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Script // Source (their IG is gone)

Storyline: Walking down the street one day, your abducted by a race called the Gnirs. Known for their harsh experiments, you resign yourself to this fate. So waking up on a space ship with a giant bio-tech alien woman taking care of you is the last thing you expect. It's welcomed, sure! But you're just a bit in shock is all...

Included: rescue mission, waking up to a stranger, alien (bio-tech), taking care of you, praise, size kink (I imagine she’s like 8 or 9ft), exam, improper medical practices, nipple play, consent asked/gained, handjob, anatomy comparisons, eye contact, anal fingering, begging (listener), listener orgasm, making sure you are okay, and job offer

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: Princess, good girl, and babygirl

Body Parts Mentioned: eyes, face, mouth, throat, nipple, waist, hips, cock, hands, and hole

Posting later then usual, I'm sorry. I couldn't fall asleep last night, woke up super late, had issues paying bills, then the door knob fell off and I shit you not a bull was in Penn Station so I was worried about a friend of mine because they take amtrack for work and yeah. It's just been a day. So I made a self indulgent audio about a space nurse/rescuer person saving you and then taking care of you. Taking care of people makes me feel better, don't judge. xX Lofn



