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Angelina Sargent

Bonnie and Damon's friendship is the best thing to come out of this series. No joke... it says so much that Bonnie shows up from a prison world and the first thing she does is make pancakes for Damon. Lol 😆 can you even imagine her doing that back in season 2 or 3!?!


I don’t know if you’ve ever been to a funeral with a last call (where they call the deceased number over the radio system) and they always end with their years of service and they say “so and so is 10-42. Thank you, we’ll take it from here” and I sobbbb Every. Single. Time😭

Krisa Barker

These last couple episodes are so hard to watch without crying even though I've seen this show 17 times now I cry my eyes out so bad everytime for a lot of the things on this show. Can't wait for more episodes your reactions are amazing Travis. Thank you for suffering our pain we went through but, all together this time haha. I freaking love Stefan and Caroline there my favorite friendship and ship. When Stefan said I think it can turn to something even better makes my Steroline heart so happy 😊❤️

Nikki S

Such a good episode.


This final call for Sheriff Forbes is what made me cry the most dringend this show. No response 😭