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Hey all my pixel friends! It's been another strange month with a lot of chaos unfolding around the world. I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. My situation has fortunately allowed me to ride out the storm that is 2020 with relative ease so far. However, humanity is a global community these days, and everything that happens in the world affects us in some way. Even if you're living in a palace with all your needs taken care of, it's impossible to not feel pain when the world is crumbling around you. Furthermore, I think everybody's feeling a heightened level of anxiety these days, and much of it comes from pressure to do something, but with no clear direction on how to act.  

This is where I must remind you about the power of art. Just by making art you're making the world a better place. Art uplifts us from the mundane and reminds there is something bigger than all of us. I'm not just talking about consuming art, but especially creating art. The act of creativity is therapeutic and gives you a sense of purpose, something to look forward to everyday. I think if everybody had a creative pursuit that fulfills them, the world must be a better place. So, whatever the cause, no one should feel shame for not speaking up and taking to the streets. Not everyone is best suited for that service. Personally, I feel the best way for me to service society is making art, and providing accessible education that allows anyone to be empowered with creativity. With that said, let's get to the pixel goodness.

This is going to be another gamedev focused month, so look forward to meaty Thyrian Defenders updates every week. I'll still put out a random artwork around the middle of the month. Also, I will start an all new Pixelminis series. Sorry, there's not going to be a vote on the theme this time. I've already decided on the theme, as I'm dedicating this series to one of my best friends, who also happens to be my top supporter. The theme will be our solar system and focus on the main planets, maybe some moons too. Anyway, it's an exciting time for space travel, so I hope you will all enjoy it.

As always, thank you so much for supporting me!
Stay safe and spread the goodness of art! 



Matej 'Retro' Jan

Looking really forward to space art! Wooo!


I definitely agree, creativity is empowerment!