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Storyline: Your town is next to an orc settlement. In order to make them happy and not raid your town, one person a week is sent to the orc camp to "entertain" them. You happily put your name on the sign up sheet. Now that it is your actual week, you're a bit nervous. Orcs are A LOT bigger in person. Or maybe that's why she is the leader...

Included: monster girl, orc chieftain, nervous/shy listener, power imbalance, trying to placate an orc, consent asked/gotten, clothed narrator/naked listener, size kink, degradation, objectification, kissing, against a wall, begging (listener), girl with a cock, monster anatomy, cock piercings, harsh femdom, mutual orgasms, creampie, cumming inside, and admitting her first impressions about you were wrong

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: Youngblood, lamb, fuck toy, and plaything

Body Parts Mentioned: neck, legs, back, hole(s), entrance, 

Pronouns Used: You/Your and They/Them

Long time no orc. Too long in my opinion. I had her pick you up and fuck you against a wall to show how small and light you are to her. I know orcs are supposed to be like 7ft only but I imagine she is 8.5ft and just brick house big. I also believe that orcs think anything smaller then them is cute. Like how we see flowers or kittens or something...xX Lofn




I really hope this will be a series...


Love orc audios