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Storyline: Every instinct told you to come to this location. You weren't sure what was in the middle of the woods on a Saturday night on random February but finding your true mate wasn't on the list... 

Included: omegaverse, compliments, enthralled with you narrator, first time, monster girl, kitsune, mating season, in heat listener, in rut narrator, first time listener, nervous listener, begging (narrator), true mates, consent asked/gotten, possessive narrator, ownership, instincts, praise, compliments, mutual orgasms, biting, mating, pathetic narrator, l-bombs, probably yandere vibes but that wasn’t on purpose, daddy kink, and tinge of aftercare

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: Omega, sweetness, and little o

Body Parts Mentioned: hole, bitch button, and neck

Pronouns Used: You/ Your and They.Them

Misc: Listener’s physicality isn’t described on purpose so you can imagine yourself however you want // All omegas have a hole that self lubricates, can get pregnant, and go into heat - All alphas have a cock, a knot, and go into a rut 

Originally this was supposed to be a fun monster in the closet continuation to go with monster under the bed. Then it was gonna be something with hyena-girl or drider but then I thought I just did drider for a different tier and I love omegaverse and so does everyone else so why not? It makes me happy. So meet the newest omegaverse person, Lucky the kitsune. I thought it would be fun to switch it from were-creatures when it comes to monsters hence her being a kitsune. I think she's a femdom but she has so pathetic elements to her. Pathetic dommes have to be a thing, right? If not, I'm making it a thing now... xX Lofn




Okay I know this was a 2 end story and most likly a one shot. But I have never wanted a continuation more this I do right now. The Alpha was absolutely lovely, domming yet genuinely in love with the Omega. I absolutely want to see this kitsune more.

Chloe Greensmith

All I could do was whimper through this whole audio. The loving, the submission and pleasure, the praise, just made me float on air.