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Good afternoon darling!

Hope you're doing well today. I've been busy learning new software and things which has been good for the brain. 

Lol I don't edit these audios so when I listen back as I upload they make me laugh the little weird sounds I make, sorry about that 😆 <snort>

What are you up to this weekend? Anything good going on? Fun plans or just relaxing a bit? Hope it's good no matter what you do! 

Much love darling,

-Smutty 💖🌳🪓🤭




Sounds like some good things are in the horizon. Honestly picking one prompt a week and running with it has turned out so well (I need to do some catching up on listening if I do say so myself) 😅 Hello Gozer! I hope you doing well little friend💖 I hope you have a lovely weekend. 💕


Cool to know the Brain Drain was improv. Loved it! You're a natural. Love your voice! Thank you!

Vivian K

Happy 666 Members!!!


Lol...thank you! That is "free members" and paying members...I have 440 something paying members. Patreon recently decided to show everyone mixed together...I do love 6 though...it's my number 🤩