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This audio involves a yandere and has darker themes. Check the content warnings below to keep yourself safe!

Storyline: A few months ago, a woman took you to her cabin and you haven't left since. You're not really sure how long you've been here. Time seems to have blurred together at this point. All you know is that if you do what she says, things seem to go better for you. She claims this out of love and you're starting to believe her...

Included: darker themes, yandere narrator, beaten down/accepted it listener, l-bombs, compliments, praise, affection, affirmations, reassurances, extreme tonal changes when she doesn’t like what you say, her name is tattooed on your body, kissing, breast play, nipple play, paizuri/dove fucking (depending on the genitals you’re picturing), knife mentions, listener orgasm, and lap sitting (narrator in listener)

~ Inclusivity Stuff ~

Pet Names: beloved

Body Parts Mentioned: thighs and legs

Pronouns Used: You/Your

I know the name I used is cheesey but it also works in my opinion. I've known like three Destiny's so it's not an uncommon name. I always forget how much fun I have playing yanderes. It gives me an excuse to do weird tonal shifts and doing weird things in general that I normally wouldn't do when recording. Liking working with the mistakes I make instead of just rerecording until it's perfect. Idk it's fun! xX Lofn




Oop Yandere Lofn rare but goodie