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Dutiful service workers help preserve the fabric of the universe by cleaning up after the haphazard projections of astral travelers.

26 colors

I’ve been seeing a lot of fantastic work in the scene lately and I feel inspired to push my work to new levels. I’m still a big proponent of the minimalistic style, but I also feel compelled to create more sophisticated imagery that can express more complex concepts while still maintaining an authentic pixel art aesthetic. Therefore, I’m often testing my boundaries and discovering new possibilities in the process. My art is usually pretty clean and technical, but there’s actually a surreal and twisted side of my expression that I haven’t really translated into my pixel art yet. However, I feel my pixel art skills are finally catching up to the point were I can do my twisted vision justice. Indeed, I’m excited about the many possibilities I see opening up through these explorative efforts. 

As for this piece, It was actually supposed to be a Pixelmotion if you’re following the schedule. The inspiration sparked from the get go and I decided to just make the best piece possible without worrying about having to animate it. However, I may still animate it later. 

This piece is actually in vein with my typical work, I just pushed the details further than usual and tried to capture a more realistic sense of perspective. The color palette is derived from Bright Future, and the color count is pretty average for me. Also, the canvas size is well within my common range. What’s unique is the use of a large face at the focus of the composition, and the extra massaging of the cluster work and anti-aliasing. Hope you like it! 





This piece is a genuine representation of your current pixel art skills. Your knowledge on cluster and color use is quite inspiring. I'm excited to reach that level one day!


Thanks! I think that’s a fair assessment. I was kind of flexing to see where my skills currently stand. I’ve come a long way, but I still think I can do better. Anything is possible with adequate time and practice. I’m sure you can achieve your goals!


Really impressed with the results of your creative exploration here! This reminds me of the level of sophistication in some of your Juncajar works. I believe that you are better than you think at the more complex detailed pieces and would love to see more!


This has more colors and uses a more realistic sense of perspective than anything in Juncajar, but the texture and cluster work sure made me remanence about that series. It was a fun exploration to see how sophisticated I could make the image while still maintaining fairly constrained limitations and my sense of style. Minimalism is an important part of my art, but I'm also excited to create more complex scenes. Glad you like it. Thanks!