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Jana Fuller

No way!!!! Yay!!!!


i am repeating myself but thank you <3 yeah yeah yeah!

Riley Stone

Best day of my life ✌️❤️

Kalien Jupiter

Played the last episode while I was driving for work. Come only to have another episode to watch while we eat dinner! What a day lol Thanks Travis!

Christin Schumacher

You’re saving my sanity I’m so bored on this long flight


another one!!!! THANK U


YEYYYY ANOTHER GREYS DROP!! tysm for all of this content


another greys ep we all cheered!!!


another one again!!!!




Two in one day!! I have been having a really hard day. My brain is not being kind to me. This has perked it up so much!! Thank you!!


Another one!! You’re amazing thank you!

Jana Fuller

Not gonna lie I had a hard time breathing watching you watch these last couple episodes 😅🥺so excited for you to finish this season!

Jeanette Dawe

oh yay 2 Grey's in one day, you spoil us.


I am usually very resistant to welling up, but the friends being so kind to the patient today was a really lovely touch. I also dug that we got some interactions between Callie and Derek and Owen. I like when they mix up scene partners a bit. I will still hate ghost!sex though even with full explanation. I do not find it justified and it made me dislike both of those characters,


Now that it's officially all out there, do you remember the patient whose sister didn't believe she had met her boyfriend on the cruise ship and she died thinking that it was her brain tumor that made it up? That's basically what Izzie's cancer had done to her with Deny.

Sarika H

whoa, between this episode and the last I’m sure to have lost weight from crying, surprised at how much I’d forgotten but it has been years

Nessie- Je lis, et alors

Hi Travis. It still hits hard at the end... even after 329476 times I've watch this show. Christina doesn't really show her emotions, unless when it really matters. Fuck cancer.

Leticia Schmitt

Another Grey's episode? I'm blushing!!!

mari johnston

Every time I watch this episode I cry. It’s sad to see Izzie’s cancer storyline 😭 I hate cancer so much. It took the life of one of my history teachers from high school. He passed a couple months after I graduated high school. I also lost my grandma on my mom’s side. It really sucks

Jeanette Dawe

I just realized that there is only 1 ep left of this season and then we are at season 6. I gotta buy some tissues to prepare lol

Leticia Schmitt

What do you mean? I think there is at least 4 more episodes left, if I remember correctly


I always found it touching and fitting that George was the only one that just knew the entire time that something more was going on with her. He asked her multiple times starting way back in the Denny hallucination episodes! Their friendship was always one of my favorites (before the weird short romance🙃)

Fabiola Barrios

Sending you a virtual hug Travis. Thank you for this reaction 🫶🏾


whew... well I cried my way through this episode along with you Travis. This is gonna be a tough re watch. #FuckCancer

Angelina Sargent

I hate cancer too. And I 100% agree with izzies initial decision about not fighting the cancer when it's that far along. Every person who has died in my family on both sides of my family has died from cancer. I literally refuse to have children because I don't want my children to experience loosing a parent at a young age because of what my family went through. I married a man 10 years ago who is well aware of my thoughts on cancer treatments and he had a vasectomy last year because I was that sure I will not be having kids. I worry all the time about leaving him alone in the world but we are just living our life to the fullest together til we can't. And I know how much you hated the denny ghost storyline but I had a family member experience the exact same thing that izzie did. Multiple members actually. My aunt literally had conversations with her dead best friend and its how we found out about her brain cancer. My grandma use to tell me about butterflies that were all over her hospital room and she was fully aware that there wasn't any in there because I am actually super afraid of bugs flying at me and she said my lack of a reaction was how she knew she was hallucinating. I watched her catch one once and she kept saying she could literally feel it in her hand. Chemo and radiation made us loose my dad a year earlier than we would have had with him but he had 5 daughters he was trying to survive for along with my mom. My dad died at 45. I'm 35 and all I can think about is how I may only have 10 years to live. Cancer sucks. It's just about the only thing on this series that makes me tear up because of how much trauma I've seen my family go through because of it. I see it in your face too everytime it comes on screen and I can feel it in my gut when I watch you watch it.

Angelina Sargent

Also side note I hate how little they have been giving George screen time this season. Every time he speaks I wanna scream "where the hell have you been?!?!?!"


I really love that Izzie confided in Christina of all people. We only see glimpses of it (like when Christina worried Izzie might fall behind like George) but Christina truly cares about her friends. She was right at the end: sometimes we win ❤️


when we said the denny story would make sense, sadly we all know why. I could have had fewer episodes with Izzie fucking a ghost though. It was really annoying but the reason for it is some sad shit. Alex‘s face when Christina told him SOUL CRUSHING 🥺


I think bc Denny was a fan favorite they just loved having an excuse to bring him back ;)


Two episodes in one day?! its freaking Christmas

Juan Jose (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-04 11:46:41 I’m writing this with tears in my eyes because I lost a friend last week from cancer and my grandma last month, so def rewatching this one was tough. It’s so funny because I’m 31 and I watched this as a kid. And still made me cry like Cristina yelling “someone sedate me” 😂 But what I always loved about this show is how it speaks to so many hearts about stories we can relate to. It makes you cry but then you feel some peace. I hate cancer too. Loved your reaction, Travis.
2023-07-04 09:28:32 I’m writing this with tears in my eyes because I lost a friend last week from cancer and my grandma last month, so def rewatching this one was tough. It’s so funny because I’m 31 and I usted to watch this when I was basically still a kid. And still, today it made me cry like Cristina yelling “someone sedate me” 😂 But what I always loved about this show is how it speaks to so many hearts about stories we can relate to. It makes you cry but then you feel some peace. I hate cancer too. Loved your reaction, Travis.

I’m writing this with tears in my eyes because I lost a friend last week from cancer and my grandma last month, so def rewatching this one was tough. It’s so funny because I’m 31 and I usted to watch this when I was basically still a kid. And still, today it made me cry like Cristina yelling “someone sedate me” 😂 But what I always loved about this show is how it speaks to so many hearts about stories we can relate to. It makes you cry but then you feel some peace. I hate cancer too. Loved your reaction, Travis.

Radha Karia

The ending of this ep is such a sweet MAGIC moment! I don't know if you know this but the Grey's fandom calls them MAGIC (Meredith, Alex, George, Izzie and Christina)



Nikki S

I love when I see some of my fav actors as the patients! A lady from gilmore girls was in this ep! Another Great show.😛

Nikki S

100th like ❤️yay greys!!!



Leticia Schmitt

Me too! If Danny was just appearing it would be comprehensible. But the sex thing was waaaay over the line

Leticia Schmitt

Funny you mentioned it. I have never recognized her before until travis posted this reaction (and I had rewatched season 5 A LOT).

Leticia Schmitt

Season 4 is shorter, maybe you mixed those two hahahah it happens, no need to apologize


I hate cancer too. Lost one grandmother to breast cancer (it spread quite quickly to other organs) and one grandmother to a brain tumor. I'm bawling my eyes out too because of Izzie. But I am with you; I still don't liked the Ghost storyline. I mean, it's like the one lady a few episodes back where everyone thought her boyfriend didn't exist, and Shepard explained that the brain can even imagine a touch from another human. I get it. But it was too much to show the se.x scenes. Maybe it wouldn't have been that annoying and cringe without them.

Lina Distadio

Izzy and Denny's whole relationship was annoying and cringe, so this tracks for me interms of how they would be if Izzy began hallucinating him. It's exactly on brand for her.


I’m finally caught with your reactions after binging them all for the past few days! I’m a surgical technologist so of course I love this show and can’t wait to see more of your amazing reactions!

Kayce Daniels

What a heartbreaking episode I mean oh my god


Cristina's patient is Mrs. Kim from Gilmore Girls love her