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Cat King

"Shimmer" by Fuel 238 is the beginning song this episode. On tv and movie sets they use plastic ice because it doesn't melt but gives the appearance of ice.

Amanda P

One of my faves of the season, mainly because you finally find out what Leo is. I'm always a little sad when you skip the opening theme\intro 😂 but I'll forgive you haha as long as you watch it fully at the start of each season since it changes every season 😆 it's been so fun seeing you go through the show so fast! Can't wait til you get to my top favorite episodes!


I have to agree with this. It’s a must to watch every seasons theme song. 🖤


Thanks for doing this show.. it was my mom’s favorite show, she had all seasons on DVD (which are mine now). My mom has passed on, so this is really nice to re-watch. Seeing you find out all the things and get excited about the next episode makes me smile HUGE!!! 🖤🤍


I only just did a rewatch of season 1 a few weeks ago, so I really can't wait for you to get to season 2 which I waited on when you started with season 1. it's going to be SO good.