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Hello darlings!

Hope you've had a good week this week, and are getting ready for the weekend. I had a short night last night and wandered away from my computer and was trapped watching funny videos till I passed out a little earlier than I normally do. I am trying to adjust my sleep schedule a little for next week when I have to adhere to more socially accepted hours 😆

Anyways, gonna go find some buttons to push I think 😏 Have such a great day my sweet!

Much love,

-Smutty 💖🥰




Hope you have a fantastic and safe trip! The sushi sounds divine and now I want sushi 🍣….I blame you for this. Happy Thanksgiving and have a great week off, enjoy yourself!! ☺️


Sushi sushi sushi! Have you played the game "Sushi Go"? It's fun. Eat sushi. 😁🤭