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Thanks Marek

PART ONE  https://ws.onehub.com/files/bytwxpqw

PART TWO https://ws.onehub.com/files/v5bbwyro


Ilsuk Yang

"You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner. You're in one! (maniacal laughter)" Man I love this movie! Action, humor, dramatic romance; this movie has it all! Yeah, to me, Keira Knightley has always looked older than she is. It wasn't until her 30s that she finally caught up to how old she looks. Orlando Bloom has been in something recently, but I won't tell you what it is because I'm gonna request that movie for next year 😉 Also, he's still Orlando Bloom 🤣🤣🤣 Anyways, to the movie! We see early in this movie how smart and creative Jack is, seeing through his "Jack-ness" 🤣🤣🤣 This is Johnny Depp at his best, in my opinion. OMG, your face when Elizabeth said she would marry Commodore Norrington 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Tricky, tricky Jack 😉 Oh, the uselessness of Governor Swann 🤣🤣🤣 So, the female pirate that sails with Jack and the others is Zoe Saldana, who you've seen in the Guardians of the Galaxy volumes 1 & 2 and Star Trek 1-3 and probably some other movies you've seen 😉 I'll end this by saying, "That has to be the best pirate I've ever seen!" and that this movie doesn't feel like a 2 hour and 23 minute long movie at all! Google says that the budget for this movie was $140 million, so definitely not cheap, especially for back then 😬


Aaaah, yes, Pirates of the Caribbean. This was the first ever DvD I bought as a kid in the US - which meant I had to code crack our DvD player because it wouldn't play American discs. Those were the days. For sure kids movie though. We were just tougher then than we are now, lol.