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The first three panels are done, the rest still need to be filled in.

So far the process I've chosen to do on this page was to go back to a more traditional paint by layer approach. No fancy layer masks or overlay colors. Just straight color painted onto each spot. I think I might have picked it because the page is going to be so bright.

One thing I really should do more of is color planning in advance. But whatever, I've survived this long without it. (I really should do more of it.)

I find that I do well when I just lay the range of color out from dark to light on the background. And then every element will be painted around that. It's true this tends to leave me with backgrounds that are given more of a wash but I prefer that to painting every single element in the background. It helps keep things more unified.

You'll find that the colors of the walls in the Orphanage have been COMPLETELY different colors depending on the lighting scenario I want to get across. This is obviously something people are going to notice but that's okay. One thing I appreciate best about painters is to prioritize the color of the light in the room rather than the color of the objects inside it.



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