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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Snow Drifts- Thank you so very much for your wonderful reaction to the first fabulous episode within this incredible two part season three finale, Travis!!! I absolutely love, love, love this episode!!!! And for me... Like it is for most people, this two part finale is my absolute favorite of all the finales throughout this show's seven seasons, while all of the other two part finales come in very closely afterwards. I absolutely love how this finale is so centered around Hook and Emma!! And while I have absolutely loved their characters separately from the moments of their introductions... I love them all the more together. Their chemistry together is beautiful and phenomenal!! Their characters, as well as their actors too. And just above Snow's and Charming's chemistry, given that they're married in real life and their love story is very real... Hook's and Emma's chemistry, as much as I love Jennifer Morrison's and Colin O'Donoghue's chemistry, for me is the strongest shown between all the True Love couples throughout the entire show. Although... Snow's and Charming's chemistry is pretty much tied with Emma's and Hook's chemistry. What can I say... I love them both so much!! :) First, in regards to this episode's title being Snow Drifts... It is because this episode takes the events from season one's third episode that is titled... Snow Falls, which is the first episode centered around Snow and Charming showing us how they first meet, and twists it in unforeseen ways the longer Emma and Hook remain within her parents' past and continue to alter their history. Charming's and Snow's love story drifts... Hence the name change from Snow Falls to Snow Drifts. And it's absolutely brilliant!! :) And second, regarding Killian's words to Emma about her defeating the villains such as Pan and Zelena... Hook doesn't mean this to say that he believes it was only Emma who defeated them. He means that they all have defeated the villains and have all survived. Emma certainly had a hand in defeating these villains and planned a lot of the heroes' strategies against that which inevitably led to the villains' defeat. So, in a way... Emma had a big hand in defeating them both, even if she wasn't the one who actually killed them. I hope this makes sense. Now... My favorite moments throughout this episode are all of the scenes shared between Hook and Emma of course. But more specifically... My absolute favorite moment is when they arrive at King Midas' ball and share a beautiful waltz together. What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic. :) So beautiful, and they both look absolutely marvelous! I love Hook's line to Emma just as they begin to dance... "There's only one rule... Pick a partner who knows what he's doing." Hook never misses an opportunity to flirt and to show off his smug, dashing smile. :) I love it!!! However, at the same time, he also does everything he can to try to prove to Emma just how strong and beautiful she is, and why he loves her, which is a big part as to why I love him with Emma so much more than I love the idea of Neal being with Emma. Hook does everything he can to remind Emma of who she is and where she truly belongs, and he does all he can to remind her of how amazing and powerful she is. Just as he has always seen in her. So beautiful! I can't express this enough. :) In regards to how Hook most likely knows how to waltz... Because before he became a pirate, remember that Hook was Killian Jones, a Leftenant within the Royal Navy, thanks to his brother's influence. His brother having been a Captain within the Royal Navy. Undoubtedly, the Brothers Jones went to a number of balls and royal celebrations upon being within the Royal Navy. Or at least one. No matter how many... Killian would have learned how to waltz for when the Royal Navy was invited to the royal balls. Also... I absolutely love Emma's and Hook's conversation in the park in Storybrooke after they leave the celebration at Granny's. I love that Hook follows after Emma to continue to try to convince her that her home is in Storybrooke with her family and loved ones. And I love that we can see on his face that he truly wishes he was one of those she would want to stay in town for. He's so sad, especially when he asks Emma... "Don't you even care about them, or anyone in this town?" Hook is genuinely sad. His expressions truly show his emotions once again, and I truly believe him in everything he says and does for Emma. As for Emma wanting to return to New York where she thinks she will be safe... If you remember, Emma and Henry weren't really safe in New York during the missing year either, because Zelena had sent Walsh to New York to be with Emma in the hope that Emma wouldn't remember her true self. And as soon as she regained her memories thanks to Hook, Walsh turned on her almost immediately. Emma is definitely not safe no matter where she goes, because she is destined to be the Savior. And she's always going to be a target. Next... I really love the moment Hook uses his hook to try to prevent himself and Emma from falling through the time portal upon becoming caught within the portal's pull, then I love Hook letting go of his grasp to the ground so he can once again chase after Emma when she falls through despite his efforts. And I love his line in this moment too when he states, "One of these days, I'm gonna have to stop chasing this woman." It's very funny and a very Hook thing to say, but we also know that it's not true. Hook loves Emma too much and would chase after her to protect her no matter the circumstances. So perfect!! :) And then... I really, really love their time together in the Enchanted Forest where they confront Rumplestiltskin in all of his Dark One glory, face off against the past version of the villainous Hook who gets drunk, I love seeing Smee back again and him getting so confused by seeing Hook wearing two different vests when future Hook arrives aboard the Jolly Roger seeking to start Snow out on her quest to steal Charming's ring, then later when past Hook arrives too. Present day Hook is wearing a black leather vest, whereas past day Hook is wearing a red cotton vest. Now, in regards to Hook being jealous of his past self when Emma goes off to keep him distracted for them... I do believe that a part of Hook is certainly jealous of his past self because he knows Emma is there to flirt with him, even though he does understand it's nothing but a ruse. And his jealousy is definitely funny. However, I also believe there's far more to it than just jealousy, because of the look of worry I see in his eyes when Emma starts to head over to him until he grabs hold of her to attempt to stop her for moment. Hook isn't at all the same man he used to be back in this past timeline. His character's grown a lot too just as Regina has. He's found redemption. So, I feel that an even bigger part of him is more worried about Emma being with his past self because he knows the kind of man he used to be back then. That he was someone who would drunkenly try to take advantage of Emma, or possibly even hurt her if Emma tried to reject him, or even make another slip up. So, I feel that it's more out of fear for her safety that Hook knocks himself unconscious, and not simply out of jealousy. I hope this makes sense. Emma knows who Hook used to be in his past. That he used to be a pirate and a villain. She's seen him as such too. If you remember... Hook had shot Belle and stabbed Gold through his chest to get his revenge against Rumplestiltskin. So, Emma knows very well who Hook is and has seen him at his darkest. And yet... Hook has worked very hard to changed and is trying to become a hero worthy of Emma. And while Emma is afraid to trust him and even resents him right now, a part of her still sees that he is truly a good man. Now... From the moment they fall through the time portal and arrive within Emma's parents' pasts, Killian keeps warning Emma not to change anything at the risk of ruining something that's meant to be. He warns her several times and unfortunately, Emma keeps messing things up in spite of his warnings. Not just with Emma accidentally keeping Snow and David from meeting and ruining their timeline, but when Emma also lets slip that Rumple eventually falls in love with Belle while in his castle too. And if that wasn't bad enough... Emma also attempts to stop the Evil Queen from imprisoning the woman in the forest until Hook stops her from doing so. It is certainly foolish of Emma to keep making these little mistakes by letting slip certain things about the future. However, if you think back to the first half of season two, when Emma is trapped within the Enchanted Forest with Mary Margaret, Emma was very naïve when it came to her having to live within a world unfamiliar to her. And yes... While Emma may have grown a lot since then and she understands magic more now than she did back then, she continues to hold onto that naivety and not just while in the Enchanted Forest, but even at home in Storybrooke, as she continues to question certain things about magic like when she questioned that the Wicked Witch of the West was real back in this season's episode... Witch Hunt. So, Emma making these slip ups isn't uncommon. It's a part of her naivety about magic and this life that she really doesn't want to be a part of any longer. I hope this makes sense. Also... I absolutely love that we were able to see Snow's and Charming's love story play out all over again throughout this episode too, with a few changes to how they fall in love this time around. Changes that include seeing past characters again such as Ruby/Red Riding Hood, Kathryn/Abigail, King Midas, Geppetto and Pinocchio, Captain Black Beard, Granny, and of course the Evil Queen. And it's all so beautiful. However, I will admit that the first time I watched this finale... I was a little uncertain whether or not I liked the changes in their love story, only because I absolutely love their love story the way it was the first time around. Yet the more I've watched this finale, the more these changes have grown on me and the more I continue to love these events all over again and again. Especially with Hook and Emma added into their love story. :) Like always... I love Rumplestiltskin throughout this episode as well. I love how Emma thinks about going to him for him after Hook becomes confused by the nods to Back to the Future and asks Emma if Marty McFly is some sort of wizard. It's absolutely brilliant, and hilarious!! I love all of these movie references. In regards to Emma calling herself Princess Leia upon introducing herself and Killian to King Midas... Emma knows that the original Star Wars Trilogy are Henry's all time favorite movies, which has been established within this show already a few times. And therefore, I suspect Emma subconsciously chooses the name Princess Leia as a way to help her remember her son and the reasons for her need to get home. And I love the moment Emma and Hook first confronts him as Rumplestiltskin first appears to them outside of his castle unexpectedly. As well as the scene with them inside his castle, as Rumple tries to kill Hook until Emma stops him and saves Hook by telling Rumple the truth about being reunited with his son, then how Rumple continues to tease Hook about killing him and with Emma and Hook trying to explain Emma's mistakes in keeping her parents from meeting. I love these scenes so much!! And no... Emma has never seen his as this version of Rumplestiltskin before, which is why she is so shocked by his appearance in this episode when they first meet. And I love the shocked look on her face. As for the beginning before all the time travel shenanigans happen... I really enjoy the scene inside the sheriff's station as Rumple works his magic to delete himself from the surveillance footage when he killed Zelena. It's maddening, but it's part of what we love about Rumplestiltskin. He's just brilliant! Also... I love the scene between each of the heroes inside Granny's Diner as they're sharing Snow's and Charming's love story on how they met with their newborn son yet to be named. It's so cute. And it's what sets up everything that's to come, from why Emma and Hook wind up in her parents' past timeline, to how everyone finally learns about Emma's intentions to leave Storybrooke with Henry so they can return to New York... thanks to Hook's own slip up. I love it! I also enjoy the beginning scene between Rumple and Belle too, even though once again... Rumple is being conniving and I feel so badly for poor Belle, because she's completely in the dark. And unfortunately, even her father has come to forgive him after everything, at the worst possible time. And lastly... The very beginning scene with young Emma outside the orphanage is shown to remind us of Emma's past, especially since her feelings then are the same kind of feelings she struggling with currently. She has found her parents, and they are happy. However, Emma still doesn't feel like Storybrooke is her home. Right now... She's very lost and doesn't know what she wants, other than to be away from all things magical and a world of fairytales. This is all this opening scene is meant to convey. To show us another viewpoint of what Emma is currently feeling. Overall... I love, love, love this episode so much and I am so grateful for your reaction for it, Travis! I love Hook and Emma all throughout, and I love that reminds us of Snow's and Charming's love story in different ways!! So beautiful! So, thank you so much, my dear friend!! I am so excited for your reaction for the Part Two finale titled... There's No Place Like Home, coming up next! Sincerely, Heidi

Mrs O

I absolutely love your reactions…..they are the same cast for sure. Cant wait till the finale 😀

Alicia Cue

i meannnn if youre gonna watch the next episode rn..might as well drop it too😉😜im just kidding lol but yesss these episodes are sooo good!! love that right after emma said she didn’t belong in the book, she was literally transported into it dragon tales style😂 but i feel like she definitely needs this to feel that kinship with her family because for anyone in her shoes, i imagine it would be hard to recognize these fairytale characters as oh that’s my mom oh that’s my fav waitress like i do get that so im loving this for her, i just hope she can follow the number one time traveling rule with how much they’re mentioning it, of don’t change a damn thing! (already failing miserably) what are they gonna come back home to if they even do??😭😂

Ilsuk Yang

"I'll take 2" "Knocked yourself out" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Angelina Sargent

Rumple is the best part of this 2 parter episode for me... haha he is so funny. Whoever writes Regina's lines obviously write his as well. Hahahaha


Omggg yay I’m glad you watched the second one immediately after! I love this 2 part season finale and can’t wait for the next ep! 😁 I’m glad you are enjoying

Brittany Orecchia

Part 1 & 2 are still my favorite episodes of all time.