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This is for a secret project. There's a possibility it's a project I'll be paid for and published by a site so I probably shouldn't be as open as I normally am about creating it. And I doubt I'll be able to share anything more than a few rough pages.

Still, if any of you guys have any suggestions for a name for the girl on the right I'm all ears.




Kerri? Something that starts with a K?

Mr Lit

Want to know a secret? I like it. Not so secret now.


Sydney (that's my name suggestion)

Mr Lit

What if she was just called "Orange" and ship them as "OranGina"?


If the orange is important, call her Valencia. There are lots of nicknames you can take from that.


I admit, this would be pretty higher on my list if I wasn't worried lots of characters are already named Sydney...


Hmm that's actually a very good point... I guess that 'Dina' would be way too forced? Gina & Dina? :D


Sam, Samantha for my $0.02 Cinder if you're being more fanciful.

Philip D Jones

Caliente. Because she is HOT!


Perhaps Rico, or Ricky. Anything with an R, really.