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I'm basically saying the same thing here as I've been saying on my various platforms, but I'm really tired of being scared all the time. It's been a constant state of anxiety for the past few months and it's not getting any better. I hate things, and the more it keeps going the more I'm frozen and can't do anything about it.

I know this isn't the best lead in to this next topic, but I still need to fix this place up a bit. That's ontop of me moving my apartment. And Gunwild and I are going to be experimenting with something new, a Cassiopeia Specific Patreon (separate from this one) with more rewards geared towards Cassiopeia Quinn while attention on this patreon helps with new comics and illustrations at the same time. It's a lot of uncertainty to me and I'm hoping you guys will help us out still.

If you have any questions, we're still working on it. And I think that can help us help you.




I've been it by anxiety problems myself last month. They really froze you and you're not able to work properly. It sucks greatly.


I think separate patreons sounds good. I don't if money-wise they'll work good since patreon gets their cut, but for fans surely it's good. You could have Cassiopeia patreon page, your superhero comic patreon page, NSFW kinkiness patreon page, clawlossus patreon page. Allright maybe the last one isn't really a great idea but it sounds unbelievably awesome


actually a kickstarter I think would work better for your superhero comic


>clawlossus patreon page FUND IT!