnaut) and the stamp containing the spell you want to cast. There's going to be something like 8 hexes in total for this level, the first of them being "harvest" a spell that allows zap to drain the sins from a target.

Sooo, yeah, i had to animate the whole process since it's gonna have its own menu-

 aside from that i went back doing backgrounds since those are also very needed. So i decided to tackle the smoking room . A hazy place where some particularly nasty demons are lounging.

 Of course i had to animate all the smoke in the room because ...y'know.

 was running late so i decided to quickly sketch two other denizens of the casino, specifically an insatiable gluttony demon and a chef particularly annoyed by the fact he's basically emptying the casino food reserves. Given how big i made the gluttony demon, i think i'll have to redesign the soul-enogrged shaman, two blobs in a single level is a bit too much, we don't want people to think this is some kind of fetish game, right? right? o_o

 anyways.. that's p much it for this week, i'll catch you peeps later!






Ooo I love the designs 💚


Smoking Camel in a Smoking room kinda hilariously on the nose