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A computer crash isn't all that rare a thing for me. My pc is a hobbled together frankenstein, with an OS that hasn't been freshly installed since before two different processors and hard drives. But a certain kind of memory dump crash combined with Manga Studio 5 seems to reliably genearte a unique and really crappy problem with MS5 EX's story files. And it makes some pages no longer operable, and by extension the story file refuses to open if it can't preview every page in the story. I've taken to closing story files when I don't need them open and backing up fairly often. I also have smaller story files than I used to, basically to avoid having a catastrophic loss of pages. Like in this instance, there was no catastrophe but I did lose one sketch page. I don't even recall what was on it. Anyway, I was about to finish this drawing before the system crashed. I'll just settle for finishing it later. It's a robot maid, as requested!




no idea if youll see this but did you ever finish this?