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Hey everybody! As always, I got some nice content planned to fulfill your pixel cravings this month.

In last month's schedule I mentioned I was thinking about making Pixelcast bi-monthly. Well, I decided to try it out, but I'm still going to fill that slot with alternative content. This month I will make an original static artwork, sans time-lapse. Expect this to be the usual content on months without Pixelcast. This will give me a chance to invest more time into the art itself without the pressure of recording a time-lapse and writing an original song, editing and all that. I also have some other random content ideas that I could use this slot for. Just to reiterate, Pixelcast is still alive and well, but moving to a bi-monthly schedule. Off months will still have content in its place, most likely original static artworks.

All other content is in its usual swing. This month's Pixelblog will most likely conclude the lessons on top-down assets. However, I may revisit and continue building this world in the near future.

As always, thank you so much for the support!





Cool cool. Looking forward to it. Are you gonna do the Octobit?


I might do a prompt if something speaks to me at the right moment, but I expect to be pretty busy with my own stuff.


I see. Well, keep it up! Gotta get my projects going as well.