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Hey folks. I hope everyone is doing well to cope with the challenges of 2020. I’ve been trying my best to gracefully pass through the hard times, but it seems no one is invulnerable to the stress that pervades the world these days. Without going into personal details, I’ll just say life dropped some lemons on me this past week. I’m in good health and I haven’t got sick or anything like that. Thankfully, that goes for my loved ones as well. However, I do have some personal issues I’m dealing with, which have disrupted my productivity. Furthermore, the Pixelblog scheduled for this Tuesday will be postponed until next week. Hopefully, that will be the only hiccup in my usual steady flow of content, as I pick myself up from a hard place. 

Good news is I’m already getting back into the workflow and Pixelblog 30 is well underway. The subject is food. This is going to be a fun one filled with lots of cute food sprites, and I might even make a kitchen.

Thanks always for your support. It means more than ever to me now. I promise to be better than ever! 



Behind the clouds there’s always a blue sky. Stay strong !


If you feel you need a break, take a break. Work done out of pressure is not worth it. Take care of yourself! Best wishes, Ania