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Sherry Sink

That sounds adorable! Do you remember where you saw that video of Tom putting the bell on Trixie's bike? I'd love to see it.

Sherry Sink

Another of my favorite season 1 episodes. They had me at the opener, with Tom Ellis singing. Of course, I probably would have enjoyed it even more if we could have seen him sing without interspersing with scenes of that poor dock worker getting strangled. But the song was great, and the song choice was marvelous. Nina Simone's "Sinnerman"? Perfect for our Devil, and I liked how he sang it too. I also love the intrigue -- what's in Lucifer's carton and what is he hiding? His final scene with Dr. Linda is fantastic -- I don't think we've ever seen him that riled up before, that angry and defensive. I think she really hit on some sensitive stuff in that session (likely info from Amenadiel), and it was exciting to see his reaction. In theory hIs work with Linda could be silly, but instead they make it interesting and thought-provoking. And even when he's mad at her or disagrees with her, you can see the wheels turning, as he takes in what she's saying. Really makes you want to know what happens next. Great stuff!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Favorite Son- Just when I thought I couldn't love Tom Ellis, and Lucifer any more than I already did before this episode... Tom Ellis can sing too?!!! So fabulous!!! Is there anything this incredible actor can't do? :) Thank you so, so much for another marvelous reaction for a really phenomenal episode of Lucifer, dear friend!! I absolutely love this episode titled... Favorite Son. It's easily another one of my favorite episodes from season one. And I really appreciate your thoughts about the show and the episodes themselves. Tom Ellis as an actor... he is absolutely phenomenal! I've seen him in a few other shows too, and he's just phenomenal in everything I've seen from him. Now... especially after watching this episode, I've always most definitely wanted to see a backstory showing us Lucifer's fall from Heaven, and him being cast into Hell... having become vilified for all eternity and forced to become the torturer God has meant for him to be against his will, while the world comes to see him as the all evil Devil. According to what's revealed of Lucifer throughout this show, that is. Whether God really has sent him to Hell to punish His son, or if God sent him there because Lucifer really is His favorite son because Lucifer is capable of being the strongest of all of His children, who has the strength to withstand the pains of Hell... I don't know. Either way... I think it's a horrible, rotten thing for any father to do to any child no matter the circumstances. And God clearly has never told Lucifer He has sent him to Hell because He believes him to be strong enough to carry out His plans for Him if this is indeed His intentions. So I can absolutely understand Lucifer's hatred towards his father. As far as Lucifer knows, his father has cast him into Hell to punish him for his rebellious ways and because He has lost all faith in His son, and it's so heartbreaking. You can absolutely see so such pain and anger as well within Lucifer's eyes in the end. I feel so badly for Lucifer. Now... as you might suspect, my very favorite moment within this episode comes in the end, when Lucifer returns to talk with Linda again to continue on with his earlier session upon becoming rattled by the events earlier that evening. First because the thief had killed himself upon seeing Lucifer's Devil face, after becoming scared out of his mind, while Lucifer blames himself because the thief had done so. And then because he also fails to find his wings that have been stolen from him. I really love how truly genuine Linda is about wanting to help Lucifer through his much deeper issues that Lucifer doesn't yet understand he feels, all the while she is sadly and unfortunately being manipulated by Amenadiel, who is using her to try to break his brother for his own cruel purposes. And then... in order to try to get Lucifer to open up more about what is really bothering him, per Amenadiel's advice, Linda digs deeper into what she continues to believe are still just Lucifer's crazy metaphors, when she continues to ask Lucifer about his other known names for the Devil, then reminds him of who he once was before he was cast into Hell because God knows His son has the strength and power to rule over and punish the wicked souls who find themselves in Hell. And for the first time... we really see Lucifer become furious by the reminder of who he once was in Heaven, more so than he's ever been. Yet behind his anger, we also see pain and despair in his eyes like I've mentioned above, and we can tell that being reminded of his time in Heaven is incredibly painful for him. Lucifer just doesn't know how to express his pain through anything other than anger, given that anger is the one emotion he understands more deeply than anyone else ever could. Lucifer goes on express his anger and his pain from having been vilified thanks to his father, because the world sees him as the worst villain all throughout all history and religion. I can't even begin to imagine just how much pain Lucifer must be in. And it's so, so sad because in this show, Lucifer isn't evil like he's been made out to be and it pains him very deeply to be seen as such to the entire world. I absolutely love the moment Lucifer loses control and suddenly punches his fist through the wall, then storms off. This entire scene truly shows such a breakthrough for Lucifer in spite of him walking away from Linda afterwards, and this moment shows truly phenomenal acting from Tom Ellis!!! I absolutely love him! Now... I've really liked Dr. Linda from the beginning of this show so far, but in this episode, she really steps up a notch, and I've grown to love her character all the more. She really knows how to get through to Lucifer in a way no one else can, and Lucifer knows she can help him like no one else can, which is why he keeps coming back to her time and time again. And I love how he recognizes that she can help him. However, sometimes he just gets more than he was expecting. And this is definitely one of these times. Next... I really love the mystery of the case involving the theft of one of Lucifer's storage containers, that as far as Chloe learns... stores a large trunk containing Russian dolls just like Lucifer assures her, once again having told her the truth. However, I suspect the dolls are there more for a cover story in order to keep anyone who might steal the container or what's inside, or the police from ever finding what the container really is, or what it's concealing. Which makes complete sense given that Lucifer doesn't want anyone to become aware of his wings. Because we learn in the very end that the container is holding more than just these dolls, but his wings that he had Maze cut off from his back some time ago when he decided to stay in Los Angeles permanently, and not to return to Hell. And while Lucifer claims the case involving his missing storage case and the biker gang is boring, I actually quite enjoy the case throughout this episode overall. Especially when we see Lucifer go after the shooter and man who stole his wings. Most of all... I absolutely love seeing the complete look of shock on Lucifer's face when the thief suddenly jumps off the roof of the building just as Chloe arrives to see the thief do so. Shock that the thief was so afraid of him, that he was willing to commit suicide in order to avoid being punished by the person he knew for a certainty in this moment upon seeing his Devil face, to truly be the Devil. And you can see that Lucifer never wanted to kill him. Just to scare him into telling him where his wings were. Also... Lucifer had shown the thief his true face and he is terrified, yes... But we also see that even before Lucifer reveals himself to him, the thief was frightened upon having already seen his wings too. The question is... why? :) I absolutely love how this episode furthers along Lucifer's and Chloe's partnership and friendship, as she admits to Lucifer how much she really does enjoy working with him, and worries about him possibly being a criminal she might have to put in prison. A momentous revelation indeed. And then... upon Chloe admitting her fear to him, Lucifer once again assures Chloe that he has never lied to her and that he will never lie to her. I absolutely love how he looks at her in this moment... with complete sincerity. Just how he looks at her earlier on when he sincerely apologizes to Chloe for being so rash and unsympathetic towards the murdered security officer, as well as for how he mistreated their questioning of the snow cone guy too. As for the side story between Maze and Dan... I really love their scenes together as well. So funny. Especially when Dan returns to LUX dressed in some of Chloe's clothes that Trixie had given to him to wear after being forced to make a deal with his daughter to get her to help him sneak out of Chloe's house. I love how Maze just doesn't care about anything in regards to the police threatening her and Lucifer, other than that Chloe has now begun to threaten her own relationship with Lucifer and has most certainly become jealous and angry with Chloe for coming between her and Lucifer. Next... I enjoy the scene between Lucifer, Chloe, and the biker gang's leader, played by actor... Tom Sizemore, whom I have seen and loved in a number of great movies just like you do too, Grace. And I enjoy how Chloe handles questioning the gang leader, then leaves with Lucifer, knowing that he will run off to go talk with the real killer himself, after which she suspects she and Lucifer will be able to follow him to their real killer. And right she was. She's so smart. Also... Trixie is just so, so cute. I love that she tries to act so innocent when being interrogated by her mother about eating the chocolate cake, in spite of having chocolate all over her face. I also love that she immediately confesses to her father when he asks her in a different way. But more so... I love it when Trixie confesses that she had eaten the cake because Lucifer had told her that if she really wants to do something, then she should. Also... I love that Trixie has a sign on her door saying "No boys allowed... except for Lucifer and Daddy." So cute!! :) And lastly... I really, really love the opening sequence with Lucifer singing and playing the piano at his club, over the murder inside the warehouse. Just as I mentioned above. And it's a great song... Sinner Man, originally sung by Nina Simone. Tom Ellis' voice is sensational, especially when he sings that last note while he holds it for a crazy long time. It's fantastic that a majority of the music sung and played throughout this series has some kind of connotation to the Devil or Hell, which I love. I just really love Tom Ellis as Lucifer, and not just because of his acting, charms, and charisma, but I absolutely love the pure emotions we get to see come from him quite often, showing us that there's so much more hidden behind the mask Lucifer wears. A mask made up of cockiness and his extreme glee, He's absolutely phenomenal! You'll find that I will be saying so quite often. There's so much more goodness to come! Thank you so much for your reaction once again, Travis! This episode is phenomenal! And I'm excited for many more reactions for Lucifer to come! Until next time... Stay healthy and be happy, dear friend. :) Sincerely, Heidi

Ilsuk Yang

That is, indeed, Tom Ellis singing, although, he is not playing the piano. You're starting to see the different complexities in Lucifer's character, and I'm here for it. Can't wait till you get to certain revelations!

Celia Fox

Thank you for another great reaction. It is a pleasure to share this fantastic Show with you and enjoy your reactions to what happens and the look on your face experiencing so much for the first time. I freaking love it all...episode 7 as I said before, I think, is a continuation of this plot line and takes us deeper into those character's relationships that you said that you were so enjoying. Some interesting exchanges between the angelic brothers in the next episode and we learn a little more. This show has the procedurals each episode to add interest but mainly they are used to Show Luci's story, his understanding of the human world, his own growth and his developing relationships with and understanding of the humans around him...that is really the main story that the writers wanted to tell, they have said in many interviews and it is a slow burn story but so intriguing and so well worth the time it takes to develop and explain it all. It's a long ride but the journey is fun and exciting. BTW thank you again for getting these episodes out so quickly- not many reactors have done that and I, and many others, I'm sure, really appreciate that.

Kelly Zydel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-15 16:58:58 I love Trixie. It is so amazing watching her grow up through the whole series. The actors used bikes sometimes to get between sets and the kid who plays Trixie got a typical kid one. There’s an adorable video of Tom Ellis putting the bell on the handlebars for her.
2023-03-15 16:58:58 I love Trixie. It is so amazing watching her grow up through the whole series. The actors used bikes sometimes to get between sets and the kid who plays Trixie got a typical kid one. There’s an adorable video of Tom Ellis putting the bell on the handlebars for her.
2023-03-15 16:58:58 I love Trixie. It is so amazing watching her grow up through the whole series. The actors used bikes sometimes to get between sets and the kid who plays Trixie got a typical kid one. There’s an adorable video of Tom Ellis putting the bell on the handlebars for her.
2023-03-15 16:58:58 I love Trixie. It is so amazing watching her grow up through the whole series. The actors used bikes sometimes to get between sets and the kid who plays Trixie got a typical kid one. There’s an adorable video of Tom Ellis putting the bell on the handlebars for her.
2023-03-15 16:58:58 I love Trixie. It is so amazing watching her grow up through the whole series. The actors used bikes sometimes to get between sets and the kid who plays Trixie got a typical kid one. There’s an adorable video of Tom Ellis putting the bell on the handlebars for her.
2023-03-15 16:58:58 I love Trixie. It is so amazing watching her grow up through the whole series. The actors used bikes sometimes to get between sets and the kid who plays Trixie got a typical kid one. There’s an adorable video of Tom Ellis putting the bell on the handlebars for her.
2023-03-15 16:58:58 I love Trixie. It is so amazing watching her grow up through the whole series. The actors used bikes sometimes to get between sets and the kid who plays Trixie got a typical kid one. There’s an adorable video of Tom Ellis putting the bell on the handlebars for her.
2022-08-20 15:45:36 I love Trixie. It is so amazing watching her grow up through the whole series. The actors used bikes sometimes to get between sets and the kid who plays Trixie got a typical kid one. There’s an adorable video of Tom Ellis putting the bell on the handlebars for her.

I love Trixie. It is so amazing watching her grow up through the whole series. The actors used bikes sometimes to get between sets and the kid who plays Trixie got a typical kid one. There’s an adorable video of Tom Ellis putting the bell on the handlebars for her.

Kelly Zydel (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-16 02:36:30 I have never hit refresh on my feed as much as I have since I signed up with you. Cannot wait for more Supernatural, Lucifer, MCU, and other reaction videos!
2022-08-20 23:31:29 I have never hit refresh on my feed as much as I have since I signed up with you. Cannot wait for more Supernatural, Lucifer, MCU, and other reaction videos!

I have never hit refresh on my feed as much as I have since I signed up with you. Cannot wait for more Supernatural, Lucifer, MCU, and other reaction videos!