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Good morning Darling!

Hope you're doing well today. I'm a little sleepy cause I stayed up late doing some work, but I've got lots to do today, so I'm going to hit that coffee hard I think!

I remember what I wanted to say in the audio! It is National Notebook Day! I was very excited about that, because I have a bit of a fetish for notebooks. Seriously, there is not a room in my home that doesn't have a stack of notebooks nearby. I love them, and I buy them, and I'm addicted, and no one can stop me! 

Yesterday I wrote a ton of ideas down in a nice beautiful notebook I love, and I often go out to eat alone to write some scripts or ideas down in a pretty notebook with Japanese art on it. As a matter of fact, I'm addicted to all paper products...I have a problem! 🤭

Anyways, have such a good Thursday darling, and keep your ears open for the Thief file later today! 

Much love,

Smutty 💝🥰




Good morning! Sounds like your a in a good mood today. Lucky bastards who get to interact with you today is what I say 😂I am such a nerd. When I first read notebook in your post I thought you meant that is in a small laptop 😅 Have a great day Smutty!


Ah, a fellow notebook goblin hello. 😈 (I still never leave home without one) I do need to start getting back into the habit of writing or drawing instead of scrolling on my phone when I'm just sitting around somewhere. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Sounds like you have a very productive Friday Eve planned for today. I hope today is wonderful for you! 💕


I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t leave the house with out their Moleskin. I got into bullet journaling in college and have filled too many notebooks with doodles schedules and ideas. I’ve even used it as a selling point in job interviews 😅. I look forward to the audio! Have a great day!


Goblin is exactly the right word...for my notebook self, and my beverage self 🤭


I was in quite a mood all day! Lol...the people working on my car were too 😏 Fun day! Oh! And my laptop is a beefy gaming laptop 😉