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8 people have taken advantage of the following contest so far! If at least 2 more do I will draw 2 names to win...if we make it to 15 I'll draw 3!! 

I know that the season sponsorships are expensive for some, so I decided to come up with a way to try to get more people involved!

Ya'll know I love a good contest!

If you change your membership from monthly to yearly I will pick a winner randomly to sponsor a full season of their favorite show - Don't forget you also get ONE MONTH free when you make this change!

*CAN BE A NEW SHOW OR ONE IM ALREADY WATCHING* It will go on the list that I have running now so it will not be right away!

If you want to take advantage and you're on the music tier I'll do 2 albums of your choice and if you are on the movie tier I will do 2 movies. - again, these get added to the list I currently have running so they will happen at a later time.

All access TV monthly to yearly - 1 entry

All access Music monthly to yearly - 1 entry

All access movies monthly to yearly - 1 entry

All Access All 3 monthly to yearly - 2 entries (upgrading from TV, music or movies to all 3 yearly also gets 2 entries)

If you are already on an annual plan reach out to me for other ways to enter if you want!

If this is popular we will do it again, and if 10 or more people take advantage I will draw TWO NAMES!

Message me if you have questions!

*Ill do the drawing on Feb 18!



I’m on annual movies and tv - I still want to enter please!


Before drawing, will you make a recap of everyone who participated, like you did the last time?