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Storyline: Your girlfriend is a yuan-ti or a reptile woman. After a certain amount of time, you two must perform a mating ritual. While you are nervous because in her culture, this means she owns you, she reassures you that that's not why she's doing it. She just also happens to have an ownership kink. One that she didn't know about until she had you underneath her...

Included: monster girl, reptile girl, mating rituals, l-bombs, kissing, consent asked/gained, tail play, penetration, ownership kink, possessive narrator (she is just really into the idea that you HERS and HERS alone), bit of degradation not much, mutual orgasms, and aftercare

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: my love, treasure, my/good/sweet/etc boy,

Body Parts Mentioned: legs, pussy, hole

Misc: Loosely inspired by Yuan-Ti’s from DND except she looks like a real reptile person not just a woman with greens skin, I don’t know why a yuan-ti who is a guy looks like an actual reptile but a girl who is a yuan-ti looks like a girl with green skin, it doesn’t make sense. Why doesn’t she have scales? Why doesn’t she have a more monstrous face structure? Where is her abnormally long tongue? I could go on, and I won’t but you get it.

I'm sure you are wondering, why is this out of your comfort zone. And the answer is simple. I get too in my head with ownership audios and I'm constantly worried about taking it too far. I'm trying to let go, say the things that come to my head, and if they are a bit intense, apologize afterwards because it fit the vibe of the scene. Of course, that doesn't mean things are going to be getting darker or harsh around here, but it's more like permission to myself to let go a bit, ya know? xX Lofn



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