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It's time! This is the first encounter voting poll that will help us keep populating Exile with new content post 1.0 release! Vote on which encounter(s) you'd like to see in the game, along with an accompanying post-transformation graphic.

Like with the artwork voting, $7 patrons will receive an extra 2 votes, and $15 patrons will receive 7 votes.  If you are in one of these tiers, lease post your vote (in addition to checking your vote here) on this post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/voting-on-7-and-24262344  

Got more ideas for future encounters? Feel free to share them on our Discord server! https://discord.gg/SnatgGu  


For more information on each idea:

1. A stereotypical green-skinned witch - A couple of humans finds themselves confronted by a gingerbread house occupied by a kindly old woman who offers to let them have a nibble since they seem so hungry. One of them is a framer and can make a skill check to recall the old wives tale about this very situation and flee, otherwise they gorge on the treats, gaining the glutton trait and also setting in motion an affliction TF into a wicked, green skinned witch. Green Lands - Day

2.  One of the humans annoys a fairy by eating a fruit she had set out as part of a decorative display while looking for a late night snack and curses them, both making them a glutton and giving them a strang, green complexion. An on going affliction sees them become a caterpillar person, to a cacoon, to a butterfly woman. Green Lands - Night

3. The party stumbles upon a desert town under siege by a hoard of sand shark women tremors style. They hide up on the buildings, but find out that to wait out the attack will take a very long time in the hot sun and leave the town in a bad place. However, the town has a plan to lure the sand sharks into a mostly buried cage, with the one caveat being that they were going to put someone on top of it to lure in the sand sharks, but no one is near it now. The party can send a scout to try and make the dangerous run and if they succeed they trap the sand sharks, save the town and are a big hero! If not they get pulled under and turned into a sand shark as well and the party is stuck anyway. Desert - Day

4.  While in the icy mountains the party is freezing one night when they spy a warm and cozy looking manor house. Despart to escape the cold they run to it and try to beg entry, but are shocked to find its owned by a fabulous demon man who welcomes them to his home, but makes it clear that while he’s not out looking for slaves, he’s also not running a charity. The party has to offer up an entertainer to be dressed up in a drag style and put on a show. If they pass the demon is delighted and the company is allowed to stay, if they fail however the demon is underwhelmed and using a magic artifact strips them (and if female, turns them male) before redressing them in a bunny suit and starting on the process of training them to correctly ‘make it work’. The party member is lost and the party loses moral as they watch their now trapped friend put through his paces over and over on the stage. - Ice Roads - Night 

5.  The party stumbles upon a desert town under siege by a hoard of sand shark women tremors style. They hide up on the buildings, but find out that to wait out the attack will take a very long time in the hot sun and leave the town in a bad place. However, the town has a plan to lure the sand sharks into a mostly buried cage, with the one caveat being that they were going to put someone on top of it to lure in the sand sharks, but no one is near it now. The party can send a scout to try and make the dangerous run and if they succeed they trap the sand sharks, save the town and are a big hero! If not they get pulled under and turned into a sand shark as well and the party is stuck anyway. Desert - Day

6.  The party stumbles upon an abandoned manor and find a gallery of strangely lewd paintings including one of a nude man stroking himself with one hand while giving the viewer a sly look. Something about them seems wrong so a trader is called up to give them a once over and see if they might be worth something if solid. If they pass a test the trader recognizes them as a set of cursed paintings created by a cult of men who trapped themselves in their art with all the depicted women being victims who were dragged into their worlds to be trapped forever as their slaves. They instruct the party in how to remove them safely and then wrap them all up so they can be sold to a collector in another town who will hopefully seal them up properly so that no one else will be tricked and trapped. If the test fails the trade touches the painting of the nude man and is sucked inside, turned into a sexy lady and taken as his prize. The party flees as all the paintings come to life, no longer hiding their true nature and going to town in a big old orgy, complete with crossing between paintings Harry Potter style. - Green Lands - Day 

7.  While in the ice roads one of the humans happens upon a giants hut were a very friendly and girly giant offers them refreshments and a tea party with their various human sized stuffed animals. As they eat however they find themselves being turned into an inanimate girly doll. The party finds the cabin, but while the giant is both friendly and happy to let them know that yes, her new dolly WAS their friend, she is not willing to give up her new toy so easily. An artisan can offer to make her a new, BETTER doll to replace their friend and the giant agrees on the condition that she be the judge. If the doll is better the human is returned unharmed, but given the lame foot trait due to their legs now being soft and a little wobbly. If they fail the doll comes out wrong and the giant refuses to give up her doll, threatening to turn the rest of the party into dolls as well if they try and fight her. - Ice Roads - Day

8.  A party member chases a deer into the woods but finds themself circled around by a bunch of sacred glowing bucks and Sekaram tending to them. He or she finds him/herself being chased back to the wagons and gains an affliction that turns them into a female deer-taur in heat - This happens at night, but is more of less as written by Judoo. The bucks follow the party at night and that’s what triggers each stage of the affliction. Green Lands - Night 

9.  An individual enchanted by an artifact into becoming a powerful god, whom is immediately restrained by celestial bondage, trapping them either in a tomb or outfit that restricts then for the rest of time. This could involve a story in which demons attack the party, but a party member awakens a godly force bent on punishment or some such similar sphere. The demons could offer a truce where they leave you alone in exchange for newly awakened goddess so they may seal her new found powers, or you could refuse and quake in terror as she turns a good chunk of your party into her personal harem as her affliction progresses, ending when you permanently seal her powers with some artifact left by the demons, or by the demons themselves. - More or less as written, but the person is a priest who if they pass a test just drives off the demons before their faith allows them to put the divine power back in the artifact, otherwise the demons offer a truce to stop the increasingly unstable godling by binding them and sealing them away were the artifact was originally stored (in a strange shrine the humans were investigating before the demons showed up). If the party refuses the demons are driven off and the affected party member is calmed down enough to seemingly recover, but they gain an affliction and end up getting two other humans involved. The affliction will follow the first human becoming a demi-goddess of control and bondags with her two victims becoming female BDSM mummies serving as her acolites. Desert - Day 

10.  Spider Fairy (NO REAL SPIDERS INVOLVED AND DOWN PLAY BIG SPIDER ASPECTS). Ye, I think it'd be funny for a normal fae to turn you into a spooder (basically the most horrible creature their culture can imagine) and make fun of you for it, only for you to then capture them using your newfound spider abilities. - A human swats a spider in the jungle, drawing the ier of a fairy who cursed them to become a spider fairy so they can gain a new perspective on the value of arachnid life. The affliction turns them into a slightly, BUT NOT TOO spider themed fairy girl who when the original fairy comes to gloat, traps her in her web and ties her up to teach HER a lesson about messing with others' lives. (Though it's more of a sexy, BDSM lesson.) Jungle - Day 


 See below for the calculations how many of these encounters will be selected as winners:

$150 base amount withheld

$80 per new encounter

  • $50 - art
  • $30 - writing

$150 -- min 1 encounter monthly

$230 -- 1 encounter

$310 -- 2 encounters

$390 -- 3 encounters

$470 -- 4 encounters

$550 -- 5 encounters, 1 of which is a player character transformation 

$630 -- 6 encounters, 1 of which is a player character transformation 

$710 -- 7 encounters, 1 of which is a player character transformation 

$790 -- 8 encounters, 1 of which is a player character transformation 


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