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A 3/4 top down tree designed to use on a 16x16px tilemap. More helpful info in full article.

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I absolutely struggle with trees/bushes/similar. This tutorial is great, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around the leaf clusters. Do you have any advice for how to distribute the leaves into the shading bands? Angles, which to use, etc. At this point anything would be helpful. 😅


The key clusters are grouped in a way to show where they might be best orientated on the tree. The leaves generally point down, except at the very top some point in upward angles. Leaves in the center point straight down, while those to the left point toward the left, more so as they move away from the center, and vice versa to the right. Clusters at the bottom of the tree become shorter, or vertically compressed to show a bit of foreshortening, which helps sell the downward viewpoint. Most art looks like trash in the middle of the process. Sometimes you have to see it through to the end before it suddenly looks good. You can do it!