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It's time! This is the April 2020 voting poll that will help us keep  populating Exile with new content post 1.0 release! Vote on which  encounter you'd like to see in the game, along with an accompanying  player transformation art sequence.

Like with the artwork voting, $7 patrons will receive an extra 2 votes, and $15 patrons will receive 7 votes.  If you are in one of these tiers, lease post your vote (in addition to checking your vote here) on this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/voting-on-7-and-24262344
Got more ideas for future encounters? Feel free to share them on our Discord server! https://discord.gg/SnatgGu



Will there be an April release?


There will not as I'm hoping to include some art that is still pending, including the new dragoness player transformation sequence, and the last player transformation winner, the clockwork woman. I anticipate a release sometime within the first half of May.


Ok. Thank you!