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Good morning darlings!

Hope you're doing well...I'm a little sleepy! I have some errands to run and things to do, but feeling good. What are you up to? Happy Tuesday!


Smutty 💝🥰




Sounds like a fun weekend. I get to finish up work today and spend the rest of my week being a dad and chasing kids around school and sports schedules. My little guys are starting flag football and basketball this week, daughter is in cheer with 6am practices, and oh my 12 y/o boy has a play audition. He wants to be pugsly in an Addams family play. Busy busy busy.


Good morniiiiiiiing! Sounds like a great week! I'm not up to much this week. Got some errands to run, will clean and tidy my apartment and relax. Friday is a holiday so that's nice. Have the most wonderful day! 🥰


Good morning! I too love going out in the snow when it's dark out. It is incredibly peaceful.😌 My plans of fixing a table today, but I keep getting distracted cuz the dowel I bought makes a good "throwap" sound. 😏 It sounds like you're off to a good week and a fun weekend! Enjoy your day! 💕


Good morning! People and parties, fun fun 😊 I have a meet up coming up tomorrow as well, should be good! Time to Missbehave 🤭


Back to the normal work week :) Happy to have a decent job and a place to escape this rain, hope everyone is safe during these storms