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I fell asleep editing, I'm so sorry! It's quiet for the first 5-10 seconds because you are supposed to be waking up so I did the fade in thing

Storyline: You decided to go out last night and have some fun. One drink turned into two and before you knew it, you were out way later then you intended. Groggily waking up to a sharp pain in your arm, a masked woman looms over you like you are her newest project...

Included: DARKER THEMES, needles, injection, taken, bondage (tied to a table), being straddles, mask kink, clothed narrator x naked listener, guinea pig/test subject listener, being experimented on, mad scientist narrator, trying to make you a hybrid (like a neko), transformation, talking down to, pet play, bunny play, dumbification, humiliation, degradation, handstuff, listener orgasm, ownership kink, compliments,  mentions of other pets/being compared to others, and mentions of mind break

Script // Source 

Pet Names: bunny, bun, and pet

Body Parts Mentioned: ass, head, ears, tail, thighs, legs, and body

Misc: chinning is the act of rubbing your chin on something to claim it




well ma'am, i'd rather be a cat ^^